208 research outputs found

    Behaviour of piozoelectric devices embedded in bone cement

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    Bone cements based on polymethacrylate (PMMA) are essential products in joint arthroplasty. PMMA bone cement function is to locate the implants components in the body skeleton, load transition through the joint into the bone and muscle surrounding for a very for a very long period of time. Its mechanical properties are well established in the literature. Since bone cement fills the void between the prosthesis (polymer or metallic) and bone, it is subjected to high stress and has to operate in a relatively aggressive environment, like human body. Therefore, based on surrounding environment PMMA bone cements application, this material has specific mechanical properties that enhance a good performance in this condition. These stresses are mainly measured indirectly with non-invasive methods. In-situ measurements would be more interesting to really understand and quantify these stresses. Piezoelectric devices are an interesting way to measure forces in difficult accessibility environment, since they are self-power, i. e., they are able to generate an electric signal by converting mechanical energy into electrics with no need for power supply. When embedded in bone cement one expects to be able to analyze the health structure in real-time. Positioning of the sensing device is a critical factor worthy of a thorough study in order to understand its behavior to surroundings

    Biomechanics of biomaterials used in soft tissue regenerative

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    Biodegradable polymers have been used in implantable medical devices, such as suture fibers, fixation screws and soft tissue engineering devices. Apart from biological compatibility, these devices shall also be functional compatible and perform adequate mechanical temporary support during the healing process. In regenerative medicine, the scaffold that will provide this temporary support should simultaneously enhance cellular adhesion, proliferation and remodeling of new tissue. In soft tissue applications, biodegradable polymers are the materials of election. These materials undergo through a process of degradation, mainly controlled by hydrolysis, leading to a reduction of molecular weight, followed by reduction of strength and finally a reduction of mass until it is totally absorbed and assimilated by the host. Fatigue/creep damage also contribute to the progressive decrease of mechanical properties. Meanwhile, cells cultured over the scaffold will produce the new tissue that will gradually replace the material biomechanical functions.Os polímeros biodegradáveis têm sido utilizados em dispositivos médicos implantáveis, como fios de sutura, parafusos e dispositivos para engenharia de tecidos moles. Além da compatibilidade biológica, tais dispositivos devem apresentar compatibilidade funcional e desempenhar funções temporárias de suporte mecânico durante o processo de cura. Em medicina regenerativa, este suporte temporário deve favorecer a adesão celular, a sua proliferação e a remodelação de novo tecido. Em engenharia de tecidos moles os polímeros biodegradáveis são os materiais de eleição. Estes materiais sofrem um processo de degradação, controlado sobretudo hidrólise, e que resulta numa redução do peso molecular, seguida de uma redução da resistência mecânica e finalmente uma redução da massa até a completa absorção e assimilação pelo organismo. O dano por fadiga/fluência também contribui para a progressiva diminuição das propriedades mecânicas. Entretanto, as células cultivadas sobre o suporte vão produzir o novo tecido que vai gradualmente substituir as funções biomecânicas do material.Peer ReviewedAward-winnin

    The role of acetylcholinesterase in Alzheimer’s disease: Enzymatic inhibition studies

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia and causes a progressive and irreversible neurodegeneration. It is related with loss of cholinergic function, which affects memory, learning and behavior [1]. Neurophathologically, AD is characterized by the presence of beta-amyloid plaques (A ) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) [2] and consequent degeneration of the basal forebrain cholinergic neurons [3]. The loss of cholinergic neurons leads to the progressive reduction of acetylcholine (ACh) in the brain and resulting cognitive impairment in AD [3]. As such, the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) has been one of the prime targets in search for a treatment for AD, which uses reversible inhibitors of AChE, in order to increase levels of acetylcholine (ACh) in the brain [4]. In the present study a small library of quinolinone and indole derivatives was screened for their eeAChE inhibitory activity using the Ellman method

    Immunohistochemical Expression of FXR1 in Canine Normal Tissues and Melanomas

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    Fragile X mental retardation-related protein 1 (FXR1) is a cytoplasmic RNA-binding protein highly conserved among vertebrates. It has been studied for its role in muscle development, inflammation, and tumorigenesis, being related, for example, to metastasizing behavior in human and canine uveal melanoma. Anti-FXR1 antibodies have never been validated in the canine species. To investigate FXR1 expression in canine melanocytic tumors, the present study tested two commercially available polyclonal anti-human FXR1 antibodies, raised in goat and rabbit, respectively. The cross-reactivity of the anti-FXR1 antibodies was assessed by Western blot analysis, and the protein was localized by IHC in a set of normal canine tissues and in canine melanocytic tumors (10 uveal and 10 oral). Western blot results demonstrated that the antibody raised in rabbit specifically recognized the canine FXR1, while the antibody raised in goat did not cross-react with this canine protein. FXR1 protein was immunodetected using rabbit anti-FXR1 antibody, in canine normal tissues with different levels of intensity and distribution. It was also detected in 10/10 uveal and 9/10 oral melanocytic tumors. The present study validated for the first time the use of anti-FXR1 antibody in dogs and highlighted different FXR1 protein expression in canine melanocytic tumors, the significance of which is undergoing further investigations

    Widespread extrahepatic expression of acute-phase proteins in healthy chicken (Gallus gallus) tissues

