326 research outputs found

    Abundances from integrated spectra of 47 Tucanae (NGC 104)

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    47 Tucanae is among the most studied and observed globular clusters, given its proximity. The aim of this work is to study in detail the integrated spectrum of 47 Tucanae, as a template, in order to have a list of reliable lines that are validated for a moderate spectral resolution case. The spectrum of 47 Tucanae is reproduced by computing synthetic spectra, taking into account individual element abundances. The results are compared with other methods. We reproduce the integrated spectrum in the range 4500–9000 Å and derive abundances from individual lines of Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Ba, and Eu. We report a list of lines that are suitable for abundance derivation. Adopting these abundances, we are able to fit the well-known triplets of Mg I and Ca II. Finally, the effect of multiple stellar populations through enhanced Na abundances are tested. Element abundances derived are compatible with previous literature abundances, from different methods. The method applied here to build integrated synthetic spectra can be used to derive abundances from observed integrated spectra of distant and faint clusters, that are usually observed at low or moderate spectral resolution

    Physiological and sanitary quality of seeds of Dimorphandra gardneriana Tul. treated with essential oils

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    Dimorphandra gardneriana, popularly known as fava d’anta, is a medicinal species whose fruits and seeds are used in the manufacture of medicines. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of clove (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L.M. Perry) and copaíba (Copaifera sp.) essential oils in antifungal treatment of seeds of D. gardneriana and their influence on physiological quality of the seeds. Two experiments were carried out in a completely randomized design using seeds treated with different concentrations of copaiba and clove oils (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 mL) and two controls—seeds were treated with distilled water or fungicide. The variables analyzed were: incidence of fungi in seeds in the first experiment and seed germination and vigor (first germination, length and dry mass of root and shoot of the seedlings) in the second one. The incidence of fungi of the genera Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp., and Rhizopus sp. in the seeds was elevated. The copaiba oil at the concentrations used did not satisfactorily reduce the incidence of fungi in the seeds of D. gardneriana, while the treatment of the seeds with clove oil at concentrations of 2.0 and 0.5 mL reduced the incidence of Penicillium sp. and Rhizopus sp., respectively. Seed germination and vigor increased at concentrations of 2 mL of clove oil and 1.25 mL of copaiba oil.Dimorphandra gardneriana, popularly known as fava d’anta, is a medicinal species whose fruits and seeds are used in the manufacture of medicines. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of clove (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L.M. Perry) and copaíba (Copaifera sp.) essential oils in antifungal treatment of seeds of D. gardneriana and their influence on physiological quality of the seeds. Two experiments were carried out in a completely randomized design using seeds treated with different concentrations of copaiba and clove oils (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 mL) and two controls—seeds were treated with distilled water or fungicide. The variables analyzed were: incidence of fungi in seeds in the first experiment and seed germination and vigor (first germination, length and dry mass of root and shoot of the seedlings) in the second one. The incidence of fungi of the genera Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp., and Rhizopus sp. in the seeds was elevated. The copaiba oil at the concentrations used did not satisfactorily reduce the incidence of fungi in the seeds of D. gardneriana, while the treatment of the seeds with clove oil at concentrations of 2.0 and 0.5 mL reduced the incidence of Penicillium sp. and Rhizopus sp., respectively. Seed germination and vigor increased at concentrations of 2 mL of clove oil and 1.25 mL of copaiba oil

    Calorific Power estimate and characterization of residues from harvesting and processing of Pinus taeda for energy purposes

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    Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar, mediante caracterização, o aproveitamento de resíduos florestais e madeireiros para fins energéticos. A obtenção dos materiais foi feita em uma empresa que realiza a colheita e o processamento da madeira de Pinus taeda L. situada no município de Tunas do Paraná, PR. Foram identificadas as fontes geradoras dos resíduos do processamento e procedeu-se à coleta dos materiais e do resíduo proveniente da colheita florestal. Os resíduos foram caracterizados de acordo com a umidade, poder calorífico, densidade e teores de carbono fixo e cinzas. Foi feito um ajuste de modelos matemáticos que pudessem expressar a relação entre umidade e poder calorífico para os materiais. As costaneiras e o resíduo da colheita apresentaram elevados teores de umidade e as costaneiras maior densidade e maior teor de carbono fixo. O teor de cinzas foi estatisticamente igual para todos os materiais. O poder calorífico superior se apresentou na faixa de 4.550 e 4.950 kcal/kg, e o poder calorífico útil (material úmido) para as costaneiras e os resíduos da colheita apresentou uma relevante queda, visto o elevado teor de umidade. O modelo de regressão selecionado pôde expressar em mais de 97% a relação entre poder calorífico e teor de umidade.Palavras-chave: Resíduos de madeira; uso energético; teor de umidade. AbstractCalorific Power estimate and characterization of residues from harvesting and processing of Pinus taeda for energy purposes. This study aimed to evaluate, by characterization, the use of forest and woody residues for energy purposes. The material was collected from a company engaged in wood harvesting and processing of Pinus taeda L., the sources of waste processing have been identified and  then it was collect the materials, as well as the residues from forest harvesting. The residues were characterized according to moisture, calorific value, density and levels that fixed carbon and ash. It was done a mathematical adjustment of models that could express the relation between moisture and caloric value for the materials. The slabs and crop residues presented high levels of humidity and the slabs had higher density and higher fixed carbon content. The ash content was statistically equal for all materials. The calorific value was between 4550 and 4950 kcal/kg; the useful calorific value for slabs and crop residues revealed an important decrease caused by high moisture content of these materials. The model of regression selected could express in more than 97% the relation between caloric value and of moisture content.Keywords: Forest residues; energetic use; moisture content.This study aimed to evaluate, by characterization, the use of forest and woody residues for energy purposes. The material was collected from a company engaged in wood harvesting and processing of Pinus taeda L., the sources of waste processing have been identified and then it was collect the materials, as well as the residues from forest harvesting. The residues were characterized according to moisture, calorific value, density and levels that fixed carbon and ash. It was done a mathematical adjustment of models that could express the relation between moisture and caloric value for the materials. The slabs and crop residues presented high levels of humidity and the slabs had higher density and higher fixed carbon content. The ash content was statistically equal for all materials. The calorific value was between 4550 and 4950 kcal/kg; the useful calorific value for slabs and crop residues revealed an important decrease caused by high moisture content of these materials. The model of regression selected could express in more than 97% the relation between caloric value and of moisture content

