189 research outputs found

    Aspects of Biomechanical Research Related to the Techniques Used by Jumping Athletes for Performance Improvement

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    AbstractAll over the world, jumping athletes (male and female) use two techniques in triple jumping events, that are known under the names of plate technique (balanced technique) and high technique (hop dominant technique), which can be influenced biomechanically by Ergosim simulator training.The content of this research tries to provide some information about several aspects of this modern technique that can be used to increase the efficiency of a triple jumper's training. The originality of this device is represented by its capacity to analyze the movement parameters obtained by working at the desired speed, in an accelerating movement, achievable at all levels, at a variety of angles, with the ideal amplitude without forced recovery effect, as it was the case with traditional devices such as chain, ribbon, tourniquet. The Ergosim simulator used in the triple jumpers’ training reveals that each athlete has a maximum optimal speed, and a minimum active time which influences mechanical work and maximum power with perfect amplitude

    Late Holocene microfaunal and nannofloral assemblages of the NW Black Sea

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    Abstract. This study describes the fluctuation pattern in Late Holocene microfaunal (i.e. foraminifera and ostracods) and nannofloral assemblages of two cores collected from the Romanian Black Sea shelf, at a water depth of 28 and 66 m, respectively. The lithology of the cores is mainly characterised by blackish muds, alternating with thin, centimetres-thick sand and coquina layers. The microfaunas are dominated by brackish foraminiferal and ostracod assemblages that are still common in the actual Black Sea communities, living nowadays at water salinity lower than 18 ‰. In the shallower water Site EF 08-01, the abundance ratio between Caspian and Mediterranean ostracods is 0.7, while in the deeper water Site BS 08-055, the abundance ratio between Caspian and Mediterranean ostracods is 0.01. These data argue for the dominance of Mediterranean ostracod fauna with lower abundance in shallower environments of the Black Sea and with a very high abundance in the deeper parts of the internal shelf, i.e., at a water depth of 66 m. Based on the calcareous nannoplankton fluctuation, four Nannofloral Intervals were identified, which indicate a gradual salinity increase of the surface waters during the deposition of the Late Holocene Shallow Unit. In the same interval, the benthic microfaunas (ostracods and foraminifers) argue for a more stable salinity environment in the two studied cores from the Black Sea inner shelf

    Zanclean Gilbert-type fan deltas in the Turnu Severin area (Dacian Basin, Romania). A critical analysis

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    Abstract. The critical analysis of the Gura Văii – Turnu Severin – Izvoru Bârzii Gilbert-type deltas concentrated on the deltaic architecture and the age of the deltaic deposits, referring especially to the conglomeratic sediments considered the proximal foreset unit of the Gilbert-type fan deltas. It reveals the lack of evidences necessary to demonstrate the existence of the three units (foreset, bottomset and topset beds) which define a Gilbert-type delta. Although there are convincing data for its tectonic origin, the homoclinal structure of these deltaic deposits was considered, with no argumentation, as a primary structure generated through the deltaic progradation. The age of the rudaceous deposits in the area Gura Văii – Turnu Severin – Izvoru Bârzii, representing the core of the two outlined Gilbert deltas, was considered Zanclean (Bosphorian) by Clauzon et al. (2005) and Suc et al. (2011), rejecting the Badenian – Sarmatian (s.l.) age formerly attributed (Marinescu, 1978 and the references herein). The critical examination of these two concepts pointed out the paleontological and stratigraphic proofs which substantiate the Badenian-Sarmatian (s.l.) age, in contrast with the lack of evidences in favor of the Zanclean age. The Gilbert-type fan deltas figured by Clauzon et al. (2005) and Suc et al. (2011) in the area of the present-day Danube River course (area Gura Văii – Turnu Severin – Izvoru Bârzii), closely downstream of the Iron Gates, represents one of the main arguments of these authors for the action of the Messinian crisis in the Dacian Basin. Taking into consideration the importance of this concept for the understanding of the Dacian Basin evolution, this paper undertakes a critical analysis of the factual data which generated the concept of the Gilbert-type fan deltas in the Turnu Severin area

