27 research outputs found

    Etika Jabatan dan Aparatur Sipil Negara dalam Prinsip-prinsip Good Governance

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    Taking the Mystical Ways toward Allah: Kyai Sholeh Darat Al-Samarani’s Perspective

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    For a servant, taking the mystical way to get closer to Allah is necessary to achieve perfection in this world and the hereafter. This study aims to reveal the mystical ways towards Allah from the perspective of Kyai Sholeh Darat, especially as elaborated in his book Minhāj al-Atqiyā' ilā Ma’rifati Hidāyat al-Adhkiyā' ilā ṬarÄ«qat al-Auliyā'. This study is qualitative-based research with a descriptive approach. The data were collected from library research. The data were then analysed using the Mile and Huberman analysis. The findings of this study reveal that 1) Kyai Sholeh Darat's book uses references from the Quran, hadith, and the trusted religious texts written by the taá¹£awwuf scholars; 2) the mystical way or sulÅ«k that a spiritual traveller (sālik) undergoes to get ma'rifatullāh must go through sharÄ«'a, á¹­arÄ«qa and ឥaqÄ«qa; and 3) the methods used by Kyai Sholeh Darat in his book are bayānÄ« and irfānÄ«. Contribution: This study affirms that suluk to Allah must go through three paths, namely sharÄ«'a, á¹­arÄ«qa and ឥaqÄ«qa. Those three paths cannot be split from one another as there have been movements in which these three aspects are considered separated. For example, to pursue ឥaqÄ«qa, the one only needs á¹­arÄ«qa without sharÄ«'a, etc.

    Penilaian Kondisi Jembatan dengan Metode Nysdot (Studi Kasus 3 Jembatan di Kota Kendari)

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    Bridge plays a vital role in supporting life activity. A lot of bridges are required due to many watercourses running from mountain that also requires a lot of amount in the budget. Neglecting such problem may lead to traffic disturbance and discomfort. The purpose of this research is to assess the bridge condition and its components, to compose the handling priority program and the bridge component priority. The research was located in Kendari of the Province of Sulawesi Tenggara. Located above Kendari Bay, a crowd economic area, Kendari has the important downtown access road. NYSDOT (New York State Department of Transportation) Method and completed with AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method were used to assess the bridge condition. The bridge component scoring was calculated using the AHP method. The calculated components were compiled using the matrix of paired-comparison by referring the importance value. The, bridge component scoring consisted of three categories: (a) first category: the structural component received direct traffic load (component distributing traffic load), which was given the first priority where the importance value was higher, (b). Second category: the structural component received indirect traffic load, (c). Third category: non structural component. Calculation method AHP for every bridge component was obtained through paired-comparison. Components with bad value were found in Pasar Baru Bridge, which was rated 3 for its extension component, paving surfaces, pavement and curb. The subsequent ones were the Tripping bridge, which was rated 4 for its extension joint component and Kadia bridge which was rated 5 on its main beam, abutment, deck and back wall. Both, NYSDOT and AHP methods resulted in same assessment figures. The proposed priority handlings in subsequent order for the three bridges were Pasar Baru Bridge, Kadia Bridge and Tripping Bridge. The condition indexes were 4,514 (Average), 5,722 (Good) and 6,083 (Very Good), respectively. The proposed handlings for Pasar Baru and Kadia bridge were rehabilitation and maintenance


