475 research outputs found

    Gender Differences in Precarious Work Settings

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    This study uses human capital and gender stratification theory to answer three research questions concerning the gendered patterns of precarious employment, the effects of human capital investments and family obligations on precarious employment, and the extent that these investments and obligations affect precarious employment differently for men and women. Lucrative jobs that offer benefits, union protection, with full-time work status were considered indicators of high quality and therefore non-precarious employment. Using data from U.S. respondents, findings suggest: a) a “gender” to precarious employment in that women are more likely to work in low quality job settings; b) gender discrepancies in benefits and union protection are explained by differences in men’s and women’s human capital, family investments, and other work-related situations; and, c) gender differences in wages and part-time work status result from workplace discrimination towards women. The implications of these findings are discussed along with recommendations for future research.MalgrĂ© les avancĂ©s des travaux de recherche documentant l’accroissement de la reprĂ©sentation des femmes dans les emplois prĂ©caires, peu d’études ont examinĂ© les raisons qui expliquent ce phĂ©nomĂšne. Dans cette recherche j’examine cette question directement en me concentrant sur la dimension sexuĂ©e de l’emploi prĂ©caire et sur les investissements en capital humain et les obligations familiales qui influent sur la probabilitĂ© de se retrouver dans de telles situations. Alors que les recherches antĂ©rieures ont surtout mis en Ă©vidence la sĂ©grĂ©gation sexuelle dans les emplois hautement prĂ©caires, les rĂ©sultats de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude offrent une meilleure comprĂ©hension des causes de la surreprĂ©sentation persistante des femmes dans de tels emplois, caractĂ©risĂ©s par une rĂ©munĂ©ration moins Ă©levĂ©e et le temps partiel.L’étude aborde spĂ©cifiquement trois questions concernant a) les modĂšles sexuĂ©s de l’emploi prĂ©caire, b) les effets des investissements en capital humain et des obligations familiales sur l’emploi prĂ©caire et, c) jusqu’à quel point ces investissements et obligations caractĂ©risent diffĂ©remment l’emploi prĂ©caire selon le sexe. Les emplois bien rĂ©munĂ©rĂ©s comportant de bons avantages sociaux, une protection syndicale et un statut de travail Ă  temps complet sont considĂ©rĂ©s comme des indicateurs d’emplois de haute qualitĂ© et donc de situations d’emplois non prĂ©caires.Pour examiner les dĂ©terminants de l’emploi prĂ©caire, je fais appel Ă  deux thĂ©ories concurrentes de l’activité : la thĂ©orie du choix rationnel (mieux connue sous le vocable de thĂ©orie du capital humain) et la thĂ©orie de la stratification selon le sexe. Tandis que les thĂ©oriciens du capital humain mettent l’emphase sur le rĂŽle des choix individuels et des investissements en capital humain pour expliquer l’obtention d’emplois offrant Ă  la fois sĂ©curitĂ© et bonne rĂ©munĂ©ration, ceux de la stratification mettent de l’avant les demandes des employeurs Ă  l’égard de certains groupes de la population active et la discrimination personnelle contre les membres de ces groupes. Bien que ces deux perspectives thĂ©oriques permettent de produire des explications correctes de la prĂ©sence croissante des femmes dans les milieux Ă  emplois prĂ©caires, ni l’une ni l’autre ne le fait de façon exhaustive. Étant donnĂ© toutefois que les deux thĂ©ories suggĂšrent que les femmes sont plus susceptibles de travailler dans les emplois prĂ©caires, nous nous attendions Ă  des rĂ©sultats semblables dans la prĂ©sente Ă©tude.En s’appuyant sur les dĂ©bats en cours dans la littĂ©rature, l’étude propose deux ensembles d’hypothĂšses concurrentes selon les deux perspectives Ă©noncĂ©es. Mais d’abord une premiĂšre hypothĂšse (hypothĂšse 1), plus gĂ©nĂ©rale et compatible avec les deux perspectives, s’énonce ainsi : les femmes sont plus susceptibles d’occuper les emplois prĂ©caires.Capital humain – HypothĂšse 2a : la dotation en capital humain diminue la probabilitĂ© de travailler dans des emplois prĂ©caires et cela, tant pour les hommes que pour les femmes. HypothĂšse 2b : les investissements liĂ©s Ă  la famille augmentent la probabilitĂ© de travailler dans des emplois prĂ©caires et cela, tant pour les hommes que pour les femmes.Stratification selon le sexe – HypothĂšse 3a : la dotation en capital humain diminue la probabilitĂ© de