376 research outputs found

    Materials d’envasat nanocompostos

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Ciència i Tecnologia dels Aliments, Facultat de Farmàcia i Ciències de l'Alimentació, Campus de l'alimentació de Torribera, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2016-2017. Tutora:Elvira López Tamames[eng] Background: Currently, there is a large consumption of packaged food. This industry is focused on biobased and biodegradable packaging, but such container soften have low barrier properties. The application of nanotechnology in packaging materials, creating nanocomposites, is away to modify the permeability to gases, among other uses. Scope and approach: This review provides recent information on nanocomposites, mainly those with inorganic fillers, and their use in the foodpackaging industry, as well as the applicable legislation to these materials. Conclusions: Nanocomposites improve barrier properties in addition to confer new preservation properties in most cases, such as antimicrobial or antioxidant effect. Despite havings everal studies regarding thes afety of these compounds, it is necessary to have a greater number of scientific evidence and specific regulation in this area in order to guarantee food safety.[cat] Antecedents: A l’actualitat hi ha un gran consum de productes alimentaris envasats. Es busca que aquests envasos siguin biodegradables, però aquest tipus de materials solen presentar baixes propietats de barrera. L’aplicació dela nanotecnologia als materials d’envasat, creant materials nanocompostos, pot modificar la permeabilitat als gasos, així com atribuir certa activitat antimicrobiana o antioxidant. Abast i enfocament: Aquesta revisió bibliogràfica recullin formació recent sobre els nanocompostos, en concret els basats en rebliments inorgàanics, i la seva aplicació en el camp dels envasos, així com l’ambit legislatiu aplicable. Conclusions: Els nanocompostos suposen una millora de les propietats barrera, a més de conferir noves propietats conservants, com un efecte antimicrobià o antioxidant, allargant així la vida útil dels aliments. Tot i disposar de diversos estudis sobre lat oxicitat d’aquests compostos, és necessari disposar d’un major nombre d’evidències científiques així com de regulació específica d’aquest àmbit, per tal de garantir las eguretat alimentària

    Guidelines for Accessibility to Microblogging: an Integral Approach

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    Microblogging is one of the most popular user-generated media, hence its accessibility has a large impact for users. However, the accessibility of this medium is poor in practice, due to the combination of bad practices by different agents ranging from the providers that host microblogging services to prosumers that post contents to them. Here we present an accessibility-oriented model of microblogging services, analyze the impact of its components, and propose guidelines for each of them to meet accessibility requirements. In particular, we base on an study we have performed on Twitter, one of the most-relevant microblogging platform, to identify good and bad practices in microblogging content generation regarding accessibility in microblogging content generation

    Changes in the Volatile Profile of Wheat Sourdough Produced with the Addition of Cava Lees

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    The volatile fraction is of great importance for the organoleptic quality and consumer acceptance of bread. The use of sourdough improves the sensory profile of bread, as well as the addition of new ingredients to the fermentation. Cava lees are a sparkling wine by-product formed of dead microorganisms, tartaric acid, and other inorganic compounds, rich in antioxidant compounds as well as β-glucans and mannoproteins. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of Cava lees (0-2% w/w) on sourdough volatile compounds to re-valorize this by-product of the wine industry. Headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) was optimized to study the volatile fractions of sourdoughs. The parameters selected were 60 °C, 15 min of equilibrium, and 30 min of extraction. It was found that the addition of Cava lees resulted in higher concentrations of volatile compounds (alcohols, acids, aldehydes, ketones and esters), with the highest values being reached with the 2% Cava lees. Moreover, Cava lees contributed to aroma due to the compounds usually found in sparkling wine, such as 1-butanol, octanoic acid, benzaldehyde and ethyl hexanoate. Keywords: sourdough, HS-SPME-GC-MS, volatile compounds, Cava lees, wine by-produc

    Agrumes entiers dans les rations totales mélangeés pour brebis laitières méditerranéennes. Production et composition du lait

