52 research outputs found

    External instrument SVAR analysis for noninvertible shocks

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    Does imagining what life could have been in the absence of a shock change current satisfaction? To answer this we collect field data through a survey that covers the period before, during and after the COVID-19 lockdown, exploiting the features of a natural experiment combined with induced variation stemming from a randomized control trial (RCT). Our data covers first year students studying before the COVID-19 pandemic, during the full COVID-19 lockdown period, and during the partial COVID-19 lockdown period. The RCT directs a subset of students to imagine how satisfied they could have been in the absence of COVID-19. The control group are instead asked about their current satisfaction. We find that imagining life in the absence of a shock (COVID-19) can impact current satisfaction: the higher individuals think their satisfaction would have been in the absence of the shock, the lower their current satisfaction. However, the natural experiment component of our study suggests that counter- factual reasoning may mislead. By comparing the satisfaction of COVID-19 students asked to imagine university life without COVID-19, with the reported satisfaction of equivalent students just before the arrival of COVID-19, we show students typically over-exaggerate how satisfied they would have been if a negative shock had not happened


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    Os traços não-métricos são um dos principais focos de observação para análise da variação humana e sua relação com histórico das populações. O objetivo do trabalho foi realizar uma análise morfológica dentária dos Traços não-métricos de uma amostra regional. Foram analisados modelos de gesso de 50 indivíduos do sexo masculino e 50 do sexo feminino. Avaliou-se a presença de seis Traços morfológicos dentários: Incisivo em forma de pá (incisivo central superior), tubérculo de Carabelli (primeiro molar superior), quinta cúspide ou tubérculo distal acessório (primeiro molar superior), ausência da cúspide disto-palatina ou da quarta cúspide (segundo molar superior), sexta cúspide ou tubérculo sexto (primeiro molar inferior), ausência de cúspide disto-vestibular ou molar inferior tetra-cuspidado (segundo molar inferior). Os Traços com maior ocorrência foram M2 (ausência de cúspide DV) em 92% e o de menor, M1 (6ª cúspide) em 4%. Houve ausência ou diminuição dos traços não-métricos estudados

    The real-time multiparametric network of Campi Flegrei and Vesuvius

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    Volcanic processes operate over a wide range of time scale that requires different instruments and techniques to be monitored. The best approach to survey a volcanic unrest is to jointly monitor all the geophysical quantities that could vary before an eruption. The monitoring techniques are sometimes peculiar for each volcano, which has its own behavior. The simultaneous investigation of all the geophysical and geochemical parameters improves the sensibility and the understanding of any variation in the volcanic system. The Osservatorio Vesuviano is the INGV division charged of the Campi Flegrei and Vesuvius monitoring, two of the highest risk volcanic complexes in the world due to the large number of people living on or close to them. Each of them have peculiarities that increase the monitoring challenge: Campi Flegrei has high anthropic noise due to people living within its numerous craters; Vesuvius has a sharp topography that complicates the data transmission and analysis. The real time monitoring of the two areas involves several geophysical fields and the data are transmitted by a wide data-communication wired or radio infrastructure to the Monitoring Centre of Osservatorio Vesuviano: - The seismic network counts of 20 station sites in Campi Flegrei and 23 in Vesuvius equipped with velocimetric, accelerometric and infrasonic sensors. Some of them are borehole stations. - The GPS network counts of 25 stations operating at Campi Flegrei caldera and 9 stations at Vesuvius volcano. All the procedures for remote stations managing (raw data downloading, data quality control and data processing) take place automatically and the computed data are shown in the Monitoring Centre. - The mareographic network counts of 4 stations in the Campi Flegrei caldera coast and 3 close to the Vesuvius that transmit to the Monitoring Centre where the data are elaborated. - The tiltmetric network consist of 10 stations distributed around Pozzuoli harbor, the area of maximum ground uplift of Campi Flegrei, evidenced since 2005, and 7 stations distributed around the Vesuvius crater. Each tiltmetric station is also equipped with a temperature and magnetic sensor. The signals recorded are sent to the Monitoring Centre. - The 4 marine multiparametric stations installed in the Pozzuoli gulf send accelerometric, broad band, hydrophonic and GPS data to the Monitoring Centre. - The geochemical network counts of 4 multiparametric stations in the fumarolic areas of Campi Flegrei and 2 stations in the Vesuvius crater (rim and bottom) with data transmission to the Monitoring Centre. They collect soil CO2 flux, temperature gradient and environmental and meteorological parameters and transmit them directly to the Monitoring Centre. - The permanent thermal infrared surveillance network (TIRNet) is composed of 6 stations distributed among Campi Flegrei and Vesuvius. The stations acquire IR scenes at night-time of highly diffuse degassing areas. IR data are processed by an automated system of IR analysis and the temperatures values are sent to the Monitoring CentrePublishedVienna, Austria1IT. Reti di monitoraggio e sorveglianz