    Dentin Thickness of Pulp Chamber Floor in Primary Molars: Evaluation by Cone-Beam Computed Tomography

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    Objective: Use cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images to evaluate the dentin thickness of the pulp chamber floor in primary molars. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study, conducted with CBCT images of teeth of children.  Primary molars with preserved pulp chamber floor were included. The dentin thickness of the pulp chamber floor in the primary molars was measured linearly in CBCT cross-sections. Data were descriptively analyzed and the Mann-Whitney test was applied (p<0.05). Results: 27 CBCT exams and 123 primary molars of children aged 4 to 13 years were analyzed; the majority was female (52.0%). In maxillary molars, the median dentin thickness was 1.50 (0.6–2.2) mm in the first and 1.65 (0.6–2.3) mm in the second (p=0.049) molars. In mandibular molars, the median was 1.20 (0.3–1.7) mm in the first and 1.60 (1.0–2.2) mm in the second (p<0.001) molars. Children aged 4 to 8 years showed less dentin thickness (p<0.001). Conclusion: The median dentin thickness of the pulp chamber floor in primary molars was 1.50 mm, ranging from 0.3 to 2.3 mm. Less dentin thickness was associated with younger children, teeth in the mandibular arch, and first molars

    Geographical location and habitat predict variation in prokaryotic community composition of Suberites diversicolor

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    Purpose: Marine lakes are unique habitats that house diverse assemblages of benthic and planktonic organisms including endemic species. In this study, we aimed to assess to what extent geographical location (Berau versus Papua) and the degree of marine lake connectivity (relatively open versus closed) to the surrounding marine environment structures the prokaryotic community composition of the sponge species Suberites diversicolor. Methods: Sponge specimens were sampled in five marine lakes in Borneo and Papua and one open sea habitat in Taiwan. Result: Prokaryotic communities of S. diversicolor were dominated by members assigned to the Proteobacteria (particularly Alphaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria) and Cyanobacteria, which together made up from 78 to 87% of sequences in all samples. The dominant operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in most samples, OTUs 1 and 3, were both assigned to the alphaproteobacterial order Rhodospirillales with OTU-1 dominant in the marine lakes of Berau and Papua and OTU-3 in Taiwan. OTU-3 was also largely absent from Papuan samples but present in all Berau samples. Compositionally, S. diversicolor samples clustered according to geographical location with the main axis of variation separating marine lake samples collected in Berau from those collected in Papua and the second axis of variation separating open sea samples collected in Taiwan from all marine lake samples. In addition, our results suggest that the degree of lake connectivity to the open sea also influences prokaryotic composition. Conclusion: Although previous studies have shown that sponge-associated microbial communities tend to be stable across different geographical and environmental gradients, in the present study, both geography and local environmental conditions were significant predictors of variation in prokaryotic community composition of S. diversicolor.publishe

    CTZ and Calcium Hydroxide Pastes Did Not Cause Hepatic and Renal Alterations in Mice

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    Objective: To evaluate the possible renal and hepatic alteration by root canal filling pastes in mice. Material and Methods: Fifty-four mice were divided into nine groups and received one polyethylene tube implant containing two filling pastes (CTZ or calcium hydroxide pastes). Empty polyethylene tubes were used as a negative control. All tubes were implanted subcutaneously in the back of the mice. After time intervals of 7, 21, and 63 days, 1.5 mL of blood was collected by cardiac puncture, and serum samples were used for serological testing. Urea, creatinine, aspartate transferase (AST), alanine transferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) were evaluated. Data were analyzed by 2-way ANOVA (p0.05). No differences were observed in the interactions (material*experimental time intervals) and the biochemical parameters analyzed (p>0.05). Conclusion: CTZ and calcium hydroxide pastes did not cause hepatic and renal alterations in mice, demonstrating the pastes' safety

