89 research outputs found


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    This Greencycle project applies a system approach to shift design thinking and practices away from the ongoing unsustainable use of resources towards a more sustainable framework of consumption whereby local cultures, skills, resources and technology are analyzed to inform the design and development of a human powered transportation system. It uses a trans-disciplinary research and design approach by consulting all stakeholders; including farmers in a Third World country, industrial designers, engineers and manufacturers to provide information, understanding and insights as a basis to find solutions that have enabled this research study to produce a system called Greencycle which utilizes renewable materials and indigenous people skills to produce a bicycle that is more sustainable. The bicycle provides more than basic transportation to go from A to B. Poor countries need and depend on this mode of transportation for a wide range of uses; thus expanding its function and uses would be of great benefit to its users. This research study has created a series of accessories to extend a bicycle’s functionality, with the core being made from sustainable materials and local skills. For this project it would have been a simple process for the designer to come up with a concept idea(s) that was based on a personal view of what would be a suitable solution for the target user. Instead however, the designer has used feedback from the target group participants to shape and develop the design process and to ensure the design will be acceptable for the target user to use and manufacture. This research study has included four expert interviews, eleven case studies of target users, prototype testing and field experiments with sustainable resources to gather information, understanding and insights from these stakeholders in order to propose, design and evaluate two Greencycles (using sustainable bamboo material) and a series of design accessories. This multi-discipline approach to the design problem has revealed many opportunities that would otherwise be hidden by less detailed research and design methodology. Many academic studies stop at the point when the written thesis is complete. This research project went a step further by testing and implementing its findings on users back in its intended marketplace to ensure the design will be adopted by and be successful for people in Third World countries. As a result of this research, there is now an opportunity to look at and create a business model that provides new income opportunities for the local people. Feedback for the Greencycle design and its accessories has so far been very encouraging, with participants showing a significant level of enthusiasm. To take advantage of this success, a business proposition to market these sustainable products seems plausible as a first step to developing this business venture. Information posters to showcase the accessories and their functions and applications have been designed to test market demands and other important indicators for future business development and strategy

    Menyelami Allah Melalui Pengalaman:: Pemikiran Teologi Divinitas Karl Rahner

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    Eksistensi Allah dapat dikenali dan diselami dengan berbagai cara. Teologi divinitas meramu metodologi yang dapat menolong manusia untuk mengetahui eksistensi Allah yang ilahi. Gagasan Karl Rahner sehubungan dengan teologi divinitas memberikan alternatif kontribusi bagi percakapan mengenai Allah. Artikel ini berpendapat bahwa gagasan Rahner mengenai pengalaman manusia, Kristologis-Pneumatologis dan teori teologi simbol merupakan cara yang ditawarkan yang bisa menjadi opsi bagi para pencari Allah. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif analisis kritis, penelitian ini mengumpulkan data dari buku dan artikel jurnal yang menjadi tulang punggung utama membangun ide-idea teologis. Sebagai kesimpulan, pemikiran Rahner memberikan peluang baru bagi diskusi teologi divinitas namun berpeluang menghilangkan partikularitas Kekristenan

    Analisis Service Gap atas Kualitas Layanan Departemen Penjualan Guna Mendukung Peningkatan Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada PT. X Surabaya

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    Dalam era perdagangan bebas setiap badan usaha menghadapi persaingan yang ketat. Peningkatan jumlah pesaing yang bergerak di bidang yang sama menuntut badan usaha untuk selalu memperhatikan kebutuhan dan keinginan pelanggan dan selalu berusaha memenuhi harapan pelanggan melalui pelayanan yang memuaskan. Hanya badan usaha yang mampu menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas yang mampu bertahan dan memiliki keunggulan untuk bersaing. Kualitas jasa merupakan gambaran atas seberapa jauh perbedaan antara kenyataan pelayanan (perceived service) dengan harapan pelanggan atas pelayanan yang seharusnya mereka terima (expected service). Ketidaksesuaian perceived service atas expected service akan menimbulkan kesenjangan (gap) yang merupakan persepsi pelanggan terhadap kualitas jasa. Persepsi pelanggan ini selanjutnya akan mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan. Melalui konsep service gap, pihak manajemen dapat memperoleh gambaran mengenai kesenjangan (gap) yang dihadapi oleh badan usaha. Dari sisi provider, terdapat empat gap yang harus diperhatikan dalam penyampaian layanan yakni Customer’s Expectation - Management-Perceptions Gap, Management’s Perceptions–Service - Quality Specifications Gap, Service-Quality Specifications - Service-Delivery Gap dan Service- Delivery - External Communications Gap. Dengan melakukan analisis service gap, badan usaha memperoleh informasi yang dapat digunakan dalam pengambilan keputusan terkait upaya-upaya guna memperbaiki kualitas layanan dan meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan. Para pelanggan yang puas akan memberikan loyalitas yang tinggi kepada badan usaha. Dengan mempertahankan kepuasan pelanggan badan usaha dapat mencapai kesuksesan badan usah

