132 research outputs found

    Penciptaan Islamic Learning Community Pada Masyarakat Urban

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    Increasing the quality of human resources required a change in mental attitude of individuals and the creation and organization of a conducive learning environment. The process can be done with the creation of community learning. Learning community understands the concept of man as the figure of the learner (Learner), which puts the act of his life studying the totality of the scheme, not just in schools, universities and other educational institutions, but also within families and the general public. Mental construct of society is unwilling or lazy to learn to study hard or mentally as a human learner, not just by relying on internal change of their individual. Organizing the learning environment to be conducive to the establishment is a necessity that the learning environment. Learning environment that is expected to manifest both in the schools, families and communities. And through the creation of Islamic Learning Community is expected that the process of internalization of Islamic values ​​in society through the container and the behavior of religious activities in the community

    Aktualisasi Sistem Nilai Dalam Budaya Organisasi Pada Madrasah Berprestasi Di Kota Malang

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    Providing education in both public and private schools can\u27t be separated from values, behavioral norms, beliefs and culture. Moreover, the schools run by religious foundations that nuance of course not merely seen as worldly matters, but also practice ukhrowi (religious), then the understanding of course can\u27t be separated from values of religious teachings. The values found in the organizational culture at the Madrasah achievers in Malang include: (a) the basic values of Islam which include: Tauhid (Oneness of Allah); worship (devotion) and the unity between the world of the Hereafter, (b) the values of citizens schools which include: jihad (struggle); trust (responsibility); sincere; ikhsan (quality); discipline; exemplary; brotherhood and kinship and values of students in academic increase

    Utilization of Flour Maggot (Hermetia Illuncens L) as a Substitute Fish Flour for Growth of Selais Fish (Ompok Hyphoptalmus) Seed

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    This research aims to find out the effect of utilization of flour maggot as asubstitute fish flour in feed to increase the growth of selais fish (Ompokhyphoptalmus)seed. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD)methodwith one factor, five-stage treatment and 3 replicates.Treatment with thesubstitution of flour maggot: fish flour, control P0(0%:100%), P1 (25%:75%), P2(50%:50), P3 (75%:25%), P4 (100%:0%). The protein content 25,04 – 29,43%.The result showed the best treatment at P0 treatment (0%:100%) with a spesificgrowth rate 1,69%, the rate of feed efficiency16,59%,feed digestibility 65,40%and the survival 98,33%

    Strategi kepala madrasah dalam mengembangkan kompetensi interprenure berbasis al-Qur’an

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    Madrasah principals have a major influence on the marketing and existence of their educational institutions. entrepreneurial competence must be possessed by every madrasah principal which is a form of creativity and effort of a leader in creating an institutional environment that has a business spirit. This study aims to determine the strategies and their implementation carried out by madrasah heads in developing entrepreneur competencies in educational institutions based on the Qur'an. The objects in this study were MTs Almaarif 02 Singosari and MTs. Wahid Hasyim 02 Dau, Malang Regency. The approach and method used in this research is qualitative research in the form of field research (Field Research). The results of the study show that the strategy developed by the head of the madrasa and his staff has had a positive impact on the advancement of Al-Qur'an-based institutions and learning. In the implications of developing entrepreneurial competence, the two institutions apply two ways, namely collaboration and accommodation strategies with superior programs, namely (1) Field Experience Practice Program (PPL) to Al-Qur'an Education Parks for grade 9 students who are trained with Al-Qur'an learning methods 'a Tilawati and (2) the Tahfidz Weekend Program (weekend) for SD/MI students in the madrasa environment who want to memorize the Qur'an at an affordable cost. This study concludes that the two programs that develop Al-Qur'an-based entrepreneurial competence can attract the interest of the community around the institution so that the two institutions continue to exist and are increasingly advanced in Al-Qur'an education. In the future, there is an opportunity for institutions to invite people who want their children to be proficient, memorize and at the same time teach the Al-Qur'an to enroll in madrasah

    Strategi kepala madrasah dalam mengembangkan kompetensi interprenure berbasis al-Qur’an

