1,022 research outputs found

    Choice and control in a museal environment: a study with science teachers

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    This study aims to understand teachers’ strategies of planning students’ visits to science museums and how they intend to relate this visit to formal science teaching. The study was conducted with 21 teachers of Science, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, randomly identified among visitors to a science museum, who were accompanying their students. Interviews and written records of teachers about teachers strategies were analyzed using the textual discursive analysis revealed five levels of control (or choice) adopted by teachers for planning and tracking of students' visits to the museum. The results showed that most teachers surveyed use control elements, requesting notes for reports to be retrieved in school. The evaluation mechanisms planned by teachers after the visit showed an intention for preserving and contextualization of the museum experience in other contexts, like in school

    Vazio que é vazio, vazio que é procura. (Des)encontros. Procurar o (no) vazio no e pelo Rorschach (*)

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    No presente trabalho, as autoras propõem-se pensar as questões do vazio. Quais os mecanismos psíquicos de sujeitos face às perdas, as consequências da perda, as diferentes formas de poder ou não perder. A partir do mito de Deméter, e da sua procura, e tendo como ponto de partida a impossibilidade do ciclo partida antecipação vazia regresso, pela intolerância ao vazio, que é morte de sujeito e objecto, procuramos aferir que encontros permite este ciclo, e quais as qualidades desse mesmo encontro. Para que isso fosse possível, foi usado o Rorschach, pensando o processo resposta como um processo que provoca um sentimento de caos, de dispersão, de vazio de sentido. Como lidarão os sujeitos com estes sentimentos de vazio, com esta necessidade de criação e transformação? Que mecanismos serão usados face a um novo objecto que será apresentado, face à sua dispersão e face à necessidade de dar uma resposta, que dê sentido a este novo objecto? Dotando o Rorschach de novas dimensões de análise, específicas para este estudo, permitimo-nos observar caminhos percorridos no encontro com objectos, significar sujeitos que se mobilizam numa procura e pensar atentamente as diferentes formas dessa procura. ABSTRACT In this study, the authors propose to consider the issues of emptiness. What are the psychic mechanisms of individuals against losses, the consequences of loss, the different forms of subjects being able to lose objects. From the myth of Demeter, and its demand, and taking as its starting point the failure of the cycle departure empty anticipation return, by intolerance to the void that is death of subject and object, we pursue the meanings of this cycle, and what are the qualities of that meeting. To make this possible, we used the Rorschach, seeing the Rorschach response process as a process that causes a feeling of chaos, fragmentation. How will the subject deal with these feelings of emptiness, this need for creating and processing towards meaning? What mechanisms will be used, when facing this new object, considering its chaos? Providing the Rorschach with new dimensions of analysis, specific to this study, we will observe the different paths followed by subjects in the encounter with objects, toward a possible meaning

    Confiança organizacional: teste de um modelo

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    Apresentam-se os resultados da avaliação da validade do modelo de confiança organizacional de Mayer, Davis e Schoorman (1995), utilizando uma versão portuguesa desta escala com 903 pessoas. Os resultados iniciais mostram problemas com a escala de Confiança e com o próprio modelo teórico. É sugerida a necessidade de desenvolver estratégias diferentes para a medida da confiança organizacionalFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Associations between sleep quality and domains of quality of life in a non-clinical sample: results from higher education students

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    The association between sleep quality and quality of life (QoL) in clinical samples diagnosed with sleep disorders, mental disorders, or other medical conditions has been widely investigated. However, few studies focused on this relationship in samples of mostly young and healthy adults. This study analyzed the associations between sleep quality and several dimensions of QoL in higher education students and examined whether or not sleep quality would significantly predict QoL after statistically controlling for psychopathological symptoms

    Práticas Docentes Diferenciadoras em EaD: Integrando as Novas Tecnologias aos Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem

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    A proposta deste artigo científico é versar sobre a relevância das tecnologias educacionais integradas às práticas pedagógicas dos docentes quando de sua preparação para atuação em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. Para tanto, pautando-se em um estudo de caso envolto a pesquisa do tipo exploratória, apresentam-se os resultados coletados a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas com docentes atuantes na Gerência de Educação a Distância da Secretaria Executiva de Educação Profissional, estrutura ligada à Secretaria Estadual de Educação de Pernambuco. Como principais desdobramentos da pesquisa apontam-se a necessidade de ampliação quanto às formações ora ofertadas, abarcando o compartilhamento de propostas pedagógicas mediadas e enriquecidas pelos usos das tecnologias, além de as formações servirem para aproximar o sujeito docente à realidade da instituição em que atua, passando assim a existir convergências como atitudes e fazeres docentes intrínsecos aos profissionais.Palavras-chave: Educação profissional, Educação a distância, Formação de professores, Pernambuco, Tecnologias educacionais.Differential Teaching Practice in EaD: Integrating New Technologies to Virtual Learning EnvironmentsAbstractThe purpose of this scientific paper is to discuss the relevance of integrated educational technologies to teachers' pedagogical practices when preparing them for action in virtual learning environments. Therefore, based on a case study involving exploratory research, the results are collected from semi-structured interviews with teachers working in the Distance Education management of Secretaria Executiva de Educação Profissional. Such as the main developments of the research, there is a need to increase the number of qualification offered, including the sharing of pedagogical proposals mediated and enriched by the uses of technologies, besides the formations serve to bring the teaching subject closer to the reality of the institution work, there are convergences as teachers' attitudes and practices which are intrinsic to professionals.Keywords: Professional education, Distance education, Teacher training, Pernambuco State, Educational technologies.