    Analysis of Competency and Knowledge Sharing on The Architect Performance and Its Impact on Organizational Performance in East Java

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of competence and knowledge sharing on architect performance, analyze the influence of competency and knowledge sharing on organizational performance, analyze the effect of architect performance on organizational performance, and analyze the effect of competency and knowledge sharing on architect performance through architect performance. The sample in this study involved 200 architects. Data analysis techniques using SEM the results of the analysis show that competence and knowledge sharing affect the architect's performance. Competence and knowledge sharing affect organizational performance. Architect performance affects organizational performance. The performance architect mediates the influence of competence and knowledge sharing on organizational performance


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    Latar belakang pemikiran adanya hakim komisaris sebagai Lembaga Hakim Pemeriksaan Pendahuluan adalah pengaruh perkembangan zaman, serta diratifikasinya ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) oleh Indonesia, maka perlindungan terhadap hak asasi warga negara (dalam hal ini tersangka/terdakwa) menjadi prioritas utama negara dalam upaya menegakan hukumnya melalui aparat penegak hukum. Mengingat fungsi fundamental dari Hukum Acara Pidana itu sendiri yaitu mencari kebenaran materiil, maka dirasa Hakim Pemeriksaan Pendahuluan sebagai suatu lembaga baru yang dimunculkan dalam RUU KUHAP merupakan suatu terobosan baru untuk menjaga Due Process of Law agar tetap mampu berjalan sesuai dengan harapan. Hal ini juga diharapkan nantinya tidak terjadi orang yang tidak bersalah tapi dijatuhi pidana dengan tidak mengesampingkan kepentingan korban.Kata Kunci : Hakim Komisaris, Hukum Pidana dan Undang undang


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    SMK Widya Dharma yang terletak di Jl. Dharmawangsa, Desa Talok, Kecamatan Turen, Kabupaten Malang merupakan sekolah kejuruan dengan jurusan komputer yang terakreditasi A. Jumlah siswa baru yang masuk setiap tahunnya terus meningkat, akibatnya perlunya adanya penambahan ruang kelas dan fasilitas pendukung lainnya, seperti: ruang praktikum, aula, tempat parkir, lapangan olahraga, dan sebagainya. Tapak yang dipunyai SMK ini berbentuk memanjang kearah Utara-Selatan dengan ukuran yang tidak terlalu luas. Lokasi tapak di kelilingi persawahan dan perkebunan. Sisi depan sekolah terdapat jalan desa dan sisi belakang terdapat lahan kosong dan jalan propinsi yang berjarak cukup jauh dari sekolah. Lahan kosong ini rencananya akan dibangun kompleks perumahan, sehingga perlu adanya suatu desain landmark yang dapat dijadikan sebagai identitas untuk mudah dikenal


