127 research outputs found

    Contribuição para o estudo da remoção de Selénio em águas residuais

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    O selénio é um elemento essencial numa reduzida faixa de concentrações e que pode originar efeitos adversos nos seres vivos, quer por se apresentar em excesso ou, inversamente, em caso de deficiência. A especiação do selénio é complexa, podendo encontrar-se na natureza sob vários estados de oxidação, o que dificulta a sua remoção dos efluentes. A presente Dissertação incluiu a revisão do estado da arte dos processos e tecnologias que removem selénio de águas residuais e, também a forma de limitar a sua presença nas lamas. A estação de tratamento de águas residuais (ETAR) de Ribeira dos Moinhos, Sines, foi utilizada como caso de estudo, tendo-se procurado avaliar qual ou quais as soluções que melhor permitirão fazer face à presença de selénio nas lamas da ETAR. Apesar de não ter sido identificada nenhuma tecnologia que permita a resolução do problema, foram definidas várias hipóteses. Por um lado, a solução pode envolver a utilização de uma tecnologia no pré-tratamento do efluente da Petrogal, como o ZVI, com o objectivo de limitar as interferências de outros compostos que estejam presentes nas águas residuais mais a jusante. Por outro lado, a aplicação de hidróxido ferroso às lamas mistas criando condições redutoras e a estabilização de lamas com cal viva poderão permitir a fixação do selénio à fase sólida, reduzindo o selénio no eluato das lamas

    Evaluation of a low-cost COTS bio radar for vital signs monitoring

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    With the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a need for the Health Care Workers (HCW) to pay more attention to the vital signs of their patients. One way for this to happen, while respecting the social distance, is using contactless technologies, e.g. the bio radar. This way, the HCW will be able to monitor the respiration and heart rates of the patient, without getting close to him. For this to be possible, the best radar configurations were studied, as well as other important aspects that should be taken into consideration while monitoring a patient, for the results obtained to be reliable.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Climatic adaptation of bovine subspecies monitored by seminal characteristics during winter months in tropical region / Adaptação climática das subespécies bovinas monitoradas pelas características seminais durante meses de inverno em região tropical

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate parameters indicative of sperm quality (motility, vigor, and morphology) during the winter months in South-Mato Grosso, from Bos taurus and Bos indicus bulls, to analyze the climate influences in seminal changes. The ejaculate collects were performed on alternate days, using an artificial vagina, at a central for semen collection and bovine reproduction in the Midwest region from Brazil. In total, 122 ejaculates were evaluated, from 10 bulls, six Bos indicus and four Bos taurus. The ejaculates were submitted to evaluation of motility and vigor in phase contrast microscopy, and the sperm morphology was analyzed in a humid chamber. Samples of semen that presented 60% of motility and score 3 in vigor analysis were selected for freezing. After thawing, the motility and vigor were again evaluated. The statistical analysis was performed using a generalized linear mixed model (GLIMMIX) (P ≤ 0.05). Fresh (P = 0.016) and post-thawing vigor (P = 0.014), as well as the proportion of minor defects were influenced by the climate (P = 0.001) over the months. Among the subspecies (indicus x taurus), differences were observed only for minor morphological defects (3.27% indicus x 2.6% taurus; P = 0.009). It was concluded that, independent of the subspecies, freezing decreases the seminal parameters evaluated. In addition, indicus animals presented a lower proportion of minor defects, and taurine bulls seemed to be better adapted to the winter, although the climate did not generate significant alterations in ejaculate quality


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    Objetivou-se estudar a arborização urbana no Município de Três Rios-RJ e analisar a percepção da população sobre os benefícios e malefícios da presença das árvores no meio urbano. Foi realizado o levantamento da arborização nos bairros Centro e Vila Isabel. Para avaliar a percepção da população sobre a arborização urbana, foram aplicados 100 questionários aos moradores de cada bairro. Foram encontradas 139 plantas no Centro (0,61 árvores/ 10 m de calçada), pertencentes a 25 espécies. Na Vila Isabel foram encontradas 9 árvores (0,05 árvores/ 10 m de calçada), pertencentes a 7 espécies. A porcentagem de árvores em conflito com a rede aérea foi de 69,32% e a porcentagem de árvores causando danos às calçadas foi de 62,00%. Dentre as espécies amostradas, as mais promissoras para uso na arborização urbana, buscando minimizar os danos a calçadas e à rede aérea de transmissão de energia elétrica e telefonia, são Bauhinia aff. purpurea L., Cassia fistula L., Nerium oleander L. e Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch. O Centro é mais arborizado que a Vila Isabel, o que se reflete na avaliação realizada pelos moradores dos dois bairros. Os moradores do Centro se mostraram mais satisfeitos com a arborização do seu bairro que os moradores da Vila Isabel

    Relação entre saúde bucal e as variáveis socioeconômicas em escolares de 12 anos de idade da cidade de Manaus-AM

