380 research outputs found

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    Master i Human Resource Management - 201

    Structure and stability of the lamin A tail domain and HGPS mutant

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    Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) is a premature aging syndrome caused by the expression and accumulation of a mutant form of lamin A, Δ50 lamin A. As a component of the cell’s nucleoskeleton, lamin A plays an important role in the mechanical stabilization of the nuclear envelope and in other nuclear functions. It is largely unknown how the characteristic 50 amino acid deletion affects the conformation of the mostly intrinsically disordered tail domain of lamin A. Here we perform replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations of the tail domain and determine an ensemble of semi-stable structures. Based on these structures we show that the ZMPSTE 24 cleavage site on the precursor form of the lamin A tail domain orients itself in such a way as to facilitate cleavage during the maturation process. We confirm our simulated structures by comparing the thermodynamic properties of the ensemble structures to in vitro stability measurements. Using this combination of experimental and computational techniques, we compare the size, heterogeneity of size, thermodynamic stability of the Ig-fold, as well as the mechanisms of force-induced denaturation. Our data shows that the Δ50 lamin A tail domain is more compact and displays less heterogeneity than the mature lamin A tail domain. Altogether these results suggest that the altered structure and stability of the tail domain can explain changed protein–protein and protein–DNA interactions and may represent an etiology of the disease. Also, this study provides the first molecular structure(s) of the lamin A tail domain, which is confirmed by thermodynamic tests in experiment.United States. Air Force Office of Scientific ResearchUnited States. Dept. of Defense. Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineer

    Qualitative Content Analysis: Disciplinary Perspectives and Relationships between Methods - Introduction to the FQS Special Issue "Qualitative Content Analysis II"

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    In this article, we introduce Part II of the special issue on qualitative content analysis (QCA). To begin with, we provide a short summary of the rationale underlying both parts of the special issue and present some core conclusions based on Part I. Whereas in Part I we combined contributions by authors taking an inside perspective on QCA, focusing on conceptualizations of the method as well as challenges in applying it, in Part II we put together articles by authors who take more of an outside view. Like Part I, Part II is divided into two sections. In the first section, papers are presented in which QCA is employed in different disciplines. It can be seen that methodological requirements vary between disciplines, and that this results in different ways of using and adapting QCA. In the second section are contributions in which the relationship between QCA and other methods / approaches is examined or illustrated. Comparisons are made between QCA and Grounded Theory Methodology only, whereas combinations can be found with a variety of methods / approaches. We end by summarizing our main conclusions concerning the goals we pursued with this special issue, and highlighting some open questions and suggestions for future methodological discussion and development of QCA.In diesem Beitrag fĂŒhren wir in Teil II des Themenschwerpunkts zur qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse (QIA) ein. ZunĂ€chst fassen wir die Überlegungen zusammen, die beiden Teilen des Schwerpunkts zugrunde liegen, und fĂŒhren noch einmal einige der zentralen Schlussfolgerungen aus Teil I an. In Teil I sind BeitrĂ€ge von Autor_innen zusammengestellt, die sich der Methode aus der Innensicht heraus nĂ€hern, mit einem Fokus auf Konzeptualisierungen der QIA sowie auf Herausforderungen bei der Anwendung der Methode. In Teil II legen wir BeitrĂ€ge von Autor_innen vor, die eher eine Außensicht einnehmen. Wie Teil I, ist auch Teil II des Schwerpunkts in zwei Abschnitte untergliedert. Im ersten Abschnitt sind Artikel zusammengestellt, in denen es um die Anwendung der QIA in unterschiedlichen disziplinĂ€ren Kontexten geht. Es wird deutlich, dass die methodologischen Anforderungen in verschiedenen Disziplinen sich zum Teil erheblich unterscheiden, was sich in diversen Anwendungsformen und Adaptationen der QIA manifestiert. Im zweiten Abschnitt sind BeitrĂ€ge mit Schwerpunkt auf der Relation zwischen QIA und anderen Methoden und AnsĂ€tzen enthalten. In einer vergleichenden Perspektive befassen sich Autor_innen lediglich mit der Beziehung zwischen der QIA und der Grounded-Theory-Methodologie; kombiniert wird die QIA von den Verfasser_innen dagegen mit einer Vielzahl anderer Verfahren und AnsĂ€tze. Abschließend fassen wir unsere zentralen Schlussfolgerungen hinsichtlich der Zielsetzungen zusammen, die wir mit diesem Themenschwerpunkt verfolgt haben, und wir stellen wesentliche offene Fragen und Desiderata fĂŒr die kĂŒnftige methodologische Entwicklung der QIA zur Diskussion

