343 research outputs found

    The Long-Term Persistence and Tissue Tropism of Brazilian Zika Virus in \u3ci\u3eMonodelphis domestica\u3c/i\u3e

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) rose as a major public health concern due to the congenital abnormalities of infants born to infected mothers during the 2015 Latin American outbreak. While animal models such as transgenic mice and nonhuman primates are used to study ZIKV pathogenesis, they display various limitations. Additionally, the persistence and tissue distribution of long-term ZIKV infection remains unknown. We describe the laboratory opossum, Monodelphis domestica, as a potential new model for ZIKV pathogenesis research to address these issues. We utilized immunohistochemistry, RT-PCR, and ELISA to show that: infant animals inoculated intracerebrally were susceptible to infection, ZIKV infection persisted through juvenile age in the brain, sex organs, and spleen, and that some animals developed an immune response to ZIKV infection

    La temporalidad bergsoniana en las estéticas de Antonio Machado y James Joyce

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    In his “Lecture’s preliminaries” to join the Royal Academy of the Spanish language, Antonio Machado described the works of Marcel Proust and James Joyce as poems of memory and perception. On further occasions Machado commented on Proust’s literary production and on his connection with Henri Bergson’s philosophy, although he disregarded Joyce in the belief that his oeuvre was “a dead end, a cul-de-sac of lyric solipsism”. Bearing these particulars in mind, the present discussion attempts to explore, on the one hand, Machado’s position with respect to what the Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset had termed “the dehumanisation of art”, of which Joyce was a clear exponent; and, on the other, to connect the influence of Bergson on Machado and Joyce’s aesthetics of time, whose respective works can be interpreted applying such concepts as duration, flow, involuntary memory or intuition

    The Feminisation of War in the Contemporary Easter Rising Narratives of Mary Morrissy and Lia Mills

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    Traditionally, war and revolution, as male-oriented duties, kept women not only relegated to the domestic sphere but uninformed about whatwas regarded as more serious concerns. However, if men were involved in the war effort, the daily struggle belonged to women, even though they have remained outside mainstream historical accounts and their stories have been silenced or hidden from official accounts. With the intention of restating such imbalance, many Irish writers have engaged in the recovery of forgotten figures from the past, paving the way for the emergence of a renewed type of historical novel that offers alternative readings from a gender perspective. This would be the case of authors Julia O’Faolain, Emma Donoghue, Evelyn Conlon, Anne Enright or Henrietta McKervey, among a growing list. Within this panorama,two novels stand out, Mary Morrissy’s The Rising of Bella Casey (2013) and Lia Mills’s Fallen (2014). Both explore female subjectivity at times of war and delve into the struggle the protagonists have to face at a time of nationalist upheaval, while the male leaders of the uprising merely remain backstage, thus subverting mainstream accounts on the foundational myth of Ireland and demystifying revolutionary heroism. Considering these circumstances, the present discussion will attempt to demonstrate that these women played a more “revolutionary” role than the one attributed by history and will argue that these novels endeavor to bring women back to national history.Keywords: Mary Morrissy, Lia Mills, Easter Rising, First World War,  history, revolution

    The Nurturing River in Nuala Ní Chonchúir’s You: An Ecocritical Reading

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    Arguing that critical approaches to urban literature have often undermined the role of rivers, the present analysis will look at the emotional power that the river Liffey brings about in Nuala Ní Chonchúir’s debut novel You (2010). Informed by ecocritical theory, the discussion will tackle issues connected to the effects of urban and semi-urban habitats on the shaping of the individual mind, in a way that will challenge the traditional divide between city and countryside. It will consequently contend that the protagonist’s perception and relation to the places she inhabits can be explained in terms of the notions of topophilia and ecophobia, with the sole purpose of subverting them. The analysis will finally suggest that the comforting sound of whirls, the lulling effect of the current of the river, is the nurturing element that stands between the laws of nature and those of society, blending life with death and allowing the possibility for rebirth

    Unfolded protein stress in the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria: a role in neurodegeneration

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    Protein-folding occurs in several intracellular locations including the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. In normal conditions there is a balance between the levels of unfolded proteins and protein folding machinery. Disruption of homeostasis and an accumulation of unfolded proteins trigger stress responses, or unfolded protein responses (UPR), in these organelles. These pathways signal to increase the folding capacity, inhibit protein import or expression, increase protein degradation, and potentially trigger cell death. Many aging-related neurodegenerative diseases involve the accumulation of misfolded proteins in both the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. The exact participation of the UPRs in the onset of neurodegeneration is unclear, but there is significant evidence for the alteration of these pathways in the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Here we will discuss the involvement of endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondrial stress and the possible contributions of the UPR in these organelles to the development of two neurodegenerative diseases, Parkinson's disease (PD) and Alzheimer's disease (AD)

    Building Antiracist Communities of Practice that Result in Transformative Learning Spaces: A Social Education Project