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    [Otros] Dans cette étude, 48 brebis en lactation, appartenant à 2 races méditerranéennes, la race Guirra (race autochtone rustique) ou la race Manchega (race mixte) ont été utilisées pour évaluer l¿effet de l¿inclu- sion de fruits d¿agrumes entiers (WCF) dans leurs rations. Quatre rations complètes ont été formulées pour être iso-énergétiques et iso-azotées. Elles se différenciaient par le taux d¿incorporation de WCF (0, 10, 20 et 30%) qui était substitué, sur une base matière sèche, à de l¿orge concassée ou à de la pulpe de betterave en pellets. La production et la composition du lait ont été mesurées une fois par semaine sur deux traites successives (matin et soir). La production de lait obtenue avec le group recevant 30% WCF a été supérieure de 12% à celle des autres groupes. De plus, on a observé une réduction du taux butyrique avec l¿inclusion de WCF. Elle était de 8,2; 7,95; 7,69 and 7,1 pour les groups recevant respectivement 0, 10, 20 et 30% de WCF (P<0,05). La teneur en protéines du lait a été maximale avec le group recevant 10% WCF (6,4%) et minimale avec celui ayant 30%WCF (6,0% ; P<0,05), car la teneur en caséine du lait a été la plus faible avec le groupe recevant 30%WCF (-0,3% par rapport aux groupes avec 0 et 10% de WCF; P< 0,05), tandis que la teneur en protéines solubles a été similaire pour tous les groupes (moyenne: 1,17%). Tout au long de la période expérimentale, on a observé une diminution de la production de lait standard (6%FCM) avec toutes les rations (-35% par semaine), mais il a été plus prononcé pour les groupes recevant 20% et 30% WCF que pour les autres. En conclusion, l¿incorporation de WCF pourrait contribuer à diminuer la dépendance vis à vis des céréales pour les brebis à haute production sans affecter les paramètres de production laitière ; mais d¿autres études relatives aux effets de WCF sur la condition corporelle et sur la capacité des animaux en lac- tation à mobiliser leurs réserves doivent être faites.[EN] A total of 48 lactating ewes, belonging to 2 different Mediterranean breeds Guirra (rustic native breed) and Manchega (mixed aptitude breed) were used to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of whole citrus fruits (WCF) in their rations. Four iso-energetic and iso-protein total mixed rations were formulated containing fresh WCF at 0, 10, 20 and 30% replacing dry-rolled barley and pelleted beet pulp on a DM basis. The milk yield and composition were obtained once a week at morning and afternoon milking. Total milk yield values observed for 30% WCF group were 12% higher than for the others. Also, a reduction of the milk fat content with the inclusion of WCF was observed, being 8.2, 7.95, 7.69 and 7.1% for 0, 10, 20 and 30% WCF groups (P<0.05). Milk protein content was maximum for ewes on 10% WFC ration (6.4%) and minimum for 30% WCF group (6.0%; P<0.05), due to the lower milk casein content of 30% WCF group (-0.3% respect to 0 and 10% WCF groups; P<0.05), while soluble protein content was similar for all the groups (mean: 1.17%). Throughout the experimental period, a reduction of 6% fat corrected milk (6%FCM) production was observed with all the rations (-35 ml per week), but it was steeper for 20 and 30% WCF groups than for the other 2 groups. In conclusion, WCF could contribute to diminishing dependence of high-milking ewes on grains without affecting the milk output, however further studies related to WCF effect on body condition and on the capacity of lactating animals to mobilize body reserves should be made.This study was subsidized by the Consejeria de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación of the Regional Government of Valencia, and by the project INIA CAL03-089. 6.Piquer Querol, O.; Rodríguez Garcia, M.; Blas Ferrer, E.; Cerisuelo, A.; Fernández Martínez, CJ.; Pascual Amorós, JJ. (2011). Whole citrus fruits in total mixed rations for Mediterranean milking ewes. Milk production and composition. Options Mediterraneennes. Serie A: Seminaires Mediterraneens. 99:251-258. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/147521S2512589

    Influence of sex, age and diabetes on brain transcriptome and proteome modifications following cerebral ischemia

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    Diabetes; Proteome; SexDiabetis; Proteoma; SexeDiabetes; Proteoma; SexoIschemic stroke is a major cause of death and disability worldwide. Translation into the clinical setting of neuroprotective agents showing promising results in pre-clinical studies has systematically failed. One possible explanation is that the animal models used to test neuroprotectants do not properly represent the population affected by stroke, as most of the pre-clinical studies are performed in healthy young male mice. Therefore, we aimed to determine if the response to cerebral ischemia differed depending on age, sex and the presence of comorbidities. Thus, we explored proteomic and transcriptomic changes triggered during the hyperacute phase of cerebral ischemia (by transient intraluminal middle cerebral artery occlusion) in the brain of: (1) young male mice, (2) young female mice, (3) aged male mice and (4) diabetic young male mice. Moreover, we compared each group's proteomic and transcriptomic changes using an integrative enrichment pathways analysis to disclose key common and exclusive altered proteins, genes and pathways in the first stages of the disease. We found 61 differentially expressed genes (DEG) in male mice, 77 in females, 699 in diabetics and 24 in aged mice. Of these, only 14 were commonly dysregulated in all groups. The enrichment pathways analysis revealed that the inflammatory response was the biological process with more DEG in all groups, followed by hemopoiesis. Our findings indicate that the response to cerebral ischemia regarding proteomic and transcriptomic changes differs depending on sex, age and comorbidities, highlighting the importance of incorporating animals with different phenotypes in future stroke research studies.This work has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI18/00804) and by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). Neurovascular Research Laboratory takes part in the Spanish stroke research network RICORS-ICTUS. L.R is supported by a pre-doctoral fellowship from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (IFI17/00012)

    Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase (PNP) Deficiency through TREC-Based Newborn Screening

