687 research outputs found

    On-sky observations with an achromatic hybrid phase knife coronagraph in the visible

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    CONTEXT: The four-quadrant phase mask stellar coronagraph, introduced by D. Rouan et al., is capable of achieving very high dynamical range imaging and was studied in the context of the direct detection of extra-solar planets. Achromatic four-quadrant phase mask is currently being developed for broadband IR applications. AIMS: We report on laboratory and on-sky tests of a prototype coronagraph in the visible. This prototype, the achromatic hybrid phase knife coronagraph, was derived from the four-quadrant phase mask principle. METHODS: The instrumental setup implementing the coronagraph itself was designed to record the pre- and post-coronagraphic images simultaneously so that an efficient real-time image selection procedure can be performed. We describe the coronagraph and the associated tools that enable robust and repeatable observations. We present an algorithm of image selection that has been tested against the real on-sky data of the binary star HD80081 (* 38 Lyn). RESULTS Although the observing conditions were poor, the efficiency of the proposed method is proven. From this experiment, we derive procedures that can apply to future focal instruments associating adaptive optics and coronagraphy, targeting high dynamic range imaging in astronomy, such as detecting extra-solar planets

    A framework for the prospective analysis of super-diversity coming from high levels of immigration

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    Background Pressures to keep immigration rates at relatively high levels are likely to persist in most developed countries. At the same time, immigrant cohorts are becoming more and more diverse, leading host societies to become increasingly heterogeneous across multiple dimensions. For scholars who study demographic or socio-economic behaviours, the need to account for ethnocultural “super-diversity” brings new challenges and complications. Objective The main objective of this paper is to present a framework for the prospective analysis of super-diversity in several high immigration countries. Methods We developed microsimulation models that simultaneously project several population-dimensions for Canada, the United States and countries of the European Union, with the aim of studying the consequences of alternate future population and migration trends. Results The paper presents the projected progression of three indicators of diversity for Canada, the USA and the EU28: percentage of foreign-born population, percentage of the population using a non-official language at home and percentage of non-Christians under the reference scenario. Results from alternative scenarios show the potential impact of modifying the composition of migrant cohorts. The paper also examines the projected changes in the labour force for each region by education level and language. Finally, the paper proposes a new longitudinal indicator that counts the number of years lived as active and inactive over the life course for foreign- and native-born cohorts. Contribution The microsimulation models provide much more informative results than more traditional cohort-component or multi-state models to study the future effects of ethnocultural super-diversity on high immigration countries

    The VAST Survey - III. The multiplicity of A-type stars within 75 pc

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    With a combination of adaptive optics imaging and a multi-epoch common proper motion search, we have conducted a large volume-limited (D \le 75 pc) multiplicity survey of A-type stars, sensitive to companions beyond 30 au. The sample for the Volume-limited A-STar (VAST) survey consists of 435 A-type stars: 363 stars were observed with adaptive optics, 228 stars were searched for wide common proper motion companions and 156 stars were measured with both techniques. The projected separation coverage of the VAST survey extends from 30 to 45,000 au. A total of 137 stellar companions were resolved, including 64 new detections from the VAST survey, and the companion star fraction, projected separation distribution and mass ratio distribution were measured. The separation distribution forms a log-normal distribution similar to the solar-type binary distribution, but with a peak shifted to a significantly wider value of 387 (+132,-98) au. Integrating the fit to the distribution over the 30 to 10,000 au observed range, the companion star fraction for A-type stars is estimated as 33.8%+-2.6%. The mass ratio distribution of closer (<125 au) binaries is distinct from that of wider systems, with a flat distribution for close systems and a distribution that tends towards smaller mass ratios for wider binaries. Combining this result with previous spectroscopic surveys of A-type stars gives an estimate of the total companion star fraction of 68.9%+-7.0%. The most complete assessment of higher order multiples was estimated from the 156-star subset of the VAST sample with both adaptive optics and common proper motion measurements, combined with a literature search for companions, yielding a lower limit on the frequency of single, binary, triple, quadruple and quintuple A-type star systems of 56.4 (-4.0,+3.8), 32.1 (-3.5,+3.9), 9.0 (-1.8,+2.8), 1.9 (-0.6,+1.8) and 0.6 (-0.2,+1.4) per cent, respectively.Comment: 46 pages, 24 figures. Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 7th October 201

    The VAST Survey - IV. A wide brown dwarf companion to the A3V star ζ\zeta Delphini

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    We report the discovery of a wide co-moving substellar companion to the nearby (D=67.5±1.1D=67.5\pm1.1 pc) A3V star ζ\zeta Delphini based on imaging and follow-up spectroscopic observations obtained during the course of our Volume-limited A-Star (VAST) multiplicity survey. ζ\zeta Del was observed over a five-year baseline with adaptive optics, revealing the presence of a previously-unresolved companion with a proper motion consistent with that of the A-type primary. The age of the ζ\zeta Del system was estimated as 525±125525\pm125 Myr based on the position of the primary on the colour-magnitude and temperature-luminosity diagrams. Using intermediate-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy, the spectrum of ζ\zeta Del B is shown to be consistent with a mid-L dwarf (L5±25\pm2), at a temperature of 1650±2001650\pm200 K. Combining the measured near-infrared magnitude of ζ\zeta Del B with the estimated temperature leads to a model-dependent mass estimate of 50±1550\pm15 MJup_{\rm Jup}, corresponding to a mass ratio of q=0.019±0.006q=0.019\pm0.006. At a projected separation of 910±14910\pm14 au, ζ\zeta Del B is among the most widely-separated and extreme-mass ratio substellar companions to a main-sequence star resolved to-date, providing a rare empirical constraint of the formation of low-mass ratio companions at extremely wide separations.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014 September 25. Revised to incorporate typographical errors noted during the proofing proces

