179 research outputs found

    Microbial activity in the gut of piglets: effect of prebiotic and probiotic supplementation

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    Four groups of six 21 days-old piglets were used to evaluate the effect of a prebiotic or probiotic on the intestinal fermentative activity. In each group, piglets received one of the following diets: basal diet (C); basal diet supplemented with xylooligosaccharide (C-XOS); basal diet supplemented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae (C-SC); and basal diet supplemented with xylooligosaccharide and S. cerevisiae (C-XOS+SC). The short chain fatty acids in the colon of piglets were decreased with the inclusion of S. cerevisiae in the diet (Pb0.01). The xylanolytic activity was higher (Pb0.05) in the small intestine of piglets fed C-XOS+SC diet, but no significant differences were found in the caecum and colon. In the caecum contents, the cellulolytic activity was increased (Pb0.05) by the C-XOS and C-SC diets, but remained similar when the diet was supplemented with the two additives combined

    The 2-Ga peraluminous magmatism of the Jacobina-Contendas Mirante belts (Bahia, Brazil) : geologic and isotopic constraints on the sources

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    L'étude pétrographique des intrusions granitiques du craton Sao Francisco (Bahia, Brésil) permet de définir la chronologie absolue des épisodes magmatiques et d'identifier les sources magmatiques ainsi que les processus géodynamiques se produisant lors de l'orogenèse transamazonienn

    Densidade Da Jaguatirica Em Um Ambiente Semiárido No Nordeste Do Brasil

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    Ocelots play a key role in ecological communities as mesopredators affecting the lower trophic level and other mesopredators. They show great variability in ecological traits across their distribution, but knowledge of this species is missing in several regions where it occurs. Here, we present the first study of ocelot in the Brazilian semiarid of Caatinga. Arid habitats might keep carnivore population density low and therefore vulnerable to environmental shocks and to human-induced changes, at risk of local extinction. To assess their population status, we used camera traps between September 2009 and January 2010. We estimated the density of ocelots using a spatially explicit capture-recapture method (SECR) to be 3.16 ± 0.46 individuals per 100 km2. This is a low-density estimate for ocelots, which might reflect the harsh conditions of the arid habitat. A longer population study of the ocelot can answer if this low population density is enough for a long-term persistence of this species in this and other arid environments. © 2016, Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP. All rights reserved.16

    Effect Of Fixative Type And Fixation Time On The Morphology Of Equine Preantral Ovarian Follicles

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of the tissue fixatives Bouin, Carnoy and 10% Formaldehyde in equine ovarian fragments. Ovaries (n=4) from mares of mixed breeds were obtained at a local slaughterhouse and transported at 20 oC in a thermo container. Immediately after collection, the ovaries were washed with a modified PBS solution (CultilabR, Campinas-SP, Brazil) and divided into nine fragments with approximately 5x5x1 mm, removed from the parenchyma of each ovary. The ovarian fragments were then immersed in three different fixatives, Bouin (B) Carnoy (C) or 10% Formaldehyde (F) for 6, 12 or 24 hours. Each fragment was individually immersed in a 20 mL tube containing 20 times the volume of fixative solution. After this period, the fragments were held in 70% ethanol for 24 hours. Each procedure was performed in four replicates. For histological analysis, the specimens were dehydrated in increasing concentrations of alcohol, submitted to diaphanization in xylol and embedded in paraffin. Serial sections of 5 'Êm were made with the use of a rotating microtome (LeicaR type, Wetzlar, Germany), followed by slide mounting and staining with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and hematoxylin. A total of 540 slides with 1,620 sections were evaluated, which contained 465 preantral follicles that were classified as normal or degenerated. Follicles were considered as degenerated when presented at least one of the following aspects: cytoplasm retraction, pyknotic nucleus, cytoplasmic vacuoles, displacement of granulosa cells and/or disruption of the basal membrane. A logistic regression test was used for statistical analysis, and differences were considered significant when P<0.05. The Carnoy fixative, when used for 24 hours, provided the best conditions of morphological integrity (53.3%; 32/60) compared to all others, and the use of Boiun for 24 hours was considered the worst treatment (19.1%; 9/47). The other treatments lead to the following results: C12h 50% (30/60), C6 H 40% (24/60), F24h 37.8% (17/45), F12h 35.1% (13/37), F6h 32% (16/50), B12h 30.5% (18/59) and B6h 24.4% (11/45). Therefore, we suggest that fixation of equine ovarian tissue with Carnoy for 24 hours is the most suitable protocol for morphological preservation of pre-antral follicles.37124325

    Effect of prebiotic or probiotic supplementation and ileo rectal anastomosis on intestinal morphology of weaned piglets

