23 research outputs found

    Caracterizaci贸n molecular de los genes codificantes para las prote铆nas nitroreductasa tipo i y subunidad b de la calcineurina de Trypanosoma rangeli

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    Trypanosoma (Herpetosoma) rangeli es un par谩sito protozoo capaz de infectar hospederos mam铆feros sin producir patolog铆a en estos. La caracterizaci贸n biol贸gica y molecular de este par谩sito se ha enmarcado en el contexto de Trypanosoma cruzi, por cuanto estos par谩sitos comparten un gran n煤mero de caracter铆sticas biol贸gicas y presentan una diferencia muy espec铆fica en su ciclo de vida: mientras el pat贸geno T. cruzi puede invadir y replicarse en c茅lulas del hospedero mam铆fero, T. rangeli no posee dicha capacidad.Mag铆ster en Ciencias Biol贸gicasMaestr铆

    Aplicaci贸n, Registro y Pago de los Tributos en la Empresa Financiera FUNDENUSE S.A del Municipio de Matagalpa, en el periodo 2016

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    El presente trabajo de Seminario de Graduaci贸n trata de Tributos en las Empresas del departamento de Matagalpa, en el Per铆odo 2016, con el objetivo de determinar la Aplicaci贸n, Registro y Pago de los Tributos, en la Empresa Financiera FUNDENUSE S.A del municipio de Matagalpa para que se pueda aplicar a las operaciones en las cuales se efect煤e el hecho generador del Impuesto en cumplimiento con las leyes y reglamentos estipulados. La importancia de la Implementaci贸n de la buena Aplicaci贸n, Registro y Pago de los Tributos en la Empresa Financiera FUNDENUSE S.A del Municipio de Matagalpa de conformidad con las leyes fiscales establecidas, para que la empresa no incurra en riesgos fiscales y as铆 pueda establecer mecanismos que le permitan una muy buena administraci贸n fiscal. La Empresa Financiera FUNDENUSE S.A del municipio de Matagalpa cuenta con los mecanismos necesarios para el correcto Registro, Aplicaci贸n y Pago de los Tributos cumpliendo con las disposiciones que establece la Ley de Concertaci贸n Tributaria y dem谩s leyes y reglamentos que rigen el ejercicio fiscal. Por ello la buena implementaci贸n de la Aplicaci贸n, Registro y Pago de los Tributos le ayudara a la Empresa Financiera FUNDENUSE S.A del municipio de Matagalpa a evitar las sanciones y multas por incumplimiento de la deuda tributaria lo cual le beneficia en sus actividades financieras y evitar cualquier problema que afecte la empres

    Identification, characterization and antigenicity of the Plasmodium vivax rhoptry neck protein 1 (PvRON1)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Plasmodium vivax </it>malaria remains a major health problem in tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide. Several rhoptry proteins which are important for interaction with and/or invasion of red blood cells, such as <it>Pf</it>RONs, <it>Pf</it>92, <it>Pf</it>38, <it>Pf</it>12 and <it>Pf</it>34, have been described during the last few years and are being considered as potential anti-malarial vaccine candidates. This study describes the identification and characterization of the <it>P. vivax </it>rhoptry neck protein 1 (<it>Pv</it>RON1) and examine its antigenicity in natural <it>P. vivax </it>infections.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The <it>Pv</it>RON1 encoding gene, which is homologous to that encoding the <it>P. falciparum </it>apical sushi protein (ASP) according to the plasmoDB database, was selected as our study target. The <it>pvron1 </it>gene transcription was evaluated by RT-PCR using RNA obtained from the <it>P. vivax </it>VCG-1 strain. Two peptides derived from the deduced <it>P. vivax </it>Sal-I <it>Pv</it>RON1 sequence were synthesized and inoculated in rabbits for obtaining anti-<it>Pv</it>RON1 antibodies which were used to confirm the protein expression in VCG-1 strain schizonts along with its association with detergent-resistant microdomains (DRMs) by Western blot, and its localization by immunofluorescence assays. The antigenicity of the <it>Pv</it>RON1 protein was assessed using human sera from individuals previously exposed to <it>P. vivax </it>malaria by ELISA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the <it>P. vivax </it>VCG-1 strain, RON1 is a 764 amino acid-long protein. <it>In silico </it>analysis has revealed that <it>Pv</it>RON1 shares essential characteristics with different antigens involved in invasion, such as the presence of a secretory signal, a GPI-anchor sequence and a putative sushi domain. The <it>Pv</it>RON1 protein is expressed in parasite's schizont stage, localized in rhoptry necks and it is associated with DRMs. Recombinant protein recognition by human sera indicates that this antigen can trigger an immune response during a natural infection with <it>P. vivax</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study shows the identification and characterization of the <it>P. vivax </it>rhoptry neck protein 1 in the VCG-1 strain. Taking into account that <it>Pv</it>RON1 shares several important characteristics with other <it>Plasmodium </it>antigens that play a functional role during RBC invasion and, as shown here, it is antigenic, it could be considered as a good vaccine candidate. Further studies aimed at assessing its immunogenicity and protection-inducing ability in the <it>Aotus </it>monkey model are thus recommended.</p

