848 research outputs found

    Biorefineries: Achievements and challenges for a bio-based economy

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    Funding This work was supported by a project (FQM-176) financed by the Junta de Andalucía. FM-M, acknowledges the support from the Global Challenges Research Fund from Swansea University, and from the Royal Society of Chemistry Enablement Grant (E21-7051491439).Climate change, socioeconomical pressures, and new policy and legislation are driving a decarbonization process across industries, with a critical shift from a fossil-based economy toward a biomass-based one. This new paradigm implies not only a gradual phasing out of fossil fuels as a source of energy but also a move away from crude oil as a source of platform chemicals, polymers, drugs, solvents and many other critical materials, and consumer goods that are ubiquitous in our everyday life. If we are to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, crude oil must be substituted by renewable sources, and in this evolution, biorefineries arise as the critical alternative to traditional refineries for producing fuels, chemical building blocks, and materials out of non-edible biomass and biomass waste. State-of-the-art biorefineries already produce cost-competitive chemicals and materials, but other products remain challenging from the economic point of view, or their scaled-up production processes are still not sufficiently developed. In particular, lignin’s depolymerization is a required milestone for the success of integrated biorefineries, and better catalysts and processes must be improved to prepare bio-based aromatic simple molecules. This review summarizes current challenges in biorefinery systems, while it suggests possible directions and goals for sustainable development in the years to come.Project (FQM-176) financed by the Junta de AndalucíaGlobal Challenges Research Fund from Swansea UniversityRoyal Society of Chemistry Enablement Grant (E21-7051491439

    Effect of mycoviruses on growth, spore germination and pathogenicity of the fungus Fusarium circinatum

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    Producción CientíficaAim of the study: To assess the impact on two mycoviruses recently described in F. circinatum mitovirus 1, and 2-2 (FcMV1 and FcMV2-2) on i) mycelial growth, ii) spore germination and iii) relative necrosis. Material and methods: Fourteen monosporic strains of F. circinatum (one of each pair infected with mycoviruses and the other without them) of the pathogen with and without viruses were selected for the assay. The statistical analysis, were a linear mixed model of analysis of variance considering one between-subjects factor (isolate) and one within-subjects factor with four levels (1=without viruses, 2=only virus FcMV1, 3=only virus FcMV2-2 and 4=both viruses). Main results: Colony growth rates of F. circinatum isolates were significantly reduced in presence of mycoviruses (p=0.002). The spore germination was also reduced in the F. circinatum isolates containing mycovirus as compared to mycovirus-free isolates (p<0.001). No significant differences in lesion lengths caused by F. circinatum were found in relation to the presence/absence of mycovirus (p<0.61). Research highlights: Reduction of the percentage of spore germination in the isolates of F. circinatum with mycovirus infections, as compared to free isolates, provides indications of reduction of metabolic activity and plant physiology are discussed. The lack of significant differences found in the length of the lesions caused by F. circinatum with respect to the presence/absence of mycovirus, indicates that further studies with a larger number of variables are required.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (projects AGL2012-39912 and AGL2015- 69370-R)European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST Action FP1406 PINESTRENGTH)Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (grant SFRH/BPD/122928/2016

    Effect of mycoviruses on the virulence of Fusarium circinatum and laccase activity

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    Producción CientíficaLaccase enzymes (benzenediol: oxygen oxidoreductase, EC play a major role in the degradation of phenolic compounds such as lignin. They are common in fungi and have been suggested to participate in host colonization by pathogenic fungi. Putative mycoviruses have recently been isolated from the causal agent of pine pitch canker disease, Fusarium circinatum Nirenberg & O'Donell. In this study, the effects of single and double mycoviral infections on laccase activity, growth rate and pathogenicity were investigated in fourteen F. circinatum strains. Extracellular laccase activity was analyzed by the Bavendamm test, image processing and a spectrophotometric method. Mycelial growth, in vivo pathogenicity and seedling survival probability were also determined in Monterrey pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) seedlings. The findings showed that (i) mycelial growth of isolates from the same fungal population was homogeneous, (ii) the presence of mycovirus appears to increase the virulence of fungal isolates, (iii) co-infection (with two mycoviruses) caused cryptic effects in fungal isolates, and (iv) laccases embody a possible auxiliary tool in fungal infection. The prospects for biocontrol, the adaptive role of F. circinatum mycoviruses and the importance of laccase enzymes in host colonization are discussed.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project AGL2012-39912

    Loss of pancreas upon activated Wnt signaling is concomitant with emergence of gastrointestinal identity

