204 research outputs found

    Isolation and Purification of Raw Starch Degrading Enzyme from Endophytic Fungi and its Application for Glucose Production

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    Raw starch degrading enzymes are enzymes that degrade polymers of raw starches to smaller molecules of oligo saccharides. Fifty-two strains of endophytic fungi were isolated from tropical plant trees in Malaysia and screened for raw starch degrading enzyme activity. Twelve endophytic strains with the ability to degrade raw starches as indicated by size of clear zone formed on Czapek-Dox medium were obtained. Three strains were found to be good raw starch degrading enzyme producers based on the ability to degrade raw starches. Raw sago, potato and rice starches were found to be appropriate substrate for enzyme production. The three strains of endophytic fungi were identified as Gibberella pulicaris using 18S rRNA sequences and, Acremonium sp. and Synnematous sp. taxonomically, respectively. Comparison of their degradative activity on raw and gelatinized starches, substrate specificity, optimum pH and product of hydrolysis showed that Acremonium sp. had a broad activity towards both small and large sized granules of raw starches while G. pulicaris and Synnematous sp. were dependent on the granule size and structures of starches. The enzyme from Acremonium sp. is unique since it does not depend on the granule size and structures of starches. The results showed that the enzyme from G. pulicaris and Acremonium sp. were raw starch degrading glucoamylase, an exo-acting enzyme which solely yielded glucose while enzyme from Synnematous sp. was raw starch degrading a-amylase, an endo-acting enzyme which yielded a mixture of glucose and maltose. Consequently, raw starch degrading glucoamylase was more efficient than raw starch degrading a-amylase. Both glucoamylase and a-amylase showed the highest degradation rate on raw rice starch. Based on the substrate specificity, degradative pattern and product produced, the Acremonium sp. was selected and pursued to produce raw starch degrading enzyme. The optimum conditions for enzyme production based on carbon and nitrogen sources were studied. Results showed that the highest raw starch degrading enzyme activity was observed when the Acremonium sp. were grown in shake flask culture of broth medium at 120 rpm, 30°C for 5 days and yielded glucoamylase activity of 67 U/ml. The enzyme was induced in broth medium by the addition of raw sago starch as its carbon source and peptone and sodium nitrate as nitrogen sources. Acremonium sp. showed maximum enzyme activity when grown at pH 5.0, 30°C for 5 days. The raw starch degrading enzyme was found to be inducible enzymes depending on the amount of raw sago starch added to the culture medium. The raw starch degrading enzyme from Acremonium sp. was purified to homogeneity by a combination of ultrafiltration, DEAE-Toyopearl 650 S ion exchange and Sephadex G-150 gel filtration. Pure raw starch degrading enzyme was shown to consist of two sub-units of 22 and 39 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and a single band on native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The optimum pH and temperature for hydrolysis of raw starches were 5.5 and 55°C,respectively. The enzyme was stable at pH range of 3.0 to 7.0 and at temperature up to 60°C. The purified enzyme had Km values of 10.0 and 3.8 mg/ml and V max of 195 µmoles/ml/min and 391 µmoles/ml/min for amylose and amylopectin, respectively. Pretreatment of sago starch at low pH and heating below gelatinization temperature was found to increase the enzymatic hydrolysis


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     ABSTRACTSupplementation of cellulase enzyme to agro-industrial residues can increase the nutritional value of the product. Advances in industrial biotechnology offer potential opportunities for economic utilization of agro-industrial residues such as palm pres fiber, rice straw, corn straw and bagase for animal feed. Bagase is a complex material, is the major by product of the sugar cane industry.  This experiment examined the effect of applying a cellulase enzyme (Siqma & Co) on the digestibility of bagase in vitro.  The enzyme was applied in liquid form at  concentrations 1.0; 1.5 and 2.0 (g/100 g DM) to bagase. The bagase was incubated with enzyme for 48 h before in vitro digestion. The digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and fiber  in vitro was detected. The results showed that digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and fiber were significantly different (P<0.01) across treatments. The increased of the cellulase enzyme supplemented to bagase can increased the nutritive values of the product and directly digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and fiber higher.  Results from this study indicated that direct application of enzymes to bagase was capable to improving  digestibility in-vitro. Key words :  cellulase enzyme, bagase, digestibility, in vitr

