1,047 research outputs found

    El aprendizaje de competencias en Química a través de la resolución de situaciones problemáticas abiertas

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    Este trabajo forma parte de una investigación más amplia y su objetivo es comprobar el cambio competencial producido en los alumnos cuando resuelven situaciones problemáticas abiertas mediante una Metodología de Resolución de Problemas como Investigación, MRPI. Este estudio se plantea dentro de la disciplina de Química y con alumnos de primer curso de Bachillerato de Ciencias. Las situaciones problemáticas abiertas forman parte de una Unidad Didáctica y permiten abordar los contenidos curriculares sobre reacciones químicas y medioambiente, dentro de un enfoque CTSA a partir de la energía de la Biomasa. Los resultados indican una mejoría estadísticamente significativa en las competencias desarrolladas por los alumnos mediante la MRPI

    Discovering Rehabilitation trends in Spain: A bibliometric analysis

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    The main purpose of this study is to offer an overview of the rehabilitation research area in Spain from 1970 to 2018 through a bibliometric analysis. Analysis of performance and a co-word science mapping analysis were conducted to highlight the topics covered. The software tool SciMAT was used to analyse the themes concerning their performance and impact measures. A total of 3,564 documents from the Web of Science were retrieved. Univ Deusto, Univ Rey Juan Carlos and Basque Foundation for Science are the institutions with highest relative priority. The most important research themes are IntellectualDisability, Neck-Pain and Pain

    La Millora de la formació inicial de mestres: el Programa de Millora i Innovació en la Formació de Mestres, MIF

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    Aquest article exposa les accions i els resultats assolits en els dos anys de funcionament del Programa de Millora i Innovació en la Formació de Mestres, impulsat pel Consell Interuniversitari de Catalunya. S'hi expliquen i s'hi valoren algunes de les mesures adoptades per millorar-ne el model, s'hi exposen altres actuacions liderades pel Programa i s'hi anuncien alguns dels reptes de futur per a la formació inicial de mestres.This paper presents the action taken and the results achieved in the Improvement and Innovation in Initial Teacher Education Program (MIF Program) since its creation two years ago. It briefly explains and evaluates some of the measures adopted to improve the system, presenting other actions spearheaded by the Program and announcing some challenges for the future in initial teacher education

    Regulation of Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase expression via the phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase/Akt pathway and nuclear factor-κB

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    11 pages, 9 figures.Aerobic cells adjust the expression of antioxidant enzymes to maintain reactive oxygen species within tolerable levels. In addition, phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI3K) and its downstream protein kinase effector Akt adapt cells to survive in the presence of oxidative stress. Here we provide evidence for an association between these two defense systems via transcriptional regulation of Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD). PC12 pheochromocytoma cells expressing active Akt1 exhibit lower ROS levels in response to hydrogen peroxide, as determined with the superoxide-sensitive probe hydroethidine. Transfection of constitutive or 4-hydroxytamoxifen-inducible versions of Akt1 results in higher messenger RNA and protein levels of Cu/Zn-SOD. Luciferase reporter constructs, carrying different length fragments of the human sod1 gene promoter, have identified a region between -552 and -355 that is targeted by PI3K and Akt and that contains a putative site of regulation by nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB). Nerve growth factor (NGF) and Akt augment the transactivating activity and produce higher nuclear levels of p65-NF-kappaB. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays indicate that the putative NF-kappaB regulatory sequence binds p65-NF-kappaB more efficiently in nuclear extracts from these cells. A dominant-negative mutant of IkappaBalpha further demonstrates that the PI3K/Akt axis targets the sod1 promoter at the level of the newly characterized NF-kappaB site. These results illustrate a new mechanism by which the PI3K/Akt pathway protects cells against oxidative stress, involving the upregulation of Cu/Zn-SOD gene expression, and the results identify NF-kappaB as a key mediator in the regulation of this gene.This work was supported by Grants SAF2001-0545 from Ministry of Science and Technology and 08.5/0048/2001 from Comunidad Autónoma of Madrid.Peer reviewe

    Characterization of goat colostrum oligosaccharides by nano-liquid chromatography on chip quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry and hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-quadrupole mass spectrometry

