20 research outputs found

    Interpretación del contenido del principio de “estado social” en la legislación y los cargos de la Corte Suprema de Canadá

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    This paper is devoted to the analysis of the constitutional principle of “state sociality” in Canada, taking into account the implemented model of a social state. The method and features of securing the guarantees of the sociality of a state in the constitutional legislation of Canada are shown. Based on the analysis of the legislation, the authors made conclusions about the specifics of the sociality of the state in Canada. Analyzing the reflection of the “state sociality” principle in the judicial practice of the Supreme Court of Canada, the authors summarized its influence on the problems of a welfare state.Este artículo está dedicado al análisis del principio constitucional de la “sociedad estatal” en Canadá, teniendo en cuenta el modelo implementado de un estado social. Se muestran el método y las características de asegurar las garantías de la sociedad de un estado en la legislación constitucional de Canadá. Basado en el análisis de la legislación, los autores sacaron conclusiones sobre los detalles de la sociedad del estado en Canadá. Analizando el reflejo del principio de “sociedad estatal” en la práctica judicial de la Corte Suprema de Canadá, los autores resumieron su influencia en los problemas de un estado de bienestar


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    Abstract. In article one of the fundamental principles of civil law - the principle of inviolability of property ina restrictive context is analyzed. The comparative analysis of the concepts "restriction of the principle of inviolability of property" and "restriction of the property right" is carried out. The compulsory termination of the property right, i.e. the termination of the right irrespective of will of the owner as restriction of the principle of inviolability of property is considered. The comparative and legal analysis of the principle use of inviolability of property within the civil legislation of the countries of the former Soviet Union is carried out.Keywords: civil law, principle of inviolability of property, restriction of the principle of inviolability ofproperty, compulsory termination of the property right, civil legislation of the countries of the former Soviet Union

    Constitutional and Legal Regulation of State Authority Interaction on Citizen Appeals: Foreign Experience

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    The purpose of this article is to identify the foreign experience of constitutional legalization of the basic foundations of interaction between government bodies regarding citizens' appeals. The study was built based on a dialectical approach to the disclosure of legal phenomena and processes using general scientific (systemic, logical, analysis and synthesis) and private scientific methods. The claimed interaction becomes relevant in modern conditions because that there is the coordination of the interests between an individual and the state in this process that is demanded to strengthen democratic values. Systematization of foreign constitutional experience, which appears in the comparative legal aspect as part of the general human rights theory

    Liberdade de expressão em regras constitucionais dos países da Europa do leste

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    This article discusses the constitutional enshrining versions of freedom of speech in Eastern European countries. Being reflected in all constitutions of this group of countries, freedom of speech received lexical interfacing with other freedoms or with ways of their realization. The systematization of constitutional articulation variants of freedom of speech allowed us to identify two fundamental approaches: securing freedom of speech and detailing it. In the considered constitutions, the formulation of “freedom of speech” is typical, which is complemented by freedom of expression of “opinion”, “conviction”, “one's own views”, “thought”, “thinking and thought”, and disseminating “ideas, opinions, beliefs, information”. It was revealed that in a number of constitutions, the freedom of speech is articulated through law, which creates the conditions for its excessive regulation. “Everyone” traditionally act as the constitutional addresses the freedom of speech.Este artículo analiza las versiones constitucionales de la libertad de expresión en los países de Europa del Este. Al reflejarse en todas las constituciones de este grupo de países, la libertad de expresión recibió una interacción léxica con otras libertades o con formas de su realización. La sistematización de las variantes de articulación constitucional de la libertad de expresión nos permitió identificar dos enfoques fundamentales: garantizar la libertad de expresión y detallarla. En las constituciones consideradas, la formulación de la "libertad de expresión" es típica, que se complementa con la libertad de expresión de "opinión", "convicción", "opiniones propias", "pensamiento", "pensamiento y pensamiento" y difusión. “Ideas, opiniones, creencias, información”. Se reveló que en varias constituciones, la libertad de expresión se articula a través de la ley, lo que crea las condiciones para su regulación excesiva. "Todos" tradicionalmente actúan como lo constitucional aborda la libertad de expresión.Este artigo discute as versões constitucionais da liberdade de expressão nos países do Leste Europeu. Estando refletida em todas as constituições deste grupo de países, a liberdade de expressão recebeu uma interação lexical com outras liberdades ou com formas de sua realização. A sistematização das variantes dearticulação constitucional da liberdade de expressão permitiu identificar duas abordagens fundamentais: garantir a liberdade de expressão e detalhá-la. Nas constituições consideradas, a formulação da “liberdade de expressão” é típica, que é complementada pela liberdade de expressão de “opinião”, “convicção”,“pontos de vista”, “pensamento”, “pensamento e pensamento”, e disseminação “Idéias, opiniões, crenças, informações”. Foi revelado que, em várias constituições, a liberdade de expressão é articulada por meio da lei, o que cria as condições para sua regulamentação excessiva. “Todos” tradicionalmente agem como a constitucional aborda a liberdade de expressão

