1,417 research outputs found

    Seven new species of Druciatus Marshall (Diptera; Sphaeroceridae; Limosininae)

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    Druciatus nigritarsus new species is described from St. Vincent, Guyana, Ecuador and Peru, D. trisetus new species is described from Ecuador, Brazil and Guyana, D. dissidens and D. latisternus new species are described from Costa Rica, D. angustus new species is described from Mexico, D. campbelli new species is described from Guatemala, and D. petilus new species is described from Ecuador. A key is provided to the eight species in the genus Druciatus

    Prevalence of Geographic Tongue in Chilean Children between 7 and 10 Years of Age

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.RESUMEN: El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de lengua geográfica y evaluar su asociación con el estrés emocional, irritación crónica, lengua fisurada y tipo de establecimiento educacional, en niños de 7 a 10 años de edad en la ciudad de Viña del Mar, Chile. De un total de 27.234 escolares, cursando 2 a 5 año básico, pertenecientes a colegios de la ciudad de Viña del Mar, Chile, se examinaron 436 niños.Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal de alumnos provenientes de tres tipos de establecimientos educacionales diferentes: particular, particular con subvención del estado de Chile y municipalizado. Las variables estudiadas fueron edad, sexo y establecimiento educacional. Adicionalmente, en los alumnos con lengua geográfica y 23 alumnos sin este diagnóstico se evaluó la presencia de lengua fisurada, irritación lingual crónica y estrés emocional. Se determinó la prevalencia mediante el cálculo de una proporción, las variables discretas se analizaron mediante Chi-cuadrado de Pearson o la prueba de Fisher y para determinar medidas de asociación con lengua geográfica se realizó regresión logística binaria, considerándose significativo un p<0,05. De los 436 niños, 23 presentaron lengua geográfica, evidenciando una prevalencia de 5,28%, con un IC 95% de 3,37% a 7,81%. No se evidenciaron diferencias respecto al sexo, edad ni tipo de establecimiento educacional. No se determinaron factores asociados a lengua geográfica. La prevalencia de LG determinada es similar a otros estudios que abarcan la misma población de rangos etarios. Al igual que en otros estudios no se pudo demostrar que el estrés emocional, irritación crónica, lengua fisurada y tipo de establecimiento educacional constituyeron factores asociados a la presencia de lengua geográfica.ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of geographic tongue and evaluate its association with emotional stress, chronic irritation, fissured tongue and type of educational establishment, in children between 7 and 10 years of age, in the city of Viña del Mar, Chile. From a total of 27,234 students attending 2nd through 5th grade, we examined 436 children. A descriptive study of students was carried out from three different educational institutions: private, private with state funding and public schools. The variables studied were age, sex and the educational establishment the children attended. Additionally in the students with geographic tongue and in 23 students without this diagnosis, we evaluated the presence of fissured tongue, tongue irritation and chronic emotional stress. Prevalence was determined by calculating ratio, discrete variables were analyzed using Pearson Chi-square test or Fisher, and in order to determine association measures with geographic tongue, binary logistic regression was considered significant at p <0.05. Of the 436 children, 23 had geographic tongue, showing a prevalence of 5.28% with a 95% CI 3.37% to 7.81%. No differences regarding sex, age and type of educational establishment were found. No factors associated with geographic tongue were determined. The prevalence of the LG is similar to other studies covering the same age ranges. Furthermore, and as in other works, our study did not to show that emotional stress, chronic irritation, fissured tongue and the type of educational establishment constituted factors associated with the presence of geographic tongue.http://ref.scielo.org/y3rcd

    Addressing Challenges of Economic Evaluation in Precision Medicine Using Dynamic Simulation Modeling

