211 research outputs found

    Development of web application for student scholarship

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    Cilj ovog završnog rada je razvoj i izrada web aplikacije za određivanje studentskih stipendija, a programska podrška za aplikaciju je PHP (Hypertext Preprocesor) programski jezik. Aplikacija omogućava provedbu postupka prijava stipendija i automatsko generiranje prijava na osnovi definiranih kriterija. Rangiranje prijava u aplikaciji realizirano je upotrebom TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) metode. U prvome dijelu završnog rada objašnjeni su svi alati koji su bili potrebni za izradu ovakve web aplikacije. Svaki alat je posebno opisan. Nakon popisa alata u radnji je opisana fuzzy logika s nekoliko primjera iz života s kojima se svakodnevno susrećemo. Fuzzy logika u aplikaciji je povezana s TOPSIS metodom za rangiranje prijava u natječaju. U drugome dijelu je objašnjen sam razvoj aplikacije kroz module. Razvijeni model aplikacije podržava različite kategorije korisnika. Model omogućuje prijavu kako administratora tako i korisnika, od koji svaki ima određena prava. U završnom dijelu završnog rada je prikazano kako je osigurana aplikacija za siguran rad

    Comparison of Surface Roughness of Two Restorative Materials after the Application of Topical Fluorides

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    INTRODUCTION: Surface roughness and microhardness are the two important properties which provide compressive strength as well as abrasion resistance to the restorative materials. On the other side topical fluorides provide the protective function with its anti-cariogenic properties. GIC as a restorative material fulfills both of the requirements.AIM: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of topical fluoride application on surface roughness of various restorative materials.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was done on 20 extracted teeth, Conventional Glass Ionomers (Fuji II) and Resin Modified Glass Ionomers (3M ESPE Vitremer) were used as restorative materials. Topical fluoride application i.e. with 2% sodium fluoride using Knutson’s technique was done followed by storing in artificial saliva for 24 hours and then blot dried for testing of surface roughness.RESULTS: Through this study it was observed that the no statistical difference was found between both of the restorative materials. (P>0.05).CONCLUSION: In oral environment strength and life span of restorative material is one of the important criteria and roughened surface can clinically deteriorate these properties of restoration. So it’s important for a dentist to consider all the factors while applying and restoring the tooth surface

    Jezični varijeteti - analiza prijevoda romana "Trainspotting" Irvinea Welsha na njemački i hrvatski jezik

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    Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Analyse der kroatischen und deutschen Übersetzungen von Irvine Welshs Roman Trainspotting. Dieses Werk wurde in verschiedenen Varietäten der schottischen Sprache geschrieben und ein Vergleich zweier Übersetzungen ist deshalb besonders aufschlussreich. Sprachvarietäten sind in der Literatur von äußerster Wichtigkeit, da diese den literarischen Figuren regionale und soziale Angehörigkeit zuweisen und auch eine zusätzliche Glaubhaftigkeit geben. Ausschlaggebend ist es den Begriff Sprachvarietäten näher zu erforschen; was genau eine Varietät ist, welche Funktionen Sprachvarietäten haben und wie man sie einordnen kann. Die Wiedergabe dieser Elemente in eine andere Sprache ist für die Übersetzer ausgesprochen schwer, da in der Übersetzung dieser wichtige sprachliche Aspekt verloren gehen kann. Insbesondere war Trainspotting für die Übersetzer eine Herausforderung, da es nicht nur den besonderen Dialekt bzw. verschiedene schottische Dialekte zu übersetzen gab, sondern mehrere verschiedene Varietäten wie z.B. die Umgangssprache, den Slang und auch die transkribierte gesprochene Sprache in dem Zieltext wiederzugeben. In meiner Arbeit will ich zeigen an welche Probleme die kroatischen und deutschen Übersetzer gestoßen sind und mit welchen Methoden diese Probleme gelöst worden sind

    Samovrednovanje škole

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    Samovrednovanje je znanstveno i stručno osmišljen postupak koji omogućava odgojno – obrazovnim djelatnicima da na temelju sustavnog praćenja, analiziranja i preispitivanja samostalno unaprijede vlastiti odgojno-obrazovni rad. Potaknuta je rasprava o kvaliteti odgoja i obrazovanja na razini škole sa svim sudionicima odgojno-obrazovnoga procesa (učitelji, roditelji, učenici…) te je dobiveno njihovo mišljenje o mogućim strategijama unaprjeđenja kvalitete. Također, rezultati su omogućili spoznavanje dobrog odnosa učenika prema drugim učenicima i školi, suradnički odnos učitelja, roditelja i škole te pozitivno i motivirajuće radno ozračje kojem pridonosi i dobar odnos učenika i učitelja. Rad se temelji na rezultatima anketa učenika, roditelja i učitelja u svrhu unaprjeđenja kvalitete odgojno – obrazovnog rada u Osnovnoj školi Šećerana

