3,305 research outputs found

    Pervasive poleward shifts among North American bird species

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    Climate change is expected to influence species’ geographic distributions in the form of poleward and upward range expansion combined with extirpations from the equatorial and downslope sides of the distribution, but such shifts observed to date have been relatively subtle. Such shifts would be driven by changing patterns of fitness under changing conditions, producing population responses that would then be followed by range expansions and retractions. Here, we demonstrate pervasive population trends across the North American avifauna, reflected in the mean latitudinal position across all individuals of each species, conservatively estimated as affecting nearly half of the species in the avifauna. This result appears to constitute an intermediate step that would likely translate into concrete range shifts in numerous species over coming decades. We take this bellwether as a signal that climate change processes are affecting a significant proportion of North American bird species, and that biodiversity conservation and protected areas planning and management strategies in the region will need reexamination and re-planning in light of likely population trends and range shifts

    Nativos digitales aprendices de la producción audiovisual

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    Mucho se afirma de los nativos digitales, pero lo cierto es que nadie nace aprendido. La siguiente comunicación presenta la más reciente experiencia del taller Telekids, una dinámica de aprendizaje destinada a niños entre 8 y 10 años de edad en relación con el universo de la producción audiovisual. La alfabetización mediática tiene ya un largo camino recorrido dilatado en múltiples experiencias, que aunque aisladas, conforman un conglomerado de prácticas dignas de ser reconocidas.Much has been said about the digital natives, but the truth is that nobody is born learned. The following communication has recent experience Telekids workshop, a dynamic of learning aimed at children between 8 and 10 years of age in relation to the world of audiovisual production. Media literacy has a long journey and countless experiences that, although isolated, form large group practices worthy of recognition

    Using collocation segmentation to augment the phrase table

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    This paper describes the 2010 phrase-based statistical machine translation system developed at the TALP Research Center of the UPC1 in cooperation with BMIC2 and VMU3. In phrase-based SMT, the phrase table is the main tool in translation. It is created extracting phrases from an aligned parallel corpus and then computing translation model scores with them. Performing a collocation segmentation over the source and target corpus before the alignment causes that di erent and larger phrases are extracted from the same original documents. We performed this segmentation and used the union of this phrase set with the phrase set extracted from the nonsegmented corpus to compute the phrase table. We present the con gurations considered and also report results obtained with internal and o cial test sets.Postprint (published version

    Marcelleina parvispora (Ascomycota, Pezizales), a new Marcelleina species from Catalonia (Spain)

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    Marcelleina parvispora (Ascomycota, Pezizales), a new Marcelleina species from Catalonia (Spain). Marcelleina parvispora sp. nov. (Pezizales, Ascomycota) is described as a new ascomycete species from Catalonia (NE of continental Spain). This first Spanish collection belongs to a new, apparently saprotrophic species that grows in Eucalyptus sp. plantations. A comparison is made with related European species of MarcelleinaMarcelleina parvispora sp. nov. (Pezizales, Ascomycota), una nueva especie de ascomicete, aparentemente saprobia en plantaciones de Eucalyptus sp., procedente de Cataluña (NE de España continental). La descripción se acompaña de fotografías macro y microscópicas de sus singulares caracteres y de su comparación con algunas especies europeas próximas

    Influencia de los estribos en el modelado dinámico de puentes

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    La repentina puesta fuera de servicio de puentes sometidos a la acción sísmica ha despertado un interés creciente por la comprensión de su comportamiento. En puentes pequeños o medianos los terraplenes de acceso son una parte muy significativa de la estructura. La práctica habitual de considerar los apoyos rígidos no representa adecuadamente la realidad, especialmente en puentes del tipo "integral" en que el estribo es solidario del tablero y los movimientos de este actúan directamente sobre el terraplen. El modelado de la rigidez y amortiguamiento de éste debe afectar a la frecuencia propia del sistema global en un sentido semejante al de los cimientos. Por ello, se presenta un sencillo modelo dinámico para el análisis paramétrico de la influencia de las impedancias dinámicas de los estribos en el comportamiento sísmico de puentes con estribo integral, donde se puede observar la influencia que tanto sobre la frecuencia propia como sobre el amortiguamiento globales tiene una correcta cuantifícación de aquéllas

    On the improvement of the low energy neutrino factory

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    The low energy neutrino factory has been proposed as a very sensitive setup for future searches for CP violation and matter effects. Here we study how its performance is affected when the experimental specifications of the setup are varied. Most notably, we have considered the addition of the 'platinum' nu_{mu} -> nu_{e} channel. We find that, whilst theoretically the extra channel provides very useful complementary information and helps to lift degeneracies, its practical usefulness is lost when considering realistic background levels. Conversely, an increase in statistics in the 'golden' nu_{e} -> nu_{mu} channel and, to some extent, an improvement in the energy resolution, lead to an important increase in the performance of the facility, given the rich energy dependence of the 'golden' channel at these energies. We show that a low energy neutrino factory with a baseline of 1300 km, muon energy of 4.5 GeV, and either a 20 kton totally active scintillating detector or 100 kton liquid argon detector, can have outstanding sensitivity to the neutrino oscillation parameters theta13, delta and the mass hierarchy. For our estimated exposure of 2.8 x 10^{23} kton x decays per muon polarity, the low energy neutrino factory has sensitivity to theta13 and delta for sin^{2}(2theta13) > 10^{-4} and to the mass hierarchy for sin^{2}(2theta13) > 10^{-3}.Comment: 13 pages, 8 eps figures. Version published in PRD - experimental section with preliminary results removed, abstract and conclusions re-written accordingly, title changed, author list amended