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    Pengaruh Latihan Kombinasi Plyometric Menggunakan Karet Ban Dalam Terhadap Kecepatan Tendangan Sabit Pada Club Pencak Silat Persaudaraan Setia Hati Winongo Kampung Jaifuri Arso III Kabupaten Keerom. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh latihan kombinasi plyometric menggunakan karet ban dalam terhadap kecepatan tendangan sabit pada club Persaudaraan Setia Hati Winongo Kampung Jaifuri Arso III Kabupaten Keerom. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperiment dengan desain penelitian menggunakan rancangan One Group Pretest and Posttest Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh anggota pesilat Persaudaraan Setia Hati Winongo Kampung Jaifuri Arso III Kabupaten Keerom yang berjumlah 16 orang. Sampel yang digunakan adalah Sampling Jenuh. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini yaitu (1) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan latihan kombinasi plyometric menggunakan karet ban dalam terhadap kecepatan tendangan sabit pada Club Pencak Silat Persaudaraan Setia Hati Winongo Kampung Jaifuri Arso III Kabupaten Keerom dengan jumlah peningkatan 15%. (2) Nilai rata-rata dari tes awal (pretest) sebesar 18,69, sedangkan nilai rata-rata tes akhir (posttest) sebesar 21,50 dengan peningkatan 0, 15 atau 15%. (3) Hasil uji normalitas dinyatakan sig 0,895>0,05, sedangkan uji homogenitas dinyatakan nilai sig 0,267>0,05.  (4) Pengambilan data uji hipotesis dinyatakan dapat bahwa t hitung=3,991 dan t tabel =1,761, sedangkan nilai signifikan sebesar 0,01, oleh karena itu t hitung > t tabel dan nilai signifikan 0,01<0,05, maka hasil ini dinyatakan signifikan

    Evaluasi Kebijakan Reformasi Struktur Birokrasi Pemerintah Kecamatan (suatu Studi di Kecamatan Salibabu Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of strucral reform policies of thegovernment bureaucracy districts governed by the PP.No.19 of 2008 to realize the efficiency andeffectiveness of government administration districts,especially in Sub Salibabu Talaud Islands. The methodused is descriptive method-kualitatif. Imforman officials,namely : Head,the District Secretary,Head ofSection (4),Head of Sub Section (2). And plus resdents masyarakat (2). Date collection techniques used wereinterviews.Analysis date is done by a using qualitative analysis interacktive model of Miles and Hubernann.Based on the results of the study conclude : (1) Struktur Salibabu District government bureaucracy ( Theamount of organization and type of organizational units) are in accordance with the policy of reformbureaucratic structures Disrict government stipulated in article 32 PP.No. 41 Year 2007 and PP. No. 19 Year2008 on the district. (2) The structure of district Government Bureaucracy Salibabu meets the criteria ofeffectiveness and efficiency as a mandate PP.No.41 Year 2007,where the duties and functions ( TOR ) asdefined by the District Government can already be carried out by a unit/organization units (sections andsub-sections) which exists. (3) The structure of the Distict Government Bureaucracy Existing Salibabu iseffective enough to be able to realize the effectiveness and efficiency of the of District Government. Based onthe conclusions of the research results it is necessary to put forward suggestions : (1) structural reformpolicies of the Government Bureaucracy District such policy must be consistently in the structuring ofGovernment Bureaucracy District shoul be followed by reform of personnel resources ,and also by theprovision of adequate infrastructure tasks


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    Bridge plays a vital role in supporting life activity. A lot of bridges are required due to many watercourses running from mountain that also requires a lot of amount in the budget. Neglecting such problem may lead to traffic disturbance and discomfort. The purpose of this research is to assess the bridge condition and its components, to compose the handling priority program and the bridge component priority. The research was located in Kendari of the Province of Sulawesi Tenggara. Located above Kendari Bay, a crowd economic area, Kendari has the important downtown access road. NYSDOT (New York State Department of Transportation) Method and completed with AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method were used to assess the bridge condition. The bridge component scoring was calculated using the AHP method. The calculated components were compiled using the matrix of paired-comparison by referring the importance value. The, bridge component scoring consisted of three categories: (a) first category: the structural component received direct traffic load (component distributing traffic load), which was given the first priority where the importance value was higher, (b). Second category: the structural component received indirect traffic load, (c). Third category: non structural component. Calculation method AHP for every bridge component was obtained through paired-comparison. Components with bad value were found in Pasar Baru Bridge, which was rated 3 for its extension component, paving surfaces, pavement and curb. The subsequent ones were the Tripping bridge, which was rated 4 for its extension joint component and Kadia bridge which was rated 5 on its main beam, abutment, deck and back wall. Both, NYSDOT and AHP methods resulted in same assessment figures. The proposed priority handlings in subsequent order for the three bridges were Pasar Baru Bridge, Kadia Bridge and Tripping Bridge. The condition indexes were 4,514 (Average), 5,722 (Good) and 6,083 (Very Good), respectively. The proposed handlings for Pasar Baru and Kadia bridge were rehabilitation and maintenance