    Optical and Electronic NOx Sensors for Applications in Mechatronics

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    Current production and emerging NOx sensors based on optical and nanomaterials technologies are reviewed. In view of their potential applications in mechatronics, we compared the performance of: i) Quantum cascade lasers (QCL) based photoacoustic (PA) systems; ii) gold nanoparticles as catalytically active materials in field-effect transistor (FET) sensors, and iii) functionalized III-V semiconductor based devices. QCL-based PA sensors for NOx show a detection limit in the sub part-per-million range and are characterized by high selectivity and compact set-up. Electrochemically synthesized gold-nanoparticle FET sensors are able to monitor NOx in a concentration range from 50 to 200 parts per million and are suitable for miniaturization. Porphyrin-functionalized III-V semiconductor materials can be used for the fabrication of a reliable NOx sensor platform characterized by high conductivity, corrosion resistance, and strong surface state coupling

    Study of an intrinsically safe infrastructure for training and research on nuclear technologies

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    Within European Partitioning & Transmutation research programs, infrastructures specifically dedicated to the study of fundamental reactor physics and engineering parameters of future fast-neutron-based reactors are very important, being some of these features not available in present zero-power prototypes. This presentation will illustrate the conceptual design of an Accelerator-Driven System with high safety standards, but ample flexibility for measurements. The design assumes as base option a 70MeV, 0.75mA proton cyclotron, as the one which will be installed at the INFN National Laboratory in Legnaro, Italy and a Beryllium target, with Helium gas as core coolant. Safety is guaranteed by limiting the thermal power to 200 kW, with a neutron multiplication coefficient around 0.94, loading the core with fuel containing Uranium enriched at 20% inserted in a solid-lead diffuser. The small decay heat can be passively removed by thermal radiation from the vessel. Such a system could be used to study, among others, some specific aspects of neutron diffusion in lead, beam-core coupling, target cooling and could serve as a training facility

    Ontologías en disputa: Diálogos entre la antropología y la arqueología para la problematización de paisajes regionals