    Complete genome sequence of Photobacterium ganghwense C2.2: A new polyhydroxyalkanoate production candidate

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    Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are biodegradable bioplastics that can be manufactured sustainably and represent a promising green alternative to petrochemical-based plastics. Here, we describe the complete genome of a new marine PHA-producing bacterium—Photobacterium ganghwense (strain C2.2), which we have isolated from the Black Sea seashore. This new isolate is psychrotolerant and accumulates PHA when glycerol is provided as the main carbon source. Transmission electron microscopy, specific staining with Nile Red visualized via epifluorescence microscopy and gas chromatography analysis confirmed the accumulation of PHA. This is the only PHA-producing Photobacterium for which we now have a complete genome sequence, allowing us to investigate the pathways for PHA production and other secondary metabolite synthesis pathways. The de novo assembly genome, obtained using open-source tools, comprises two chromosomes (3.5, 2 Mbp) and a megaplasmid (202 kbp). We identify the entire PHA synthesis gene cluster that encodes a class I PHA synthase, a phasin, a 3-ketothiolase, and an acetoacetyl-CoA reductase. No conventional PHA depolymerase was identified in strain C2.2, but a putative lipase with extracellular amorphous PHA depolymerase activity was annotated, suggesting that C2.2 is unable to degrade intracellular PHA. A complete pathway for the conversion of glycerol to acetyl-CoA was annotated, in accordance with its ability to convert glycerol to PHA. Several secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters and a low number of genes involved in antibiotic resistance and virulence were also identified, indicating the strain's suitability for biotechnological applications

    Effect of acidity correction on the solubility of tartaric compounds from wines

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    The paper presents data concerning the effect of acidity correction on the solubility of potassium bitartrate and calcium neutral tartrate, as a result of acid addition (tartaric, malic, citric and succinic) in wines lacking acidity, for improving their organoleptic qualities. The solubility of these compounds was assessed by means of concentration (PC , PCT) and solubility (KST , KS ) products at −4 ºC, by the excess of KHT and CaT at −4 ºC and saturation theoretical temperatures of KHT and CaT. As a result of acidity correction, we have noticed its increase (at the same proportion for all the acids) and a diminution in pH according to added acid: tartaric, lactic, malic, citric and succinic. By adding tartaric acid, wine instability was created, because of potassium bitartrate, by increasing the values of concentration and solubility products, of KHT excess and theoretical saturation temperatures. In case of calcium tartrate, the same acid favoured wine stability, by diminishing the values of the constants. Adding the other acids in wine was good for the solubility of tartaric compounds, because, in all the cases, the values of constants characterizing solubility were diminished


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    This study employs a bibliometric approach to analyze the landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) components used in performance measurement. As organizations increasingly leverage AI for optimizing processes and decisionmaking, understanding the trends in AI components becomes imperative. The identified AI components are classified based on their roles in enhancing performance measurement, offering insights into the prevalent methodologies and emerging technologies. The bibliometric analysis encompasses a comprehensive review of scholarly articles, conference papers, and patents, systematically exploring the evolving field. In this research, the methodology involves data extraction from reputable academic databases and patent repositories, followed by applying bibliometric techniques to quantify and visualize key aspects. The findings of this study contribute to the existing knowledge by mapping the intellectual structure of AI components for performance measurement

    Timing, cause and impact of the late Eocene stepwise sea retreat from the Tarim Basin (west China)

