1,588 research outputs found

    The Enigma of Mobile Money Systems

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    In this paper we argue that the success of mobile banking models represents an enigma in terms of their replicability to other countries. These models offer the opportunity to diminish the financial exclusion suffered by the poor by offering access to credit, savings, and transfers, which are key tools capable of transforming the livelihoods of the poor as well as the efficiency of the market. We show that mobile phones need a complete ecosystem that supports its application to a functioning mobile banking service. The aim of this paper is to contribute to existing knowledge of mobile money across the value chain by providing insight into the mechanisms of m-money and the value propositions within the business of m-banking. We develop a taxonomy of the key drivers of the business model to help assess the replicability of these models in other countries. We focus on models developed in Kenya, the Philippines, and Brazil, and explore if some of the conditions present in these models are lacking for a widespread adoption in other. We conclude, however, that there appears to be no set of clearly identifiable variables that serve as a basis for success and that those necessary conditions for the replication of m-banking models identified by the existing literature to other countries around the world do not guarantee results. Moreover, we find that some of these conditions are not present in countries where m-banking models have been successful.M-banking, financial inclusion, mobile applications, mobile opportunities, developing countries.

    Atomic-level characterization and cilostazol affinity of poly(lactic acid) nanoparticles conjugated with differentially charged hydrophilic molecules

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    Indexación: Scopus.M.F.M. acknowledges support from CONICYT-PFCHA/Doctorado Nacional/2014-21140225. M.M.M. thanks the FONCyT PICT-2015-2191, CONICET PIP 11220110100992, Secyt, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. C.V. acknowledges support from CONICYT under FONDECYT #1161438 and BASAL Grant FB0807, MECESUP PMI-UAB1301, and H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 #734801 MAGNAMED. The authors thank the High-Performance Computational Center (CCAD UNC) and Escuela de Ingeniería Civil en Bioinformática (Universidad de Talca) for access to supercomputers.Nanotherapeutics is a promising field for numerous diseases and represents the forefront of modern medicine. In the present work, full atomistic computer simulations were applied to study poly(lactic acid) (PLA) nanoparticles conjugated with polyethylene glycol (PEG). The formation of this complex system was simulated using the reactive polarizable force field (ReaxFF). A full picture of the morphology, charge and functional group distribution is given. We found that all terminal groups (carboxylic acid, methoxy and amino) are randomly distributed at the surface of the nanoparticles. The surface design of NPs requires that the charged groups must surround the surface region for an optimal functionalization/charge distribution, which is a key factor in determining physicochemical interactions with different biological molecules inside the organism. Another important point that was investigated was the encapsulation of drugs in these nanocarriers and the prediction of the polymer-drug interactions, which provided a better insight into structural features that could affect the effectiveness of drug loading. We employed blind docking to predict NP-drug affinity testing on an antiaggregant compound, cilostazol. The results suggest that the combination of molecular dynam ics ReaxFF simulations and blind docking techniques can be used as an explorative tool prior to experiments, which is useful for rational design of new drug delivery systems. © 2018 Matus et al.https://www.beilstein-journals.org/bjnano/articles/9/12

    Influence of University Access Test in the teaching methodology of science teachers

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    [Resumen] En este artículo se investigan las percepciones del profesorado de ciencias sobre el efecto de las pruebas de acceso a la universidad, en la metodología docente y en las prácticas de evaluación. En el estudio participaron 120 profesores/as con experiencia docente en asignaturas de ciencias de segundo curso de bachillerato. Como instrumentos de recogida de datos se emplearon cuestionarios abiertos y cerrados, así como entrevistas semiestructuradas, combinándose métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos de análisis de datos. En conjunto, se detecta un efecto inhibitorio en el 2º curso de bachillerato de ciertos recursos y metodologías de enseñanza que habitualmente se consideran de interés en el aprendizaje de las ciencias, favoreciéndose en su lugar enfoques de enseñanza tradicionales, con clases teóricas expositivas. A partir de estos resultados se sugiere la necesidad de una reformulación de las pruebas de acceso y la conveniencia de abordar esta problemática dentro de la formación del profesorado[Abstract] In this work, we investigate he perceptions of science teachers about the effect of the University Access Tests in their teaching methodology and their evaluation practices. The study included 120 teachers with teaching experience, in science subjects of the second-year of secondary education. As data collection instruments, open and closed questionnaires were used, as well as semi-structured interviews, combining qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis. Overall, an inhibitory effect is detected in the 2nd year of the secondary education of certain teaching resources and methodologies that are usually considered of interest in science learning, favoring instead traditional teaching approaches, with expository theoretical classes. Based on these results, we suggest a reformulation of the access tests and the convenience of addressing this problem within teacher training

