12 research outputs found

    Static loads on the knee and ankle for two modalities of the isometric Smith squat.

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    Introduction: The back squat is a popular strength training exercise that recruits approximately 75% of the muscular system. However, knowledge of muscular and joint loads incurred when performing two variations of the back squat, namely the high bar and the low bar isometric parallel-depth Smith squat, is limited. Therefore, this study aims to determine the lower limb muscle forces and the compressive and shear joint forces at the knee and ankle incurred in these two subtle variations of the one repetition maximum (1RM) isometric Smith squat. Method: Eight healthy male 400-m sprinters participated in the study. The participants performed the two modalities of the squat using a 7° backward-inclined Smith machine. The bottom of the squat corresponded to a position in which the thighs are parallel to the ground. The mean ± SD 1RM external load for the eight participants was 100.3 ± 7.2 kg. During the squat, the participants paused for 2-3 s at the bottom of the squat. This was, therefore, considered a static position for the calculation of isometric muscle forces and joint loads using static mechanical analysis. Moment arms, and joint and segmental angles were calculated from video images of the squat obtained at 25 Hz. Internal forces were computed using a geometrical model of the lower limb. Results: Quadriceps muscle and knee joint forces were higher in the high bar squat; where, the mean patello- femoral joint reaction force was 3.7 body weights (BW). The ankle extensor muscle and ankle joint forces were larger in the low bar squat; whereby, the mean compressive force at the ankle joint was 3.0 BW. Discussion: The high bar squatting modality may be avoided in the rehabilitation of ACL injury. Conversely, the low bar technique may be discouraged in conditions of ankle joint instability, strained Achilles tendon, and damaged gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. The findings of the static biomechanical evaluation provide an in-depth understanding of the musculoskeletal loads associated with the two squat modalities in isometric conditions and offer a foundation for the dynamic modelling of the high bar and low bar Smith squat. Further, the knowledge gained can be used for the prevention of injury in strength training and in the design of rehabilitation programs that control muscle recruitment and joint loads

    Enhancing the piston effect in underground railway tunnels

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    The air flows induced by train movement in tunnels can be used for the purposes of underground railway ventilation. The magnitude of such air flows depends strongly upon the blockage ratio (the ratio of the train and tunnel cross-sectional areas) of the train. This study investigates the impact on the generated air flows due to the alteration of the aerodynamic resistance of the train, as a means of varying the blockage ratio. The alteration in aerodynamic resistance was achieved by using an aerofoil at a variety of different angles of inclination. A two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics model of a train travelling through a tunnel was developed and validated using experimental data from literature. This model was then used to investigate the influence of an aerofoil upon the volume of displaced air and the effect upon the aerodynamic work done by the train (work done by the train due to air drag). The results of this study show that ventilating air flows can be increased by 3% using an aerofoil at a fixed angle of 10° without increasing aerodynamic work. Through using a combination of different angles during different phases of train motion, a maximum increase in air displacement of 8% can be achieved, while not increasing the aerodynamic work done by the train. This equates to the train generated air displacement delivering an extra View the MathML source of air supply during the period of train motion

    Perfiles delictivos, sentimiento de ira y tipo de violencia en adolescentes con grave historial judicial.

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    Se establecen tres perfiles de delincuentes adolescentes en función de la relación del sentimiento de ira con la psicopatología y el abuso de sustancias

    Combining electrokinetic transport and bioremediation for enhanced removal of crude oil from contaminated marine sediments: Results of a long-term, mesocosm-scale experiment

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    Summarization: Marine sediments represent an important sink of harmful petroleum hydrocarbons after an accidental oil spill. Electrobioremediation techniques, which combine electrokinetic transport and biodegradation processes, represent an emerging technological platform for a sustainable remediation of contaminated sediments. Here, we describe the results of a long-term mesocosm-scale electrobioremediation experiment for the treatment of marine sediments contaminated by crude oil. A dimensionally stable anode and a stainless-steel mesh cathode were employed to drive seawater electrolysis at a fixed current density of 11 A/m2. This approach allowed establishing conditions conducive to contaminants biodegradation, as confirmed by the enrichment of Alcanivorax borkumensis cells harboring the alkB-gene and other aerobic hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria. Oil chemistry analyses indicated that aromatic hydrocarbons were primarily removed from the sediment via electroosmosis and low molecular weight alkanes (nC6 to nC10) via biodegradation.Παρουσιάστηκε στο: Water Researc