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    Studies have shown that the age of 12 was determined as the age of global monitoring of caries for international comparisons and monitoring of disease trends. The aimed was to evaluate the prevalence of dental caries, fluorosis and periodontal condition and their relation with socioeconomic factors among schoolchildren aged twelve in the city of Manaus, AM. This study with a probabilistic sample of 661 children was conducted, 609 from public and 52 from private schools, in 2008. Dental caries, periodontal condition and dental fluorosis were evaluated. In order to obtain the socioeconomic classification of each child (high, upper middle, middle, lower middle, low and lower low socioeconomic classes), the guardians were given a questionnaire. The mean decayed teeth, missing teeth, and filled teeth (DMFT) found at age twelve was 1.89. It was observed that the presence of dental calculus was the most severe periodontal condition detected in 39.48%. In relation to dental fluorosis, there was a low prevalence in the children examined, i.e., the more pronounced lines of opacity only occasionally merge, forming small white areas. The study showed a significant association of 5% among social class with dental caries and periodontal condition. In schoolchildren of Manaus there are low mean of DMFT and fluorosis, but a high occurrence of gingival bleeding443321328FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DO AMAZONAS - FAPEAM003/2008Estudos têm demonstrado que a idade de 12 anos foi determinada como a idade de monitoramento global da cárie para comparações e monitoramento das tendências das doenças internacionais. O objetivo foi avaliar a prevalência da cárie, fluorose e condição periodontal e sua relação com os fatores socioeconômicos em escolares de doze anos de idade da cidade de Manaus, AM. Estudo contando com uma amostra probabilística de 661 crianças, 609 provenientes das escolas públicas e 52 das privadas, em 2008. Cárie dentária, condição periodontal e fluorose dentária foram avaliadas. Com o objetivo de se obter a classificação socioeconômica de cada criança (alta, média superior, média, média inferior, baixa e baixa inferior classe socioeconômica), foi encaminhado aos responsáveis um questionário. A média dos dentes cariados, perdidos e obturados (CPO-D) aos doze anos de idade foi 1,89. Observou-se que a presença de cálculo dental foi a condição periodontal mais grave detectada em 39,48%. Em relação à fluorose dentária, observou-se uma baixa prevalência nas crianças examinadas, ou seja, as linhas mais pronunciadas de opacidade ocasionalmente se fundem, formando pequenas áreas nebulosas. O estudo mostrou uma associação significativa de 5% entre a classe social com a cárie dentária e condição periodontal. Em escolares de Manaus há uma baixa média de CPO-D de cárie e fluorose, mas uma alta ocorrência de sangramento gengiva

    Work accidents and self-esteem of nursing professional in hospital settings

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    Objective: to analyze the occurrence of work accidents and the self-esteem of nurses in hospitals of a municipality of Minas Gerais. Method: descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional study developed with 393 nursing professionals from three hospitals of a municipality in southern Minas Gerais. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and a questionnaire to characterize the population and work accidents were used for data collection. Data analysis was performed using Person's chi-squared test, Fisher's exact test, Cronbach's alpha, odds ratio and logistic regression. Results: of the professionals studied, 15% had suffered an accident at work and 70.2% presented high self-esteem. Through the analysis, it was observed that smoking, religious belief and an outstanding event in the career were significantly associated with work accidents. In relation to self-esteem, family income, length of time working in the profession and an outstanding event in the career presented significant associations. Conclusion: factors such as smoking, religious belief, family income, length of time working in the profession and an outstanding event in the career can cause professionals to have accidents and/or cause changes in self-esteem, which can compromise their physical and mental health and their quality of life and work.Objetivo: analisar a ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho e a autoestima de profissionais de enfermagem em ambientes hospitalares de um município de Minas Gerais. Método: estudo descritivo-analítico e transversal, desenvolvido com 393 profissionais de enfermagem de três hospitais de um Município do sul de Minas Gerais. Para coleta de dados utilizou-se a Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg e um questionário de caracterização da população e de acidente de trabalho. Para análise dos dados foram utilizados os testes Qui-quadrado de Person, Exato de Fisher, Alfa de Cronbach, odds ratio e regressão logística. Resultados: dos profissionais pesquisados, 15% sofreram acidente de trabalho e 70,2% possuía autoestima alta. Por meio das análises, observou-se que o tabagismo, a crença religiosa e o evento marcante na carreira apresentaram associação significativa com acidente de trabalho. Em relação a autoestima, a renda familiar mensal, o tempo de atuação na profissão e o evento marcante na carreira tiveram associação significativa. Conclusão: fatores como tabagismo, crença religiosa, renda familiar, tempo de atuação na profissão e evento marcante na carreira podem conduzir o profissional ao acidente e/ou provocar alterações na autoestima, podendo comprometer a sua saúde física e mental e sua qualidade de vida e trabalho.Resumo Objetivo: analizar la ocurrencia de accidentes de trabajo y la autoestima de profesionales de enfermería en ambientes hospitalarios en un municipio de Minas Gerais. Método: estudio descriptivo, analítico y transversal, desarrollado con 393 profesionales de enfermería de tres hospitales de un Municipio del sur de Minas Gerais. Para recolección de datos se utilizó la Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg y un cuestionario de caracterización de la población y de accidente de trabajo. Para analizar los datos fueron utilizadas las pruebas de Person, Exacta de Fisher, Alfa de Cronbach, odds ratio y regresión logística. Resultados: de los profesionales investigados, 15% sufrieron accidente de trabajo y 70,2% poseía autoestima alta. Por medio del análisis, se observó que el tabaquismo, la creencia religiosa y el evento excepcional en la carrera presentaron asociación significativa con accidente de trabajo. En relación a la autoestima, la renta familiar mensual, el tiempo de actuación en la profesión y el evento excepcional en la carrera, tuvieron asociación significativa. Conclusión: factores como tabaquismo, creencia religiosa, renta familiar, tiempo de actuación en la profesión y evento excepcional en la carrera, pueden ocasionarle al profesional un accidente y/o provocar alteraciones en la autoestima, lo que puede comprometer su salud física y mental y su calidad de vida y trabajo