    Improved wear performance of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene coated with hydrogenated diamond like carbon

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    Hydrogenated diamond like carbon (DLCH) thin films were deposited on medical grade ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) by radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The DLCH coating thicknesses ranged from 250 to 700. nm. The substrates were disks made of UHMWPEs typically used for soft components in artificial joints, namely virgin GUR 1050 and highly crosslinked (gamma irradiated in air to 100. kGy) UHMWPEs. Mechanical and tribological properties under bovine serum lubrication at body temperature were assessed on coated and uncoated polyethylenes by means of nano-hardness and ball-on-disk tests, respectively. Morphological features of the worn surfaces were obtained by confocal microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. This study confirms an increase in surface hardness and good wear resistance for coated materials after 24. h of sliding test compared to uncoated polyethylene. These results point out that to coat UHMWPE with DLCH films could be a potential method to reduce backside wear in total hip and knee arthroplasties.Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación MAT2006-12603- C02-01, CSD2008-0002

    Cloning and expression of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNA-dependent RNA polymerase

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    RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRp) are ubiquous enzimes  first described in RNA viruses and virus-like elements. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae this enzyme can be found, fused with capsid proteins, encoded by the L-A helper virus-like particle. Replication cycle of L-A is coupled to that of M satellite particle, which confers a killer phenotype to the yeast (Schmitt & Breinig, 2002). RdRp recognizes and replicates ssRNA from both L-A and M virus. RdRp recognizes a 3'-Terminal Recognition Element (3'TRE), a small stem-loop 5 bases from the 3' end (Ribas, Fujimuras, & Wickner, 1994), which can be used as an effective tool for primerless replication of RNA molecules. To gain further insight on the virus-like particle replication mechanism and to evaluate its possible biotechnological application, the present project is focused on cloning the RdRp coding sequence in several different expression vectors and expressing the protein using different Escherichia coli strains as hosts. Once RdRp is efficiently expressed, we will proceed to purify it by affinity chromatography and test the protein activity by replicating full length viral RNA´s and other RNA sequences with or without the 3'TRE sequence. In our communication we will present our advances in cloning, expression, purification and activity of the yeast polymeras

    "Los dioses practican juegos de mesa": un motivo del cine mitológico y sus antecedentes clásicos

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    La principal convención de la epopeya clásica es el desdoblamiento de plano en dos niveles: el Olimpo y la tierra. Los dioses, desde el Olimpo, intervienen en los asuntos humanos que se desarrollan en la tierra. En algunas películas de tema mitológico, como Jasón y los Argonautas (1963) y Furia de Titanes (1981), aparece un motivo peculiar que se incardina dentro de esa convención general: los dioses (destacadamente Zeus) practican un juego de mesa en el que las piezas representan a los humanos. Este trabajo rastrea los antecedentes clásicos de este motivo fílmico, así como las conexiones antropológicas y culturales del mismo, con vistas a sugerir posibles fuentes de los guionistas y a examinar su motivación

    Un método optimizado para el análisis cromosómico de ovocitos y cigotos obtenidos mediante técnicas de maduración y fecundación in vitro

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    Matured bovine oocytes and zygotes obtained by in vitro maturation and fertilization techniques (IVM and IVF) were cytogenetically prepared by using an improved method for chromosome preparations. The method, which involves use of trypsinizedhypotonic solution plus a vortex-agitated system and very cold two-step fixation process, contributes to weaken the zona pellucida and allows the swelling of oocytes and zygotes which helps the subsequent spreading of the chromosomes. This method permits to obtain preparations of good quality for examining the number and morphology of the chromosomes of oocytes and zygotes for any meiotic and mitotic stage.Se logró optimizar un método rápido para analizar citogenéticamente ovocitos y cigotos de bovino obtenidos mediante técnicas de maduración y fecundación in vitro (MIV y FIV). El método, el cual utiliza una solución hipotónica con tripsina, un sistema de agitación mediante vortex y un sistema doble de fijación en frío, contribuye a eliminar fácilmente la zona pelúcida y a hinchar a los ovocitos y cigotos favoreciendo posteriormente la extensión de los cromosomas. Este método permite obtener preparaciones de muy buena calidad para el análisis tanto del número como de la morfología de los cromosomas de los ovocitos y cigotos en cualquier estadío meiótico y mitótico