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    Forty eight 21 days old piglets were used to compare the effect of prebiotic or probiotic supplementation and ileo rectal anastomosis on the morphology of the small intestine. Half of the piglets were maintained intact and the other half was subjected to an ileo rectal anastomosis (IRA). Each group of piglets received one of the following diets: 1) basal diet (C), 2) basal diet supplemented with a Xylo-oligosaccharide (XOS), 3) basal diet supplemented with a Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) and 4) basal diet supplemented with XOS and SC. Villus height was greatest with XOS and with XOS + SC, only in the ileum, as compared to controls. In the duodenum, crypt width was highest in the control group, but no significant differences were found in the jejunum and ileum. The IRA piglets had longer villi in the jejunum and shorter villi in the ileum. The crypt depth was greater in the duodenum and in the ileum of IRA piglets. Villus height/crypt depth was lower in the duodenum and in the ileum, in the IRA piglets. In conclusion, the XOS, but not the SC, moderately modified the intestinal morphology. The IRA modified the intestinal villus and crypt architecture but its consequence on the absorption of nutrients needs to be investigated

    A competitive family to the Beta and Kumaraswamy generators: Properties, Regressions and Applications

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    Abstract We define two new flexible families of continuous distributions to fit real data by compoun-ding the Marshall–Olkin class and the power series distribution. These families are very competitive to the popular beta and Kumaraswamy generators. Their densities have linear representations of exponentiated densities. In fact, as the main properties of thirty five exponentiated distributions are well-known, we can easily obtain several properties of about three hundred fifty distributions using the references of this article and five special cases of the power series distribution. We provide a package implemented in R software that shows numerically the precision of one of the linear representations. This package is useful to calculate numerical values for some statistical measurements of the generated distributions. We estimate the parameters by maximum likelihood. We define a regression based on one of the two families. The usefulness of a generated distribution and the associated regression is proved empirically

    Getting into hot water: water quality in tropical lakes in relation to their utilisation

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    Over-exploitation of tropical lakes and reservoirs ('lakes') causes water quality problems that occur as a result of competing socio-economic demands and the presence of feedback loops within the system that exacerbate the situation. We review well documented case studies from Brazil, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia and Mexico to examine the effect that changes in water quality and quantity have had on the utilisation of these tropical lakes. By comparing the different approaches used to improve their sustainable management, we have found that nutrient enrichment is one of the most important and widespread water quality problems, causing adverse effects such as algal blooms, nuisance levels of aquatic plants, low oxygen levels and elevated greenhouse gas emissions. These effects restrict the use of these lakes for water supply, fisheries, recreation, tourism and wildlife. We conclude that tropical lakes require better management, urgently, to restore the ecosystem services that they deliver to man and nature. However, to be effective, the development of sustainable management programmes needs to be underpinned by reliable scientific evidence and the results of extensive stakeholder engagement activities. We note that, currently, there is little information available on how tropical lakes respond to management interventions that can be used to guide these activities. Further research is needed to address this knowledge gap. Presented at International Conference on the Ocean and Earth Sciences, 18-20 November 2020, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia (held online)

    Estímulo no crescimento e na hidrólise de atp em raízes de alface tratadas com humatos de vermicomposto: ii - efeito da fonte de vermicomposto.

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    Um dos fatores mais limitantes para a produção de vermicomposto é a disponibilidade de esterco. Neste trabalho, foi avaliado o efeito da substituição parcial do esterco por bagaço de cana e por resíduos de leguminosa (Gliricidia sepium) na vermicompostagem sobre a qualidade do vermicomposto e sobre a bioatividade dos humatos, avaliadas por meio da análise do crescimento radicular e da atividade das bombas de H+ isoladas de raízes de alface. A substituição do esterco por bagaço de cana e por resíduos de leguminosas não acarretou prejuízo às características químicas dos vermicompostos. No entanto, os humatos isolados dos diferentes vermicompostos apresentaram características químicas distintas,tais como: acidez e propriedades óticas distintas. Os humatos produzidos a partir de esterco de bovino e da mistura esterco bovino + bagaço proporcionaram maiores estímulos no crescimento radicular das plantas de alface, sendo os mais indicados para uso na forma solúvel. A inclusão de resíduos de leguminosas no processo de vermicompostagem produziu humatos sem efeito sobre o desenvolvimento das raízes de alface

    Estímulo no crescimento e na hidrólise de ATP em raízes de alface tratadas com humatos de vermicomposto: i - efeito da concentração.

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    O vermicomposto contém uma concentração elevada de substâncias húmicas e já é bem conhecido o efeito do seu uso sobre as propriedades do solo. No entanto,a ação direta das substâncias húmicas sobre o metabolismo das plantas é menos conhecida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso de humatos extraídos de vermicomposto de esterco de curral com KOH 0,1 mol L-1 sobre o desenvolvimento e metabolismo de ATP em plântulas de alface. Após a germinação, plântulas de alface foram tratadas com os humatos em concentrações que variaram de 0 a 100 mg L-1 de C, durante quinze dias. Foram avaliados o crescimento da raiz e a atividade das bombas de H+ isoladas da fração microssomal do sistema radicular. Foi observado aumento na matéria fresca e seca do sistema radicular, bem como no número de sítios de mitose, raízes emergidas do eixo principal, na área e no comprimento radiculares, com o uso do humato na concentração de 25 mg L-1 de C. Também foi observado, nessa concentração, aumento significativo na hidrólise de ATP pelas bombas de H+, responsáveis pela geração de energia necessária à absorção de íons e pelo crescimento celular