    Evaluaci贸n de tres pruebas de pcr para la identificaci贸n de Leishmania (Viannia) en diferentes muestras biol贸gicas

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    Microbi贸logo (a) Agr铆cola y Veterinario (a)Pregrad

    Estrategias de intervenci贸n para fortalecer las habilidades sociales a ni帽os y ni帽as de 3ro, 4to y 5to grado de EGB de una instituci贸n educativa en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito en el periodo 2023-2024

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    La falta de habilidades sociales se evidencia por comportamientos agresivos, que afectan no solo a las relaciones interpersonales, sino que tambi茅n tienen consecuencias en la salud mental, el desempe帽o acad茅mico y la integraci贸n social. Adem谩s, el ni帽o al no poseer una adecuada gesti贸n de conflictos presenta conductas de aislamiento y rechazo por parte de compa帽eros de clases, familiares y amigos, lo que provoca problemas en la salud mental del estudiante dejando rasgos de baja autoestima y conductas que pueden aumentar el riesgo que desarrolle comportamientos agresivos como 煤nica forma de resolver conflictos. La investigaci贸n fue de tipo mixta, el tipo de estudio utilizado en este trabajo fue experimental, explicativo y se busc贸 efectuar a partir de datos transversales por las limitaciones dadas por el tiempo, se utiliz贸 el tipo de muestra no probabil铆stico por conveniencia. El objetivo de la sistematizaci贸n consisti贸 en implementar estrategias de intervenci贸n que fortalezcan las habilidades sociales en ni帽os y ni帽as, lo cual se desarroll贸 haciendo un diagn贸stico del nivel de habilidades sociales que poseen y posteriormente realizando la planificaci贸n de estrategias de intervenci贸n que satisfagan las necesidades encontradas en el debido diagn贸stico y as铆 intervenir con las propuestas desarrolladas por medio de talleres, al grupo seleccionado, para finalmente evaluar los resultados obtenidos tras aplicadas las estrategias de intervenci贸n en habilidades sociales en los ni帽os de 3ro, 4to y 5to grado.The lack of social skills is evidenced by aggressive behaviors, which affect not only interpersonal relationships, but also have consequences on mental health, academic performance and social integration. In addition, the child, not having an adequate conflict management, presents behaviors of isolation and rejection by classmates, family and friends, which causes problems in the mental health of the student, leaving traits of low self-esteem and behaviors that may increase the risk of developing aggressive behaviors as the only way to resolve conflicts. The research was of mixed type, the type of study used in this work was experimental, explanatory and sought to be carried out from cross-sectional data due to the limitations given by time, the type of non-probabilistic sample by convenience was used. The objective of the systematization consisted of implementing intervention strategies that strengthen social skills in children, which was developed by making a diagnosis of the level of social skills they have and then planning intervention strategies that meet the needs found in the diagnosis and thus intervene with the proposals developed through workshops, the selected group, to finally evaluate the results obtained after applying the intervention strategies in social skills in children of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade

    Aplicaci贸n de metodolog铆as de distribuci贸n de plantas para la configuraci贸n de un centro de distribuci贸n

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    La distribuci贸n en planta se refiere a la organizaci贸n f铆sica de los factores y elementos que participan en el proceso productivo de la empresa y a la determinaci贸n de espacios y ubicaci贸n de sus distintas secciones. En este caso se pretende1 determinar la distribuci贸n m谩s adecuada para el 谩rea de almacenamiento en un centro de distribuci贸n, teniendo en cuenta las caracter铆sticas especiales de los productos que all铆 se almacenan. Se implementaron la metodolog铆a SLP y la heur铆stica de CORELAP para definir la configuraci贸n m谩s adecuada de esta secci贸n de acuerdo con las condiciones establecidas en la normatividad

    Estilos de vida y riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores de un laboratorio multinacional de Cali, Colombia

