293 research outputs found

    El papel de la negociación colectiva en materia de derechos de autor y propiedad intelectual: en especial en el sector de la prensa.

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    En este estudio se analiza el papel que adquiere la negociación colectiva en relación con los trabajadores que tienen la condición de autores asalariados, y que, como tales, les son reconocidos derechos por la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual. En varias disposiciones de esta norma se realizan referencias al autor asalariado, en ellas la premisa principal es la protección de los derechos sobre su obra, siendo el pacto individual entre las partes, la fuente jurídica natural para la transmisión y disposición de estos derechos individuales. Se aborda de qué forma el convenio colectivo adopta el papel de sustitución de dicho pacto y cómo, la sujeción a la ley permite mantener que, en materia de transmisión de los derechos de autor a la empresa, las cláusulas convencionales deben mantener el necesario equilibrio de derechos entre ambas partes de la relación. Acompaña a este trabajo un análisis sobre la implicación que se observa de la negociación colectiva en este terreno, y es el sector de la prensa aquel en el que la mayoría de convenios colectivos contemplan cláusulas en materia de transmisión de derechos de autor, sector que se nutre también con la existencia de los llamados Estatutos de Redacción o fórmulas convencionales entre la empresa y el colectivo de profesionales afectados

    Accompanying the classroom: an strategy for pedagogic task improvement

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    Investigación desarrollada durante el primer semestre del año 2010, en una escuela particular subvencionada de la comuna de Los Lagos, provincia de Valdivia (Chile). Se tomó como unidad de análisis a profesores que imparten clases entre primero y octavo año de Enseñanza General Básica. De este modo y a través del acompañamiento al aula, se recoge información sobre los efectos que tiene esta práctica y los cambios que se generan en el ejercicio docente a partir de su implementación, así como también, se analizan las estrategias de acompañamiento que resultaron más efectivas. Los resultados mostraron cambios positivos en las prácticas pedagógicas de los docentes, aceptando y valorando el acompañamiento, por considerarlo útil y necesario para optimizar su gestión docente en el aula.Pesquisa realizada durante o primeiro semestre de 2010, em uma escola particular subsidiada da comuna de Los Lagos, província de Valdivia (Chile). Foi tomado como a unidade de análise para os professores que ensinam entre primeiro e o oitavo ano da educação geral básica. Desta forma e através do acompanhamento de sala de aula, coleta informações sobre os efeitos que tem essa prática e as alterações que são geradas no ensino de sua aplicação, também, análises de estratégias que se mostrou mais eficaz. Os resultados mostraram mudanças positivas nas práticas de professores de ensino, aceitando e apreciando o acompanhamento, como útil e necessário para otimizar a sua gestão de ensino em sala de aula.Investigation took place during the first semester of 2010, in a private-subsidize school from Los Lagos commune in the province of Valdivia (Chile). The analysis unit was formed by the teachers that taught classes between first and eighth year of primary school. In this way, and through the accompaniment to the classroom, the information gathered was based on the effects of the mentioned practices and the teaching changes that were generated in the exercise of their implementation, furthermore it was analyzed the strategies of accompaniment which turned to be more effective. The results show positive changes in the pedagogical practice of the teachers, accepting and valuing the accompaniment, as it was considered useful and necessary for optimizing the management of the teaching skills in the classroom

    Instruction and attitudes in EFL: A focus on recognition and production of conventional expressions

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    This dissertation investigates the effects of instruction and language attitudes in the comprehension and production of conventional expressions in an EFL setting from a Skill Acquisition Theory perspective. Data from 46 senior-year university students were collected following a multi-method approach during one month with a pretest-posttest-delayed posttest design. Results reveal expected outcomes: instructional treatment seems to affect positively both recognition and production; and lasted through the posttest but did not until the delayed posttest. Previous research shows that learners find it easier to recognize conventional expressions rather than to produce them. The present dissertation attests to these findings. Interestingly, and contrary to previous research on language attitudes, participants' attitudes did not change over time. This study presents several innovations including: 1) investigating both recognition and production in the same study; 2) studying conventional expressions in an EFL setting; and 3) investigating the possible effect of language attitudes towards conventional expressions.Aquesta tesi investiga els efectes d’instrucció i actitud lingüístiques front la comprensió i producció d’expressions convencionals en un context EFL i baix la perspectiva de Skill Acquisition Theory. Les dades es recolliren tres vegades de 46 alumnes d’universitat amb un enfocament multi-method. Els resultats corroboraren l’efecte d’instrucció tant en reconeixement com producció d’expressions, i que va durar fins posttest però no delayed posttest. Aquesta tesi suporta resultats existents que demostren que els aprenents troben més fàcil reconèixer que produir expressions convencionals. No obstant, i contràriament al resultats existents en actituds lingüístiques, les actituds d’aquests participants no van canviar amb el temps. Aquest estudi presenta varies innovacions, incloent-hi investigar reconeixement i producció en un mateix estudi; estudiar expressions convencionals en un context d’anglès com a llengua estrangera; i explorar el desenvolupament d’actituds lingüístiques en el temps.Programa de Doctorat en Llengües Aplicades, Literatura i Traducci