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    Objetivo/contexto: Hacia finales del siglo XX, el dualismo ontológico con el que antropólogos y arqueólogos nos hemos formado teórica y metodológicamente ha sido cuestionado y puesto en debate. En este contexto, nuestro objetivo es exponer críticamente los trabajos que se están realizando y que contribuyen a problematizar los paisajes enredados de existencias, materialidades, saberes, sentidos o prejuicios pasados y presentes, y con ello a restablecer el diálogo entre la antropología social y la arqueología. Metodología: Exponemos el estado actual de la apertura ontológica en clave latinoamericana. Problematizamos la noción de paisaje como concepto que permite diálogos teórico-metodológicos entre la antropología y la arqueología, así como con otras disciplinas. También presentamos ejes de comunicación y diálogo entre los artículos que forman parte del presente dossier para finalizar con los desafíos por delante en cuanto a traspasar fronteras disciplinarias, temporales y espaciales. Conclusiones: En contextos de históricas relaciones de poder, de profundas crisis socio-ambientales, los principales desafíos de la apertura ontológica serían: 1) generar referentes teóricos permeables a diversas disciplinas y saberes; 2) consolidar metodologías que integren lo etnográfico con lo arqueológico; 3) alentar diálogos constructivos hacia y con otras disciplinas y saberes, y 4) propiciar la comprensión del entramado político actual y la generación de políticas públicas que permitan diversas formas de relacionamiento con el entorno. Originalidad: El restablecimiento de diálogos entre la arqueología y la antropología social desde las aperturas ontológicas tiene el potencial de discutir cómo en determinados contextos se concretan y/o disputan paisajes y modos hegemónicos de habitar en el mundo, así como se problematizan los usos políticos del pasado y las políticas de uso del espacio y el ambiente.Objective/context: Towards the end of the 20th century, the ontological dualism with which anthropologists and archaeologists have trained us theoretically and methodologically has been questioned and debated. In this context, our objective is to critically expose the works that are being carried out and that contribute to problematizing the landscapes entangled with past and present existences, materialities, knowledge, senses or prejudices, and, with it, to re-establish the dialogue between social anthropology and archaeology. Methodology: We expose the current state of the ontological opening in Latin American code. We problematize the notion of landscape as a concept that allows theoretical-methodological dialogues between anthropology and archaeology, as well as with other disciplines. We also present axes of communication and dialogue between the articles that are part of this dossier, to end with the challenges ahead in terms of crossing disciplinary, temporal and spatial borders. Conclusions: In contexts of historical power relations, of deep socio-environmental crises, the main challenges for an ontological opening would be: 1) to generate theoretical referents permeable to various disciplines and fields of knowledge; 2) to consolidate methodologies that integrate the ethnographic with the archaeological; 3) to encourage constructive dialogues towards and with other disciplines and fields of knowledge; and 4) to propitiate the understanding of the current political framework and the generation of public policies that allow for diverse forms of relation with the environment. Originality: The re-establishment of dialogues between archaeology and social anthropology from ontological openings has the potential to discuss how, in certain contexts, landscapes and hegemonic ways of living are concretized and/or disputed, as well as the political uses of the past and the policies of use of space and the environment.Objetivo/contexto: No final do século XX, o dualismo ontológico com o qual antropólogos e arqueólogos se formaram teórica e metodologicamente vem sendo questionado e colocado em debate. Nesse contexto, nosso objetivo é expor criticamente os trabalhos que estão sendo realizados e que contribuem para problematizar as paisagens permeadas de existências, materialidades, saberes, sentidos ou preconceitos passados e presentes, e, com isso, reestabelecer o diálogo entre a antropologia social e a arqueologia. Metodologia: Expomos o estado atual da abertura ontológica no âmbito latino-americano. Problematizamos a noção de paisagem como conceito que permite diálogos teórico-metodológicos entre a antropologia e a arqueologia, assim como outras disciplinas. Também apresentamos eixos de comunicação e diálogo entre os artigos que fazem parte do presente dossiê para finalizar com os desafios que temos adiante sobre ultrapassar fronteiras disciplinares, temporais e espaciais. Conclusões: Em contextos de históricas relações de poder, de profundas crises socioambientais, os principais desafios para uma abertura ontológica seriam: 1) gerar referentes teóricos permeáveis a diversas disciplinas e saberes; 2) consolidar metodologias que integrem o etnográfico com o arqueológico; 3) promover diálogos construtivos com outras disciplinas e saberes; e 4) propiciar a compreensão da estrutura política atual e a geração de políticas públicas que permitam as diversas formas de relacionamentos com o ambiente. Originalidade: O reestabelecimento de diálogos entre a arqueologia e a antropologia social a partir das aberturas ontológicas tem o potencial de discutir como, em determinados contextos, se concretizam e/ou disputam paisagens e modos hegemônicos de habitar, bem como se problematizam os usos políticos do passado e as políticas de uso do espaço e do ambiente.Fil: Saldi, Leticia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Mafferra, Luis Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Barrientos Salinas, J. Alejandro. Universidad Mayor de San Andrés; Bolivi