20 research outputs found

    Valor alimenticio comparativo del pasto kikuyo (Pennisetum clandestinum, var. Whittet) en dos estaciones de crecimiento con ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum ) Y sudán (Sorgum sudanense) ofrecido a novillos Holstein

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    P. 135-139Cuatro novillos Holstein (167kg) con cánulas en rumen y duodeno proximal fueron distribuidos en un diseño Cuadro Latino 4×4 para estimar el valor alimenticio comparativo del pasto kikuyo (Pennisetum clandestinum var. Whittet) cosechado en verano e invierno con el de henos de gramínea de verano (pasto sudán; Sorgum sudanense) e invierno (ryegrass anual; Lolium multiflorum var. Oregon). Las dietas experimentales (88,4% MO, 35,5% FDN y 11,8% PC) fueron formuladas con 70% forraje y 30% suplemento. No hubo efecto de tratamientos (P>0,05) en digestión ruminal de la FDN, N, eficiencia microbial ruminal (g de NM/kg de MO fermentada), ni en eficiencia ruminal del N (N no amoniacal que entra a tracto bajo/N consumido). No hubo efecto (P>0,10) de la estación (cosecha en verano vs invierno) en la digestión ruminal y total de la MO, FDN y N en dietas con kikuyo. La digestión ruminal y total de MO, FDN y N fueron similares (P>0,10) para dietas compuestas por kikuyo y sudán. Sin embargo, la digestión ruminal y total de MO y N fue menor (19, 12 y 9%, respectivamente) para dietas con kikuyo a la observada con ryegrass (P0,05) en la relación acetato-propionato. Se concluye que kikuyo tiene un valor alimenticio similar a sudán y representa una alternativa en la alimentación animal como cultivo perenne con aceptable valor nutricional durante el verano.S

    Seroprevalencia y factores de riesgo asociados a la brucelosis bovina en hatos lecheros de Tijuana, Baja California

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    With the purpose of determining the prevalence of bovine brucellosis, as well as identifying some factors associated to this disease, a cross sectional study was carried out in dairy farms at Tijuana, Baja California, from September 1999 to September 2000. A total of 19,000 dairy cows aged 6 months or over, were studied. The tests used to detect this disease were the Card test and Fluorescence Polarization Assay (FPA). An epidemiological survey was applied in order to identify risk factors for brucellosis. Prevalence according to FPA was 6.4 %. When an univariate analysis was performed, the variables that showed a significant association with the disease were: not removing the remains of abortions and/or births (2.40 odds ratios (OR), presence of dogs in the facilities (OR= 2.65), milking positive reactors before or together with negative animals (OR= 6.74) and not getting rid of positive reactors (OR= 6.19). On the other hand, when a multivariate method was used (logistic regression), the only significant variables in the model were milking (adjusted OR= 4.65) and age, using a cutoff point of two years (OR adj. = 4.94). The global prevalence of brucellosis can be considered as moderate. The areas which showed higher prevalence were Gloria and Murua. Evidently, identification of risk factors associated to the presence of this disease, could be a very useful tool in a brucellosis control and eradication program.El objetivo fue determinar la seroprevalencia e identificar los factores de riesgo asociados a la brucelosis bovina en hatos lecheros ubicados en el municipio de Tijuana, Baja California. Se realizó de septiembre de 1999 a septiembre del 2000, con una población en estudio de 19,000 bovinos lecheros mayores de seis meses de edad. Para determinar la seroprevalencia se utilizaron las pruebas de tarjeta y fluorescencia polarizada. Se diseñó un cuestionario epidemiológico con el propósito de identificar los factores de riesgo asociados con la enfermedad. La seroprevalencia determinada por fluorescencia polarizada fue del 6.4 %. Las variables que presentaron asociación en el análisis univariable con la seropositividad a la brucelosis fueron: no remoción de desechos de abortos y partos, 2.40 razones de momios (RM), presencia de perros (RM = 2.65), ordeña de reactores antes o junto con animales sanos (RM= 6.74), no eliminación de reactores (RM= 6.19). En el análisis multivariado por regresión logística se observó que la variable ordeña fue significativa (RM ajustado = 4.65) y la edad, tomando como punto de corte dos años, fungió como variable de confusión (RM ajustado = 4.94). La prevalencia global de la brucelosis encontrada se puede considerar como moderada. La zonas productoras con la más alta prevalencia fueron la Gloria y el Murua. El estudio deja en claro cuales fueron los factores de riesgo que se asociaron con la enfermedad, lo cual posibilita un éxito mayor en la aplicación de un programa de control y erradicación