    Qualitative Content Analysis: Conceptualizations and Challenges in Research Practice - Introduction to the FQS Special Issue "Qualitative Content Analysis I"

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    In this contribution we introduce Part I of the special issue on qualitative content analysis (QCA). We start by describing the rationale on which this special issue is based and our considerations in dividing the topic into two separate parts. We then provide an overview of concerns in the current methodological discussion of QCA, identifying four core areas: 1. the conceptualization of QCA as a hybrid of quantitative and qualitative elements or as a genuinely qualitative method; 2. the relationship between the German and the international discourse on QCA; 3. the question of whether theoretical and / or epistemological foundations of QCA can be identified; and 4. the lack of transparency in documenting the application of QCA. Next, we outline the process of putting together this special issue and provide an overview of the structure and how the contributions relate to each other. In this current Part I, we focus on contributions in which authors deal with questions concerning the conceptualization of QCA, and on discussions of challenges that arise during the application of QCA and how these challenges were met. We conclude that there are multiple conceptualizations of QCA in the literature, and that this multiplicity is reflected in the variety of challenges and creative solutions described by the authors in this first part of the special issue.In diesem Beitrag fĂŒhren wir in den ersten Teil der Schwerpunktausgabe zur qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse (QIA) ein. In einem ersten Schritt beschreiben wir die Überlegungen, die dem Schwerpunkt zugrunde liegen, und erlĂ€utern die Unterteilung in zwei Teilausgaben. Anschließend geben wir einen Überblick ĂŒber zentrale Fragestellungen in der gegenwĂ€rtigen Methodenliteratur zur QIA und identifizieren vier Kernbereiche: 1. die Konzeptualisierung der QIA als hybride Kombination quantitativer und qualitativer Elemente oder als genuin qualitative Methode; 2. die Relation zwischen dem deutschsprachigen und dem internationalen Methodendiskurs; 3. die Frage, ob sich theoretische und/oder epistemologische Grundlagen der QIA identifizieren lassen; 4. fehlende Transparenz bei der Dokumentation von Anwendungen der Methode. In einem nĂ€chsten Schritt gehen wir auf den Prozess der Erstellung der Schwerpunktausgabe ein und erlĂ€utern die Struktur und die ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen den BeitrĂ€gen. In dem vorliegenden ersten Teil legen wir den Fokus auf Artikel zur Konzeptualisierung der QIA sowie auf BeitrĂ€ge, in denen Herausforderungen bei der Methodenanwendung und LösungsansĂ€tze beschrieben werden. Auf dieser Grundlage kommen wir zu dem Schluss, dass sich in der gegenwĂ€rtigen Methodenliteratur durchaus unterschiedliche Konzeptionen der QIA identifizieren lassen. Dies spiegelt sich auch in der Vielfalt der Herausforderungen bei der Anwendung der Methode wider und in den unterschiedlichen kreativen Umgangsweisen mit diesen Herausforderungen, wie sie von den Autor_innen dieser ersten Teilausgabe beschrieben werden

    The black box of regional growth

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    Regional growth models leave a large share of variation unexplained. While we should continuously aim to improve these models, the unique combination of conditions and human agency in each region will also invariably lead to region-specific growth trajectories. Theoretically, we should thus expect systematic deviations from growth predictions. We propose an approach to explore these unexplained deviations and to detect regions that perform unexpectedly well or badly in certain periods. We illustrate the approach using data for Sweden from 1990 to 2016. We find systematic patterns of unexplained periodic regional growth deviations outweighing the effect of generic structural factors.publishedVersio

    Involvering av interessenter i strategiutvikling. En studie av verdens nordligste bryggeri

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    Tema for studien er interessenter og strategiske utviklingsprosesser. Studien stiller spÞrsmÄl til graden av interessenters involveres i strategiutvikling, ved Ä undersÞke en organisasjons holdninger til interessenter i deres utvikling av strategi. Hensikten med studien er Ä bidra til Þkt innsikt i hvordan organisasjoner involverer sine interessenter i strategiske utviklingsprosesser. Problemstillingen for avhandlingen er: I hvilken grad involveres interessenter i strategiske utviklingsprosesser? For Ä svare pÄ studien benyttes en kvalitativ intervjustudie, hvor Macks Ølbryggeri AS utforskes. For Ä hente datamaterialet vÄrt har vi gjennomfÞrt semi-strukturerte intervjuer av fem individer hos Macks Ølbryggeri AS. For Ä svare pÄ problemstillingen har vi benyttet et rammeverk for organisasjoners holdninger til interessenter basert pÄ en skala fra reaktiv til proaktiv, i tillegg til et rammeverk for planlagte og fremvoksende strategier, som operasjonaliseres til fire strategiske utviklingsprosesser. En organisasjons interessenter vil vÊre de som pÄvirker eller pÄvirkes av organisasjonens drift. Gjennom en grundig analyse av de strategiske utviklingsprosessene har vi funnet fire interne og syv eksterne interessentgrupper som involveres i minst en av de strategiske utviklingsprosessene. Her ble det funnet at ledelsen og kundene involveres i stÞrst grad. Det belyses ogsÄ at organisasjonen fremstÄr Ä vÊre i en vekstfase, der de fleste interessenter involveres i noen grad, mens to interessenter ikke involveres i sÊrlig grad. NÞkkelord: Interessenter, strategi, strategiske utviklingsprosesser, involvering, RDA