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    A detailed qualitative and quantitative characterization of goat colostrum oligosaccharides (GCO) has been carried out for the first time. Defatted and deproteinized colostrum samples, previously treated by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) to remove lactose, were analyzed by nanoflow liquid chromatography–quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry (Nano-LC-Chip–Q-TOF MS). Up to 78 oligosaccharides containing hexose, hexosamine, fucose, N-acetylneuraminic acid or Nglycolylneuraminic acid monomeric units were identified in the samples, some of them detected for the first time in goat colostra. As a second step, a hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (HILIC-MS) methodology was developed for the separation and quantitation of the main GCO, both acidic and neutral carbohydrates. Among other experimental chromatographic conditions, mobile phase additives and column temperature were evaluated in terms of retention time, resolution, peak width and symmetry of target carbohydrates. Narrow peaks (wh: 0.2–0.6 min) and good symmetry (As: 0.8–1.4) were obtained for GCO using an acetonitrile:water gradient with 0.1% ammonium hydroxide at 40 ◦C. These conditions were selected to quantify the main oligosaccharides in goat colostrum samples. Values ranging from 140 to 315 mg L−1 for neutral oligosaccharides and from 83 to 251 mg L−1 for acidic oligosaccharides were found. The combination of both techniques resulted to be useful to achieve a comprehensive characterization of GCO.This work has been funded by Junta de Andalucía (project AGR2011-7626), CSIC (project i-link0827), Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) and European funding from FEDER program (AVANSECAL-CM S2013/ABI-3028) and Fundación Ramón Areces. This work was also supported by the UC Davis RISE program and the National Institutes of Health awards R21AT006180, R01AT007079, R01AT008759-02.Peer reviewe

    Sarcomas de partes blandas. Análisis de 42 casos

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    El objetivo de este estudio es valorar el pronóstico a largo plazo de una serie de pacientes tratados en nuestro hospital en relación con diversos factores clínicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos que podrían condicionarlo. Se revisaron 123 pacientes tratado por tumores malignos de partes blandas entre los años 1979 y 1999, de estos solo 42 cumplieron las características para incluirles en nuestro estudio. Se valoró su evolución teniendo en cuenta las variables pronosticas identificadas en trabajos previamente publicados y nuestra propia experiencia y se realizó el estudio estadístico de las mismas. En el análisis estadístico del estudio se utilizó el programa SPSS versión 8.0WIN y se realizó el análisis de supervivencia mediante el método de Kaplan-Meier. El tiempo de supervivencia total descrito según este método para el total de los casos estudiados presenta una mediana de 33 meses con un error estándar de 8 y un intervalo de confianza del 95% de (17,49), el tiempo libre de enfermedad presenta una mediana de 9 meses con un error estándar de 2 y un intervalo de confianza del 95% de (6,12) y el tiempo de aparición de metástasis presenta una mediana de 26 meses con un error estándar de 5 y un intervalo de confianza del 95% de (17,35). A su vez se realizó el análisis bivariante de las múltiples variables pronosticas. El gran número de variables y la dispersión de la muestra hacen aconsejable estudios multicéntricos prospectivos más numerosos para obtener conclusiones definitivas sobre este tipo de tumores.The aim of this study is to evaluate the long-term prognosis of a series of patients treated in our hospital with regard to various clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic factors. A total of 123 patients who had been treated for malignant soft tissue tumours between 1979 and 1999 were reviewed. Of these, only 42 fulfilled the requirements to be included in our study. The outcome was evaluated taking into account prognostic variables identified in previously published studies and our own experience, and a statistical study of these factors as carried out with the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis method. The total survival time for all the cases studied was 33+8 (median + SE) months with a 95% confidence interval of 17.49 months. The time free of illness was 9+2 (median + SE) months with a 95% confidence interval of 6.12 months. The time-period until metastasis appeared was 26+5 (median + SE) months with a 95% confidence interval of 17.35 months. At the same time, the bivariant analysis of the many prognostic variables was performed. The high number of variables and the dispersion of the sample group suggest that it would be advisable to carry out more prospective, multicentric studies to reach definitive conclusions about this type of tumour