    The effect of bevacizumab, 5-fluorouracil, and triamcinolone on the healing modulation of surgical wounds in rats

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    In this study, we aimed to analyze the effect of 5-fluorouracil, triamcinolone, and bevacizumab on scar modulation in an experimental rat model of surgical lesions. Rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) were divided into four groups: bevacizumab, 5-fluorouracil + triamcinolone, bevacizumab + 5-fluorouracil + triamcinolone, and control (received no medication) groups. A linear, dorsal incision was created and sutured for the first intention wound healing, mimicking the surgical incision of upper blepharoplasty. Treatments were initiated on day 7, and the rats were euthanized on day 14. Only in the 5-fluorouracil + triamcinolone group was there a difference in the number of infiltrated monocytes. There was 56%, 86%, and 85% decrease in the number of neovessels in the bevacizumab, 5fluorouracil + triamcinolone, and bevacizumab + 5fluorouracil + triamcinolone groups, respectively, compared with the control. Picrosirius red staining showed higher collagen density and more organized collagen in the treatment groups than in the control group. Scar modulation was observed in all groups, but the 5-fluorouracil + triamcinolone group presented the best results. To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the influence of three medications in combination on healing. When used together, these medications can prevent the development of unsightly scars, and are therefore promising alternatives to corticosteroids

    Evaluation of push and pull communication models on a VANET with virtual traffic lights

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    It is expected in a near future that safety applications based on vehicle-to-everything communications will be a common reality in the traffic roads. This technology will contribute to improve the safety of vulnerable road users, for example, with the use of virtual traffic light systems (VTLS) in the intersections. This work implements and evaluates a VTLS conceived to help the pedestrians pass safely the intersections without real traffic lights. The simulated VTLS scenario used two distinct communication paradigms—the pull and push communication models. The pull model was implemented in named data networking (NDN), because NDN uses natively a pull-based communication model, where consumers send requests to pull the contents from the provider. A distinct approach is followed by the push-based model, where consumers subscribe previously the information, and then the producers distribute the available information to those consumers. Comparing the performance of the push and pull models on a VANET with VTLS, it is observed that the push mode presents lower packet loss and generates fewer packets, and consequently occupies less bandwidth, than the pull mode. In fact, for the considered metrics, the VTLS implemented with the pull mode presents no advantage when compared with the push mode.This work has been supported by national funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2020 and by the European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) [Project nº 039334; Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039334]

    A new approach on communications architectures for intelligent transportation systems

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    A Vehicular Adhoc Network (VANET) is a generic communications conceptualization that can be applied to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and its main goal is to allow exchange of information between moving vehicles, fixed infrastructures, pedestrians with personal devices, and all other electronic devices able to connect to a VANET environment. Information exchange between different stakeholders brings a relevant potential to the development of applications to help users in different areas such as traffic safety and efficiency, infotainment and personal comfort. However, due to the expected heterogeneity (different processing power and storage capabilities, communications technologies and mobility patterns) and large scale on the number of devices involved, application interoperability in VANET contexts can be a challenging problem. Non-agnostic standard communications architectures for ITS systems have some deploying limitations and lack important specific implementation details. This paper presents an agnostic VANET architecture (it permits the use of several communication technologies in an open and modular framework), which is an adaption of present standards approach, to be deployed on ITS systems as a mean to overcome their main limitations. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.This work has been sponsored by the Portugal Incentive System for Research and Technological Development. Project in co-promotion no 002797/2015 (INNOVCAR 2015-2018), and also by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013