22 research outputs found

    Interactive Learning Method of Cultural Heritage for Europeanization in the Danube Region ā€“ ILMECH

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    The project will contribute to raising awareness of tangible (TCH) and intangible (ICH) cultural heritage of Danube Region (DR) by providing modern and innovative tools for teaching its essence to youth. In the DR there is a lack of a common European identity due to the historical, economic, and political backgrounds. The integration process has been slowed down due to the political instability and different development among the countries of the area. Youth, that will become the future European citizens and the real prospective for the development of their countries, are not much influenced by the memories remaining of the turbulent past of DR. Therefore, they are a sensible target to achieve an Europeanization of this area. To reach this aim, the project will introduce a common and interactive didactic method for the whole DR that teaches to high school pupils the proper value of their TCH and ICH in order to achieve an Europeanization prospective. This method includes ā€œFrom practice to the theoryā€ approach, ā€œDo it yourselfā€ experience and integration of innovative augmented reality ICT tools (3D reconstruction, educational videos and games). Moreover, the project will provide a web platform in which e-learning courses, free documentation regarding the didactic method developed, ICT tools database and guidelines on their use will be available. Dissemination action among schools will be carried out in order to promote the use of the proposed materials

    Working Group ā€œGreenā€. Creating ecological corridors to support sustainable development based on a long-term approach (ECORR)

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    The general objective of the project is to create a common database as decision support tool based on a long-term approach. Based on the crucial past experience, it will help establish ecological corridors as an excellent example of sustainable future management

    Ponovno izrisovanje meja: transformacije identitet in redefiniranje kulturnih regij v novih političnih okoliŔčinah

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    Zbornik Ponovno iscrtavanje granica: transformacije identiteta i redefiniranje kulturnih regija u novim političkim okolnostima izrastao je iz znanstveno-stručnog skupa 12. hrvatsko-slovenske etnoloÅ”ke paralele, održanog 23. ā€“ 25. rujna 2012. godine u Dugoj Resi. Hrvatsko-slovenske etnoloÅ”ke paralele oblik su regionalne suradnje koji kroz susret i predavanja etnologa iz Hrvatske i Slovenije tematizira regionalne znanstvene i kulturne veze i interkulturni dijalog u međunarodnom okružju. Riječ je o događanju koje ima kontinuitet od 1981. godine a kojemu su cilj nove znanstvene spoznaje i ujedno problematizacija i valorizacija značenja općepoznatih činjenica iz i o tradicijskoj i suvremenoj kulturi u regiji. Ovaj zbornik, kao proizvod regionalne znanstvene suradnje, propituje (re)definiranje kulturnih regija i transformacije kulturnog identiteta u novim političkim okolnostima (zavrÅ”etak pristupnih pregovora s EU i članstvo u EU). Jedno od temeljnih pitanja s kojim se bave pojedini autori u zborniku odnosi se na koncepcije vezanih uz (re-/de-) kreiranje kulturnih regija i granica u tradiciji i u suvremenosti. Tu se propituju politike, prakse i uloge koje koncepti o pojedinim europskim regijama i područjima (ā€žsrednja Europaā€œ, ā€žjugoistočna Europaā€œ, ā€žBalkanā€œ, ā€žMediteranā€œ i dr.) imaju u stvaranju predodžbi o sebi i drugima. Nadalje, autore zanima kako se podržava interkulturni dijalog unutar regija i preko njih. Pritom propituju kulturno uvjetovane prakse i predodžbe putem kojih se uspostavljaju, nadilaze ili briÅ”u kulturne i političke granice i ujedno putem kojih se podržava interkulturni dijalog ili konflikt. Važno je pitanje i kako različiti markeri kulturnog identiteta potvrđuju ili raslojavaju simboličke granice. Tu je naglasak na analizi različitih markera identiteta kojima se potvrđuju ili raslojavaju simboličke granice te na procesima identifikacije na različitim razinama. Konačno, propituje se i mijena kulturnih fenomena u kontekstu ā€œeuropeizacijeā€ kulture. Radovi okupljeni u ovom zborniku ujedno osvjetljavaju promjene etnoloÅ”kog predmeta bavljenja i nove etnoloÅ”ke izazove uslijed novih političkih okolnosti

    Opis smektične faze z realno funkcijo

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    Vpliv evropske SploŔne uredbe o varstvu osebnih podatkov (GDPR) na mobilne naprave