travailler dans des emplois prĂ©caires et cela, de façon plus marquĂ©e pour les hommes. HypothĂšse 3b : les investissements liĂ©s Ă  la famille augmentent la probabilitĂ© de travailler dans des emplois prĂ©caires et cela, de façon plus marquĂ©e pour les femmes.Pour vĂ©rifier l’hypothĂšse 1, j’ai eu recours aux donnĂ©es amĂ©ricaines de l’enquĂȘte « National Survey of the Changing Workforce » de 2002. Les participants potentiels incluent les personnes de 18 ans et plus en emploi (Bond, Thompson, Galinsky et Prottas, 2003). Les spĂ©cifications mĂ©thodologiques sur l’échantillon se retrouvent dans l’article. Étant donnĂ© les similitudes entre les marchĂ©s du travail amĂ©ricain et canadien et les relations selon le sexe employĂ©s/employeurs, plusieurs gĂ©nĂ©ralisations peuvent ĂȘtre faites entre les deux pays.Les rĂ©sultats de notre Ă©tude contribuent aux connaissances dans la littĂ©rature de trois façons : a) il y a un « sexe » Ă  l’emploi prĂ©caire du fait que les femmes sont plus susceptibles de travailler dans des emplois de faible qualitĂ©, caractĂ©risĂ©s par des rĂ©tributions financiĂšres plus faibles, de moindres avantages sociaux, une absence de protection syndicale, et un statut de travail Ă  temps partiel; b) les femmes peuvent ĂȘtre davantage sujettes Ă  l’emploi prĂ©caire en partie Ă  cause de leur plus faible capital humain, de l’importance qu’elles accordent Ă  leurs obligations familiales, et d’autres caractĂ©ristiques liĂ©es au travail, ce qui semble supporter les prĂ©dictions de la thĂ©orie du capital humain; toutefois, c) en accord avec la thĂ©orie de la stratification selon le sexe, la surreprĂ©sentation des femmes dans des emplois peu rĂ©munĂ©rateurs et Ă  temps partiel est en partie une consĂ©quence des pratiques discriminatoires dans les milieux de travail. Les femmes subissent des dĂ©savantages sur le marchĂ© du travail parce que leur capital humain et leurs investissements liĂ©s Ă  la famille ne jouent pas de la mĂȘme façon que dans le cas des hommes. Les rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que ni la thĂ©orie du capital humain ni celle de la stratification selon le sexe expliquent pleinement pourquoi les femmes sont surreprĂ©sentĂ©es dans l’emploi prĂ©caire mĂȘme si chacune de ces perspectives procure une contribution unique Ă  la comprĂ©hension des modĂšles sexuĂ©s de l’emploi prĂ©caire.Globalement, cette Ă©tude propose des explications de la sĂ©grĂ©gation continue des femmes dans des emplois prĂ©caires. En mettant en Ă©vidence les diffĂ©rences de capital humain selon le sexe et dans les investissements liĂ©s Ă  la famille, les chercheurs peuvent s’attarder davantage sur pourquoi les femmes continuent d’afficher moins d’expĂ©rience de travail, plus de temps consacrĂ© aux responsabilitĂ©s domestiques, et moins d’heures de travail, dans de plus petites entreprises et mieux documenter dans quelle mesure ces modĂšles changent avec le temps. MĂȘme si les femmes ont rĂ©alisĂ© des gains au cours des derniĂšres dĂ©cennies sur le marchĂ© du travail, l’étude suggĂšre qu’elles sont toujours dĂ©savantagĂ©es globalement en termes d’investissements en capital humain et comment ces investissements les amĂšnent Ă  se retrouver dans des situations d’emplois prĂ©caires.Este estudio utiliza la teorĂ­a del capital humano y de la estratificaciĂłn de gĂ©nero para responder a tres preguntas de investigaciĂłn con respecto a las caracterĂ­sticas de gĂ©nero del empleo precario, a los efectos de las inversiones en capital humano y de las obligaciones familiares sobre el empleo precario, y la amplitud como estas inversiones y obligaciones afectan el empleo precario de manera diferenciada a hombres y mujeres. Los empleos lucrativos que ofrecen beneficios, protecciĂłn sindical y un estatuto de trabajo a tiempo completo, fueron considerados de alta calidad y por tanto como empleo no precario. Los resultados, utilizando datos de Estados Unidos, sugieren : a) un modelo de “gĂ©nero” en el empleo precario, es decir que las mujeres son mĂĄs susceptibles de trabajar en empleos de baja calidad; b) discrepancias de gĂ©nero en cuanto a los beneficios y la protecciĂłn sindical que son explicadas por las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres respecto al capital humano, a la implicaciĂłn familiar, y a otras situaciones relativas al trabajo; y c) diferencias de gĂ©nero en cuanto a los salarios y al estatuto de trabajo a tiempo parcial que resultan de la discriminaciĂłn contra las mujeres en el trabajo. La implicaciĂłn de estos resultados son discutidos ampliamente con recomendaciones para investigaciones ulteriores