    From Interest to Obligation: The Gradual Development of Human Altruism

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    Altruism is a central feature of human morality. Recent research sheds light on the development of altruism in early childhood. In this article, we propose a theoretical framework that systematizes research on how altruism develops from infancy to childhood. The framework includes four phases in the development of human altruism: 1) interest in social interactions, 2) preference for others’ goal completion, 3) concern with others’ well-being, and 4) a normative stance toward altruistic actions. We point to needs for additional research, especially on developmental processes by which children develop from one phase to another, eventually leading children to acquire forms of altruism that play important roles in human societies

    Three Dimensional Polarimetric Neutron Tomography of Magnetic Fields

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    Through the use of Time-of-Flight Three Dimensional Polarimetric Neutron Tomography (ToF 3DPNT) we have for the first time successfully demonstrated a technique capable of measuring and reconstructing three dimensional magnetic field strengths and directions unobtrusively and non-destructively with the potential to probe the interior of bulk samples which is not amenable otherwise. Using a pioneering polarimetric set-up for ToF neutron instrumentation in combination with a newly developed tailored reconstruction algorithm, the magnetic field generated by a current carrying solenoid has been measured and reconstructed, thereby providing the proof-of-principle of a technique able to reveal hitherto unobtainable information on the magnetic fields in the bulk of materials and devices, due to a high degree of penetration into many materials, including metals, and the sensitivity of neutron polarisation to magnetic fields. The technique puts the potential of the ToF time structure of pulsed neutron sources to full use in order to optimise the recorded information quality and reduce measurement time.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Investigation of a Monturaqui Impactite by Means of Bi-Modal X-ray and Neutron Tomography

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    X-ray and neutron tomography are applied as a bi-modal approach for the 3D characterisation of a Monturaqui impactite formed by shock metamorphism during the impact of an iron meteorite with the target rocks in the Monturaqui crater (Chile). The particular impactite exhibits structural heterogeneities on many length scales: its composition is dominated by silicate-based glassy and crystalline materials with voids and Fe/Ni-metal and oxihydroxides particles generally smaller than 1 mm in diameter. The non-destructive investigation allowed us to apply a novel bi-modal imaging approach that provides a more detailed and quantitative understanding of the structural and chemical composition compared to standard single mode imaging methods, as X-ray and neutron interaction with matter results in different attenuation coefficients with a non-linear relation. The X-ray and neutron data sets have been registered, and used for material segmentation, porosity and metallic content characterization. The bimodal data enabled the segmentation of a large number of different materials, their morphology as well as distribution in the specimen including the quantification of volume fractions. The 3D data revealed an evaporite type of material in the impactite not noticed in previous studies. The present study is exemplary in demonstrating the potential for non-destructive characterisation of key features of complex multi-phase objects such as impactites

    UNILAC Upgrades for Coulomb Barrier Energy Experiments

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    The GSI linear accelerator UNILAC provides heavy ion beams at Coulomb barrier energies for search and study of super heavy elements. Typical cross-sections of 55 fb require beam doses of 1.4·10Âčâč according to a beam time of 117 days. Several upgrades will reduce the beam time to only 16 days. A second injection branch with a 28GHz-MS-ECRIS anticipates a factor of 10 in particle intensity. By a new cw rfq-structure all accelerator tanks are suitable for a duty cycle of at least 50% instead of 25% presently. Due to this, thermal power increase of 19 rf-amplifiers eased by higher ion charge states of the ECRIS is necessary. Finally the UNILAC timing system controlling 50Hz pulse-to-pulse operation of up to six beams differing in ion species and energy has to be modified considering beam diagnostics electronics and pulsable magnets. The front end comprising ECRIS, rfq- and IH-structure is cw suitable and will serve as injector for a new future sc-cw-linac