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine novelties introduced by the European Regulation (2016/679) on the Protection of Natural Persons with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data (GDPR) and its key impacts on mobile device users. The paper also presents some of the main changes affecting both natural persons and legal entities. Further, certain issues that might occur while implementing the Regulation are raised together with the degree of individualsā€™ awareness of the need to protect the personal data stored on their mobile devices. Design/Methods/Approach: For the purpose of this paper, we reviewed the legislation, Slovenian and international literature, brochures and media stories in the field of personal data protection. We also used a questionnaire to determine the degree of awareness of the importance of protecting personal data among the general population. Findings: The findings show that no revolutionary changes are introduced. Nevertheless, quite a few novelties concern data controllers and processors. In particular, penalties for breaching the GDPR are now much higher. Individualsā€™ rights are strengthened and easier to control. In contrast, data controllers and processors are subject to more stringent duties and legal obligations. These changes also apply to mobile device users. The research findings show that individuals are relatively well aware of the concept of personal datahowever, the scope of their knowledge shrinks as this concept becomes increasingly complex. Familiarity with the new Regulation (2016/679) having been introduced at the EU level was claimed by 55% of the respondents (N = 195). Research Limitations / Implications: The limitations stem from the selective choice of the GDPRā€™s impact on mobile device users. More important influences are emphasised. Originality/Value: The findings will help both individuals and legal entities understand the changes brought to the area of data protection and tackle them more successfully.Namen prispevka: V prispevku smo predstavili ključni vpliv evropske uredbe (2016/679) o varstvu posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov na uporabnike mobilnih naprav. Poleg vpliva smo predstavili ključne spremembe, ki vplivajo tako na fizične kot tudi na velik delež pravnih oseb. Poudarili smo določeno problematiko, s katero se organizacije srečujejo. Hkrati smo prikazali stanje ozaveŔčenosti ljudi o varstvu osebnih podatkov na mobilnih napravah. Metode: Prispevek temelji na pregledu zakonodaje ter domače in tuje literature, broÅ”ur in medijskih člankov na področju varstva osebnih podatkov. Izvedli smo tudi anketo, kjer nas je zanimala ozaveŔčenost o pomembnosti varstva osebnih podatkov. Ugotovitve: Na področju je priÅ”lo do Å”tevilnih novosti, ki so spremenile način upravljanja in obdelave. Predvsem se bodo povečale globe za krÅ”itelje. Pravice posameznika bodo podkrepljene in lažje nadzorovane. Po drugi strani bodo upravljavci in obdelovalci dobili veliko novih dolžnosti. Spremembe veljajo tudi za uporabnike mobilnih naprav. Ugotovitve raziskave so pokazale, da ljudje sorazmerno dobro poznajo pojem osebni podatek, vendar se to znanje s kompleksnostjo pojma zmanjÅ”uje. Udeleženci so v 55 % (N = 195) odgovorili, da vedo za prihod nove uredbe (2016/679). Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave Omejitve so pri selektivni izbiri vpliva uredbe na uporabnike mobilnih naprav. Poudarjeni so pomembnejÅ”i vplivi. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Ugotovitve prispevka bodo pomagale tako posameznikom kot tudi organizacijam pri dojemanju sprememb in zato lažjem spoprijemanju z njimi

    High-Resolution Emissions from Wood Burning in Norway—The Effect of Cabin Emissions

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    Emissions from wood burning for heating in secondary homes or cabins is an important part in the development of high-resolution emissions in specific areas. Norway is used as case study as 20% of the national wood consumption for heating occurs in cabins. Our study first shows a method to estimate emissions from cabins based on traffic data to derive cabin occupancy, which combined with heating need allows for the spatial and temporal distribution of emissions. The combination of residential (RWC) and cabin wood combustion (CWC) emissions shows large spatial and temporal differences, and a temporally “cabin population” can in areas be orders of magnitude larger than the registered population. While RWC emissions have been steadily reduced, CWC have kept relatively constant or even increased, which results in an increase in the cabin share to total heating emissions up to 25–35%. When comparing with regional emission inventories, our study shows that the gradient between rural and urban areas is not well-represented in regional inventories, which resembles a population-based distribution and does not allocate emissions in cabin municipalities. CWC emissions may become an increasing environmental concern as higher densification trends in mountain areas are observed

    High-Resolution Emissions from Wood Burning in Norwayā€”The Effect of Cabin Emissions

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    Emissions from wood burning for heating in secondary homes or cabins is an important part in the development of high-resolution emissions in specific areas. Norway is used as case study as 20% of the national wood consumption for heating occurs in cabins. Our study first shows a method to estimate emissions from cabins based on traffic data to derive cabin occupancy, which combined with heating need allows for the spatial and temporal distribution of emissions. The combination of residential (RWC) and cabin wood combustion (CWC) emissions shows large spatial and temporal differences, and a temporally ā€œcabin populationā€ can in areas be orders of magnitude larger than the registered population. While RWC emissions have been steadily reduced, CWC have kept relatively constant or even increased, which results in an increase in the cabin share to total heating emissions up to 25ā€“35%. When comparing with regional emission inventories, our study shows that the gradient between rural and urban areas is not well-represented in regional inventories, which resembles a population-based distribution and does not allocate emissions in cabin municipalities. CWC emissions may become an increasing environmental concern as higher densification trends in mountain areas are observed