17 research outputs found

    Brincadeiras do meio do mundo: uma infância globalizada?

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    Researching ways to relate global and local in childhood’ cultures, through the processes of production and reception of culture by the children and their expression on everyday play' peer cultures, we intend to infer the impact of globalizations in the contemporary childhoods, namely considering the African context. The proposal passes through diving in the day-to-day playful lives of children born in Sao Tome and Principe in the attempt of examining the social and cultural worlds of childhood, and revealing them through the voices of the children themselves. Through observation and analysis of practices and meanings associated with the act of playing and the use of toys in the contexts of the lives of children from Sao Tome and Principe, this research seeks to clarify how the cultures of the children in its origins and structure are embedded in the broader context of ongoing globalizations.A pesquisa sobre as formas como se relacionam o global e o local nas culturas da infância, através dos processos de receção e produção da cultura pelas crianças e da sua expressão nas culturas de pares no quotidiano lúdico, pretende inferir o impacto da globalização nas infâncias contemporâneas, nomeadamente no contexto africano. A estratégia: mergulhar no quotidiano lúdico das crianças africanas naturais de São Tomé e Príncipe na tentativa de perscrutar um dos mundos sociais e culturais da infância e revelá-lo na voz das próprias crianças. Através da observação e análise das práticas e dos significados relacionados com a brincadeira e o brinquedo nos contextos de vida das crianças de São Tomé e Príncipe, procura-se esclarecer como e se as culturas das crianças na sua génese e estrutura estão imbricadas no contexto mais amplo de globalizações em curso

    Miúdos Co(n)vida”: developing research with children in times of pandemic COVID-19

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    The Covid-19 pandemic is a powerful example of how our rights and, in particular, children’s rights are reconfigured. In order to ensure that, in a pandemic context, children’s voices were not kept invisible, we developed some research strategies, which assumed an innovative character, given the contingencies resulting from the lockdown situation. This text aimed to reflect on the ethical and methodological challenges in research with children, taking into account the pandemic and confinement, rethinking strategies and the process of building knowledge with them and about their lives.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Brincadeiras de crianças de S. Tomé e Príncipe: construção de um estudo em Sociologia da Infância

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    No presente artigo pretende-se dar conta do percurso de construção de um design metodológico em Sociologia da Infância e dos pressupostos que fundamentam a escolha da metodologia de investigação, evidenciando como essa escolha está definitivamente relacionada com a natureza da questão geradora: nas brincadeiras e brinquedos que usam as crianças africanas, como se reflectem as premissas de um mundo globalizado ou de uma “criança global”? A operacionalização deste questionamento, previamente contextualizado e fundamentado teoricamente, elucidará sobre a tipologia do estudo a empreender e orientará a estruturação do design metodológico, desde a identificação das informações a obter, contextos de recolha dessa informação, selecção dos instrumentos de recolha de dados e formas de audição dos sujeitos envolvidos, assim como dos processos de análise dos dados. Finalmente e justamente pela natureza da questão primeira, avança-se inevitavelmente um pouco sobre o apontamento de acções e atenções éticas que permearão as práticas metodológicas no estudo que se pretende.In this article we realize to clarify the reasons for the choice and the way of an methodological design construction, showing how that choice is definitely related with the nature of the first question: in the games and toys that African children use, how are reflected the premises of a globalized world or a “global kid”? The contextualized operationalization of that question elucidates about the typology of the study to undertake and will guide the methodological design structure, since the identification of the sources, data collection contexts, selection of instruments to get that information, and forms of hearing the involved subjects, so as the data analyses processes

    Epistemologies from Latitude Zero: Games, Plays and Toys from São Tomé and Príncipe

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    This article is an invitation to discover the epistemologies of latitude zero. That is to say, the knowledge of those who do not know: either because they are children or African, because they are marginalized by adult-centrism, or because they are made invisible by Eurocentrism. Both the theoretical framework of sociology of childhood and the scope of postcolonial theories share the assumptions of reflexivity, collaboration and participation, which are also incorporated in the use of visual methodologies. Thus, this paper employs photographic records to disclose the knowledge of the children from São Tomé and Príncipe’s, and their provocative questions: the normalization of the children’s games and the assessment of the game itself; the preservation of the relationship between children and nature as their privileged stage of play; and finally the promotion of meaningful relationships with children, acknowledging their ludic cultures

    “Miúdos Co(n)vida”: desenvolver pesquisa com crianças em tempos de pandemia COVID-19