    Consecuencias de una explotación minera de Zn y Pb(Mina Troya, Guipúzcoa)

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, leída el 08-01-1998.Fac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Consecuencias de una explotación minera de Zn y Pb(Mina Troya, Guipúzcoa)

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, leída el 08-01-1998.Fac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEProQuestpu

    The effect of instruction on production and recognition of pragmatic routines: a case study

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    Treball Final de Màster en Ensenyament i Adquisició de la Llengua Anglesa en Contextos Multilingües. Codi: SAM032. Curs 2013-2014A renewed interest in pragmatic routines has arisen since the early 21st century. The literature previous to these decades focused on intermediate and advanced learners of English, and beginners were given scant attention. Thus, the purpose of the present MA Thesis deals with the effect of teaching pragmatic routines to young learners of English from a SLA perspective and in the frame of Larsen-Freeman’s (2011) Complexity Theory. Our research involved a focus on the oral and written recognition and production of a set of 17 pragmatic routines elicited in 10 different situations. Additionally, a picture was given to each situation in order to help learners acquire the routines as well as hasten their learning process. This study entailed a four-week period of instruction. One-hour session, two sessions per week made up a total of eight sessions distributed along the four-week research period. Nine tasks were designed for the purpose of this study. The five children selected for the present case study were five-, six- and sevenyear- old students at the language academy Talk To Me, where they are taught English as an after school extracurricular activity. They practiced the oral and written recognition and production of the routines by means of paper-and-pencil tasks, an ODCT and games. Results show that (1) students developed a better oral rather than written recognition and production of the given routines. (2) The inclusion of pictures aimed at reinforcing the association picture-routine was essential to hasten the students’ acquisition process. (3) Emotions play a role in and affect language learning and language use. Especial attention was paid to task enjoyment and participation versus no participation. The present dissertation is outlined as follows. First, an introduction is provided. Then, the theoretical background is presented. After that, the methodology devised in order to undertake this case study is thoroughly dealt with. Both quantitative and qualitative results are discussed afterwards. Finally, conclusions and further research are explained in depth. The list of references and appendices are to be found at the end of the MA Thesis

    Vigencia de los modelos de liderazgo del héroe clásico

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Filología Clásica. Fecha de lectura: 14-09-201

    Vineyards assessed under a biophysical approach: findings from the biohydrology and TERRAenVISION meetings

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    During the Biohydrology 2019 (24-27 July 2019, Valencia, Spain) and TERRAenVISION 2019 (2-7 September 2019, Barcelona, Spain) meetings, the scientific sessions joined reputed scientists around the world. Innovative debates during these scientific sessions about vineyards focused on the use of new technologies to assess soil erosion and nutrient losses, benefits or damages generated by tillage, the use of cover crops, and the introduction of organic farming. Among all the high-quality posters and oral presentations in these 2 abovementioned conferences, 3 groups from different countries with an extended list of publications decided to publish their new findings on the special issue: Vineyards Assessed Under a Biophysical Approac

    Una experiencia de autoevaluación y evaluación por compañeros

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    En el seminario permanente de innovación educativa en el que participamos nos hemos formado en el uso de la autoevaluación y la evaluación por compañeros para llevar a cabo la evaluación continua que ha venido de la mano de los nuevos grados. Este trabajo presenta la puesta en marcha de estas estrategias en una asignatura de Informática del Grado en Traducción e Interpretación de nuestra universidad, junto a unos primeros resultados.SUMMARY -- On the way to incorporate continuous evaluation coming from the hand of new degrees, we have been trained in auto-assessment and peer-assessment through the permanent seminar on innovation in education we take part in. This paper presents the start-up of the studied assessment techniques on the Computing subject in a Bachelor Degree in Translation and Interpreting, as well as the early obtained results
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