372 research outputs found

    Passado e presente : a imagem no espelho

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    The Anti-Diary: On Teolinda Gersão's Os Guarda-Chuva Cintilantes

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    To include a book in a certain genre implies that it conforms to previously determined discursive constants. The originality of the work of Teolinda Gersão resides precisely in its radical break with a genre of long-standing traditions and, at the same time, in its explicit reference to a necessarily codified universe. If we are able to overcome the feeling of strangeness conveyed by the lack of obligatory markers (such as the absence of years or months), the construction of a fragmented discourse, sinuous even, gains relevance, and we can detect undeniable indicators of femininity. Life writing that escapes the canon without however forgetting the flow and/or obsessions of a saying of the mind, Teolinda Gersão's anti-diary is undoubtedly an example of a feminine trend marked by heterodoxy and transgressio

    Formadores de profesores en portugal: ¿cuál es el perfil investigador? ¿ cuáles son las condiciones de investigación?

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    Acknowledging the importance of teacher educators being highly involved in education research in higher education, a study was conducted that characterizes the research profile of these teachers who in Portugal are responsible for curricular units strongly related to teaching practices. As a methodological procedure, CVs were analysed of all who teach courses, both in private and public institutions, for basic and secondary education, i.e. teachers to teach from the first to the twelfth grade of schooling. The data of this documentary analysis, treated by simple statistics, was complemented by case studies, where course coordinators were interviewed. The reports of the interviewees were interpreted through content analysis. Among other aspects, it was focused on participation in research projects and publications. The results show that, in general, involvement in research is low as well as the number of publications, especially in journals indexed in Scopus or on the Web of Science. This situation is justified by the lack of conditions for teacher educators to have time to conduct research, which shows the need for higher education institutions to invest in situations that contribute to professional development activities in association with research related to professional practice.Reconociendo la importancia de que, en la enseñanza superior, los formadores de maestros tengan una fuerte implicación en la investigación educativa, se realizó un estudio para caracterizar el perfil investigador de los profesores que, en Portugal, son responsables de unidades curriculares fuertemente relacionadas con la práctica docente. Como procedimiento metodológico, se analizaron las fichas curriculares de todos los profesores que imparten, en instituciones públicas y privadas, cursos de formación de maestros para la enseñanza primaria y secundaria, es decir, de 1º a 12º grado. Los datos de este análisis documental, tratados mediante estadísticas simples, se complementaron con estudios de casos, en los que se entrevistó a coordinadores de cursos, cuyos profesores tenían diferentes perfiles de investigación. Los discursos de los entrevistados se interpretaron mediante un análisis de contenido. El perfil de investigación se centró, entre otros aspectos, en la participación en proyectos y publicaciones. Los resultados muestran que, en general, la participación en la investigación es escasa y las publicaciones existentes son pocas, principalmente en revistas indexadas en Scopus o Web of Science. Esta situación se justifica por la falta de condiciones que permitan a los profesores disponer de tiempo para el ejercicio de la investigación, lo que muestra la necesidad de que las instituciones de educación superior inviertan en condiciones que contribuyan a las actividades de desarrollo profesional asociadas a la investigación relacionada con la práctica profesional docente

    A prática pedagógica no atendimento educacional especializado: um comparativo entre o ideal e a realidade

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    Specialized Educational Service is a service that is part of the current context of schools. It is a contribution to fulfill the educational needs of children, youngsters and adults with disabilities, mental disorders and high skills or giftedness, which face obstacles to their full development. As a result, arises the need to understand a little of the guiding reality of this modality, which constitutes Special Education, and to know what would be the ideal for this field. In this regard, the goal of this research is to analyze the teacher perception’s of the Specialized Educational Service about its pedagogical practice and a ideal pedagogical practice. The research had as participant a teacher of the Specialized Educational Service of a state school in the city of João Pessoa. As data collection instruments, was used a semi-structured interview script and simple observation. The analysis of the data indicated that the teacher practice’s reality of the SES contributes to the process of inclusion of Special Education target group’s in the school in which it is in. Likewise, her perception is formed when reffered to the ideal about the service, because it is based on your reality to inform her conception of it.O Atendimento Educacional Especializado é um serviço que faz parte do contexto atual das escolas. Constitui-se um aporte para atender às necessidades educacionais das crianças, jovens e adultos com deficiência, transtornos globais de desenvolvimento e altas habilidades ou superdotação, os quais enfrentam barreiras impeditivas para o seu pleno desenvolvimento. Em vista disto, surge a necessidade de compreender um pouco da realidade norteadora dessa modalidade, que constitui a Educação Especial, e saber qual seria o ideal para esse campo. Nesse sentido, o objetivo dessa pesquisa é comparar a percepção do professor do Atendimento Educacional Especializado acerca da sua prática pedagógica e de uma prática pedagógica idealizada. A pesquisa teve como participante uma professora do Atendimento Educacional Especializado de uma Escola Estadual do Município de João Pessoa. Como instrumentos de coleta de dados, foi utilizado um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada e observação simples. A análise dos dados indicou que a realidade da prática da professora do AEE contribui para o processo de inclusão das pessoas público-alvo da Educação Especial na escola em que essa está inserida. Da mesma maneira, é constituída sua percepção quando se trata do ideal sobre o atendimento, pois se baseia em sua realidade para informar sua concepção quanto a isto

    Reducing Firearm Injury: Lessons from Brazil

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    For the second straight year, large cities in the U.S. are experiencing an alarming increased in homicides, mostly committed with firearms. Philadelphia reported 406 homicides in 2006, giving it the highest rate of homicides among the ten largest cities (27.8 per 100,000 people). This trend has renewed interest in policies to limit the availability of firearms. However, the effectiveness of such policies at reducing injury remains controversial, often creating political deadlock. To inform this debate, we look at evidence from Brazil, a country with even greater levels of violence than the U.S. This Issue Brief analyzes recent gun legislation and other violence reduction policies in Brazil and their effects on firearm violence

    Eça e o Dandismo

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    Revisitar o código: a vertiginosa transparência do lugar: sobre a poesia de Natália Correia

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    In this article we intend to explore the author's ability to transform, subvert and recreate (spatial and/or cultural) referents that the reader recognises immediately but are presented in a disconcerting manner, always implying a critical and epistemological re-evaluation. Irreverence, an indispensable engine in Natália Correia's poetics, is interstitially insinuated in the smallest details called for, whether they be the explicit reference to places or the appropriation of different styles. In O progresso de Édipo, Sonetos Românticos or O Anjo do Ocidente à Entrada do Ferro, Epístola aos Iamitas and many other volumes, we find the same transgression of the code, the same (ir)reverence, the same complicity with the reader

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