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    Organ formation is achieved through the complex interplay between signaling pathways and transcriptional cascades. The canonical Wnt signaling pathway plays multiple roles during embryonic development including patterning, proliferation and differentiation in distinct tissues. Previous studies have established the importance of this pathway at multiple stages of pancreas formation as well as in postnatal organ function and homeostasis. In mice, gain-of-function experiments have demonstrated that activation of the canonical Wnt pathway results in pancreatic hypoplasia, a phenomenon whose underlying mechanisms remains to be elucidated. Here, we show that ectopic activation of epithelial canonical Wnt signaling causes aberrant induction of gastric and intestinal markers both in the pancreatic epithelium and mesenchyme, leading to the development of gut-like features. Furthermore, we provide evidence that β -catenin-induced impairment of pancreas formation depends on Hedgehog signaling. Together, our data emphasize the developmental plasticity of pancreatic progenitors and further underscore the key role of precise regulation of signaling pathways to maintain appropriate organ boundaries

    Burnout : intervención aplicada a un entrenador durante la competición

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    Burnout surge como respuesta inadecuada al estrés generado por variables de índole familiar/social, deportivo y personal. Debido a su influencia en el ámbito deportivo, se ha investigado mucho sobre burnout, pero son escasos los trabajos que realicen un proceso de intervención con entrenadores. Asumiendo el paradigma de los sistemas dinámicos (el comportamiento final de un sistema, es resultado de la relación de interdependencia establecida entre los distintos elementos presentes), presentamos una intervención realizada con un entrenador de balonmano que presentaba síntomas de burnout. La intervención se realizó en el transcurso de la temporada (mientras se disputaba la competición) y tuvo como objetivo reducir la intensidad del burnout en el entrenador. Se aplicó durante 9 semanas y abordó los elementos del contexto deportivo que previamente, por medio de una entrevista semi-estructurada, se identificaron como estresores para el entrenador (estilo negativo de dirección y de interacción, altas demandas competitivas, excesivas demandas de energía y tiempo, monotonía del entrenamiento, sentimientos del deportista de estar apartado, no adaptación de las expectativas originales con los logros finales obtenidos). Utilizando la versión española del Athlete Burnout Questionnaire, se mide la intensidad del burnout en las tres dimensiones: agotamiento físico/emocional (AFE), reducida sensación de logro (RSL) y devaluación de la práctica deportiva (DPD), antes y después de la intervención.Burnout arises as an inadequate response to the stress generated by familiar / social, sports and personal variables. Due to its influence in sports, much research has been done on burnout, but there is no much work done on the benefits of coach intervention. Assuming the paradigm of dynamic systems (the final system's behavior is the result of interdependence established between elements), we present the results of an intervention performed with a handball coach who presented symptoms of burnout. The intervention was performed during the sport season and aimed to reduce the coach's intensity of burnout. It was applied during 9 weeks and addressed those element that previously and through a semi-structured interview, were identified as trainer stressors (negative style of management and interaction, high competitive demands, excessive energy and time demands, monotonous training, feelings of the athlete being separated, original expectations not matching the final achievements). Using the Spanish version of the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire, burnout intensity is measured by three dimensions: physical / emotional exhaustion (AFE), reduced sense of accomplishment (RSL) and depreciation of sports practice (DPD), before and after intervention. -Pretest: 3.4 in AFE, 4.0 in RSL and 4.0 in DPD. -Postest: 1.8 in AFE, 2.8 in RSL and 2.4 in DPD. The scores show a decrease in the intensity of burnout suffered by the coach

    Residential Environment and Health Conditions among Older-Adults in Community-Dwelling in Spain: What Influences Quality of Life?

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    The residential environment is considered the geographical space to which the population, especially older people, is most closely attached and where their daily life unfolds. Together with this, other personal and health and functioning conditions show their effect on satisfaction with life, as an indicator of quality of life in old age. In this context, the aim of this chapter was to understand the interrelationships of these quality of life variables and which of them are predictors of satisfaction with life in the older adult population living in family homes in Spain. The survey “Quality of life in older adults-Spain” (CadeViMa-Spain), conducted in 2008 among a representative sample of the population aged 60 or over (N=1,106 individuals), was used as the data source. The results showed a high level of satisfaction with life (69 out of 100), with 30% of its variance explained by a linear regression model, according to which overall life satisfaction is higher the larger the status of the household and satisfaction with living arrangements, the better one's health and the individual's perception of this, the lower the level of morbidity and depression and the higher the rating of the residential environment (in its three elements of housing, neighbourhood and neighbours). These results are of interest for the design and implementation of public policies concerning the adaptation of the residential environment to the circumstances and perceptions of its elderly residents, who live and want to age at home, in the environment where they have always lived with autonomy and independence.Peer reviewe

