1,834 research outputs found

    Brain oscillations differentially encode noxious stimulus intensity and pain intensity

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    Noxious stimuli induce physiological processes which commonly translate into pain. However, under certain conditions, pain intensity can substantially dissociate from stimulus intensity, e.g. during longer-lasting pain in chronic pain syndromes. How stimulus intensity and pain intensity are differentially represented in the human brain is, however, not yet fully understood. We therefore used electroencephalography (EEG) to investigate the cerebral representation of noxious stimulus intensity and pain intensity during 10 min of painful heat stimulation in 39 healthy human participants. Time courses of objective stimulus intensity and subjective pain ratings indicated a dissociation of both measures. EEG data showed that stimulus intensity was encoded by decreases of neuronal oscillations at alpha and beta frequencies in sensorimotor areas. In contrast, pain intensity was encoded by gamma oscillations in the medial prefrontal cortex. Contrasting right versus left hand stimulation revealed that the encoding of stimulus intensity in contralateral sensorimotor areas depended on the stimulation side. In contrast, a conjunction analysis of right and left hand stimulation revealed that the encoding of pain in the medial prefrontal cortex was independent of the side of stimulation. Thus, the translation of noxious stimulus intensity into pain is associated with a change from a spatially specific representation of stimulus intensity by alpha and beta oscillations in sensorimotor areas to a spatially independent representation of pain by gamma oscillations in brain areas related to cognitive and affective-motivational processes. These findings extend the understanding of the brain mechanisms of nociception and pain and their dissociations during longer-lasting pain as a key symptom of chronic pain syndromes

    Distinct patterns of brain activity mediate perceptual and motor and autonomic responses to noxious stimuli

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    Pain is a complex phenomenon involving perceptual, motor, and autonomic responses, but how the brain translates noxious stimuli into these different dimensions of pain is unclear. Here, we assessed perceptual, motor, and autonomic responses to brief noxious heat stimuli and recorded brain activity using electroencephalography (EEG) in humans. Multilevel mediation analysis reveals that each pain dimension is subserved by a distinct pattern of EEG responses and, conversely, that each EEG response differentially contributes to the different dimensions of pain. In particular, the translation of noxious stimuli into autonomic and motor responses involved the earliest N1 wave, whereas pain perception was mediated by later N2 and P2 waves. Gamma oscillations mediated motor responses rather than pain perception. These findings represent progress towards a mechanistic understanding of the brain processes translating noxious stimuli into pain and suggest that perceptual, motor, and autonomic dimensions of pain are partially independent rather than serial processes

    Neural oscillations and connectivity characterizing the state of tonic experimental pain in humans

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    Pain is a complex phenomenon that is served by neural oscillations and connectivity involving different brain areas and frequencies. Here, we aimed to systematically and comprehensively assess the pattern of neural oscillations and connectivity characterizing the state of tonic experimental pain in humans. To this end, we applied 10-min heat pain stimuli consecutively to the right and left hand of 39 healthy participants and recorded electroencephalography. We systematically analyzed global and local measures of oscillatory brain activity, connectivity, and graph theory-based network measures during tonic pain and compared them to a nonpainful control condition. Local measures showed suppressions of oscillatory activity at alpha frequencies together with stronger connectivity at alpha and beta frequencies in sensorimotor areas during tonic pain. Furthermore, sensorimotor areas contralateral to stimulation showed significantly increased connectivity to a common area in the medial prefrontal cortex at alpha frequencies. Together, these observations indicate that the state of tonic experimental pain is associated with a sensorimotor-prefrontal network connected at alpha frequencies. These findings represent a step further toward understanding the brain mechanisms underlying long-lasting pain states in health and disease