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    A pandemia da Covid-19 é um exemplo poderoso do modo como os nossos direitos são reconfigurados e, em especial, os direitos das crianças. Mobilizadas pela exigência de assegurar que, no contexto de crise pandémica, as vozes das crianças não ficassem invisíveis, foram desenvolvidas algumas estratégias de investigação que assumiram um caráter inovador, dadas as contingências decorrentes da situação de confinamento. Este texto visou à reflexão sobre os desafios éticos e metodológicos na pesquisa com crianças, atendendo ao quadro de pandemia e confinamento, repensando estratégias e o processo de construção de conhecimento com estas e acerca das suas vidas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Co-creation of educational commons spaces to reverse inequalities: project SMOOTH and the Children's Club

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    This article presents an action-research project from the EU-funded SMOOTH project, which focuses on the potential of Educational Commons to address educational inequalities. The project adopts an emergent paradigm that views spaces for collaboration, content co-creation, socialization, governance, and play as catalysts for reversing inequalities. The action-research, conducted in a disadvantaged non-formal education setting in northern Portugal, involved children aged 8–10 years old. Over a span of 10 months, the innovative action-research program aimed to achieve several objectives: (1) reversing inequalities faced by vulnerable social groups, (2) strengthening inter-cultural and inter-generational dialogue and social integration, (3) developing essential social and personal skills, and (4) creating smooth spaces of democratic citizenship based on equality, collaboration, sharing, and caring. By understanding the tensions and conflicts that emerge in children's everyday situations, the project sought to build and foster community through embracing differences. This article analyzes the characteristics, behaviors, challenges, and strengths observed during the 30 sessions. The results provide insights into the dimensions of Children as commoners, in terms of sharing and care, cooperation and collective creativity and active citizenship. This research contributes to the exploration of Educational Commons as a means to promote equity and transform educational contexts