    The European Spallation Source neutrino super-beam conceptual design report

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    Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si le hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAMA design study, named ESS νSB for European Spallation Source neutrino Super Beam, has been carried out during the years 2018–2022 of how the 5 MW proton linear accelerator of the European Spallation Source under construction in Lund, Sweden, can be used to produce the world’s most intense long-baseline neutrino beam. The high beam intensity will allow for measuring the neutrino oscillations near the second oscillation maximum at which the CP violation signal is close to three times higher than at the first maximum, where other experiments measure. This will enable CP violation discovery in the leptonic sector for a wider range of values of the CP violating phase δCP and, in particular, a higher precision measurement of δCP. The present Conceptual Design Report describes the results of the design study of the required upgrade of the ESS linac, of the accumulator ring used to compress the linac pulses from 2.86 ms to 1.2 μs, and of the target station, where the 5 MW proton beam is used to produce the intense neutrino beam. It also presents the design of the near detector, which is used to monitor the neutrino beam as well as to measure neutrino cross sections, and of the large underground far detector located 360 km from ESS, where the magnitude of the oscillation appearance of νe from νμ is measured. The physics performance of the ESS νSB research facility has been evaluated demonstrating that after 10 years of data-taking, leptonic CP violation can be detected with more than 5 standard deviation significance over 70% of the range of values that the CP violation phase angle δCP can take and that δCP can be measured with a standard error less than 8° irrespective of the measured value of δCP. These results demonstrate the uniquely high physics performance of the proposed ESS νSB research facilit

    Educational web series: 'Coronavirus. Reflections for girls, boys and young citizens'

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    La Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, a través de su Cátedra UNESCO de Derechos Humanos, pone en marcha la serie web educativa “Coronavirus. Reflexiones para niñas, niños y jóvenes ciudadanos”. Una producción que tiene como objetivo enseñar los valores y conocimientos acerca de los derechos y libertades, en un contexto donde la pandemia del COVID-19 ha abierto diversos debates a nivel social y político. Ruth Rubio, catedrática de Derecho Constitucional de la Universidad de Sevilla y directora de la Cátedra UNESCO de la UNIA, es la directora y conductora de esta serie publicada en la plataforma YouTube. A través de un lenguaje sencillo y directo, esta experta ofrece a los jóvenes detalles para que puedan entender aspectos como qué es el Estado de Derecho, cuáles son los mecanismos democráticos o qué desigualdades profundizan la pandemia.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    A New and Inexpensive Pyranometer for the Visible Spectral Range

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    This paper presents the design, construction and testing of a new photodiode-based pyranometer for the visible spectral range (approx. 400 to 750 nm), whose principal characteristics are: accuracy, ease of connection, immunity to noise, remote programming and operation, interior temperature regulation, cosine error minimisation and all this at a very low cost, tens of times lower than that of commercial thermopile-based devices. This new photodiode-based pyranometer overcomes traditional problems in this type of device and offers similar characteristics to those of thermopile-based pyranometers and, therefore, can be used in any installation where reliable measurement of solar irradiance is necessary, especially in those where cost is a deciding factor in the choice of a meter. This new pyranometer has been registered in the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office under the number P200703162

    Identification and reconstruction of low-energy electrons in the ProtoDUNE-SP detector

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    Measurements of electrons from νe interactions are crucial for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) neutrino oscillation program, as well as searches for physics beyond the standard model, supernova neutrino detection, and solar neutrino measurements. This article describes the selection and reconstruction of low-energy (Michel) electrons in the ProtoDUNE-SP detector. ProtoDUNE-SP is one of the prototypes for the DUNE far detector, built and operated at CERN as a charged particle test beam experiment. A sample of low-energy electrons produced by the decay of cosmic muons is selected with a purity of 95%. This sample is used to calibrate the low-energy electron energy scale with two techniques. An electron energy calibration based on a cosmic ray muon sample uses calibration constants derived from measured and simulated cosmic ray muon events. Another calibration technique makes use of the theoretically well-understood Michel electron energy spectrum to convert reconstructed charge to electron energy. In addition, the effects of detector response to low-energy electron energy scale and its resolution including readout electronics threshold effects are quantified. Finally, the relation between the theoretical and reconstructed low-energy electron energy spectra is derived, and the energy resolution is characterized. The low-energy electron selection presented here accounts for about 75% of the total electron deposited energy. After the addition of lost energy using a Monte Carlo simulation, the energy resolution improves from about 40% to 25% at 50 MeV. These results are used to validate the expected capabilities of the DUNE far detector to reconstruct low-energy electronsThe ProtoDUNE-SP detector was constructed and operated on the CERN Neutrino Platform. We thank the CERN management for providing the infrastructure for this experiment and gratefully acknowledge the support of the CERN Experimental physics (EP), Beams (BE), Technology (TE), Engineering (EN), Information Technology (IT), and Industry, Procure ment and Knowledge Transfer (IPT) Departments for NP04/ProtoDUNE-SP. This document was prepared by the DUNE Collaboration using the resources of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), a U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, HEP User Facility. Fermilab is managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC (FRA), acting under Contract No. DE AC02-07CH11359. This work was supported by CNPq, FAPERJ, FAPEG, and FAPESP, Brazil; Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), Institute of Particle Physics (IPP), and NSERC, Canada; CERN; MšMT, Czech Republic; ERDF, H2020-EU, and MSCA, European Union; CNRS/IN2P3 and CEA, France; INFN, Italy; FCT, Portugal; NRF, South Korea; Comunidad de Madrid (CAM), Fundación “La Caixa,” and MICINN, Spain; SERI and SNSF, Switzerland; TüBİTAK, Turkey; The Royal Society and UKRI/STFC, United Kingdom; DOE and NSF, USA. This research used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility operated under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH1123