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    Objectives: The objective of this article is to describe the unique challenges and present potential solutions and approaches for economic evaluations of precision medicine (PM) interventions using simulation modeling methods. Methods: Given the large and growing number of PM interventions and applications, methods are needed for economic evaluation of PM that can handle the complexity of cascading decisions and patient-specific heterogeneity reflected in the myriad testing and treatment pathways. Traditional approaches (eg, Markov models) have limitations, and other modeling techniques may be required to overcome these challenges. Dynamic simulation models, such as discrete event simulation and agent-based models, are used to design and develop mathematical representations of complex systems and intervention scenarios to evaluate the consequence of interventions over time from a systems perspective. Results: Some of the methodological challenges of modeling PM can be addressed using dynamic simulation models. For example, issues regarding companion diagnostics, combining and sequencing of tests, and diagnostic performance of tests can be addressed by capturing patient-specific pathways in the context of care delivery. Issues regarding patient heterogeneity can be addressed by using patient-level simulation models. Conclusion: The economic evaluation of PM interventions poses unique methodological challenges that might require new solutions. Simulation models are well suited for economic evaluation in PM because they enable patient-level analyses and can capture the dynamics of interventions in complex systems specific to the context of healthcare service delivery.</p

    The challenges of using biodata in promotional filmmaking

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    We present a study of how filmmakers collected and visualised physiological data---'biodata'---to construct a series of short promotional films depicting people undergoing 'thrilling' experiences. Drawing on ethnographic studies of two major advertising campaigns, we highlight key concerns for integrating sensors and sensor data into film production. Our findings address the perceived benefits of using biodata within narratives; the nature of different on-screen representations of biodata; and the challenges presented when integrating biodata into production processes. Drawing on this, we reconsider the nature of information visualisation in the filmmaking context. Further implications from our case studies provide recommendations for HCI collaborations with filmmaking and broadcast industries, focussing both on the practical matters of fitting sensor technologies into and handling data within production workflows, as well as discussing the broader implications for managing the veracity of that data within professional media production

    Enteric helminths promote Salmonella co-infection by altering the intestinal metabolome

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    Intestinal helminth infections occur pre dominantly in regions where exposure to enteric bacterial pathogens is also common. Helminth infections inhibit host immunity against microbial pathogens, which has largely been attributed to the induction of regulatory or type 2 (Th2) immune responses. Here we demonstrate an additional three-way interaction in which helminth infection alters the metabolic environment of the host intestine to enhance bacterial pathogenicity. We show that an ongoing helminth infection increased colonization by Salmonella independently of T regulatory or Th2 cells. Instead, helminth infection altered the metabolic profile of the intestine, which directly enhanced bacterial expression of Salmonella pathogenicity island 1 (SPI-1) genes and increased intracellular invasion. These data reveal a novel mechanism by which a helminth-modified metabolome promotes susceptibility to bacterial co-infection

    Cellular Models of Aggregation-Dependent Template-Directed Proteolysis to Characterize Tau Aggregation Inhibitors for Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease

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    Copyright © 2015, The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Acknowledgements-We thank Drs Timo Rager and Rolf Hilfiker (Solvias, Switzerland) for polymorph analyses.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A new Mississippian tetrapod from Fife, Scotland, and its environmental context

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    The Visean stage of the Mississippian was a time of rapid tetrapod diversification which marks the earliest appearance of temnospondyls, microsaurs and the limbless aïstopods. Tetrapod finds from this stage are very rare and only a dozen sites are known worldwide. Here we announce the discovery of a new Visean site in Fife, Scotland, of Asbian age, and from it describe a new species of the baphetoid Spathicephalus. These specimens represent the oldest known baphetoid by three million years, yet belong to the most specialized members of the clade. Unlike typical baphetoids with large marginal teeth and palatal fangs characteristic of early tetrapods, spathicephalids had very broad flattened heads with a dentition consisting of a large number of small, uniform teeth. Spathicephalids were probably one of the earliest tetrapod groups to use suction feeding on small, aquatic prey. Palynological and sedimentological analysis indicates that the new fossil bed was deposited in a large, stratified, freshwater lake that became increasingly saline