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    Latar belakang: Rumah sakit merupakan salah satu tempat kerja yang memiliki tenaga kerja  yang banyak dengan tingkat resiko yang tinggi terkena penyakit akibat kerja ataupun kecelakaan kerja. Oleh karena itu rumah sakit waib  untuk melakukan pencegahan yaitu dengan menerapkan program kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja di rumah sakit. Kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja merupakan salah satu bentuk nyata dalam  menciptakan tempat kerja yang aman, lingkungan yang sehat dan terbebas dari penyakit akibat kerja ataupun kecelakaan kerja. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan jumlah informan penelitian berjumlah 7 (tujuh) orang. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei sampai bulan Juli 2019. Hasil: Program K3RS yang telah dilaksanakan adalah program pengembangan kebijakan K3RS, pembudayaan perilaku K3RS, pengembangan SDM K3RS, pelayanan kesehatan kerja, pelayanan keselamatan kerja, pemantauan kesehatan lingkungan kerja, pengembangan pedoman, petunjuk teknis dan SOP, pengembangan program pemeliharaan pengelolaan limbah padat, cair dan gas, pengelolaan jasa, bahan beracun berbahaya dan barang berbahaya, pengumpulan data, pengolahan dan pelaporan K3RS, review program tahunan, sedangkan yang belum maksimal dilaksanakan adalah program pengembangan manajemen tanggap darurat. Kesimpulan: Pelaksanaan Program K3RS sudah berjalan namun belum maksimal dilaksanakan.  Saran: Rumah sakit perlu menambahkan sarana prasarana tanggap darurat kebakaran seperti hydrant, alarm kebakaran, detektor asap dan alat pemadam api ototmatis (sprinkler). Kata kunci : Pelaksanaan program K3RS ABSTRACTBackground: Hospital are one of the workplaces that have a large workforce with a high level of risk of occupational diseases or occupational accidents. Therefore, the hospital is obliged to do prevention by applying health and safety program of hospital work. Occupational health and safety is one of the real forms of creating a safe workplace, healthy environment and free form occupational illness or accident. Method: This type of research is qualitative research with the number of research informant totalling seven people. This research was conducted in May to July 2019. Results: The K3RS Program that has been implemented is the K3RS policy development Program, the conduct of K3RS behaviour, K3RS Human resources development, occupational health services, occupational Safety services, environmental health monitoring, development guidelines , technical and SOP instructions, development of solid waste management, liquid and gas maintenance programs, service management, hazardous toxic materials and hazardous goods, data collection, processing and reporting K3RS, annual program reviews, while those that have not Implementation is an emergency response management development program. Conclusion: The implementation of K3RS Program is already running but not maximally implemented Advice: Hospitals need to add fire emergency response infrastructure such as hydrants, fire alarms, smoke detectors and sprinkler equipment. Keywords: Implementation of  K3RS Progra


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to prove that organic solvents areas effective and efficient as sandblasting and burning for cleaning rebonded brackets.Methods: Thirty stainless steel metal brackets mounted on 30 maxillary first premolar teeth were categorized into three cleaning method groups, each consisting of 10 brackets. After 24 h, shear bond strength (SBS) tests were performed using a universal testing machine.Results: The one-way ANOVA test showed a significant difference (p=0.000) among the mean SBS values in the three cleaning method groups. However, the modified adhesive remnant index by a Kruskal–Wallis analysis showed no significant difference (p=0.860). The scanning electron microscopy results revealed that the organic solvent cleaning method showed better bracket performance than the other two methods. Moreover, the energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy results showed that the adhesive material remaining on the bracket base was relatively similar among the three cleaning methods.Conclusion: Based on practicality and the results of this study, the organic solvent cleaning method was proven to be effective and efficient. Therefore, organic solvents can be recommended as an alternative cleaning method for detached brackets


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    ABSTRAK Perikanan merupakan salah satu sektor penggerak perekonomian di Indonesia mengingat potensi sumber daya alam yang sangat besar sehingga Indonesia dikenal sebagai Negara Maritim karena besarnya potensi kekayaan laut dan perikanan yang dimiliki. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana pengaruh faktor-faktor produksi pengolahan ikan terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga industri pengolahan ikan di Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara. Metode analisis yang digunakan ialah regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa modal kerja dan tenaga kerja berpengaruh positif akan tetapi tidak signifikan secara statistik terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga industri pengolahan ikan sedangkan bahan baku berpengaruh positif dan signifikan secara statistik terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga industri pengolahan ikan di Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara. Secara Bersama-sama atau silmutan modal kerja, tenaga kerja dan bahan baku berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga industri pengolahan ikan di Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara. Kata Kunci : Modal, Tenaga Kerja, Bahan Baku dan Pendapatan Rumah Tangga ABSTRACT               Fisheries are one of the sectors driving the economy in Indonesia given the huge potential of natural resources so that Indonesia is known as a Maritime Country because of the large potential of marine and fishery wealth it has. The purpose of this study was to see how the influence of fish processing production factors on household income of the fish processing industry in Southeast Minahasa Regency. The analytical method used is multiple regression. The results showed that working capital and labor had a positive but not statistically significant effect on fish processing industry household income, while raw materials had a positive and statistically significant effect on fish processing industry household income in Southeast Minahasa Regency. Together or simultaneously working capital, labor and raw materials affect the household income of the fish processing industry in Southeast Minahasa Regency. Keywords: Capital, Labor, Raw Materials and Household Incom
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