    Influencia de la insulina bovina y humana sobre los índices de maduración, fecundación y división in vitro de ovocitos de bovino

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    The present study was carried out to determine the effects of supplementation of the maturation media with human or bovine insulin on in vitro maturation, fertilization and cleavage rates of bovine oocytes. Cumulus-intact bovine oocytes were cultured in a maturation medium (TCM-199 containing 10 percent fetal calf serum) with or without human or bovine insulin supplementation (10 mg/ml). For the bovine insulin supplement, the maturation (80.3 percent), fertilization (61.3 percent) and cleavage (55.3 percent) rates were significantly higher (p<0.05) than those obtained in the control group (70.1; 50.1 and 42.5 percent respectively). Thus, the percentages of cleavaged ova obtained in presence of human or bovine insulin (54.8 and 55.3 percent respectively) were significantly higher (p<0.05) than those observed in control group (42.5 percent). No difference was found among human and bovine insulin treatments. These results demonstrate that the addition of human or bovine insulin to the maturation medium increased the percentages of matured oocyte, increasing the subsequent fertilization and cleavage rates of bovine oocytes in vitro.Se realizó un estudio para determinar los efectos de la suplementación del medio de maduración con insulina humana o bovina sobre los índices de maduración, fecundación y división in vitro de ovocitos de bovino. Ovocitos de bovino se cultivaron en medio de maduración (TCM-199 conteniendo 10 p.100 de suero de ternero fetal) con o sin insulina humana o bovina (10 mg/ml). Para la insulina bovina, los índices de maduración (80,3 p.100), fecundación (61,3 p.100) y división (55,3 p.100) fueron superiores significativamente (p<0,05) que aquellos obtenidos por el grupo control (70,1; 50,1 y 42,5 p.100 respectivamente). Además, los porcentajes de óvulos divididos obtenidos en presencia de insulina humana o bovina (54,8 y 55,3 p.100 respectivamente), fueron superiores significativamente (p<0,05) en comparación con los obtenidos por el grupo control (42,5 p.100). No se apreciaron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos con insulina humana y bovina. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto que la adición de insulina humana o bovina al medio de maduración incrementa los porcentajes de ovocitos maduros, mejorando posteriormente los índices de fecundación y división de ovocitos de bovino in vitro

    Gold–palladium core@shell nanoalloys: experiments and simulations

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    In this work, we report a facile synthesis route, structural characterization, and full atomistic simulations of gold–palladium nanoalloys. Through aberration corrected-STEM, UV-vis spectroscopy and EDS chemical analysis, we were able to determine that Au(core)–Pd(shell) bimetallic nanoparticles were formed. Using different computational approaches, we were capable of establishing how the size of the core and the thickness of the shell will affect the thermodynamic stability of several core–shell nanoalloys. Finally, grand canonical simulations using different sampling procedures were used to study the growth mechanism of Pd atoms on Au seeds of different shapes

    Producción in vitro de embriones de bovino: influencia de la suplementación sérica y hormonal

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    On study the effect of different serum and hormonal supplements, when added to the maturation medium, on the in vitro maturation and subsequent fertilization and cleavage process of bovine oocytes. The oocyte maturation, fertilization and cleavage rates in the presence of ECS, FCS and hormonal supplements were significantly higher (p<0.001) than that obtained in the control group. No significant differences for maturation, fertilization and development were observed between the different supplements. The addition of serum and hormonal supplements to the maturation medium improved the in vitro maturation rates and subsequent in vitro fertilization and cleavage rates of bovine oocytes.El objetivo del presente estudio fue investigar si diferentes suplementos séricos y hormonales, cuando se adicionan al medio de maduración, mantienen los procesos de maduración, fecundación y división de ovocitos de bovino in vitro. Los índices de maduración ovocitaria, fecundación y división, en presencia de los suplementos ECS, FCS y hormonas fueron superiores significativamente (p<0,001) que aquellos observados en el grupo control. No se apreciaron diferencias significativas para los estadíos de maduración, fecundación y división entre los diferentes suplementos estudiados. Concluimos que la adición de suplementos séricos y hormonales al medio de maduración mejora los índices de maduración ovocitaria y subsiguientes índices de fecundación y división in vitro de ovocitos de bovino