    Digital Da'wah Communications for The Prosperous Justice Party During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This study aims to identify da'wah messages on the TikTok @pksejahtera account during the Covid-19 pandemic related to denotative, connotative, and mythical meanings in da'wah content on the TikTok @pksejahtera account limited to tausyiah content from da'i to mad'u with the hashtag #tausyiah , #habib, #Islam, #pkspelayanrakyat, #remembrance, #PKS, #Bertualangrasa, #tausyiahislam, #minitausyiah, #tausyiahhabibsalim, #ramadhan2021, and #syekhalijaber. This study uses a semiotic analysis method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that denotative Meaning could be observed from the choice of words and the arrangement of sentences in the text; connotative Meaning can be observed from the video images displayed in each scene. In contrast, the Meaning of myth can be found in the da'wah content on the TikTok @pksejahtera account by observing the preacher when delivering tausyiah.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pesan dakwah pada akun TikTok @pksejahtera selama pandemi Covid-19 terkait dengan makna denotatif, konotatif, dan mitos dalam Konten dakwah pada akun TikTok @pksejahtera dibatasi pada konten tausyiah dari da’i kepada mad’u dengan tagar #tausyiah, #habib, #Islam, #pkspelayanrakyat, #zikir, #PKS, #Bertualangrasa, #tausyiahislam, #minitausyiah, #tausyiahhabibsalim, #ramadhan2021, dan #syekhalijaber. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis semiotika dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, makna denotatif dapat diamati dari pemilihan kata dan penyusunan kalimat dalam teks, makna konotatif dapat diamati dari gambar video yang ditampilkan dalam tiap adegan, sedangkan makna mitos dapat ditemukan dalam konten dakwah pada akun TikTok @pksejahtera dengan mengamati da’i saat menyampaikan tausyiah

    The effect of fermented coconut waste to the growth of catfish (ClariasSp)

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of fermented coconut waste on the growth of catfish (Clariassp). The study design used was completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. Treatments included P0 (0% of fermented coconut waste in the feed), P1 (10% of fermented coconut waste in the feed), P2 (20% of fermented coconut waste in feed), and P3 (30% of fermented coconut waste in the feed). The observed variables were feed consumption, absolute body weight, feed conversion and survival rate. The results showed that using fermented coconut waste for catfish diet significantly (P <0.05) affected feed intake, absolute body weight, feed conversion and live survival of the fish. The conclusion of this research was using 20% of fermented coconut waste in the diet can increase the growth of catfish (Clariassp)

    PRODUKSI ENZIM SELULASE TERMOSTABIL DARI BAKTERI NG2 MENGGUNAKAN BERBAGAI SUMBER SELULOSA ASAL LIMBAH PERTANIAN DAN PERKEBUNAN (Production of Thermostable Cellulase Enzyme by NG2 Bacteria Using Various Cellulose Sources from the Agriculture Waste)

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    This experiment aimed to determine the best cellulose sources from the agricultural by product on the production of the thermostable cellulase enzymes by thermophilic bacteria (NG2) and also to find out the best concentration level of the selected sources of cellulose. The experiment was conducted in two stages using a completely randomized design (CRD). In phase 1, four cellulose sources were used, namely A: corn cobs, B: rice straw, C: coconut fiber, and D: oil palm trunk, in which the replication for each source was five. In phase 2,  the best sources of cellulose from the phase 1 was used at four different levels of concentration, i.e., A: 2%, B: 3%, C: 4%, and D: 5%, in which replication for each concentration was five. The result of phase 1 showed that the corn cobs was the best cellulose source  in producing cellulase enzyme. This was indicated by the activity of 0.329 U/ml, the enzyme protein of 0.0328 mg/ml, and the specific activity of 10.165 U/mg, which were significantly higher (P&lt;0.01) than those of other cellulose sources. The results of phase 2 showed that the concentration of 4% (w/v) had the highest (P&lt;0.01) specific activity of 44.002 U/mg  compared with those of the other concentrations. In conclusion, the highest production of cellulase enzyme using thermophilic bacteria (NG2) was obtained at the concentration of 4% (w/v) using the corn cobs as the cellulose source

    Artikel No 14.Prof. Yetti Marlida A Review on Potential of Glutamate

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    Respons Pertumbuhan Ikan Lele Sangkuriang (Clarias Gariepinus) yang Diberi Pakan Buatan Berbasis Limbah Sayuran

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    The aim of this study was to determine the growth response Lele Sangkuriang (Clarias gariepinus ) fed vegetable waste based artificial maintained with different densities. The analysis shows that different stocking solid significantly affect the growth of the test fish .Results of further tests with the Last Significant Diferent ( LSD ) showed treatment A is not significantly different from treatment with B, but treatmen A significantly different with C. Treatment B did not differ significantly with treatment C. The survival rate in the test fish treatment A ( 88.67 % ) , B ( 89.67 % ) C ( 91.56 % ) . Results of the analysis showed that different stocking Solid did not significantly affect the survival rate of the test fish. The value of the test fish feed convention ranged from 1.53 to 1.67. the range of temperature and pH on -site maintenance is in the range appropriate for the test fis