    Tuning of gallery heights in a crystalline 2D carbon nitride network

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    Poly(triazine imide) - a 2D layered network - can be obtained as an intercalation compound with halides from the ionothermal condensation of dicyandiamide in a eutectic salt melt. The gallery height of the intercalated material can be tuned via the composition of the eutectic melt and by post-synthetic modification. Here, we report the synthesis of poly(triazine imide) with intercalated bromide ions (PTI/Br) from a lithium bromide and potassium bromide salt melt. PTI/Br has a hexagonal unit-cell (P63cm (no. 185); a = 8.500390(68) Å, c = 7.04483(17) Å) that contains two layers of imide-bridged triazine (C3N3) units stacked in an AB-fashion as corroborated by solid-state NMR, FTIR spectroscopy and high-resolution TEM. By comparison with a recently reported material PTI/Li +Cl-, prepared from a LiCl/KCl eutectic, the layer-stacking distance in the analogous bromide material was expanded from 3.38 Å to 3.52 Å-an exceptionally large spacing for an aromatic, discotic system (cf. graphite 3.35 Å). Subsequent treatment of PTI/Br with concentrated ammonium fluoride yields poly(triazine imide) with intercalated fluoride ions (PTI/F) (P63/m (no. 176); a = 8.4212(4) Å, c = 6.6381(5) Å) as a statistical phase mix with PTI/Br. Fluoride intercalation leads to a contraction of the gallery height to 3.32 Å, demonstrating that the gallery height is synthetically tuneable in these materials. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013

    Clostridium difficile ribotypes in Austria: a multicenter, hospital-based survey

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    A prospective, noninterventional survey was conducted among Clostridium difficile positive patients identified in the time period of July until October 2012 in 18 hospitals distributed across all nine Austrian provinces. Participating hospitals were asked to send stool samples or isolates from ten successive patients with C.difficile infection to the National Clostridium difficile Reference Laboratory at the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety for PCR-ribotyping and in vitro susceptibility testing. A total of 171 eligible patients were identified, including 73 patients with toxin-positive stool specimens and 98 patients from which C. difficile isolates were provided. Of the 159 patients with known age, 127 (74.3 %) were 65 years or older, the median age was 76 years (range: 9–97 years), and the male to female ratio 2.2. Among these patients, 73 % had health care-associated and 20 % community-acquired C. difficile infection (indeterminable 7 %). The all-cause, 30-day mortality was 8.8 % (15/171). Stool samples yielded 46 different PCR-ribotypes, of which ribotypes 027 (20 %), 014 (15.8 %), 053 (10.5 %), 078 (5.3 %), and 002 (4.7 %) were the five most prevalent. Ribotype 027 was found only in the provinces Vienna, Burgenland, and Lower Austria. Severe outcome of C. difficile infection was found to be associated with ribotype 053 (prevalence ratio: 3.04; 95 % CI: 1.24, 7.44), not with the so-called hypervirulent ribotypes 027 and 078. All 027 and 053 isolates exhibited in vitro resistance against moxifloxacin. Fluoroquinolone use in the health care setting must be considered as a factor favoring the spread of these fluoroquinolone resistant C. difficile clones

    The role of magnetic anisotropy in the Kondo effect

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    In the Kondo effect, a localized magnetic moment is screened by forming a correlated electron system with the surrounding conduction electrons of a non-magnetic host. Spin S=1/2 Kondo systems have been investigated extensively in theory and experiments, but magnetic atoms often have a larger spin. Larger spins are subject to the influence of magnetocrystalline anisotropy, which describes the dependence of the magnetic moment's energy on the orientation of the spin relative to its surrounding atomic environment. Here we demonstrate the decisive role of magnetic anisotropy in the physics of Kondo screening. A scanning tunnelling microscope is used to simultaneously determine the magnitude of the spin, the magnetic anisotropy and the Kondo properties of individual magnetic atoms on a surface. We find that a Kondo resonance emerges for large-spin atoms only when the magnetic anisotropy creates degenerate ground-state levels that are connected by the spin flip of a screening electron. The magnetic anisotropy also determines how the Kondo resonance evolves in a magnetic field: the resonance peak splits at rates that are strongly direction dependent. These rates are well described by the energies of the underlying unscreened spin states.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, published in Nature Physic

    Prefrontal gamma oscillations reflect ongoing pain intensity in chronic back pain patients

