146 research outputs found

    Generalized messenger sector for gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking and the soft spectrum

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    We consider a generic renormalizable and gauge invariant messenger sector and derive the sparticle mass spectrum using the formalism introduced for General Gauge Mediation. Our results recover many expressions found in the literature in various limits. Constraining the messenger sector with a global symmetry under which the spurion field is charged, we analyze Extraordinary Gauge Mediation beyond the small SUSY breaking limit. Finally, we include D-term contributions and compute their corrections to the soft masses. This leads to a perturbative framework allowing to explore models capable of fully covering the parameter space of General Gauge Mediation to the Supersymmetric Standard Model.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    All gaugings and stable de Sitter in D=7 half-maximal supergravity

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    We study the general formulation of gauged supergravity in seven dimensions with sixteen supercharges keeping duality covariance by means of the embedding tensor formalism. We first classify all inequivalent duality orbits of consistent deformations. Secondly, we analyse the complete set of critical points in a systematic way. Interestingly, we find the first examples of stable de Sitter solutions within a theory with such a large amount of supersymmetry.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, 7 table

    The gauge structure of Exceptional Field Theories and the tensor hierarchy

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    We address the construction of manifest U-duality invariant generalized diffeomorphisms. The closure of the algebra requires an extension of the tangent space to include a tensor hierarchy indicating the existence of an underlying unifying structure, compatible with E_{11} and Borcherds algebras constructions. We begin with four-dimensional gauged maximal supergravity, and build a generalized Lie derivative that encodes all the gauge transformations of the theory. A generalized frame is introduced, which accommodates for all the degrees of freedom, including the tensor hierarchy. The generalized Lie derivative defines generalized field-dependent fluxes containing all the covariant quantities in the theory, and the closure conditions give rise to their corresponding Bianchi Identities. We then move towards the construction of a full generalized Lie derivative defined on an extended space, analyze the closure conditions, and explore the connection with that of maximal gauged supergravity via a generalized Scherk-Schwarz reduction, and with 11-dimensional supergravity.Comment: 53 page

    Explicit R-symmetry breaking and metastable vacua

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    We consider O'Raifeartaigh-like models with explicit R-symmetry breaking and analyze the vacuum landscape. Taking such models as candidates for the hidden sector, we analyze the gauge mediation of the supersymmetry breaking, focusing on the effects produced by R-symmetry breaking. First, we construct families of non-R-symmetric models containing only singlet chiral superfields, and determine the conditions under which SUSY vacua, runaway directions and (longlived) metastable vacua exist. We then extend the results to the case in which some of the chiral fields are in the 5⊕5 representation of SU(5). Gauging this symmetry, we compute soft masses for gauginos and sfermions, and analyze several issues such as doublet/triplet splitting, unification of coupling constants and CP violation phases.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Explicit R-symmetry breaking and metastable vacua

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    We consider O'Raifeartaigh-like models with explicit R-symmetry breaking and analyze the vacuum landscape. Taking such models as candidates for the hidden sector, we analyze the gauge mediation of the supersymmetry breaking, focusing on the effects produced by R-symmetry breaking. First, we construct families of non-R-symmetric models containing only singlet chiral superfields, and determine the conditions under which SUSY vacua, runaway directions and (longlived) metastable vacua exist. We then extend the results to the case in which some of the chiral fields are in the 5⊕5 representation of SU(5). Gauging this symmetry, we compute soft masses for gauginos and sfermions, and analyze several issues such as doublet/triplet splitting, unification of coupling constants and CP violation phases.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Supersymmetry and R-symmetry breaking in models with non-canonical Kähler potential

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    We analyze several aspects of R-symmetry and supersymmetry breaking in generalized O'Raifeartaigh models with non-canonical Kähler potential. Some conditions on the Kähler potential are derived in order for the non-supersymmetric vacua to be degenerate. We calculate the Coleman-Weinberg (CW) effective potential for general quiral non-linear sigma models and then study the 1-loop quantum corrections to the pseudo-moduli space. For R-symmetric models, the quadratic dependence of the CW potential with the ultraviolet cutoff scale disappears. We also show that the conditions for R-symmetry breaking are independent of this scale and remain unchanged with respect to those of canonical models. This is, R-symmetry can be broken when generic R-charge assignments to the fields are made, while it remains unbroken when only fields with R-charge 0 and 2 are present. We further show that these models can keep the runaway behavior of their canonical counterparts and also new runaway directions can be induced. Due to the runaway directions, the non-supersymmetric vacua is metastable.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Supersymmetry and R-symmetry breaking in models with non-canonical Kähler potential