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    In killing rage: Ending Racism (1995), bell hooks talks about her writing of this work as being “fundamentally optimistic”, as ‘courageously and fiercely critical”, and as “forging a politics of solidarity”. The creation and evolution of a cross-institutional anti-racism community of practice was drawn to that path. In this workshop, we demonstrate how creating antiracist spaces and connecting with others allow us to explore the role of racism in our lives, our institutions, and our nation. We aim to build the capacity to support a commitment to racial justice in community-engaged work by naming anti-black racism as a human rights violation, centering experience, critical reflection, and rational disclosure (Valamis, 2021). We implement transformative learning theory to explore a connection between antiracism and human rights as an institutional practice. The layered realities of racial injustice as captured by the political rhetoric of divisiveness within the context of a threatened American democracy can feel overwhelming. When we create space to process, reflect, and if possible feel and heal, the heaviness of this time can be met with an eye toward hope, possibility, and care --- the kind of intentional practice and courageous care that can only really happen in the community. As a byproduct of the success of an antiracism community of practice, we will initiate a space for discussion and exploration and end with strategies for solidarity and action. The organic nature of this kind of process allows us to experience the power of holding space for each other with the messy, hurtful, and embedded aspects of racism that creates division yet also allows us to channel hope and bask in the possibility of bridges not barriers in antiracist work


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    Técnicas narrativas en James Joyce y Luis Martín-Santos: estudio comparativo de Ulyses y Tiempo de silencio

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    James Joyce y Luis Martín-Santos son los autores de dos obras, Ulysses y Tiempo de silencio, que suponen una ruptura con respecto a los hábitos narrativo s anteriores de la literatura inglesa y española respectivamente. En ambas novelas se utiliza una serie de recursos literarios muy parecidos con los que se pretende expresar el contenido psíquico de los personajes, aunque en cada una de ellas hay varios rasgos distintivos que marcan claras diferencias. El objeto de nuestra investigación es precisamente el análisis comparativo de las técnicas narrativas utilizadas por James Joyce y Luis Martín-Santos en estas dos novelas. La elección de la obra de Martín-Santos en detrimento de otras, con influencia incluso mayor del mismo escritor irlandés, viene determinada por su carácter innovador, al haber sido la primera novela experimental aparecida en España -aunque cuarenta años después de la publicación del Ulysses- y por parecemos que las demás, al ser posteriores, reciben una influencia ya no sólo de Joyce, sino de ambos escritores

    Auditoría de gestión para la Asociación de Personas con Discapacidad Física del cantón Joya de los Sachas, provincia de Orellana, periodo 2015

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    La Auditoría de Gestión para la Asociación de Personas con Discapacidad Física, del cantón Joya de los Sachas, provincia de Orellana, periodo 2015, tiene como objetivo analizar y evaluar la eficiencia y eficacia en el manejo de los procesos para la organización. Para el desarrollo de la auditoría se utilizó cuestionarios de control interno para evaluar el riesgo y confianza del mismo, se revisó los procedimientos de la normativa legal y procesos que se realizan en la asociación, además se aplicó indicadores de gestión que permitieron obtener los siguientes hallazgos: no se dispone de un control adecuado de los bienes y de información actualizada oportuna para la toma de decisiones, falta de codificación e identificación de los bienes, no se realizan ingresos a bodega de los bienes adquiridos, no dispone de evidencia documental suficiente, pertinente y legal de sus operaciones o gastos realizados, inexistencia de un plan de talento humano. Se recomienda realizar constataciones físicas de los bienes de la asociación por lo menos una vez al año, codificar e impregnar códigos a activos fijos de la organización mediante un listado de los bienes donde se registre el nombre y sus custodios, diseñar un formulario en donde se registre el ingreso a bodega de todas las adquisiciones previo a la entrega del custodio, establecer procedimientos que aseguren el control previo y concurrente de las operaciones con la finalidad de identificar errores en las funciones desarrolladas en la marcha operativa, valorar la gestión administrativa y minimizar riesgos.The management audit for the association of people with physical disabilities in Joya de los Sachas canton, Orellana province, 2015 aims to analyze and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness in the processes management of the organization. For the development of the audit, internal control questionnaires were applied to assess the risk and confidence as well as the procedures of the legal regulations and processes carried out in the association were reviewed. In addition, management indicators were applied to obtain the following findings: there is no an adequate control of assets and updated and timely information for decision making, lack of codification and identification of assets, no income is made to the hold of the acquired goods, there is no admission of assets acquired, there is not enough relevant, legal and documentary evidence of its transactions or expenditure and lack of a human talent plan. It is recommended to make physical findings of the assets of the association at least once a year, codify and stick codes to fixed assets of the organization by listing the assets where the name and its custodians are registered, design a form where all the acquisitions are recorded prior to the delivery of the custodian, establish procedures that ensure the prior and concurrent control of the operations in order to identify errors in the functions operational developed, assess administrative management and minimize risks