    La comunicaciĂłn interna como herramienta clave para la incidencia polĂ­tica de las redes de organizaciones de la sociedad civil

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    Tesis de LicenciaturaÂżCĂłmo afecta la dinĂĄmica de la comunicaciĂłn interna de las redes de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (OSC) en su capacidad de lograr incidencia polĂ­tica? A travĂ©s de esta tesina se busca demostrar que una comunicaciĂłn interna sistemĂĄtica y formalizada brinda mayor efectividad a las redes de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil para el desarrollo de acciones coordinadas de incidencia. Para comprobar esta hipĂłtesis, se busca explorar la incidencia de la AsociaciĂłn Civil Mujeres por la NaciĂłn -como Red de Redes- en distintas fases de una polĂ­tica pĂșblica, proponiendo para ello un encuadre teĂłrico y metodolĂłgico que permita analizar la experiencia y su reconstrucciĂłn desde el proceso comunicacional. Se trata de un acercamiento a conceptualizaciones existentes en diferentes escuelas y disciplinas, incluso desde la literatura sobre movimientos sociales, en busca de esbozar un esquema a partir del cual podrĂ­a ser posible analizar quĂ© formas de efectividad alcanzan las acciones de incidencia en los procesos de polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas a partir de la cultura organizacional en la que se basan las comunicaciones internas de las redes de OSC.Fil: Young, Marisa Mabel. Universidad Nacional de San MartĂ­n. Escuela de PolĂ­tica y Gobierno; Argentin

    2023 People of Color in Library & Information Science Summit Impact Report Presentation

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    Following on their introduction to the People of Color in Library & Information Science (POC in LIS) Summit during the virtual showcase portion of last year\u27s SCELCapalooza, Summit organizers return this year in person for a deeper dive into the background, context, and lasting impacts from the POCinLIS Summit 2023.This talk will center the experiences of four Black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) academic librarians who conceived, planned, and executed the one-day POCinLIS Summit for BIPOC information workers in 2018 and 2023, and an online version in 2021. As a counterspace unaffiliated with a professional organization or traditional LIS conference spaces, the POCin LIS Summit sought to amplify and bolster BIPOC siloed in their work while supporting a network of POC information workers for future collaborations and self-care practices.See the POCinLIS Summit website for more information about the summit mission and past iterations

    POC in LIS Summit 2023 Impact Report

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    Breakfast Cereals Carrying Fibre-Related Claims: Do They Have a Better Nutritional Composition Than Those without Such Claims? Results from the Food Labelling of Italian Products (FLIP) Study

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    Nutrition claims (NCs) on food packaging are, from one side, an informative tool about the nutritional characteristics of the product. From another side, they could bias the consumer in perceiving such products as healthier than those without claims. In order to investigate whether products with NCs have a better nutritional composition that those without claims, the present study aimed to compare the nutrition facts of 376 breakfast cereals, with and without fibre-related NCs, available in 13 Italian retailer online stores. Among these products, 73 items claimed to be a “source of fibre” and 109 “high in fibre”. In addition to a higher fibre content, products “high in fibre” showed higher protein and fat contents but lower carbohydrate, sugar and salt contents compared to both “source of fibre” and without fibre-related NC items. Overall, a high variability in nutritional values was also observed within products with the same type of fibre-related NC. In conclusion, the results suggested that fibre-related NCs should not be considered as a marker of a better nutritional composition of breakfast cereals, and thus consumers should be educated to carefully read the entire nutritional information reported in the food labelling

    Sodium Content in Cereal-Based Products Sold in Italy: How Far Are We from the Global Benchmarks?

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    Reformulation of food products is one of the measures needed for reducing salt consumption. Accordingly, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently proposed global sodium benchmarks for different food categories to be used for setting national policies. Therefore, the sodium content of cereal-based products currently sold in Italy was compared with the WHO benchmarks, highlighting those categories primarily needing a reformulation. To this aim, the sodium content and several declarations (i.e., nutrition and health claims, organic or gluten free declaration) were retrieved from 2917 cereal-based products sold on the Italian market. All “minimally processed breakfast cereals” had a sodium content below the benchmark, while “flatbreads” and “leavened bread” had the highest percentage of items above the respective sodium benchmarks. Flatbreads and “crackers/savory biscuits” showed the highest median delta values from the respective benchmarks of 360 and 278 mg/100 g, respectively. Large variability in terms of percentage of products with sodium content above the benchmark was observed within the same categories, as well as among products with different declarations. A large number of food products currently sold on the Italian market have a sodium content above the benchmark. This result suggests the need to reformulate many food products currently on the market to achieve the WHO/United Nations (UN) objective of 30% global reduction in sodium intake by 2025

