74 research outputs found

    Imputação múltipla livre de distribuição em tabelas incompletas de dupla entrada

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    The objective of this work was to propose a new distribution‑free multiple imputation algorithm, through modifications of the simple imputation method recently developed by Yan in order to circumvent the problem of unbalanced experiments. The method uses the singular value decomposition of a matrix and was tested using simulations based on two complete matrices of real data, obtained from eucalyptus and sugarcane trials, with values deleted randomly at different percentages. The quality of the imputations was evaluated by a measure of overall accuracy that combines the variance between imputations and their mean square deviations in relation to the deleted values. The best alternative for multiple imputation is a multiplicative model that includes weights near to 1 for the eigenvalues calculated with the decomposition. The proposed methodology does not depend on distributional or structural assumptions and does not have any restriction regarding the pattern or the mechanism of the missing data.O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor um novo algoritmo de imputação múltipla livre de distribuição, por meio de modificações no método de imputação simples recentemente desenvolvido por Yan para contornar o problema de desbalanceamento de experimentos. O método utiliza a decomposição por valores singulares de uma matriz e foi testado por meio de simulações baseadas em duas matrizes de dados reais completos, provenientes de ensaios com eucalipto e cana‑de‑açúcar, com retiradas aleatórias de valores em diferentes percentagens. A qualidade das imputações foi avaliada por uma medida de acurácia geral que combina a variância entre imputações e o viés quadrático médio delas em relação aos valores retirados. A melhor alternativa para imputação múltipla é um modelo multiplicativo que inclui pesos próximos a 1 para os autovalores calculados com a decomposição. A metodologia proposta não depende de pressuposições distribucionais ou estruturais e não tem restrições quanto ao padrão ou ao mecanismo de ausência dos dados

    Effect of confinement by SARS-CoV-2 on the degree of steatohepatitis in university students from Reynosa, Tamaulipas

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    Introduction: Healthy lifestyles are relevant for several diseases, steatohepatitis, although little known, is common in young people. There are reasons to be concerned about homebound college youth who are at risk for steatohepatitis. By restricting the mobility of the population, the risk factors for weight gain and the intake of calorie-dense foods increase, which are elements associated with steatohepatitis. Objective: To determine the effect of confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic on the degree of steatohepatitis by comparing transient elastography results taken before and after confinement. Method: Longitudinal study. A sample of 114 young university students of random sex was included. The transient elastography technique (FibroScan) was implemented, determining the degrees of steatosis and hepatic fibrosis by performing the test before and after the confinement of the participants. Student´s t-test was used to analyse the differences in the degrees of steatohepatitis before and after confinement. Results: the degrees of steatosis during the first sampling were S0 (52.6%), S1 (14.9%), S2 (5.3%) and S3 (27.2%) (m = 250.89, DE= ± 56.91), in the second sampling were presented S0 (56.1%), S1 (13.2%), S2 (5.3%) and S3 (5.4%) (m = 243.81, DE = ± 52.330), the relation of both samples was (p = 0.131). The results in the degrees of fibrosis in the first sampling were F0 (91.4%), F1 (6.1%). F2 (2.6%) (m= 4.80, DE = ±1.11), in the second F1 (95.6%), F2 (3.5) and F2 (0.9%) (m = 4.33, DE = ±1.16) and the relation of the two sampling was (p= 0.000). Conclusions: The degrees of hepatic fibrosis presented significant changes, on the other hand, steatosis tends to decrease, but the change is not significant, however, it is necessary to investigate with third variables to detect other factors involved in the changes

    Propuesta de intervención psicolaboral sobre la influencia psicológica del tipo de liderazgo que se manifiesta en las relaciones laborales del personal multidisciplinario, correspondientes a la dirección regional central del ministerio de salud en los departamentos de La Libertad y Chalatenango.

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    En los últimos años se han realizado diversos estudios para identificar aquellos factores que determinan la calidad del clima psicolaboral de instituciones y organizaciones que se desempeñan en la labor sanitaria. Uno de los principales factores estudiados es el estilo de liderazgo que ejercen las jefaturas de dichas instituciones en el personal a su cargo, pues éste determina en gran medida la calidad del clima psicológico y de las relaciones interpersonales, de las cuales depende un adecuado funcionamiento de las áreas y por lo tanto un adecuado funcionamiento institucional, así como una mejor calidad de vida y de trabajo para quienes laboran en ellas. Dado el papel fundamental que tiene el Ministerio de Salud en la crisis sanitaria por la pandemia covid-19 , la presente investigación de tipo diagnóstica, cuali-cuantitativa y exploratoria tiene como objetivo determinar la influencia actual de los tipos de liderazgo en las relaciones laborales que se establecen entre el personal multidisciplinario para elaborar una propuesta de intervención psicolaboral, dirigida a quienes conforman las Unidades Comunitarias de Salud Familiar (UCSF), adscritas a la Dirección Regional Central del Ministerio de Salud. Para ello se realizaron entrevistas y la aplicación de cuestionarios y guías de observación en las UCSF pertenecientes a los departamentos de La Libertad y Chalatenango, obteniendo un diagnóstico de los factores alterados en cuanto a liderazgo y su influencia psicológica en las relaciones interpersonales que se presentaron en los coordinadores y colaboradores de salud en las UCSF, lo que permitió la elaboración de una propuesta de intervención, siendo estos: Inteligencia emocional y gestión del estrés, motivación y satisfacción, rendimiento y desempeño, autoestima, comunicación y relaciones interpersonales y liderazgo. 11 La propuesta está compuesta por 10 sesiones, dos jornadas dirigidas a intervenir cada factor y desarrollar el contenido planteado con diferentes actividades y técnicas psicolabolares. Palabras claves: Estilos de liderazgo, relaciones interpersonales, propuesta de intervención, psicolaboral