    Estresse salino e diferentes temperaturas alteram a fisiologia em sementes de Clitoria fairchildiana Howard

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    Clitoria fairchildiana Howard, popularly known as sombreiro is a native tree widely used in urban landscaping due to its rapid growth and beauty of the its flowers. In addition, it provides excellent shade and its wood is used in many purposes. Thus, the work was carried out with the objective of determining the tolerance of the seeds of Clitoria fairchildiana Howard to salt stress on germination at different temperatures. The experiment was conducted in the Laboratory of Seed Analysis of the Center of Agricultural Sciences of the Federal University of Paraíba, Areia – PB state. To simulate the salt stress, sodium chloride (NaCl) diluted in distilled and deionized water to obtain the concentrations of 0.0 (control) was used as the solute; 1.5; 3.0; 4,5; 6.0; 7.5; 9.0 and 10.5 dS m-1, at constant 25 and 30 ° C and alternating 20-30 ° C temperatures. In the evaluation of the effects of the treatments, the following characteristics were determined: percentage, first count and germination speed index (IVG), as well as length and dry mass of seedlings (root and shoot). The experimental design was completely at random, with treatments arranged in a 3 x 8 factorial scheme (temperatures and salinity levels), in four replications. The percentage of germination and vigor of the seeds reduced with the increasing in the salinity levels, however, for those submitted to a constant temperature of 25 °C the percentage of germination was higher compared to the others. The decrease in the osmotic potentials of saline solutions (NaCl) in the germination medium causes a reduction in the germination and vigor of the seeds of Clitoria fairchildiana Howard, which are classified as glycophytes, with moderate tolerance to NaCl salt.Clitoria fairchildiana Howard, conhecida popularmente como sombreiro, é uma árvore nativa muito utilizada no paisagismo urbano devido ao rápido crescimento e beleza das flores, além disso, fornece excelente sombra e sua madeira é utilizada para diversas finalidades. Dessa forma, o trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar a tolerância das sementes de Clitoria fairchildiana Howard ao estresse salino na germinação em diferentes temperaturas. O experimento foi conduzido no Laboratório de Análise de Sementes do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, em Areia - PB. Para simular o estresse salino utilizou-se como soluto o cloreto de sódio (NaCl) diluído em água destilada e deionizada para obtenção das concentrações de 0,0 (controle); 1,5; 3,0; 4,5; 6,0; 7,5; 9,0 e 10,5 dS m-1, nas temperaturas de 25 e 30°C constantes e 20-30°C alternada. Na avaliação dos efeitos dos tratamentos determinaram-se as seguintes características: porcentagem, primeira contagem e índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG), bem como comprimento e massa seca de plântulas (raiz e parte aérea). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, com os tratamentos dispostos em esquema fatorial 3 x 8 (temperaturas e níveis de salinidade), em quatro repetições. A porcentagem de germinação e o vigor das sementes reduziram com o aumento dos níveis de salinidade, no entanto, para aquelas submetidas à temperatura constante de 25°C a porcentagem de germinação foi superior em relação às demais. O decréscimo nos níveis de potencial osmótico das soluções salinas (NaCl) no meio germinativo provoca redução na germinação e no vigor das sementes de Clitoria fairchildiana Howard, as quais são classificadas como glicófitas, com moderada tolerância ao sal NaCl

    A visão multidisciplinar da qualidade de vida de crianças asmáticas / The multidisciplinary vision of the quality of life of asthma children

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    A asma é uma doença inflamatória crônica das vias aéreas inferiores que causa episódios de tosse, pressão torácica, sibilos e dispneia. Na infância, a asma é a doença de maior prevalência, podendo ser associada a múltiplos fatores. Desta forma, a asma na infância pode apresentar consequências na qualidade de vida, logo o objetivo deste estudo foi revisar a literatura existente acerca da qualidade de vida em crianças asmáticas. A revisão integrativa da literatura, foi realizada de Janeiro a Junho de 2018, através das bases de dados:Scientific EletronicLibrary Online (Scielo), Literatura Latino-americana e do Caribe em ciências da Saúde (Lilacs) e Literatura Internacional em Ciências da Saúde (Medline), com as palavras chaves:“crianças”, “asma” e “qualidade de vida”, nas línguas portuguesa e inglesa. Dentre os artigos encontrados e incluídos nesta pesquisa bibliográfica, observou-se maior número de publicações entre os anos de 2006 a 2010, em países desenvolvidos, entre crianças, abordando a temática de forma interdisciplinar, incluindo principalmente distúrbios de atenção, problemas em locomoção e nutricionais. Assim, a asma reflete de forma negativa na qualidade de vida das crianças, podendo modificar a gravidade e o controle da doença