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    Chronic pain is a major health care issue characterized by ongoing pain and a variety of sensory, cognitive, and affective abnormalities. The neural basis of chronic pain is still not completely understood. Previous work has implicated prefrontal brain areas in chronic pain. Furthermore, prefrontal neuronal oscillations at gamma frequencies (60–90 Hz) have been shown to reflect the perceived intensity of longer lasting experimental pain in healthy human participants. In contrast, noxious stimulus intensity has been related to alpha (8–13 Hz) and beta (14–29 Hz) oscillations in sensorimotor areas. However, it is not fully understood how the intensity of ongoing pain as the key symptom of chronic pain is represented in the human brain. Here, we asked 31 chronic back pain patients to continuously rate their ongoing pain while simultaneously recording electroencephalography (EEG). Time–frequency analyses revealed a positive association between ongoing pain intensity and prefrontal beta and gamma oscillations. No association was found between pain and alpha or beta oscillations in sensorimotor areas. These findings indicate that ongoing pain as the key symptom of chronic pain is reflected by neuronal oscillations implicated in the subjective perception of longer lasting pain rather than by neuronal oscillations related to the processing of objective nociceptive input. The findings, thus, support a dissociation of pain intensity from nociceptive processing in chronic back pain patients. Furthermore, although possible confounds by muscle activity have to be taken into account, they might be useful for defining a neurophysiological marker of ongoing pain in the human brain

    In vivo imaging and quantitative analysis of leukocyte directional migration and polarization in inflamed tissue

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    Directional migration of transmigrated leukocytes to the site of injury is a central event in the inflammatory response. Here, we present an in vivo chemotaxis assay enabling the visualization and quantitative analysis of subtype-specific directional motility and polarization of leukocytes in their natural 3D microenvironment. Our technique comprises the combination of i) semi-automated in situ microinjection of chemoattractants or bacteria as local chemotactic stimulus, ii) in vivo near-infrared reflected-light oblique transillumination (RLOT) microscopy for the visualization of leukocyte motility and morphology, and iii) in vivo fluorescence microscopy for the visualization of different leukocyte subpopulations or fluorescence-labeled bacteria. Leukocyte motility parameters are quantified off-line in digitized video sequences using computer-assisted single cell tracking. Here, we show that perivenular microinjection of chemoattractants [macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha (MIP-1alpha/Ccl3), platelet-activating factor (PAF)] or E. coli into the murine cremaster muscle induces target-oriented intravascular adhesion and transmigration as well as polarization and directional interstitial migration of leukocytes towards the locally administered stimuli. Moreover, we describe a crucial role of Rho kinase for the regulation of directional motility and polarization of transmigrated leukocytes in vivo. Finally, combining in vivo RLOT and fluorescence microscopy in Cx3CR1(gfp/gfp) mice (mice exhibiting green fluorescent protein-labeled monocytes), we are able to demonstrate differences in the migratory behavior of monocytes and neutrophils.Taken together, we propose a novel approach for investigating the mechanisms and spatiotemporal dynamics of subtype-specific motility and polarization of leukocytes during their directional interstitial migration in vivo

    Measuring discomfort from glare: recommendations for good practice

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    This article presents a review of the methods used for subjective evaluation of discomfort from glare, focusing on the two procedures most frequently used in past research – adjustment and category rating. Evidence is presented to demonstrate that some aspects of these procedures influence the evaluation, such as the range of glare source luminances available in an adjustment procedure, leading to biased evaluations and which hence reduce the reliability and validity of the data. The article offers recommendations for good practice when using these procedures and also suggests alternative methods that might be explored in further work

    Integrating isotopes and documentary evidence : dietary patterns in a late medieval and early modern mining community, Sweden

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    We would like to thank the Archaeological Research Laboratory, Stockholm University, Sweden and the Tandem Laboratory (Ångström Laboratory), Uppsala University, Sweden, for undertaking the analyses of stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes in both human and animal collagen samples. Also, thanks to Elin Ahlin Sundman for providing the ÎŽ13C and ÎŽ15N values for animal references from VĂ€sterĂ„s. This research (BĂ€ckström’s PhD employment at Lund University, Sweden) was supported by the Berit Wallenberg Foundation (BWS 2010.0176) and Jakob and Johan Söderberg’s foundation. The ‘Sala project’ (excavations and analyses) has been funded by Riksens Clenodium, Jernkontoret, Birgit and Gad Rausing’s Foundation, SAU’s Research Foundation, the Royal Physiographic Society of Lund, Berit Wallenbergs Foundation, Åke Wibergs Foundation, Lars Hiertas Memory, Helge Ax:son Johnson’s Foundation and The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