    Miocardiopatia de Takotsubo e suas variáveis: uma revisão integrativa

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    In post-modern society, changes in people's lifestyle have triggered both professional and personal problems. In this context, encouraging the biopsychosocial look at the patient, there is a concern to research more about Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy. The objective of this research is to identify studies that address the factors that can trigger Takotsubo myocardiopathy. This is an integrative literature review. The evidence found through the retrieved articles indicates the association of CMT with stressors, this being the most likely variable, it is an underdiagnosed pathology because its findings are confused with Acute Coronary Syndrome. The results of the present study demonstrate the association of stressors with the development of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, clarifying possible relationships between them.Na sociedade pós-moderna, as mudanças no estilo de vida das pessoas desencadearam problemas tanto profissionais, quanto pessoais. Nesse contexto, incentivando o olhar biopsicossocial para o paciente, surge a inquietação de se pesquisar mais sobre a Cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo. O objetivo dessa pesquisa é identificar estudos que abordem os fatores que podem desencadear a mio cardiopatia de Takotsubo. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura.  As evidências encontradas através dos artigos recuperados indicam a associação da CMT com fatores estressores, sendo essa a variável mais provável, é uma patologia sub diagnosticada pois seus achados se confundem com a Síndrome Coronariana Aguda. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstram a associação dos fatores estressores com o desenvolvimento da Cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo esclarecendo possíveis relações entre eles

    Miocardiopatia de Takotsubo e suas variáveis: uma revisão integrativa

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    In post-modern society, changes in people's lifestyle have triggered both professional and personal problems. In this context, encouraging the biopsychosocial look at the patient, there is a concern to research more about Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy. The objective of this research is to identify studies that address the factors that can trigger Takotsubo myocardiopathy. This is an integrative literature review. The evidence found through the retrieved articles indicates the association of CMT with stressors, this being the most likely variable, it is an underdiagnosed pathology because its findings are confused with Acute Coronary Syndrome. The results of the present study demonstrate the association of stressors with the development of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, clarifying possible relationships between them.Na sociedade pós-moderna, as mudanças no estilo de vida das pessoas desencadearam problemas tanto profissionais, quanto pessoais. Nesse contexto, incentivando o olhar biopsicossocial para o paciente, surge a inquietação de se pesquisar mais sobre a Cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo. O objetivo dessa pesquisa é identificar estudos que abordem os fatores que podem desencadear a mio cardiopatia de Takotsubo. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura.  As evidências encontradas através dos artigos recuperados indicam a associação da CMT com fatores estressores, sendo essa a variável mais provável, é uma patologia sub diagnosticada pois seus achados se confundem com a Síndrome Coronariana Aguda. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstram a associação dos fatores estressores com o desenvolvimento da Cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo esclarecendo possíveis relações entre eles

    Promoting reminiscences with virtual reality headsets: A pilot study with people with dementia

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    This study aimed to explore the feasibility and effects of promoting reminiscences, using virtual reality (VR) headsets for viewing 360° videos with personal relevance, with people with dementia. A study with a mixed methods design was conducted with nine older adults diagnosed with dementia. Interventions consisted of four sessions, in which the participants’ engagement, psychological and behavioral symptoms, and simulation sickness symptoms were evaluated. Neuropsychiatric symptomatology and quality of life were measured pre- and post-intervention. Caregivers were interviewed regarding the effect of the approach. In most cases, participants appeared to enjoy the sessions, actively explored the 360° environment, and shared memories associated with the depicted locations, often spontaneously.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nafion/sulfonated poly(indene) polyelectrolyte membranes for fuel cell application

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    Sulfonated poly(indene) (SPInd), with 35% and 45% degree of sulfonation, was blended with Nafion to prepare blended membranes with 10, 15 and 20 wt.% of SPInd. Membranes were evaluated by infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Water uptake (WU), ion exchange capacity (IEC) and through-plane proton conductivity were measured. The membranes presented similar thermal stability to Nafion. WU was slightly higher for Nafion/SPInd membranes (19-21% at RT and 40-44% at 90 °C) compared with recast Nafion (16% and 34%, respectively), and IEC values showed a similar trend. Blended Nafion membranes had increased proton conductivity of 2.41 x 10-2 and 2.37 x 10-2 Scm-1 (20 wt. % of SPInd 35% and 45%, respectively), compared with 1.16 x 10-2 Scm-1 for recast Nafion. The results show that the addition of SPInd to Nafion is a potential route towards improving the performance of Nafion in proton conductivity for use in fuel cells devices

    Relationship between vitamin D deficiency and psychophysiological variables: a systematic review of the literature

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    Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a role not only in calcium homeostasis, but also in several other functions, including cell growth and immune functions, and is considered a neurosteroid. Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent worldwide and has been suggested to be associated with an increased risk of emotional disorders. Therefore, the association between vitamin D levels and psychophysiological disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and mood, has been investigated. To list these variables, a bibliographical literature research was conducted in the MEDLINE/PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Science Direct and PsycINFO databases, between November and December 2020, with no year limits of publication. The studies involved humans aged between 18 and 59 years without associated diseases. This review presents evidence of the main variables involved in this association, main tools used to verify these variables, and methods used to verify circulating vitamin D levels in populations. Most studies have indicated that the main psychophysiological variables involved with vitamin D levels are depression and anxiety followed by mood, and an association has been observed between increased serum vitamin D levels and reduction in symptoms of depression, anxiety, and mood, and there is a heterogeneity of methods for assessing vitamin D. More studies are clearly needed to improve our understanding of their role in modulating the psychophysiological aspects of vitamin D levels