    Implementing Cepstral Filtering Technique using Gabor Filters

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    Cepstral filtering technique is applied on an interlaced image, the pattern similar to that which is found in layer IV of Primate Visual Cortex. Unless the signals from left and right eyes are placed simultaneously, the disparity cannot be detected. Therefore, it has a great significance in the sphere of stereo vision. It involves Power spectrum in computation, which is square of absolute of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), is a complicated and hardware unfriendly. This paper shows the estimation of the Cepstral technique using a set of Gabor filters. The Ocular Dominance Column pattern analysis by the Gabor function is comparable to the perception in the human visual and makes the algorithm closer to biology. We propose an algorithm in which Gabor filters, instead of Power Spectrum, are applied to an interlaced image in the Cepstral algorithm. This scheme makes it hardware friendly as it gives the flexibility of working with modules which can be imitated in hardware. Building a FFT module is a tough task in analog circuit but determining Gabor Energy, an alternative to it, can be achieved by elementary circuits. The Phase, Energy Models and other methods use multi-lambda Gabor filters to compute disparity. The proposed method uses sum of absolute difference to choose a single Gabor filter of appropriate lambda that fits to find the disparity. The algorithm inherits the quality of both Gabor filter and Ocular Dominance Pattern and hence a biologically inspired and suitable for hardware realization. The proposed algorithm has been implemented on the test data image. A hardware scheme has also been proposed that can be used to estimate disparity and the idea can be extended in building complex modules that can perform real time - real image operations with a handful of resources as compared to employing complex digital FPGAs and CPLDs

    Pop-kultura 1990-ih godina. Neobuzdani životni stil u djelu "Rave" Rainalda Goetza i u djelu "Trainspotting" Irvinea Welsha

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    Das Thema dieser Arbeit ist der exzessive Lebensstil der Jugendkulturen der 1990-er Jahre in den Werken von Irvine Welsh und Rainald Goetz. Die Hauptgestalten in „Rave“und „Trainspotting“feiern ausschweifende Parties, nehmen maßlos Drogen, sind hemmungslos und unersättlich. Die hedonistische Lebensart und die Selbstfindung sind spezifische Merkmale der 1990-er Jahre; die Jugendkultur der technologisch fortgeschrittenen Zeit kämpfte neben der Pubertät, mit volkommen neuen Phänomenen der neuentstandenen Konsumgesellschaft. Welshs und Goetz‘ Protagonisten sind auf den ersten Blick volkommen verschiedene Vertreter der jeweiligen Subkulturen, jedoch beide Gruppen handeln aus den selben Gründen. Sie wollen Spass, Ekstase, Sex und Drogen; keiner denkt über die Zukunft und die Probleme nach. Sie möchten die ganze Nacht durchfeiern und sich bis zum Gehtnichtmehr volldröhnen. Die Jugendlichen befinden sich im Prozess der Identitätsfindung, deshalb machen sie verschiedene Grenzerfahrungen. Sie suchen nach Lust, Spaß, Unabhängigkeit und Selbstbestimmung

    Revamp of Steam Turbine for Synthesis Gas Compressor at NFL Nangal

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    Case StudyCase Study 11: National Fertilizers Limited, Nangal Unit, India had under taken the revamp of Steam Turbine of Synthesis Gas Compressor in January 2014. The plant startup, after machine revamp, was delayed by 40 days, because of various activities related to machine revamp which were not envisaged before commencement of the revamp. This paper throws light on those unforeseen jobs which lead to delay in startup and the lessons learnt to avoid such delays in future

    Jezični varijeteti - analiza prijevoda romana "Trainspotting" Irvinea Welsha na njemački i hrvatski jezik