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    Newborn screening; Severe combined immunodeficiencyCribatge nounat; Immunodeficiència combinada severaCribado neonato; Inmunodeficiencia combinada gravePurine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) deficiency is a rare inherited disorder, resulting in severe combined immunodeficiency. To date, PNP deficiency has been detected in newborn screening only through the use of liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. We report the first case in which PNP deficiency was detected by TREC analysis.This research was funded by Jeffrey Modell Foundation

    Inhibition of Biogenic Amines Formation in Fermented Foods by the Addition of Cava Lees

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    Food safety can be compromised by some bioactive compounds such as biogenic amines that can be specially found in fermented foods due to the bacterial decarboxylation of some amino acids by fermentative or spoilage bacteria. Cava lees are a winery by-product rich in fiber and phenolic compounds and previous works have raised their revalorization from a food safety point of view. The aim of the current work was to investigate whether the use of cava lees can help to control biogenic amine formation in bread and fermented sausages. In bread, only very low levels of biogenic amines (putrescine, cadaverine, and/or spermidine) were found, whose content did not vary with the addition of different amounts of lees. However, the addition of lees in fermented sausages significantly reduced the formation of tyramine and cadaverine. In sausages spontaneously fermented and inoculated with Salmonella spp., the presence of cadaverine and putrescine diminished by 62 and 78%, respectively, due to the addition of cava lees. The addition of cava lees phenolic extract also showed an anti aminogenic effect (21% for cadaverine and 40% for putrescine), although in a lesser extent than cava lees. Cava lees and their phenolic extract were shown to be an effective strategy to control the undesirable accumulation of high levels of biogenic amines during the production of fermented products

    Drug-refractory myasthenia gravis : Clinical characteristics, treatments, and outcome

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    Altres ajuts: R. Alvarez-Velasco was supported by grant SLT008/18/00207 from the Health Research and Innovation Strategic Plan (PERIS). The NMD-ES Project and F. PlaJunca (data curator) are partially funded by the Centro de Investigacion Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER).To describe the clinical characteristics and outcomes in patients with refractory myasthenia gravis (MG) and to determine the effectiveness and side effects of the drugs used for their treatment. This observational retrospective cross-sectional multicenter study was based on data from the Spanish MG Registry (NMD-ES). Patients were considered refractory when their MG Foundation of America post-interventional status (MGFA-PIS) was unchanged or worse after corticosteroids and two or more other immunosuppressive agents. Clinical and immunologic characteristics of drug-refractory patients, efficiency and toxicity of drugs used, and outcome (MGFA-PIS) at end of follow-up were studied. We included 990 patients from 15 hospitals. Eighty-four patients (68 of 842 anti-acetylcholine receptor [AChR], 5 of 26 anti-muscle-specific tyrosine kinase [MusK], 10 of 120 seronegative, and 1 of 2 double-seropositive patients) were drug refractory. Drug-refractory patients were more frequently women (p < 0.0001), younger at onset (p < 0.0001), and anti-MuSK positive (p = 0.037). Moreover, they more frequently presented a generalized form of the disease, bulbar symptoms, and life-threatening events (p < 0.0001; p = 0.018; and p = 0.002, respectively) than non-drug-refractory patients. Mean follow-up was 9.8 years (SD 4.5). Twenty-four (50%) refractory patients had side effects to one or more of the drugs. At the end of follow-up, 42.9% of drug-refractory patients (42.6% of anti-AChR, 100% of anti-MuSK, and 10% of seronegative patients) and 79.8% of non-drug-refractory patients (p < 0.0001) achieved remission or had minimal manifestations. Eighty percent of drug-refractory-seronegative patients did not respond to any drug tested. In this study, 8.5% of MG patients were drug-refractory. New more specific drugs are needed to treat drug-refractory MG patients

    Estrategias de uso racional de medicamentos en personas mayores como mejora de la calidad de vida y de promoción del bienestar

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    El proyecto “Estrategias de uso racional de medicamentos en personas mayores como mejora de la calidad de vida y de promoción del bienestar” se basa en la elaboración y diseño de estrategias de prevención y mejora en torno al cumplimiento terapéutico, el uso racional del medicamento, y la identificación temprana de reacciones adversas a medicamentos, entre otros problemas relacionados con el medicamento. Este proyecto es una continuación del anterior ApS UCM 2019 “Identificación de problemas relacionados con el medicamento y estrategias de mejora en personas mayores”. En esta ocasión, y por la pandemia por COVID-19, este ApS será virtual, desarrollándose diversos talleres en formato de vídeo para dar formación a las personas mayores en materia de medicamento y que se centrarán en el tratamiento de las distintas patologías de la meta 3.4. de los ODS 2030, con el fin de aumentar la calidad de vida y el bienestar social de este colectivo. Esta actividad se integra en la docencia de las asignaturas de Farmacología General, y Farmacología y Farmacoterapia del Grado en Farmacia y del Doble Grado de Farmacia y Nutrición como estrategia de aprendizaje para consolidar y profundizar lo aprendido en estas materias