    A Novel Role of the Interferon-inducible Protein IFI16 as Inducer of Proinflammatory Molecules in Endothelial Cells *

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    The human IFI16 gene is an interferon-inducible gene implicated in the regulation of endothelial cell proliferation and tube morphogenesis. Immunohistochemical analysis has demonstrated that this gene is highly expressed in endothelial cells in addition to hematopoietic tissues. In this study, gene array analysis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells overexpressing IFI16 revealed an increased expression of genes involved in immunomodulation, cell growth, and apoptosis. Consistent with these observations, IFI16 triggered expression of adhesion molecules such as ICAM-1 and E-selectin or chemokines such as interleukin-8 or MCP-1. Treatment of cells with short hairpin RNA targeting IFI16 significantly inhibited ICAM-1 induction by interferon (IFN)-gamma demonstrating that IFI16 is required for proinflammatory gene stimulation. Moreover, functional analysis of the ICAM-1 promoter by deletion- or site-specific mutation demonstrated that NF-kappaB is the main mediator of IFI16-driven gene induction. NF-kappaB activation appears to be triggered by IFI16 through a novel mechanism involving suppression of IkappaBalpha mRNA and protein expression. Support for this finding comes from the observation that IFI16 targeting with specific short hairpin RNA down-regulates NF-kappaB binding activity to its cognate DNA and inhibits ICAM-1 expression induced by IFN-gamma. Using transient transfection and luciferase assay, electrophoretic mobility shift assay, and chromatin immunoprecipitation, we demonstrate indeed that activation of the NF-kappaB response is mediated by IFI16-induced block of Sp1-like factor recruitment to the promoter of the IkappaBalpha gene, encoding the main NF-kappaB inhibitor. Activation of NF-kappaB accompanied by induction of proinflammatory molecules was also observed when IkappaBalpha expression was down-regulated by specific small interfering RNA, resulting in an outcome similar to that observed with IFI16 overexpression. Taken together, these data implicate IFI16 as a novel regulator of endothelial proinflammatory activity and provide new insights into the physiological functions of the IFN-inducible gene IFI16

    Biomedical Informatics Special Topics Course:  Interdisciplinary Fellowship Program

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    Going With the Flow or Against the Grain? The Promise of Vegetation for Protecting Beaches, Dunes, and Barrier Islands From Erosion

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    Coastlines have traditionally been engineered to maintain structural stability and to protect property from storm‐related damage, but their ability to endure will be challenged over the next century. The use of vegetation to reduce erosion on ocean‐facing mainland and barrier island shorelines – including the sand dunes and beaches on these islands – could be part of a more flexible strategy. Although there is growing enthusiasm for using vegetation for this purpose, empirical data supporting this approach are lacking. Here, we identify the potential roles of vegetation in coastal protection, including the capture of sediment, ecological succession, and the building of islands, dunes, and beaches; the development of wave‐resistant soils by increasing effective grain size and sedimentary cohesion; the ability of aboveground architecture to attenuate waves and impede through‐flow; the capability of roots to bind sediments subjected to wave action; and the alteration of coastline resiliency by plant structures and genetic traits. We conclude that ecological and engineering practices must be combined in order to develop a sustainable, realistic, and integrated coastal protection strategy

    Reproducibility and validity of a food frequency questionnaire among pregnant women in a Mediterranean area

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    Background: Studies exploring the role of diet during pregnancy are still scarce, in part due to the complexity of measuring diet and to the lack of valid instruments. The aim of this study was to examine the reproducibility and validity (against biochemical biomarkers) of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) in pregnant women. Methods: Participants were 740 pregnant women from a population-based birth cohort study in Valencia (INMA Study). We compared nutrient and food intakes from FFQs estimated for two periods of pregnancy (reproducibility), and compared energy-adjusted intake of several carotenoids, folate, vitamin B12, vitamin C and α-tocopherol of the FFQ in the first trimester with their concentration in blood specimens (validity). Results: Significant correlations for reproducibility were found for major food groups and nutrients but not for lycopene (r=0.06); the average correlation coefficients for daily intake were 0.51 for food groups and 0.61 for nutrients. For validity, statistically significant correlations were observed for vitamin C (0.18), α-carotene (0.32), ÎČ-carotene (0.22), lutein-zeaxantin (0.29) and ÎČ-cryptoxantin(0.26); non-significant correlations were observed for retinol, lycopene, α-tocopherol, vitamin B12 and folate (r≀0.12). When dietary supplement use was considered, correlations were substantially improved for folate (0.53) and to a lesser extent for vitamin B12 (0.12) and vitamin C (0.20). Conclusion: This study supports that the FFQ has a good reproducibility for nutrient and food intake, and can provide a valid estimate of several important nutrients during pregnanc