    A Infância na latitude zero: as brincadeiras da criança 'global' africana

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Estudos da Criança (área de especialização em Sociologia da Infância).Através da observação e análise das práticas e dos significados relacionados com a brincadeira e o brinquedo nos contextos de vida das crianças de São Tomé e Príncipe procurou-se esclarecer como e se as culturas destas crianças na sua génese e estrutura estão imbricadas no contexto mais amplo de uma globalização em curso. Este estudo perscruta um dos mundos sociais e culturais da Infância e revela-o na voz das próprias crianças permitindo outros entendimentos sobre as vidas das crianças que nasceram em África e sobre o quotidiano lúdico das crianças africanas, indo muito além da estereotipia de crianças órfãs, vítimas e vulneráveis, normalmente cunhada pelos estudos e estatísticas encomendados ao ocidente, ao acrescentar uma visão possível sobre os mundos das Infâncias que parte daqueles que habitualmente, historicamente, não têm tido voz na sua alteridade geracional, geográfica e cultural: especialmente as crianças africanas. Num diálogo fundamental entre os estudos da infância e os estudos pós coloniais, este estudo revelou-se importante pela audição das vozes das crianças marginalizadas pelo adultocentrismo nos estudos da infância e invisibilizadas pelo etnocentrismo das ciências sociais, contribuindo, em suma, para a desconstrução da norma de infância ocidental quando nos permitimos descobrir pelas vozes das crianças outras formas de ver o mundo e constatar que há diferentes formas de ser criança no mundo. Escolhendo como porta de entrada para o universo infantil a análise das práticas e significados relacionados com a brincadeira e os brinquedos utilizados, as culturas da infância são reveladas na ação concreta das crianças no tecido social, que (re)produzem práticas e representações específicas no contexto comunicacional das relações sociais inter e intrageracionais. A pesquisa, enquadrada numa abordagem ou construção etnográfica no âmbito do paradigma interpretativo compreensivo, permitiu que fossem reconstruídos os processos e as relações que configuram a experiência quotidiana da brincadeira e do uso dos brinquedos pelas crianças, aqui espelhadas com o suporte das metodologias visuais. Conclui-se que as crianças santomenses têm em mãos desafiar o ser criança na sua sociedade acrescido do desafio da norma de infância imposta pelos adultos ocidentais e pelas suas instituições hegemónicas, as quais na maior parte das vezes não têm em conta a especificidade das suas rotinas, dos seus tempos e espaços e das suas formas de interação com outras gerações, ou numa palavra: as suas culturas infantis.Through observation and analysis of practices and meanings related to the act of playing and the use of toys in the contexts of the children’s lives from Sao Tome and Principe, this research seeks to clarify how, and if, in its genesis and structure, the child’s cultures are embedded in the broader context of ongoing globalizations. This study scrutinizes one of the social and cultural worlds of childhood, and reveals it through the voices of children themselves allowing other understandings about the children born in Africa and about their playful daily lives, going far beyond the stereotype of orphaned and vulnerable children victims, frequently labeled by studies and statistics ordered by the west, adding one more possible insight about childhood’s world given by those who usually, historically, haven’t had voice in their generational, geographical and cultural otherness: especially the african children. Exercising a fundamental dialogue between childhood studies and post-colonial studies, this research proved to be an important listening of marginalized children’s voices by adultcentrism in childhood studies and those made invisible by ethnocentrism in social sciences contributing, in short, to the deconstruction of the western standard of childhood. In other words, through children’s voices we allow ourselves to discover other ways of seeing the world and that there are different ways of being a child in the world. Choosing as gateway to child’s universe the analysis of practices and meanings related to the play activity and the use of toys, the childhood’s cultures are revealed through concrete children’s actions in social tissue, which are (re)producing specific practices and representations in the communicational context of intra and intergenerational social relationships. This research is framed on ethnographic approach within the interpretive comprehensive paradigm, allowing the rebuilding of processes and relationships that shape the daily experience of play and use of toys by children - here mirrored with the support of visual methodologies. The major conclusion is that Santomean children are handling the challenge of being a child in their own society at once defying the standardized western childhood imposed by occidental adults and their hegemonic institutions, which more often don’t regard the specificity of their daily routines, their time, spaces and intergenerational interactions, or in short: their childhood cultures.Par l'observation et l'analyse des pratiques et significations liées au jeu et le jouet dans les contextes de la vie des enfants de Sao Tomé-et-Principe, nous avons essayé de clarifier comment et si les cultures de ces enfants dans sa genèse et sa structure sont intégrées dans le contexte plus large d'une globalisation en cours. Cette étude examine un des mondes sociaux et culturels de l'enfance et le révèle dans la voix des enfants eux-mêmes permettant à d'autres compréhensions sur la vie des enfants nés en Afrique et la vie quotidienne ludique des enfants africains, allant bien audelà du stéréotype des enfants orphelins, victimes et vulnérables, souvent marquée par des études et des statistiques commandé au l'ouest, en ajoutant un regard possible dans les mondes de l'enfance que de ceux qui habituellement ont historiquement eu aucune voix dans leur altérité générationnelle, géographique et culturelle: en particulier les enfants africains. Dans un dialogue fondamental entre les études de l'enfance et des études postcoloniales, cette étude sa prouvé important a cause d'écouter les voix des enfants marginalisés par adultcentrism dans les études de l'enfance et rendus invisibles par l'ethnocentrisme de sciences sociales, contribuant, en bref, à la déconstruction de le norme occidentale de l'enfance lorsque nous nous permettons de découvrir par les voix des enfants, d'autres façons de voir le monde et de voir qu'il y a différentes façons d'être un enfant dans le monde. Choisissant comme porte vers l'univers infantile l'analyse de pratiques et de significations liées au jeu et des jouets utilisés, les cultures de la petite enfance sont révélés dans l'action concrète des enfants dans le tissu social, qui (re)produire des pratiques et des représentations spécifiques dans le contexte communicationnel des relations sociales inter et intra-générationnelles. La recherche, encadrée dans une approche, ou construction ethnographique dans le cadre du paradigme interprétatif, a permis, qui des processus et des relations qui façonnent l'expérience quotidienne du jeu et de l'utilisation de jouets par les enfants, ont été reconstruits, miroir ici avec le soutien de méthodes visuelles. Nous concluons que les enfants de Sao Tomé et Principe ont à portée de main le défi d'être enfant' dans leur société, plus le défi de la norme de l'enfance imposé par les adultes occidentaux et leurs institutions hégémoniques, qui dans la plupart des cas, ne tient pas en compte la spécificité de leurs routines, leurs temps et des espaces et des formes d'interaction avec les autres générations, ou en un mot, les cultures de leurs enfants

    You know them about the children and the interactions in the net

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    Most of the studies that you/they lean over about the technologies of information and communication (TIC) and the children try to demonstrate the potentialities and benefits of the first ones in relation to Mondays. The inverse perspective–the one that the children do of the technologies - it is much less documented in the research. Starting from the theoretical picture of reference of the Sociology of the Childhood, it tries to clear the devices, the manners and the elaboration processes and to re-do of the you know about the children in the ambit of the interactions of pairs in the net