    Formas constitucionais típicas de interação entre as câmaras parlamentares estrangeiras

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    The article presents the author's analysis of the constitutional acts of European states with a bicameral parliament with a view to fixing some typical forms of interaction between the parliament chambers in them. The study has showed that the joint sessions (on taking the oath by the head of state, presidential elections, deciding to declare war, granting pardon); formation of permanent and temporary committees and commissions; formation of the higher bodies of state power or appointment of officials serve as typical forms of interaction between the parliament chambers. Within the legislative sphere, it is disclosed such typical forms of interaction between the parliament chambers as the bill approval in both chambers in an identical version and "tacit consent". It is concluded that the typical forms of interaction between the parliament chambers of European states reflect their sovereign but established approaches, elaborated by the doctrine and tested by practice.El artículo presenta el análisis del autor de los actos constitucionales de los estados europeos con un parlamento bicameral con el fin de fijar algunas formas típicas de interacción entre las cámaras del parlamento en ellos. El estudio ha demostrado que las sesiones conjuntas (sobre el juramento del jefe de estado, las elecciones presidenciales, la decisión de declarar la guerra, la concesión del indulto); formación de comités y comisiones permanentes y temporales; la formación de los cuerpos superiores del poder estatal o el nombramiento de funcionarios sirven como formas típicas de interacción entre las cámaras del parlamento. En el ámbito legislativo, se divulgan formas típicas de interacción entre las cámaras del parlamento como la aprobación de la ley en ambas cámaras en una versión idéntica y el "consentimiento tácito". Se concluye que las formas típicas de interacción entre las cámaras parlamentarias de los estados europeos reflejan sus enfoques soberanos pero establecidos, elaborados por la doctrina y probados por la práctica.O artigo apresenta a análise da autora dos atos constitucionais dos estados europeus com um parlamento bicameral com vistas a fixar algumas formas típicas de interação entre as câmaras parlamentares nelas. O estudo mostrou que as sessões conjuntas (em tomar o juramento pelo chefe de estado, eleições presidenciais, decidindo declarar guerra, concedendo perdão); formação de comissões permanentes e temporárias e comissões; a formação dos altos corpos do poder estatal ou a nomeação de funcionários servem como formas típicas de interação entre as câmaras parlamentares. Dentro da esfera legislativa, são divulgadas formas típicas de interação entre as câmaras parlamentares como a aprovação da lei em ambas as câmaras, numa versão idêntica e "consentimento tácito". Conclui-se que as formas típicas de interação entre as câmaras parlamentares dos estados europeus refletem suas abordagens soberanas, mas estabelecidas, elaboradas pela doutrina e testadas pela prática.&nbsp