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    Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Analyse der kroatischen und deutschen Übersetzungen von Irvine Welshs Roman Trainspotting. Dieses Werk wurde in verschiedenen Varietäten der schottischen Sprache geschrieben und ein Vergleich zweier Übersetzungen ist deshalb besonders aufschlussreich. Sprachvarietäten sind in der Literatur von äußerster Wichtigkeit, da diese den literarischen Figuren regionale und soziale Angehörigkeit zuweisen und auch eine zusätzliche Glaubhaftigkeit geben. Ausschlaggebend ist es den Begriff Sprachvarietäten näher zu erforschen; was genau eine Varietät ist, welche Funktionen Sprachvarietäten haben und wie man sie einordnen kann. Die Wiedergabe dieser Elemente in eine andere Sprache ist für die Übersetzer ausgesprochen schwer, da in der Übersetzung dieser wichtige sprachliche Aspekt verloren gehen kann. Insbesondere war Trainspotting für die Übersetzer eine Herausforderung, da es nicht nur den besonderen Dialekt bzw. verschiedene schottische Dialekte zu übersetzen gab, sondern mehrere verschiedene Varietäten wie z.B. die Umgangssprache, den Slang und auch die transkribierte gesprochene Sprache in dem Zieltext wiederzugeben. In meiner Arbeit will ich zeigen an welche Probleme die kroatischen und deutschen Übersetzer gestoßen sind und mit welchen Methoden diese Probleme gelöst worden sind

    Development and analysis of a Burning Rate Emulator (BRE) for study in microgravity

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    The Burning Rate Emulator (BRE) is a gas-fueled burner that emulates real condensed fuel flames. This is accomplished by matching four fundamental properties: heat of gasification, heat of combustion, surface temperature, and smoke point. The aim of the current study is to establish immediate sustained BRE flames in a calm microgravity environment. This study presents 49 tests at NASA Glenn's 5.18-s Zero Gravity Research Facility for two burner diameters (25 mm and 50 mm). The burner sizes and test parameters are chosen to emulate small laminar pool fires. The experiments show that the flames are nearly hemispherical at the end of the 5-s experiment, with the flame height still increasing. The heat flux initially falls quickly and then becomes steadier. Steady-state theory correlates the end-of-drop experimental data for the flame heat flux, and therefore the fuel burning rate. The apparent lack of correlation of the burning rate for the larger burner is attributed to gas radiation. The burner's perforated copper plate, which has two embedded heat flux thermopile sensors, is calibrated as a slug calorimeter. The calorimeter provides the average heat flux over the burner surface as a function of time. During the 5-s microgravity experiments, average heat fluxes measured with the calorimeter agree with the locally measured heat fluxes through a theoretical distribution function. The results show that the average calorimeter heat flux and the two local heat flux measurements are in harmony over a wide range of microgravity flame fluxes ranging from 5-20 kW/m^2, with the edge heat flux much higher. The transient combustion model formulated in oblate ellipsoidal coordinates is developed to analyze the behavior of the microgravity BRE flames. The model is axially symmetric and considers the burning of gaseous fuel leaving the surface of a porous ellipsoidal burner in microgravity. A composite solution is generated as a product of an exact steady state solution and an asymptotic transient solution that becomes exact far from the burner. The transient combustion model predicts that quasi-steady microgravity BRE flames will require much longer than 5 seconds

    A study of prevalence of lower genital tract infections in HIV positive females - a cross sectional study

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    Background: The aim and objectives of the study was to determine the prevalence of lower genital tract infection (LGTI) with Candida spp, Trichomonas vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, and bacterial vaginosis among symptomatic and asymptomatic women HIV seropositive females and control group attending gynec clinic.Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study stratified by reported symptoms of vaginal discharge was carried out at STD Clinic, Zenana Hospital with approval from Hospital Ethics Committee and informed written consent from patients. 50 HIV seropositive women and 50 control patients were included in the study. All the patients under study were subjected to Grams staining of the vaginal smear, Pap smear and Colposcopy. HPV DNA testing was done in all HIV positive patients in control group only patients showing dyskaryotic changes on cytology were subjected to colposcopy. All HIV seropositive women were subjected to additional tests of CD 4 and CD 8 cell counts. Results: Prevalence of lower genital tract infections was high in HIV positive women (36%) as compared to HIV negative group (24%). Prevalence was significantly higher in HIV positive patients with CD 4 cell count less than 200 per microlitre that is 77.77 % with P value (0.007) which is highly significant statistically. More prevalence of Herpes (38%) Candidiasis (28%), Trichomoniasis (28%), followed by HPV (22%) and Chlamydia (8%). In control group, bacterial vaginosis is most common with co-infection with trichomoniasis.Conclusions: In lower genital tract infections, vaginal eco-system is altered. It increases risk of infection by opportunistic pathogens when the host defences became impaired. HIV positive females showed more prevalence of Herpes (38%) Candidiasis (28%), Trichomoniasis (28%), followed by HPV (22%) and Chlamydia (8%). In control group patients with bacterial vaginosis was most common along with co-infection with trichomoniasis. HIV positive females have more dyskaryotic changes on colposcopy especially in patients with HPV positive. So HPV test should be mandatory in HIV patients to diagnose Carcinoma cervix at its initial stages