    Analisis Perpindahan Panas Pada Kondensor Unit IV PLTU Di PT. PJB UP Gresik

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    PT. PJB UP Gresik adalah salah satu perusahaan jasa dibidang produksi tenaga listrik yang berada di kawasan industri Gresik, untuk kemudian disalurkan ke sistem interkoneksi Jawa- Bali. Jumlah Daya listrik yang dihasilkan oleh perusahaan ini sebesar 2.260 Mega Watt (MW) yang terdiri dari dua unit pembangkit listrik tenaga gas, empat unit pembangkit listrik tenaga uap, dan tiga blok unit pembangkit listrik tenaga gas dan uap. PT. PJB UP Gresik sendiri mempunyai peralatan-peralatan pendukung beroperasinya turbin uap yang berputar dan berhubungan dengan generator. Diantara pendukungnya adalah kondensor. Kondensor adalah salah satu jenis pesawat penukar kalor yang berfungsi mengkondensasikan uap bekas dari turbin, yaitu air laut. Jenis kondensor yang digunakan pada PLTU Unit IV PT. PJB UP Gresik adalah surface condenser. PLTU Unit IV PT. PJB UP Gresik memiliki kapasitas 200 MW dengan tekanan vakum pada kondensor sebesar 695 mmHg. Pada tugas akhir ini, mencakup proses perhitungan dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisa perpindahan panas dengan metode Log Mean Temperature Different (LMTD) dan NTU-Effectiveness di kondensor Unit IV PLTU . Dalam perhitungan, memvariasikan beberapa hal yang berpengaruh pada efektifitas kondensor ini. Analisa perpindahan panas dan effectiveness digunakan untuk mengetahui kerja kondensor unit IV pada tanggal 9 Juni 2014 sampai tanggal 11 Juni 2014. Diambil sampling data pada saat performance test kondensor pada beberapa hari yang disebutkan dan dengan data aktual v beban, kevakuman kondensor, suhu (temperatur) masuk dan keluar steam, suhu (temperatur) masuk dan keluar air laut yang saling mendekati; kemudian direrata. Hasil yang didapat dari tugas akhir ini adalah nilai laju perpindahan panas dan effectiveness (ε) kondensor unit IV dari tanggal 9 Juni 2014 sampai 11 Juni 2014. Pada kondensor unit IV, ditanggal 9 Juni 2014 sampai tanggal 10 Juni 2014 diperoleh laju perpindahan panas sebesar 153.6001264 MW. Ditanggal 10 Juni 2014 sampai tanggal 11 Juni 2014 diperoleh laju perpindahan panas sebesar 131.9188202 MW. Sedangkan effectiveness (ε), ditanggal 9 Juni 2014 sampai 10 Juni 2014 diperoleh 0.99571 % dan ditanggal 10 Juni 2014 sampai 11 Juni 2014 didapat 0.99661 %. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa keadaan kondensor cukup baik, dikarenakan steam dapat menuju kondensor, sehingga laju perpindahan panas dan effektifitas kondensor mampu mengkondensasi steam menjadi cair. ======================================================================================================= PT. PJB UP Gresik is one service company in the production of electric power at industrial area of Gresik, for distributed to the Java-Bali with interconnection system. Electrical power amount generated by these companies amounted to 2.260 Mega Watt (MW) consisting of two gas-fired power generation units, four units of the steam power plant, and three blocks of power plants and steam gas. PT. PJB UP Gresik alone has the equipment supporting the operation of the steam turbine that rotates and is associated with the generator. Among its supporter are condensers. The condenser is one of the best types of heat exchanger that functions of the former steam condensing turbine, is seawater. Condenser type used in the power plant Unit IV PT. PJB UP Gresik is a surface condenser. Power Plant Unit IV PT. PJB UP Gresik has a capacity of 200 MW with the condenser vacuum pressure of 695 mmHg. In this thesis, includes the calculation process is done by using a heat transfer analysis method Different Log Mean Temperature (LMTD) and NTU-Effectiveness in Unit IV power plant condenser. In the calculation, varying some of the things that influence the effectiveness of this condenser and heat transfer analysis used to determine the effectiveness of work condenser unit IV on June 9, 2014 until June 11, 2014. Taken sampling data during the performance test condenser on some days indicated and the actual data load, the vacuum condenser, the temperature of incoming and outgoing temperature steam, the temperature of incoming and outgoing temperature of the sea water approach each other; then average it. The results of this thesis is the value of heat transfer rate and effectiveness (ε) condenser unit IV of the date of June 9, 2014 until June 11, 2014. At condenser unit IV, the date of June 9, 2014 until the date of June 10, 2014 obtained the heat transfer rate of 153.6001264 MW. The date of June 10, 2014 until the date of June 11, 2014 obtained the heat transfer rate of 131.9188202 MW. While the effectiveness (ε), the date June 9, 2014 until June 10, 2014 was obtained 0.99571% and the date of June 10, 2014 until June 11, 2014 0.99661% obtained. This shows that the state of the condenser is good enough, because the steam can head condenser, so the heat transfer rate and effectiveness steam condenser capable of condensing into liquid

    Turnitin Jurnal New probiotics Prof. Yetti Marlida

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