    Educar los principios del poder judicial en Europa del Este

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    The study subject in this article is aims to educate the concepts of judiciary principles in Eastern eroup. We substantiated the conclusion on constitutional structuring of the formalization of judiciary principles in the sections devoted to the state foundations (constitutional system); human and civil rights and freedoms; judiciary; higher judicial authorities (usually the constitutional court). A comparative legal study of the norms of special sections on judiciary contained in the constitutions of Eastern European countries allowed the author forming a list of principles that organize and constitute the basis of activity of this kind of judiciary; identify the specific nature of their consolidation; present quantitative and qualitative features of the declared fundamental principles.El tema de estudio en este artículo tiene como objetivo educar los conceptos de los principios judiciales en el grupo oriental. Verificamos la conclusión sobre la estructuración constitucional de la formalización de los principios judiciales en las secciones dedicadas a las fundaciones estatales (sistema constitucional); derechos y libertades humanos y civiles; judicial; autoridades judiciales superiores (generalmente el tribunal constitucional). Un estudio jurídico comparativo de las normas de secciones especiales sobre el poder judicial contenidas en las constituciones de los países de Europa del Este permitió al autor formar una lista de principios que organizan y constituyen la base de la actividad de este tipo de poder judicial; identificar la naturaleza específica de su consolidación; Presentar características cuantitativas y cualitativas de los principios fundamentales declarados

    Educating the Principles of Judiciary in Eastern Europe

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    The study subject in this article is aims to educate the concepts of judiciary principles in Eastern eroup. We substantiated the conclusion on constitutional structuring of the formalization of judiciary principles in the sections devoted to the state foundations (constitutional system); human and civil rights and freedoms; judiciary; higher judicial authorities (usually the constitutional court). A comparative legal study of the norms of special sections on judiciary contained in the constitutions of Eastern European countries allowed the author forming a list of principles that organize and constitute the basis of activity of this kind of judiciary; identify the specific nature of their consolidation; present quantitative and qualitative features of the declared fundamental principles

    Protection Indicator in the Constitutions of the European Federations

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    The article presents the results of a comparative legal analysis of the constitutions of European federal states (Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, and Switzerland) with a view to identifying the norms that minimize human rights risks. The identification of such constitutional provisions is associated with the formalization of the protection of the human rights and freedoms, as well as its legal statuses and conditions. The research was based on a dialectical approach to the disclosure of legal phenomena and processes using general scientific (systematic and logical methods, analysis and synthesis) and specific scientific methods. The unity of the constitutional approach of the European federal states to formalize the judicial protection of the rights and freedoms of the individual (Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Switzerland) has been determined. The identification of such constitutional provisions are associated with the formalization of the protection of the human rights and freedoms, as well as its legal statuses and conditions. The Novelty of the study is carrying out the declared constitutional analysis of the defense was on the example of European federal states

    Length of legal proceedings and the pilot judgment procedure of the European Court of Human Rights: new challenges and problems

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    The article examines issues related to the impact of the pilot judgment procedure of the ECtHR on the problems of excessive length of legal proceedings in national legal systems. A brief overview of some of the pilot judgments adopted in relation to Respondent States is provided, and an assessment of the effectiveness of the general measures taken is given. Conclusions are drawn about the criteria for determining reasonable terms of legal proceedings in the practice of the ECtHR. As recommendations, a number of measures are proposed that will help states eliminate the excessive length of legal proceedings

    Risks to the Human Rights Advocacy in African Constitutions

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    This article presents the results of a comparative legal study of the texts of the constitutions of African states with a view to identifying the rules that minimize human rights risks. The research is based on a dialectical approach to the disclosure of legal phenomena and processes using general scientific (systematic and logical methods, analysis and synthesis) and specific scientific methods. African constitutions, in comparison with the constitutions of other states, and in particular European ones, contain a disproportionately large number of rules formalizing special human rights institutions. Typically, these are special councils, human rights commissions (Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia) or certain categories of the population (three in Egypt, three in Morocco, one in the Central African Republic). In Morocco and Equatorial Guinea, both the Mediator and the Public Defender are established, respectively. The relevance of the study is due to the strategic objectives of creating a secure human rights status of the state, as well as the need to find and update theoretical, methodological, and practical approaches to protecting the rights and freedoms of a human and a citizen. Considering the rules of the African constitutional model of minimizing risks to human right advocacy, objectively in terms of quantity and quality, are considered hyperbolic