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    Acute phase proteins (APP) are plasma proteins that can modify their expression in response to inflammation caused by tissue injury, infections, immunological disorders or stress. Although APP are produced mainly in liver, extrahepatic production has also been described. As a prerequisite to get insight the expression of APP in chicken during diseases, this study investigated the presence of five APP, including alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), Serum Amyloid A (SAA), PIT54, C-Reactive protein (CRP) and Ovotransferrin (OVT) in twenty tissues collected from healthy chicken (Gallus gallus) by quantitative Real Time PCR and immunohistochemistry. As expected, APP gene abundance was higher in liver compared with other tissues. The mRNA coding for CRP, OVT and SAA was detected in all analyzed tissues with a higher expression in gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and lymphatic samples. SAA expression was particularly high in cecal tonsil, lung, spleen and Meckel's diverticulum, whereas OVT in lung, bursa of Fabricius and pancreas. AGP and PIT54 mRNA expression were detected in all tissues but at negligible levels. Immunohistochemical expression of AGP and OVT was variably detected in different organs, being identified in endothelium of every tissue. Positive cells were present in the epithelium of the mucosal layer of gastrointestinal tract and kidney. Lung and central nervous system stained for both proteins. No positive staining was detected in lymphoid tissues and muscle. These results suggest that most tissues can express different amount of APP even in healthy conditions and are therefore capable to mount a local acute phase reaction

    Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Rubber Composite Shells

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    A finite-element solution for rubber composite shells is presented. Sandwich laminates with a rubber core have also been studied. Incompressibility of a rubber matrix and complexity of composite shells bring forth the need for a sound numerical model to describe the behavior of such engineering materials. The developed model was applied to a degenerate shell element within the limits of the first- and thirdorder shear deformation theories. The model allows to predict with a sufficient accuracy the nonlinear behavior of sandwich shells with composite skins and rubber cores and composite shells with a rubber matrix.Представлено конечноэлементное решение для композитных оболочек с каучуковой матрицей. Рассматриваются также многослойные конструкции с каучуковой основой. Для учета несжимаемости каучуковой матрицы и неоднородности структуры многослойных оболочек необходимо разработать на основе численных методов хорошо обоснованную модель, описывающую поведение указанных строительных материалов. Предложенная модель применялась авторами к вырожденному элементу оболочки в рамках деформационных теорий сдвига первого и третьего порядка. Модель позволяет достаточно точно прогнозировать нелинейное поведение многослойных оболочек с тонкими прослойками из композитного материала и слоями каучука, а также композитных оболочек с каучуковой матрицей.Наведено скінченноелементннй розв’язок для композитних оболонок із каучуковою матрицею. Розглядаються також багатошарові конструкції з каучуковою основою. Для урахування нестисливості каучукової матриці і неоднорідності структури багатошарових оболонок необхідно розробити на основі числових методів добре обгрунтовану модель, що дозволить описати поведінку указаних будівельних матеріалів. Запропонована модель застосовувалась авторами до виродженого елемента оболонки в рамках деформаційних теорій зсуву першого і третього порядку. Модель дозволяє достатньо точно прогнозувати нелінійну поведінку багатошарових оболонок із тонкими прошарками з композитного матеріалу і шарами каучука, а також композитних оболонок із каучуковою матрицею

    Corpo, maturação biológica e actividade física: um olhar interactivo em crianças e jovens madeirenses

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    Cada vez mais a sociedade moderna é olhada através da sua condição física, enquanto factor de bem-estar, saúde, qualidade de vida e longevidade dos seus membros. Os indicadores demográficos actuais da população madeirense apontam no sentido de uma considerável componente juvenil, adolescente e jovem. No entanto, a evolução demográfica prevista, decorrente de um acentuado decréscimo da natalidade, leva a prever um comportamento diverso da pirâmide de idades, assumindo particular ênfase as questões relacionadas com o estudo e a investigação do corpo, a procura de padrões, a descrição normativa, a interpretação das mudanças e o espaço morfológico externo, que se vem enquadrar no território de investigação reservado à somatotipologia

    Short communication : Circulating extracellular miR-22, miR-155, and miR-365 as candidate biomarkers to assess transport-related stress in turkeys

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    MicroRNA (miRNA) have been identified in circulating blood and might have the potential to be used as biomarkers for several pathophysiological conditions. To identify miRNA that are altered following stress events, turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) were subjected to 2 h of road transportation. The expression levels of five circulating miRNA, namely miR-22, miR-155-5p, miR-181a-3p, miR-204 and miR-365-3p, were detected and assessed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction using TaqMan\uae probes, as potential biomarkers of stress. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves were then used to evaluate the diagnostic performance of miRNA. A panel of three stress-responsive miRNA, miR-22, miR-155 and miR-365 were identified; their expression levels were significantly higher after road transportation and the area under the curve (AUC) were 0.763, 0.71 and 0.704, respectively. Combining the three miRNA a specificity similar to the one found for the three miRNA separately was found. The AUC of the weighted average of the three miRNA was 0.763. This preliminary study suggests that the expression levels of circulating miR-22, miR-155 and miR-365 are increased during transport-related stress and that they may have diagnostic value to discriminate between stressed- and unstressed animals