    La Cueva de Castañar y su centro de interpretación

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    Comunicación presentada en Cuevatur 2016: VI Congreso Español sobre Cuevas Turísticas, Nerja (Málaga), 2016.[ES] La Cueva de Castañar constituye una cavidad única tanto por la variedad de minerales y formas de sus espeleotemas, como por el tono rojizo de sus paredes. Estas dos características responden a las características de los materiales sobre los que se desarrolla la cueva. Son materiales correspondientes al Ediácarico (635-541 M.a.), que incluyen una amplia variedad de rocas (dolomías, magnesitas, pizarras y areniscas). Estos materiales, muy ricos en magnesio y sílice, son los que se disuelven y alteran para dar lugar a la formación de la cavidad y de sus espeleotemas. La alteración de las pizarras y areniscas, la disolución de las dolomías y magnesitas y la infiltración de arcillas desde el suelo dan lugar a la formación de un fino tapiz de color rojo intenso que se deposita sobre las paredes de la cueva, sobre el que muchas veces nuclean los espeleotemas. La disolución de las dolomías y magnesitas aporta mucho magnesio a las aguas que circulan por la cueva, lo cual favorece la formación no sólo de calcita (que es lo habitual), sino también de aragonito. Pero además la composición de las aguas no se ha mantenido constante, lo que ha favorecido que se produjeran muchas transformaciones entre los minerales ya formados. En definitiva, el amplio espectro mineralógico y las variadas transformaciones mineralógicas que se observan en la cueva, hacen de esta un laboratorio natural y por tanto una cavidad única, que se debe conocer, para así poderla conservar en las mejores condiciones posibles. Estas condiciones son las que hacen que el número de visitantes sea muy limitado, por ello el Centro de Interpretación inaugurado en 2010, cumple sobradamente la labor de dar a conocer los valores únicos de la Cueva de Castañar.[EN] Castañar Cave is a unique cavity due to the variety and morphology of the speleothems it contains, as well as to the red colour of their walls. These characteristics are due to the hostrocks in which it developed, Ediacaric (635-541 M.a) dolostones, magnesites and siliciclastic rocks. These materials very rich in Mg and silica, weather and dissolve to give place to the formation of the cavity and their speleothems. The weathering of the siliciclastic rocks, the dissolution of dolostones and magnesites and the infiltration of the clays from the overlying soil, allows the formation of a thin red (clays and Fe-oxides) layer that coats the cavity, and constitute the nucleation site for many speleothems. The dissolution of dolostones and magnesites supplies Mg to the cave waters enabling the formation not only of calcite, but also aragonite and dolomite (which are rarer in caves). In addition water cave composition has changed over time, allowing many transformations between the previously formed minerals. When relatively more dilute waters prevail aragonite transforms into calcite or even both can dissolve, forming the large pores visible in some speleothems. On the contrary Mg-rich minerals (huntite, dolomite and Mg-rich clays) form in more concentrated waters. In short, the wide mineralogical spectra and their transformations make this cave a unique cavity and a natural lab, whose detailed study will help to preserve it under the best possible conditions. This is why the number of visitors is very limited; however the renewed Centro de Interpretación shows in great detail the characteristics of the Castañar Cave.Este trabajo se incluye en los proyectos: “Estudio ambiental y geológico del Monumento Natural Cueva de Castañar”, financiado por fondos FEADER (contrato Gobierno de Extremadura y CSIC) y CGL2014-54818P del MINECO.Peer reviewe

    Short-term effects of spent coffee grounds on the physical properties of two Mediterranean agricultural soils

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    We investigated the short-term effects of spent coffee grounds on the physical properties of two Mediterranean agricultural soils (Calcisol and Luvisol). The in vitro assay was performed with two spent coffee grounds doses (60 and 240 Mg ha-1), two incubation times (30 and 60 days) and two modalities: with and without lettuce seedlings (Lactuca sativa var. longifolia). Spent coffee grounds addition increased water retention at -33 and -1500 kPa, and decreased bulk density and plant-available water content. With spent coffee grounds, the percentage of macroaggregates increased, the percentage of meso- and microaggregates decreased and the structural stability of all types of aggregates increased. The stereomicroscopy images showed that: the structural aggregates were rounded, the porosity increased by 316%, the structure was ordered into smaller aggregates, the incorporation of spent coffee grounds particles could occur in intraped cracks and spent coffee grounds particles could act as a binding agent. Scanning electron microscopy also showed that spent coffee grounds particles interacted with mineral particles and integrated into soil structure; moreover, fungal hyphae also developed on many spent coffee grounds particles. If spent coffee grounds effects are compared with those described in the literature for other organic amendments, the same trend was observed in most of the soil physical properties although with a different intensity, principally with regard to structural stability.This work was supported by project AGL2014-53895-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and by project CGL2016-80308-P from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (2015-2018)