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    Madrasah principals have a major influence on the marketing and existence of their educational institutions. entrepreneurial competence must be possessed by every madrasah principal which is a form of creativity and effort of a leader in creating an institutional environment that has a business spirit. This study aims to determine the strategies and their implementation carried out by madrasah heads in developing entrepreneur competencies in educational institutions based on the Qur'an. The objects in this study were MTs Almaarif 02 Singosari and MTs. Wahid Hasyim 02 Dau, Malang Regency. The approach and method used in this research is qualitative research in the form of field research (Field Research). The results of the study show that the strategy developed by the head of the madrasa and his staff has had a positive impact on the advancement of Al-Qur'an-based institutions and learning. In the implications of developing entrepreneurial competence, the two institutions apply two ways, namely collaboration and accommodation strategies with superior programs, namely (1) Field Experience Practice Program (PPL) to Al-Qur'an Education Parks for grade 9 students who are trained with Al-Qur'an learning methods 'a Tilawati and (2) the Tahfidz Weekend Program (weekend) for SD/MI students in the madrasa environment who want to memorize the Qur'an at an affordable cost. This study concludes that the two programs that develop Al-Qur'an-based entrepreneurial competence can attract the interest of the community around the institution so that the two institutions continue to exist and are increasingly advanced in Al-Qur'an education. In the future, there is an opportunity for institutions to invite people who want their children to be proficient, memorize and at the same time teach the Al-Qur'an to enroll in madrasah

    Dominasi Kuasa pada Pemilihan Kepala Desa Serentak di Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan Provinsi Maluku Utara

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    Political power occurring in the village heads elections is a part of political power contestation wave started simultaneously in 2015. South Halmahera Regency is one of the regions participating in this political power contestation. At the contestation process, it is seen that the village residents are divided into some divisions based on their political choices. This situation continues to happen in the simultaneous village head elections in South Halmahera Regency in 2016. It attracts political actors to be involved in intervening power and dominance to win the contestation. Therefore, political power is used to carry out the basis of consolidation for winning the elections. This political power treats long-term power because the greater base of political power at the village level has been formed. The expected benefit of this study is to expand our horizon on political power issues, particularly in the village head elections context. Practically, this study can contribute to study material from various interested parties to analyze electoral conflicts that occur at the lowest level such as at Babang Village and Marabose Village. Besides that, the study also sees the involvement of regional actors and local governments in intervening to dominate power using the authority they have


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    Tujuan penelitin ini adalah menjelaskan modalitas dinasti Ahmad Hidayat Mus (AHM) pada pemilihan kepala daerah di Maluku Utara tahun 2018. Modalitas sangat diperlukan kandidat untuk memperoleh kemenangan di arena politik seperti modal ekonomi, sosial, kultural dan politik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu studi kasus dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam, pengamatan lapangan serta studi literatur. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa: (1) Dari segi modal ekonomi yang dimiliki oleh AHM ada harta kekayaaan sebesar Rp,-, terbesar jika dibandingkan dengan modal ekonomi dari pasangan yang lain. (2) Dari segi modal sosial yang dimiliki AHM, didapatinya sejak menjadi Bupati Kepulauan Sula serta memiliki warisan jaringan birokrasi dan basis masa dari Kesultanan Ternate. (3) Dari segi modal politik, AHM telah memilikinya sejak menjadi Ketua DPRD Kepulauan Sula, Bupati Kepulauan Sula serta jaringan partai Golkar Maluku Utara. Secara teoritis, manfaat dari hasil temuan penelitian adalah dapat menambah pengetahuan tentang modalitas, khususnya modalitas dinasti Ahmad Hidayat Mus. Sedangkan, secara praktis penelitian ini bisa menghasilkan bahan kajian dari berbagai pihak yang berkepentingan untuk menganalisis praktek demokrasi daerah di Maluku Utara.

    SOCIAL CONFLICTS IN CHURCH DEVELOPMENT IN KECAMATAN IBU SELATAN KABUPATEN HALMAHERA BARAT (Study of Conflict Resolution among Citizens in Church Development In Adu Village)

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    The church conflict that occurred in Adu Village, South Ibu Subdistrict, West Halmahera Regency was caused by unjust church leadership. Conflicts in the construction of places of worship often lead to violence, attacks and sealing of houses of worship by the community. This study aims to determine the occurrence of social conflict between residents in the construction of church in Adu village and to find out the resolution of the conflict. This research uses descriptive qualitative research that can be understood as a series of procedures used in solving problems, namely the cause of conflict between residents related to the construction of church in Adu Village by investigating and describing research objects based on facts in the field. Data sources used are primary data and secondary data with data collection techniques namely observation, interviews and document analysis.  The research findings show that the cause of conflict in church construction is because (1) the church leadership is no longer neutral in serving the community, for example when visiting a sick Adu village community, the church leader only visits one group while the other group is ignored, and (2) the regulations of church leaders regarding residents’ responsibilities to the church such as the obligation for each person to contribute IDR 200,000 per year for church construction is considered too burdensome for the community. From the factors causing the conflict, conflict resolution is carried out by way of negotiations (consensus agreement) between the Old GMIH and the GMIH Renewal. From these negotiations, a mutual agreement ensued that the construction of a new church planned by the GMIH Renewal would continue
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