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    International audienceA vast shallow epicontinental sea extended across Eurasia and was well-connected to the Western Tethys before it retreated westward and became isolated as the Paratethys Sea. However, the palaeogeography and the timing of this westward retreat are too poorly constrained to determine potential wider environmental impacts, let alone understanding underlying mechanisms of the retreat such as global eustasy and tectonism associated with the Indo-Asia collision. Here, an improved chronostratigraphic and palaeogeographic framework is provided for the onset of the proto-Paratethys Sea retreat at its easternmost extent in the Tarim Basin in western China is provided. Five different third-order sea-level cycles can be recognised from the Cretaceous-Palaeogene sedimentary record in the Tarim Basin, of which the last two stepped successively westwards as the sea retreated after the maximum third incursion. New biostratigraphic data from the fourth and fifth incursions at the westernmost margin of the Tarim Basin are compared to our recent integrated bio-magneto-stratigraphic results on the fourth incursion near the palaeodepocentre in the south-western part of the basin. While the fourth incursion extended throughout the basin and retreated at ~ 41 Ma (base C18r), the last and fifth incursion is restricted to the westernmost margin and its marine deposits are assigned a latest Bartonian-early Priabonian age from ~ 38.0 to ~ 36.7 Ma (near top C17n.2n to base C16n.2n). Similar to the fourth, the fossil assemblages of the fifth incursion are indicative of shallow marine, near-shore conditions and their widespread distribution across Eurasia suggests that the marine connection to the Western Tethys was maintained. The lack of diachronicity of the fourth incursion between the studied sections across the southwest Tarim Basin suggests that the sea entered and withdrew relatively rapidly, as can be expected in the case of eustatic control on a shallow epicontinental basin. However, the westward palaeogeographic step between the fourth and fifth incursions separated by several millions of years rather suggests the combined long-term effect of tectonism, possibly associated with early uplift of the Pamir-Kunlun Shan thrust belt. The fourth and fifth regressions are time-equivalent with significant aridification steps recorded in the Asian interior, thus supporting climate modelling results showing that the stepwise sea retreat from Central Asia amplified the aridification of the Asian interior

    Ankara civarı (Beypazarı-Çayırhan) miyosen yaşlı gölsel-karasal çökellerin devirsel sedimantoloji, sekans stratigrafisi, ve sedimanter jeokimya yöntemleri ile yüksek çözünürlükte incelenmesi