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    Objective: To describe the beliefs and practices about lifestyles involved in the origin of cardiovascular disease, in workers of a multinational laboratory. Methodology: Descriptive, cross-sectional study, carried out on 96 workers from a multinational laboratory in Cali (Colombia), randomly selected. The Arrivillaga Lifestyle Practices and Beliefs Questionnaire (2005) was used. Results: With a homogeneous sample in terms of gender (50% men and 50% women), an average age of 40.6 years, made up of workers from the operational area (52%) and from the administrative area (43%); hypertension was detected in 10.4% and diabetes mellitus in 2.1% of workers. Although 68.7% of workers answered that they had favorable beliefs, only 38.4% of workers reported having good practices. Conclusions: Although only 10.4% of the sample reported hypertension, this being lower than that calculated nationally (22%), there is a significant percentage of workers at risk (36.8%), which is important to include as an improvement activity in the Cardiovascular Risk Epidemiological Surveillance System.Objetivo: Describir las creencias y las pr谩cticas sobre estilos de vida involucrados en el origen de la enfermedad cardiovascular, en trabajadores de un laboratorio multinacional. Metodolog铆a: Estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, realizado en 96 trabajadores de un laboratorio multinacional en Cali (Colombia), seleccionados aleatoriamente. Se utiliz贸 el Cuestionario de pr谩cticas y creencias sobre Estilo de Vida de Arrivillaga (2005). Resultados: Con una muestra homog茅nea en t茅rminos de g茅nero (50% hombres y 50% mujeres), un promedio de edad de 40,6 a帽os, conformada por trabajadores del 谩rea operativa (52%) y del 谩rea administrativa (43%); se logr贸 detectar hipertensi贸n en el 10,4% y diabetes mellitus en el 2,1% de los trabajadores. Aunque el 68,7% de los trabajadores contestaron tener creencias favorables, solo el 38,4% de los trabajadores refirieron tener buenas pr谩cticas. Conclusiones: Aunque solo el 10,4% de la muestra refiri贸 hipertensi贸n, siendo esto m谩s bajo que lo calculado a nivel nacional (22%), existe porcentaje significativo de trabajadores con riesgo (36,8%), lo cual es importante para incluir como actividad de mejoramiento en el Sistema de Vigilancia Epidemiol贸gica de Riesgo Cardiovascular

    Identification, characterization and antigenicity of the Plasmodium vivax rhoptry neck protein 1 (PvRON1)

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    Background: Plasmodium vivax malaria remains a major health problem in tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide. Several rhoptry proteins which are important for interaction with and/or invasion of red blood cells, such as PfRONs, Pf92, Pf38, Pf12 and Pf34, have been described during the last few years and are being considered as potential anti-malarial vaccine candidates. This study describes the identification and characterization of the P. vivax rhoptry neck protein 1 (PvRON1) and examine its antigenicity in natural P. vivax infections. Methods: The PvRON1 encoding gene, which is homologous to that encoding the P. falciparum apical sushi protein (ASP) according to the plasmoDB database, was selected as our study target. The pvron1 gene transcription was evaluated by RT-PCR using RNA obtained from the P. vivax VCG-1 strain. Two peptides derived from the deduced P. vivax Sal-I PvRON1 sequence were synthesized and inoculated in rabbits for obtaining anti-PvRON1 antibodies which were used to confirm the protein expression in VCG-1 strain schizonts along with its association with detergent-resistant microdomains (DRMs) by Western blot, and its localization by immunofluorescence assays. The antigenicity of the PvRON1 protein was assessed using human sera from individuals previously exposed to P. vivax malaria by ELISA. Results: In the P. vivax VCG-1 strain, RON1 is a 764 amino acid-long protein. In silico analysis has revealed that PvRON1 shares essential characteristics with different antigens involved in invasion, such as the presence of a secretory signal, a GPI-anchor sequence and a putative sushi domain. The PvRON1 protein is expressed in parasite's schizont stage, localized in rhoptry necks and it is associated with DRMs. Recombinant protein recognition by human sera indicates that this antigen can trigger an immune response during a natural infection with P. vivax. Conclusions: This study shows the identification and characterization of the P. vivax rhoptry neck protein 1 in the VCG-1 strain. Taking into account that PvRON1 shares several important characteristics with other Plasmodium antigens that play a functional role during RBC invasion and, as shown here, it is antigenic, it could be considered as a good vaccine candidate. Further studies aimed at assessing its immunogenicity and protection-inducing ability in the Aotus monkey model are thus recommended