    Registro de neuroseñales con una Interfaz cerebro-computador para estimar el nivel estrés en un estudiante durante una clase

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    Introducción: El presente trabajo muestra un estudio de carácter individual que captura, registra y analiza el nivel de estrés de un estudiante universitario durante una clase que involucra una evaluación. La información del estrés se estimó por medio de una interfaz cerebro-computador comercial y de bajo costo. Esto permite solucionar el problema de obtener fácilmente medidas cuantitativas y no solo cualitativas.Objetivo: Analizar el comportamiento de las neuroseñales para estimar el nivel de estrés en un estudiante ante algunos eventos verbales y no verbales generados por un docente.Metodología: Se desarrolló un diseño experimental de carácter individual tomando como perturbaciones al nivel de estrés eventos tales como preguntas, limitaciones de tiempo y gestos.Resultados: Se logró poner en evidencia algunos eventos que causan estrés en los estudiantes producidos por el lenguaje verbal y no verbal del docente al impartir la clase.Conclusiones: Se recomienda a los docentes moderar su lenguaje corporal durante las evaluaciones evitando acciones que emulen afanes o presiones en tiempos innecesarios.Introduction− This work shows an individual study of the capture, record-ing, and analysis of the level of stress of a university student during a class that involves an evaluation. The stress information was estimated using a commercial and low-cost computer-brain interface. This allows solving the problem of easily obtaining quantitative and not only qualitative measures.Objective− The aim of this article is to analyze the behavior of neural signals to estimate the level of stress in a student to some verbal and nonverbal events generated by a teacher.Methodology− An experimental design of individual character was devel-oped taking as disturbances the level of stress, events such as questions, time limits, and gestures.Results− Some events that caused stress in students produced by the verbal and non-verbal language of the teacher when teaching the class were evi-denced.Conclusions− Teachers are encouraged to moderate their body language during assessments by avoiding actions that emulate anxieties or pressures in unnecessary times

    Depresión, ansiedad y estrés en estudiantes de nuevo ingreso a la Educación Superior

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    Muchos problemas de salud mental tienden a aparecer al final de la infancia o al comienzo de la adolescencia, según estudios más recientes, los problemas de salud mental constituyen la principal causa de morbilidad en los jóvenes. Objetivo: Determinar frecuencia de ansiedad, depresión y estrés en estudiantes de primer grado de una licenciatura en una universidad pública

    Dual latent tuberculosis screening with tuberculin skin tests and QuantiFERON-TB assays before TNF-α inhibitor initiation in children in Spain

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    Tumor-necrosis-factor-α inhibitors (anti-TNF-α) are associated with an increased risk of tuberculosis (TB) disease, primarily due to reactivation of latent TB infection (LTBI). We assessed the performance of parallel LTBI screening with tuberculin skin test (TST) and QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube assays (QFT-GIT) before anti-TNF-α treatment in children with immune-mediated inflammatory disorders in a low TB-burden setting. We conducted a multicenter cohort study involving 17 pediatric tertiary centers in Spain. LTBI was defined as the presence of a positive TST and/or QFT-GIT result without clinical or radiological signs of TB disease. A total of 270 patients (median age:11.0 years) were included, mainly with rheumatological (55.9%) or inflammatory bowel disease (34.8%). Twelve patients (4.4%) were diagnosed with TB infection at screening (LTBI, n = 11; TB disease, n = 1). Concordance between TST and QFT-GIT results was moderate (TST+/QFT-GIT+, n = 4; TST-/QFT-GIT+, n = 3; TST+/QFT-GIT-, n = 5; kappa coefficient: 0.48, 95% CI: 0.36-0.60). Indeterminate QFT-GIT results occurred in 10 patients (3.7%) and were associated with young age and elevated C-reactive protein concentrations. Eleven of 12 patients with TB infection uneventfully completed standard LTBI or TB treatment. During a median follow-up period of 6.4 years, only 2 patients developed TB disease (incidence density: 130 (95% CI: 20-440) per 100,000 person-years), both probable de novo infections. Conclusion: A substantial number of patients were diagnosed with LTBI during screening. The dual strategy identified more cases than either of the tests alone, and test agreement was only moderate. Our data show that in children in a low TB prevalence setting, a dual screening strategy with TST and IGRA before anti-TNF-α treatment is effective

    Guía de práctica clínica para el diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento de los pacientes mayores de 15 años diabetes mellitus tipo 1

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    La diabetes mellitus tipo 1 es una enfermedad que suele aparecer tempranamente, implicando que los pacientes convivan con ella por muchos años. Del adecuado control clínico que se logre, dependerán los resultados y como se trata de una condición con potenciales complicaciones serias, es imperativo tener claridad sobre su diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento para minimizar impacto en morbilidad, calidad de vida y mortalidad.Pacientes mayores de 15 añoshttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-0960-9480https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1982-6799https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9013-5384N/