    Evaluación de un programa de control de la brucelosis bovina en hatos lecheros de Baja California

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    A program for control of bovine brucellosis in dairy herds belonging to the Asociacion Ganadera Local de Productores de Leche de Tijuana, Baja California, was assessed. A total of 144,938 blood samples were collected and analyzed between August of 1998 and December 2001. For Brucella abortus antibody detection, 8 % Bengal rose (Card Test) and the confirmatory Rivanol test were used. Taking into account the whole four years period, overall prevalence was 1.9 % with a confidence interval (CI) of 1.87 to 2.01, whereas annual prevalences (cases/1,000 animals) and their CIs were 2.6 % (2.43 to 2.79), 2.0 % (1.88 to 2.16), 1.8 % (1.75 to 2.03) and 1.4 % (1.28 to 1.51), for 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001, respectively. Annual prevalences at the herd level (cases/10 herds) were 45.8 % (32.1 to 59.9), 35.4 % (22.9 to 49.6), 32.0 % (20.2 to 45.8) and 25.9 % (15.5 to 38.7) for 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001, respectively. A linear association tendency (PSe evaluó un programa para el control de la brucelosis bovina en hatos lecheros de productores pertenecientes a la Asociación Ganadera Local de Productores del municipio de Tijuana, Baja California. Se analizaron un total de 144,938 muestras de sangre durante el período de agosto de 1998 a diciembre de 2001. Para la detección de anticuerpos contra Brucella abortus se utilizaron las pruebas de Rosa de bengala al 8 % y Rivanol. Considerando el periodo completo, la prevalencia promedio fue de 1.9 %, con un intervalo de confianza (IC) de 1.87 a 2.01, mientras que las prevalencias anuales (casos/1,000 animales) y sus IC fueron de 2.6 % (2.43 a 2.79), 2.0 % (1.88 a 2.16), 1.8 % (1.75 a 2.03) y 1.4 % (1.28 a 1.51) para los años de 1998 a 2001 respectivamente. Las prevalencias anuales para este mismo periodo a nivel hato (casos/10 hatos) fueron de 45.8 % (32.1 a 59.9), 35.5 % (22.9 a 49.6), 32.0 % (20.2 a 45.8) y 25.9 % (15.5 a 38.7). Se detectó una tendencia de asociación lineal (

    Evaluación de la prueba reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) a partir de muestras de leche y cultivos puros en el diagnóstico de la brucelosis bovina

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    Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease with a strong economic impact. It is also a serious public health issue. In Mexico, the official diagnosis is made by serology, using the card, rivanol, and complement fixation tests. Nevertheless, Brucella spp. isolation and characterization remain as the diagnostic gold standard. In this study the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique was compared with bacteriology and serology in the diagnosis of bovine brucellosis. A total of 51 blood/milk samples were collected from two herds with positive brucellosis history. Of these 51 samples 24 were negative to serological, bacteriological and PCR tests, 11 were positive to all tests, six were positive to both serology and PCR, one was positive to both serology and bacteriology, and 9 were positive to serology. From the 12 positive isolations, a sample was taken for PCR. Amplification was obtained in 100 % of these cultures. Results show that the proportional detection of positive animals by PCR was higher than isolation (PLa brucelosis es una enfermedad zoonótica que puede impactar fuerte en el ámbito económico, además de representar un delicado problema de salud píºblica. En México, el diagnóstico oficial se realiza por serologí­a, mediante las pruebas de tarjeta, rivanol y fijación de complemento, considerándose el aislamiento y caracterización de Brucella spp como "la prueba de oro". En este estudio se llevó a cabo la comparación de la técnica de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR por sus siglas en inglés), con respecto a la bacteriologí­a y la serologí­a, en el diagnóstico de la brucelosis bovina. Un total de 51 muestras de sangre y leche fueron recolectadas de dos hatos con prevalencia histórica de presencia de brucelosis. De las 51 muestras analizadas, 24 resultaron negativas a las pruebas serológicas, bacteriológicas y PCR, 11 resultaron positivas a todas las pruebas, seis resultaron positivas a serologí­a y PCR, una positiva a serologí­a y bacteriologí­a y nueve positivas a serologí­a. De los 12 aislamientos positivos se tomó una muestra para realizar PCR obteniendo amplificación en el 100 % de los cultivos. Los resultados muestran que la proporción de detección de animales positivos mediante el PCR fue superior al aislamiento (