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    Leukorhea is a liquid secretion from the female genitals that is experienced by every woman who is physiological. Physiological leukorhea can be a pathological or abnormal condition that can be caused by various factors, namely bacteria, viruses, or fungi. This study aims to determine the relationship of knowledge and attitudes of teenage girl with prevention of pathological vaginal discharge in State 1ST High school, Takalar District, with a cross sectional methodeThe subjects of this study were all student of class X in state 1ST high school, Takalar District, as many as 63 respodents. The research design uses a Non ProbabilitySampling technique. The statistical analysisi used in this study was the chi-square statistic, with confidence interval α=0,05.The results showed that the significant value of knowledge ρ=0,000 (ρ<0,05) with a coefficient value (Phi = 0,810), attitude ρ=0,000 (ρ=0,725). So that it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the knowledge and attitudes of teenage girl with the prevention pf pathological vaginal discharge in State 1ST High School, Takalar District. Therefore, it its expected that teenage girl will read more about references to vaginal discharge to that the can open their horizons on how to prevent pathological vaginal discharge so that it does not affect them in the future


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    Pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi Quizizz&nbsp; Dengan Sinkronisasi Google Classroom Sebagai Media Evaluasi Pembelajaran dilakukan mengingat pelatihan yang didapatkan selama ini termasuk minim. Sementara di tengah kemajuan teknologi digital menuntut guru agar lebih inovatif dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran. Adapun pelaksanaan kegiatan ini menerapkan&nbsp; metode Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA). Dimana metode ini terbagi dalam 3 (tiga) tahapan, yakni persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan refleksi. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa : 1) Kegiatan pelatihan tersebut sangat dibutuhkan bagi seorang guru dan mahasiswa, karena kedepannya sistem pembelajaran sebagian besar menggunakan teknologi. 2) Para guru dapat mendapat ilmu baru cara mengevaluasi peserta didik dengan menggunakan aplikasi Quizizz yang menarik. 3) Para Guru dapat memberikan tugas kepada siswa melalui kelas online yaitu dalam bentuk google Classroom. 4) Dengan dengan adanya Aplikasi Quizizz Guru dapat melihat berapa persen soal dapat dikerjakan setiap peserta didik. Sebagai rekomendasi, pelatihan selanjutnya diharapkan menggunakan aplikasi offline, serta pelatihan selanjutnya diharapkan tidak menggunakan Handphone, karena belum semua siswa menggunakan HP di sekolah

    Implication of Mining Investment improvement as Effect of Increasing Government Expenditure in Development of Mineral Industry in Indonesia (2009-2016)

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    Increasing mining investment as an effect of government spending in the development of the mineral industry in Indonesia, aims to obtain mineral value added in the long run according to Law No. 4 of 2009 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining, can be realized with mineral industry clusters in a mining business area (WUP). The method used is Simultaneous Equation Model (SEM). The increase in mining investment has a significant effect on increasing mineral value added, which has positive implications for people's welfare which is manifested in the form of increasing contribution to the mining and quarrying business sector of the Regency GRDP, increasing employment opportunities and industrial CSR towards local communities. The increase in mineral reserves that have a significant effect on increasing mineral value added as an effect of government spending and mining investment has positive implications for the longer duration of mineral production and industrial activities in a mining business area (WUP), so that economic and social transformation can be realized well