    Speckle noise and dynamic range in coronagraphic images

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    This paper is concerned with the theoretical properties of high contrast coronagraphic images in the context of exoplanet searches. We derive and analyze the statistical properties of the residual starlight in coronagraphic images, and describe the effect of a coronagraph on the speckle and photon noise. Current observations with coronagraphic instruments have shown that the main limitations to high contrast imaging are due to residual quasi-static speckles. We tackle this problem in this paper, and propose a generalization of our statistical model to include the description of static, quasi-static and fast residual atmospheric speckles. The results provide insight into the effects on the dynamic range of wavefront control, coronagraphy, active speckle reduction, and differential speckle calibration. The study is focused on ground-based imaging with extreme adaptive optics, but the approach is general enough to be applicable to space, with different parameters.Comment: 31 pages, 18 figure

    MOST light-curve analysis of the gamma Dor pulsator HR 8799, showing resonances and amplitude variations

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    Context: The central star of the HR 8799 system is a gamma Doradus-type pulsator. The system harbours four planetary-mass companions detected by direct imaging, and is a good solar system analogue. The masses of the companions are not known accurately, because the estimation depends strongly on the age of the system, which is also not known with sufficient accuracy. Asteroseismic studies of the star might help to better constrain the age of HR 8799. We organized an extensive photometric and multi-site spectroscopic observing campaign for studying the pulsations of the central star. Aims: The aim of the present study is to investigate the pulsation properties of HR 8799 in detail via the ultra-precise 47-d-long nearly continuous photometry obtained with the MOST space telescope, and to find as many independent pulsation modes as possible, which is the prerequisite of an asteroseismic age determination. Methods: We carried out Fourier analysis of the wide-band photometric time series. Results: We find that resonance and sudden amplitude changes characterize the pulsation of HR 8799. The dominant frequency is always at f1 = 1.978 c/d. Many multiples of one ninth of the dominant frequency appear in the Fourier spectrum of the MOST data: n/9 f1, where n={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18}. Our analysis also reveals that many of these peaks show strong amplitude decrease and phase variations even on the 47-d time-scale. The dependencies between the pulsation frequencies of HR 8799 make the planned subsequent asteroseismic analysis rather difficult. We point out some resemblance between the light curve of HR 8799 and the modulated pulsation light curves of Blazhko RR Lyrae stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 8 pages, 4 figure

    GQ Lup B Visible & Near-Infrared Photometric Analysis

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    We have re-analyzed archival HST and Subaru data of the recently discovered planetary mass companion (PMC) GQ Lup B. With these we produce the first R and I band photometry of the companion and fit a radius and effective temperature using detailed model atmospheres. We find an effective temperature of 2335 +/- 100K, and a radius of 0.38 +/- 0.05 Rsol and luminosity of log(L/Lsol) = -2.42 +/- 0.07 (at 140pc). Since we fit wavelengths that span most of the emitted radiation from GQ Lup this luminosity estimate is robust, with uncertainty dominated by the distance uncertainty (+/- 50 pc). The radius obtained for 140pc (0.38Rsol) is significantly larger than the one originally derived and larger than model predictions. The mass of the object is much more model-dependent than the radiative properties, but for the GAIA dusty models we find a mass between 10-20 MJup, in the range of the brown dwarf and PMC deuterium burning boundary. Assuming a distance of 140pc, observations fit to 1sigma the Baraffe evolution model for a ~15 MJup brown dwarf. Additionally, the F606W photometric band is significantly overluminous compared to model predictions and other brown dwarfs. Such overluminosity could be explained by a bright Halpha emission from chromospheric activity, interaction with another undetected companion, or accretion. Assuming that GQ Lup B has a bright Halpha emission line, its Halpha emission strength is 10^(-1.71 +/- 0.10) Lbol, significantly larger than field late-type dwarfs. GQ Lup B might be strongly accreting and still be in its formation phase.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, ApJL final accepted versio

    Dissecting the Moth: Discovery of an off-centered ring in the HD 61005 debris disk with high-resolution imaging

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    The debris disk known as "The Moth" is named after its unusually asymmetric surface brightness distribution. It is located around the ~90 Myr old G8V star HD 61005 at 34.5 pc and has previously been imaged by the HST at 1.1 and 0.6 microns. Polarimetric observations suggested that the circumstellar material consists of two distinct components, a nearly edge-on disk or ring, and a swept-back feature, the result of interaction with the interstellar medium. We resolve both components at unprecedented resolution with VLT/NACO H-band imaging. Using optimized angular differential imaging techniques to remove the light of the star, we reveal the disk component as a distinct narrow ring at inclination i=84.3 \pm 1.0{\deg}. We determine a semi-major axis of a=61.25 \pm 0.85 AU and an eccentricity of e=0.045 \pm 0.015, assuming that periastron is located along the apparent disk major axis. Therefore, the ring center is offset from the star by at least 2.75 \pm 0.85 AU. The offset, together with a relatively steep inner rim, could indicate a planetary companion that perturbs the remnant planetesimal belt. From our imaging data we set upper mass limits for companions that exclude any object above the deuterium-burning limit for separations down to 0.3". The ring shows a strong brightness asymmetry along both the major and minor axis. A brighter front side could indicate forward-scattering grains, while the brightness difference between the NE and SW components can be only partly explained by the ring center offset, suggesting additional density enhancements on one side of the ring. The swept-back component appears as two streamers originating near the NE and SW edges of the debris ring.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysics letter