    Efecto de la sustitución de grasa de fritura por aceite vegetal y concentración energética en dietas para la producción de pollos de engorde

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    Lipids are often added to the diet of broilers in order to improve their productive efficiency. The most widely used variety of lipids is frying fat (FF), usually recycled from restaurants, as its cost is lower than that of vegetable oil (VO). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of FF substitution by VO in standard (SED) and high energy (HED) diets on broiler’s growth performance. To that aim, a total of 200 one-day-old mixed ROSS broilers (37.2 g ± 0.89 g) were fed during 42 d with two phases (starting and finishing) of 21 d each. The experimental design in each phase was completely randomized with 4 treatments with 2 x 2 factorial arrangement with the lipid source (FF and VO), the energy levels (SED and HED), and their interaction as main effects. The metabolizable energy (ME) in the starting phase was 2 994 kcal/kg and 3013 kcal/kg, and in the finishing phase was 3 081 kcal/kg and 3 111 kcal /kg in SED and HED, respectively. The lipid source (VO vs FF) did not influence (P > 0.05) on the studied variables. In the starting phase, broilers fed with the HED gained more weight and showed better feed conversion (P 0.05) among broilers in two diets. For the finishing phase, broilers fed with the HED gained more body weight (P 0. 05) was observed. It was concluded that lipid source did not influence on productive parameters, but the increase in energy concentration significantly improved the productive performance of broilers.Archive XML (SciELO)En la dieta de pollos de engorde se adicionan lípidos para mejorar su eficiencia productiva, generalmente grasa de fritura (GF), reciclada de restaurantes, por tener menor costo que el aceite vegetal (AV). El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la sustitución de GF por AV en dietas estándar (DEE) y dietas altas en energía (DAE) sobre el comportamiento productivo de pollos de engorde. Se alimentó durante 42 d a 200 pollos mixtos ROSS, de un día de edad y peso promedio de 37.2 g ± 0.89 g. El estudio se realizó en dos fases de 21 d: inicio y acabado. Se usó un diseño experimental al azar con arreglo factorial 2 x 2 con la fuente de lípidos (GF y AV), laconcentración de energía (DEE y DAE) y su interacción como efectos principales. La energía metabolizable en la fase de inicio fue 2 994 kcal/kg y 3 013 kcal/kg, y en la fase de acabado fue 3 081 kcal/kg y 3 111 kcal/kg en DEE y DAE, respectivamente. La fuente de lípidos no influyó (P > 0.05) sobre las variables de estudio. En la fase de inicio, los pollos alimentados con la DAE ganaron más peso y mostraron mejor conversión alimenticia (P 0.05). En la fase de acabado, los pollos alimentados con la DAE ganaron más peso (P 0.05). Se concluyó que la fuente de lípidos no influyó en los parámetros productivos, pero el incremento en concentración energética mejoró significativamente el comportamiento productivo de los pollos de engorde. Archivo XML (SciELO

    Translational Echocardiography: The Dog as a Clinical Research Model of Cardiac Dysfunction

