876 research outputs found

    El impacto de la privatizaciĂłn del sector elĂ©ctrico en la salud pĂșblica

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    Este informe utiliza información a nivel provincial en Argentina para probar la relación casual entre la distribución de electricidad y la salud. Examina el impacto de la privatización en dos medidas: incidencia en los índices de nacimientos de bajo peso y mortalidad infantil causada por envenenamiento de comida. La privatizacion mejora la cobertura del servicio que, a través del uso de refrigeradoras puede mejorar la ración nutricional. La privatización también tiene por resultado la reducción en la frecuencia de interrupciones eléctricas, y así reducir la probabilidad del envenenamiento de la comida. A pesar que la evidencia indica que la privatización reduce el índice de nacimientos de bajo peso y mortalidad infantil causados por el envenenamiento de la comida, los resultados no son lo suficientemente fuertes para enriquecer el debate de políticasrespecto a los beneficios de la privatización para el bienestar de los pobres.

    Technical Change and Catching-up: The Electricity Distribution Sector in South America

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    The main purpose of this paper is to analyze technical change in the electricity distribution sector in South America, in the period 1994-1997. We do so by estimating a Maximum Likelihood stochastic frontier. We found that there is no evidence of catching up effects in the sector during this period. Besides, there is partial evidence that suggests that countries which reformed their electricity sector had a better performance than those which did not. We also found an increase in the capital share in the countries that made the reform and an increment in the labor share in the ones that did not make the reform.Technical change; Catching-Up; Stochastic frontier

    Reducing the Asymmetry of Information Through the comparison of the Relative Efficiency of Several Regional Monopolies

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    Following the process initiated by Chile in the early 1980s, most countries in South America have undergone deep transformations in their electric industries. In this new playing field, the comparison of the relative efficiency of several regional monopolies seems to be a potentially valuable tool to reduce the asymmetry of information that is involved in the regulator-firm relationship. However, to be useful in the regulatory process, productive frontier estimates require a broad set of comparable firms and detailed information about them. This availability of data, although a necessary condition, is far from sufficient. One must also count on adequate techniques. In this paper we carry out an efficiency analysis in the electricity distribution sector in South America using different techniques, stating the conditions under which they become a useful tool in crafting an efficient regulation of the firms in that sector. Despite the particular results found here, the paper underscores the importance of conducting a consistency analysis whenever using efficiency measures in applied regulation.electric industries; efficiency; regional monopolies; asymmetry of information

    The Cost of Capital in Regulated Firms: The Argentine Experience

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    The sustainability of service is one of the fundamental aims of any regulatory system, and this tends to be reflected in the general principles within the legal framework of each public service. The necessity to cover economic costs of service then follows, in order to cover costs in such a way as to guarantee the maintaining and continuity of the system as well as its expansion. These economic costs should necessarily include sufficient retribution for the capital used by investors: the cost of capital. In the case of Argentine regulation, it is usual practice to use an adapted form of the CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) to calculate the opportunity cost of equity, in such a way as to take the country risk into account. In this work we will analyse the components of the adapted formula for the cost of capital, discussing incentives which generate each of the possible outcomes for the regulated firms. Finally, we will present a model of dynamic optimisation for a regulated firm in a country such as Argentina.regulatory system; public service; CAPM; country risk

    Conscription and Crime: Evidence from the Argentine Draft Lottery

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    We estimate the causal effect of mandatory participation in the military service on the involvement in criminal activities. We exploit the random assignment of young men to military service in Argentina through a draft lottery to identify this causal effect. Using a unique set of administrative data that includes draft eligibility, participation in the military service, and criminal records, we find that participation in the military service increases the likelihood of developing a criminal record in adulthood. The effects are not only significant for the cohorts that performed military service during war times, but also for those that provided service at peace times. We also find that military service has detrimental effects on future performance in the labor market.Military Service, Violent behavior, Crime