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    We analyze several aspects of R-symmetry and supersymmetry breaking in generalized O'Raifeartaigh models with non-canonical Kähler potential. Some conditions on the Kähler potential are derived in order for the non-supersymmetric vacua to be degenerate. We calculate the Coleman-Weinberg (CW) effective potential for general quiral non-linear sigma models and then study the 1-loop quantum corrections to the pseudo-moduli space. For R-symmetric models, the quadratic dependence of the CW potential with the ultraviolet cutoff scale disappears. We also show that the conditions for R-symmetry breaking are independent of this scale and remain unchanged with respect to those of canonical models. This is, R-symmetry can be broken when generic R-charge assignments to the fields are made, while it remains unbroken when only fields with R-charge 0 and 2 are present. We further show that these models can keep the runaway behavior of their canonical counterparts and also new runaway directions can be induced. Due to the runaway directions, the non-supersymmetric vacua is metastable.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Generalized messenger sector for gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking and the soft spectrum

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    We consider a generic renormalizable and gauge invariant messenger sector and derive the sparticle mass spectrum using the formalism introduced for General Gauge Mediation. Our results recover many expressions found in the literature in various limits. Constraining the messenger sector with a global symmetry under which the spurion field is charged, we analyze Extraordinary Gauge Mediation beyond the small SUSY breaking limit. Finally, we include D-term contributions and compute their corrections to the soft masses. This leads to a perturbative framework allowing to explore models capable of fully covering the parameter space of General Gauge Mediation to the Supersymmetric Standard Model.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Efectividad de las prendas de comprensión como modalidad de recuperación de la fatiga muscular en jugadores de fútbol

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    314 p.Actualmente se están mostrando los efectos de algunas estrategias de recuperación de la fatiga o del EIMD en futbolistas pero, para nuestro conocimiento, este es el primer estudio que evalúa la influencia de llevar diferentes tipos de prendas de compresión durante partidos de futbol amistosos y durante el periodo de recuperación. Para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos se realizó una revisión sistemática con meta-análisis y un estudio experimental compuesto de dos apartados. Se realizaron dos partidos de futbol amistosos mediante un diseño cruzado de dos etapas, en los que los participantes fueron asignados a un grupo experimental, los cuales también formaron el grupo control. Para valorar la influencia de diferentes tipos de prendas de compresión, los participantes fueron divididos aleatoriamente en tres grupos (grupo con medias de compresión, grupo con perneras de compresión, grupo con musleras de compresión), cada uno de los cuales las llevo durante el partido y 7 h/dia durante los 3 días posteriores cuando tuvieron que actuar en la condición de experimental. Se midieron marcadores de fatiga (biomarcadores, rendimiento físico, marcadores perceptivos) y marcadores de EIMD (biomarcadores, dolor e inflamación) durante los partidos y hasta 72 h. post-partido. Los resultados muestran que, a pesar de la poca significación estadística alcanzada, los diferentes tipos de prendas de compresión tienen un efecto positivo tanto en la atenuación de las respuestas provocadas por la fatiga como en las respuestas asociadas al EIMD. En respuesta a los síntomas de la fatiga, las perneras de compresión son las más efectivas, y en respuesta a los síntomas del EIMD, las perneras y musleras de compresión son las más efectivas

    Non-abelian vortices on the torus

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    We study periodic arrays of non-Abelian vortices in an SU(N) × U(1) gauge theory with Nf flavors of fundamental matter multiplets. We carefully discuss the corresponding twisted boundary conditions on the torus and propose an ansatz to solve the first order Bogomolnyi equations which we find by looking to a bound of the energy. We solve the equations numerically and construct explicit vortex solutions.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta
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