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    TÜBİTAK ÇAYDAG01.08.2009Bu projede Çayırhan, Davutoğlan, Beypazarı ve Ayaş civarları çalışılmış ve bu bölgelerin civarlarında yüzlek veren Çayırhan, Akpınar ve kısmen Kirmir Formasyonları içerisinde birbirini tamamlayan 7 değişik stratigrafik ölçülmüştür. Ölçülen detay stratigrafi kesitlerinde sedimantolojik, (mikrofasiyes ve sedimanter yapı analizi), jeokimyasal (ana ve iz elementler), XRD, duraylı izotop analizleri (δ13C ve δ18O) ve Sr izotop analizleri yapılmıştır. Ayrıca, devirsel stratigrafi, sekans stratigrafisi ve Fischer eğrisi uygulamaları da yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar göl seviyesi değişimlerinin iklimsel etkili olduğunu ve küresel Miyosen iklim değişimleri ile paralellik gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Küçük ölçekli (Milankovitch devirleri) ve büyük ölçekli iklim değişikliklerinin varlığı sediman diziliminde farklı devirsellikler olarak gözlenmiş ve küçük ölçekli iklim değişikliklerinin havzayı denetleyen tektonik olaylardan etkilenmediklerini tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan sedimantolojik, devirsel stratigrafik, kil mineralojisi, palionolojik analizlere göre ölçülü istiflerin alt kısmında koyu renkli çamurtaşları, haki çamurtaşları, kireçtaşı ve jips ardalanmalarından oluşan devirler ıslak ve kuru iklim ardalanmalarını temsil etmektedir. Çayırhan istifin üst kısmında ise kırmızı ve yeşil çamurtaşlarının ve stramatolitik kireçtaşı/marn ile ardalanmalarının yine küçük ölçekte ıslak ve kuru iklim ardalanmalarını farklı litolojiler ile yansıttıkları tespit edilmiştir. Fakat büyük ölçekte bakıldığı zaman birbirini destekleyen tüm analiz bulguları sayesinde ve hatta duraylı izotop analizleri desteği ile de kesinleşen Üst Miyosen soğuk ve nemli iklimini ve takip eden Sıcak ve kurak iklim değişimlerini görmek mümkün olmaktadır. Havzayı denetleyen tektonik olayların iklim değişimine etkisi büyük ölçekte dolaylı olabileceği ortaya çıkmıştır. Havza kenarlarından yapılan gözlemlere göre havzadaki sediman gelimini kontrol eden yükselmiş ana kayaların farklılıkları yakın kısımlarda farklı tipte devirlerin oluşmasına sebep olmuştur. Buna rağmen küçük ölçekli iklim etkili devirsel çökellerin kayıtları tespit edilmiştir. Tektonik etkiler ile yükselen havzanın kapanması durumunda bile devirsellikler devam etmiştir.In this Project, Çayırhan, Davutoğlan, Beypazarı and Ayaş regions have been studied and 7 different stratigraphic sections have been measured within Çayırhan Formation, Akpınar Limestone and partially Kirmir Formation cropping out around these areas. Sedimentological (microfacies and sedimantary structures), geochemical (main and trace elements), XRD, stable isotpoe analysis (δ13C and δ18O) and Sr isotope analysis have been carried out along the measured stratigraphic sections. In addition to these, cyclostratigraphic, sequence stratigraphic and Fischer Plot analysis have been applied. It has been found that lake level fluctuations are climate controlled and paralel with Global Miocene climate changes. Small-scale (Milankovitch cycles) and large-scale climate changes have been recorded as different cyclic variations within sediments and it has been found that small-scale climate changes were not effected from tectonic events controlling the basin. Sedimentolocial, cyclostratigraphic, clay mineralocial, palynological analysis displayed that cycles composed of alternation of dark mudstones, dark grey-green coloured mudstones, limestones and gypsums represent wet and dry climate changes at the lower part of the measured section. At the upper part of the Çayırhan measured section, it has been determined that alternation of red and gren coloured mudstones, stromatolitic limestones/marls alro represents wet and dry climate changes with different lithologic expression. For the large-scale changes, it is possible to see cold and wet climate and followed by dry and hot climate changes of Late Miocene in this basin by the results of the all analysis supporting each other and even with the support of stable isotope analysis. It has been detected that large-scale climate changes could probably indirectly effected by tectonic events controlling the basin. In the basin margins, different basement rocks exposed controlling the sediment influx into the basin could caused formation of the different cycles. However, climate-induced small-scale cycles have been recorded without tectonic distruption even in the period of closing of the basin

    Aspects on the variation of certain physical-chemical indices during must alcoholic fermentation

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    The paper presented data concerning the variation of physical-chemical indices during must alcoholic fermentation: DM – soluble dry matter, pH – real acidity, ITP – index of total polyphenols, χ–conductivity, TDS – total dissolved substances, Eh–redox potential, rH– index of Eh quantification. In relation to the values of these indices, we have investigated the evolution of main composition characteristics, respectively reducing sugars, alcohol, total acidity, volatile acidity and total phenolic compounds. The experiments have been conducted on two musts obtained from white varieties (Muscat Ottonel and Sauvignon) from the Vine Growing Centre of Copou-Iaşi and on marc obtained from two red varieties (Fetească neagră and Băbească neagră), from the Vine Growing Centre of Uricani, Iaşi vineyard, vintage of year 2006. White musts were obtained by grape crushing, removal of berries from cluster and by pressing the marc resulted at primary grape processing. Marc obtained from black varieties has been submitted to maceration-fermentation for 120 h, then the must-wine mixture continued its fermentation until sugar finishing. Determinations have pointed out a variation in time of the values of studied indices, according to the oenological potential of each variety and the used technology. According to these variations of the values of studied indices, one may find that after a certain period of time (72 hours), a change took place in the equilibrium condition of the compounds formed during the fermentation process, especially of those involved in the insolubilization of tartaric salts; this aspect was also supported by the evolution of the values of conductivity, of redox potential and TDS, especially in white wines