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    Heart disease is a major contributor to mortality and disability on a global scale. Hence, there is a need for research to improve non-invasive diagnostic techniques. Diseases in dogs with characteristics very similar to those of human pathologies hold promise as a source of data for evaluating and developing echocardiographic techniques and devices. Methods: We conducted a structured literature search from June 2022 to January 2023 to evaluate the relevance of dogs as a translational model for echocardiographic clinical research. We searched various academic databases, including PubMed Central (PMC), Core, DIGITAL.CSIC, DOAB, DOAJ, EBSCO host, Elsevier B.V, Redib, Scopus, and Web of Science, available through the Academic Information System of the Autonomous University of Baja California. Results: Out of the 243 articles initially screened, we identified 119 relevant articles that met our inclusion criteria for further analysis. This review is an introduction to the canine model by analyzing the cardiovascular anatomical similarities between the two species, the pathophysiological overlaps in some diseases, the parallels in echocardiographic techniques in dogs compared to humans, and the suitability of dogs with a naturally occurring cardiac disease as a model for translational clinical research compared to other animal species. Conclusions: This review emphasizes the importance of canine patients as an ideal cardiac disease symmetrical clinical model since they share common heart diseases with humans. Furthermore, dogs have a shorter lifespan, leading to the relatively rapid evolution of these diseases, which makes studying these pathologies and developing echocardiographic techniques more feasible. The results strongly indicate the need for interdisciplinary collaboration and translational medical research to create innovative echocardiographic technologies and improve the connection between veterinary and human cardiac imaging research

    Clot Stiffness Measured By Seer Sonorheometry As a Marker Of Poor Prognosis In Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

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    A high risk of thrombotic complications has been observed among severely ill COVID-19 patients. Viscoelastic tests (VET) have shown a hypercoagulable profile in these patients, although so far there is no clear evidence on the use of these tools as predictors of risk in the clinical course of patients. In this study we aimed to evaluate the association between Quantra® sonorheometry VET parameters, standard coagulation tests and inflammatory markers in 69 patients with COVID-19 on hospital admission with disease severity and outcome. Inflammatory markers were elevated in a high percentage of patients, as were coagulation-related parameters such as fibrinogen and D-dimer levels. Quantra® sonorheometry analysis revealed increased clot stiffness (CS), especially due to increased fibrinogen contribution (FCS) in 63.7%. Analysis of clot stability to lysis (CSL) on the Quantra showed a value of 100%, suggesting hypofibrinolysis, in 32.4%. Age > 65 years, elevated values of fibrinogen, D-dimer, LDH, increased CS and CSL were significantly associated with worsening disease. The combination of elevated FCS and D-dimer values showed a particularly high prognostic value in distinguishing patients with severe symptomatology. In conclusion, FCS measured by Quantra® system and its combination with D-dimer could be established as a powerful tool to identify poor prognosis in COVID-19 patients on hospital admission

    Digestion and energy value of macerated sudangrass hay used in growing-finishing diets for feedlot cattle

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    Mechanical maceration enhances site and extent of digestion of low-moisture, low-quality forages. Four Holstein steers (172 ± 8 kg) with cannulas in rumen and proximal duodenum were used in 4x4 Latin square design to evaluate the process of mechanical maceration of sudangrass hay on the characteristics of ruminal and total tract digestion. Treatments consisted of a steam-flaked corn-based growing diet supplemented with 21 % forage (DM basis) as: i) wheat straw (Triticum aestivum, STRW), ii) sudangrass hay (Sorghum sudanense, SG), iii) macerated SG at intensity of 4,134 kPa (MAC600) and 4) macerated SG at intensity of 6,200 kPa (MAC900). All forages were ground to pass through a 3.8 cm screen before incorporation into complete mixed diets (21:79 forage to concentrate ratio). Maceration did not affect (p ≥ 0.17) on site and extent of OM, N and ADF, and DE of sudangrass supplemented diets. Characteristics of ruminal digestion of OM, ADF, starch, as well as, microbial efficiency (microbial N, g kg-1 of OM fermentad) and protein efficiency (nonammonia N, g g-1 of N intake) were not different (p ≥ 0.11) for wheat straw versus sudangrass supplemented diets. However, total tract digestion of OM, ADF, N, and DE diet were greater (p ≤ 0.05) for sudangrass than for wheat straw supplemented diets. Using the replacement technique, DE value of SG averaged 9.59 MJ kg-1, very close to the expected value given its chemical composition. Mechanical maceration did not enhance the feeding value of sudangrass hay. Increase the intensity of maceration from 4,134 to 6,200 kPa did not altered ruminal or total tract digestion of OM, NDF or energy value of processed ha