    The Labor Market Return to an Attractive Face: Evidence from a Field Experiment

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    We provide new evidence on the link between beauty and hiring practices in the labor market. Specifically, we study if people with less attractive faces are less likely to be contacted after submitting a resume. Our empirical strategy is based on an experimental approach. We sent fictitious resumes with pictures of attractive and unattractive faces to real job openings in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We find that attractive people receive 36 percent more responses (callbacks) than unattractive people. Given the experimental design, this difference can be attributed to the exogenous manipulation of facial attractiveness of our fake job applicants.facial attractiveness, callback rates, labor market discrimination

    Teenage Risky Behavior And Parental Supervision: The Unintended Consequences Of Multiple Shifts School Systems

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/148251/1/ecin12759_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/148251/2/ecin12759.pd

    Culicidae, province of Misiones, northeastern Argentina

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    We present a preliminary list of the Culicidae species collected in seven localities at the province of Misiones, Argentina, since the mosquito fauna of this region is poorly known. Mosquito sampling was carried out during spring-summer, between August 2006 and January 2007, the months of highest abundance of these insects. Collection of specimens was made with a CDC-like trap (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) in peri-urban zones. Sixty-five species were identified. The geographic distribution of Anopheles darlingi, Uranotaenia davisi and Howardina fulvithorax is extended.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Prevalence and molecular epidemiology of bovine leukemia virus in Colombian cattle

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    Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is one of the five agents considered most significant for cattle. It is important to determine the prevalence and molecular epidemiology of BLV throughout the country in order to gain a more thorough understanding of the current situation of BLV and to reveal the possibility of masked genotypes that the primers used by OIE are unable to identify. Blood samples were collected at random from 289 cows distributed in 75 farms across the country. PCR amplification of env, gag and tax gene segments was performed. The obtained amplicons were sequenced and then subjected to phylogenetic analyses. A total of 62% of the cows present at 92% of the farms were BLV-positive for gag fragment. Genotype 1 was exclusively detected by env gene segment when analyzed using previously reported primers. However, tax gene analysis revealed circulation of genotype 6 variants, which were also detected based on env gene analysis with newly designed primers. These results indicate that current genotyping approaches based on partial env sequencing may bias BLV genetic variability approaches and underestimate the diversity of the detected BLV genotypes. This report is one of the first molecular and epidemiological studies of BLV conducted in Colombia, which contributes to the global epidemiology of the virus; it also highlights the substantial impact of BLV on the country's livestock and thus is a useful resource for farmers and government entities

    Pre-ALMA observations of GRBs in the mm/submm range

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    GRBs generate an afterglow emission that can be detected from radio to X-rays during days, or even weeks after the initial explosion. The peak of this emission crosses the mm/submm range during the first hours to days, making their study in this range crucial for constraining the models. Observations have been limited until now due to the low sensitivity of the observatories in this range. We present observations of 10 GRB afterglows obtained from APEX and SMA, as well as the first detection of a GRB with ALMA, and put them into context with all the observations that have been published until now in the spectral range that will be covered by ALMA. The catalogue of mm/submm observations collected here is the largest to date and is composed of 102 GRBs, of which 88 had afterglow observations, whereas the rest are host galaxy searches. With our programmes, we contributed with data of 11 GRBs and the discovery of 2 submm counterparts. In total, the full sample, including data from the literature, has 22 afterglow detections with redshift ranging from 0.168 to 8.2. GRBs have been detected in mm/submm wavelengths with peak luminosities spanning 2.5 orders of magnitude, the most luminous reaching 10^33erg s^-1 Hz^-1. We observe a correlation between the X-ray brightness at 0.5 days and the mm/submm peak brightness. Finally we give a rough estimate of the distribution of peak flux densities of GRB afterglows, based on the current mm/submm sample. Observations in the mm/submm bands have been shown to be crucial for our understanding of the physics of GRBs, but have until now been limited by the sensitivity of the observatories. With the start of the operations at ALMA, the sensitivity will be increased by more than an order of magnitude. Our estimates predict that, once completed, ALMA will detect up to 98% of the afterglows if observed during the passage of the peak synchrotron emission.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables (one big one!), Accepted for publication in A&A. Includes the first observation of a GRB afterglow with ALM