    La Cueva de Castañar y su centro de interpretación

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    Comunicación presentada en Cuevatur 2016: VI Congreso Español sobre Cuevas Turísticas, Nerja (Málaga), 2016.[ES] La Cueva de Castañar constituye una cavidad única tanto por la variedad de minerales y formas de sus espeleotemas, como por el tono rojizo de sus paredes. Estas dos características responden a las características de los materiales sobre los que se desarrolla la cueva. Son materiales correspondientes al Ediácarico (635-541 M.a.), que incluyen una amplia variedad de rocas (dolomías, magnesitas, pizarras y areniscas). Estos materiales, muy ricos en magnesio y sílice, son los que se disuelven y alteran para dar lugar a la formación de la cavidad y de sus espeleotemas. La alteración de las pizarras y areniscas, la disolución de las dolomías y magnesitas y la infiltración de arcillas desde el suelo dan lugar a la formación de un fino tapiz de color rojo intenso que se deposita sobre las paredes de la cueva, sobre el que muchas veces nuclean los espeleotemas. La disolución de las dolomías y magnesitas aporta mucho magnesio a las aguas que circulan por la cueva, lo cual favorece la formación no sólo de calcita (que es lo habitual), sino también de aragonito. Pero además la composición de las aguas no se ha mantenido constante, lo que ha favorecido que se produjeran muchas transformaciones entre los minerales ya formados. En definitiva, el amplio espectro mineralógico y las variadas transformaciones mineralógicas que se observan en la cueva, hacen de esta un laboratorio natural y por tanto una cavidad única, que se debe conocer, para así poderla conservar en las mejores condiciones posibles. Estas condiciones son las que hacen que el número de visitantes sea muy limitado, por ello el Centro de Interpretación inaugurado en 2010, cumple sobradamente la labor de dar a conocer los valores únicos de la Cueva de Castañar.[EN] Castañar Cave is a unique cavity due to the variety and morphology of the speleothems it contains, as well as to the red colour of their walls. These characteristics are due to the hostrocks in which it developed, Ediacaric (635-541 M.a) dolostones, magnesites and siliciclastic rocks. These materials very rich in Mg and silica, weather and dissolve to give place to the formation of the cavity and their speleothems. The weathering of the siliciclastic rocks, the dissolution of dolostones and magnesites and the infiltration of the clays from the overlying soil, allows the formation of a thin red (clays and Fe-oxides) layer that coats the cavity, and constitute the nucleation site for many speleothems. The dissolution of dolostones and magnesites supplies Mg to the cave waters enabling the formation not only of calcite, but also aragonite and dolomite (which are rarer in caves). In addition water cave composition has changed over time, allowing many transformations between the previously formed minerals. When relatively more dilute waters prevail aragonite transforms into calcite or even both can dissolve, forming the large pores visible in some speleothems. On the contrary Mg-rich minerals (huntite, dolomite and Mg-rich clays) form in more concentrated waters. In short, the wide mineralogical spectra and their transformations make this cave a unique cavity and a natural lab, whose detailed study will help to preserve it under the best possible conditions. This is why the number of visitors is very limited; however the renewed Centro de Interpretación shows in great detail the characteristics of the Castañar Cave.Este trabajo se incluye en los proyectos: “Estudio ambiental y geológico del Monumento Natural Cueva de Castañar”, financiado por fondos FEADER (contrato Gobierno de Extremadura y CSIC) y CGL2014-54818P del MINECO.Peer reviewe

    Role of breathing training programs on quality of life in chronic kidney disease patients

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    Background: Due to its chronic and progressive nature, chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects patients in many spheres including their perception of quality of life (QOL). Breathing training techniques have shown positive effects on health and QOL for different conditions. Objective: The aim of this study was to perform a scoping review to examine the characteristics related to the application of breathing training on patients with CKD, and to identify the relevant outcomes and target group for the application of breathing training. Methods: This scoping review was performed in accordance with PRISMA-SRc guidelines. We systematically searched three electronic databases for articles published before March 2022. The studies included patients with chronic kidney disease that received breathing training programs. The breathing training programs were compared to usual care or no treatment. Results: A total of four studies were included in this scoping review. The four studies had heterogeneous disease stages and breathing training programs. All the studies included reported positive effects of breathing training programs on QOL of CKD patients. Conclusion: The breathing training programs were able to improve the quality of life of patients with CKD undergoing hemodialysis treatment.Spanish Ministry of Education [grant number FPU: 20/0167