    Clinical Characteristics and Risk Factors for Mortality in Very Old Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in Spain.

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    Advanced age is a well-known risk factor for poor prognosis in COVID-19. However, few studies have specifically focused on very old inpatients with COVID-19. This study aims to describe the clinical characteristics of very old inpatients with COVID-19 and identify risk factors for in-hospital mortality at admission. We conducted a nationwide, multicenter, retrospective, observational study in patients ≥ 80 years hospitalized with COVID-19 in 150 Spanish hospitals (SEMI-COVID-19) Registry (March 1-May 29, 2020). The primary outcome was in-hospital mortality. A uni- and multivariate logistic regression was performed to assess predictors of mortality at admission. A total of 2772 consecutive patients (49.4% men, median age 86.3 years) were analyzed. Rates of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, dementia, and Barthel Index This first large, multicenter cohort of very old inpatients with COVID-19 shows that age, male sex, and poor preadmission functional status-not comorbidities-are independently associated with in-hospital mortality. Severe COVID-19 at admission is related to poor prognosis

    Neotropical ornithology: Reckoning with historical assumptions, removing systemic barriers, and reimagining the future

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    A major barrier to advancing ornithology is the systemic exclusion of professionals from the Global South. A recent special feature, Advances in Neotropical Ornithology, and a shortfalls analysis therein, unintentionally followed a long-standing pattern of highlighting individuals, knowledge, and views from the Global North, while largely omitting the perspectives of people based within the Neotropics. Here, we review current strengths and opportunities in the practice of Neotropical ornithology. Further, we discuss problems with assessing the state of Neotropical ornithology through a northern lens, including discovery narratives, incomplete (and biased) understanding of history and advances, and the promotion of agendas that, while currently popular in the north, may not fit the needs and realities of Neotropical research. We argue that future advances in Neotropical ornithology will critically depend on identifying and addressing the systemic barriers that hold back ornithologists who live and work in the Neotropics: unreliable and limited funding, exclusion from international research leadership, restricted dissemination of knowledge (e.g., through language hegemony and citation bias), and logistical barriers. Moving forward, we must examine and acknowledge the colonial roots of our discipline, and explicitly promote anti-colonial agendas for research, training, and conservation. We invite our colleagues within and beyond the Neotropics to join us in creating new models of governance that establish research priorities with vigorous participation of ornithologists and communities within the Neotropical region. To include a diversity of perspectives, we must systemically address discrimination and bias rooted in the socioeconomic class system, anti-Blackness, anti-Brownness, anti-Indigeneity, misogyny, homophobia, tokenism, and ableism. Instead of seeking individual excellence and rewarding top-down leadership, institutions in the North and South can promote collective leadership. In adopting these approaches, we, ornithologists, will join a community of researchers across academia building new paradigms that can reconcile our relationships and transform science. Spanish and Portuguese translations are available in the Supplementary Material.• Research conducted by ornithologists living and working in Latin America and the Caribbean has been historically and systemically excluded from global scientific paradigms, ultimately holding back ornithology as a discipline.• To avoid replicating systems of exclusion in ornithology, authors, editors, reviewers, journals, scientific societies, and research institutions need to interrupt long-held assumptions, improve research practices, and change policies around funding and publication.• To advance Neotropical ornithology and conserve birds across the Americas, institutions should invest directly in basic field biology research, reward collective leadership, and strengthen funding and professional development opportunities for people affected by current research policies.Peer reviewe