724 research outputs found

    Análise de risco de reator empregado na fabricação de formiato de sódio: vazamento de líquido reacional

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    Automatic control systems use in the industrial environment has increased over the years. In parallel with this automation, there is a growing concern in relation to worker safety and environmental safety in industrial processes, a factor that has led to risk analysis in industries. In order to mitigate risk and accident factors, this analysis has been widely used. Considering a scenario typically found in chemical industrial facilities, the HAZOP of the continuous reactor used in the production of Sodium Formate was prepared. Focusing on the analysis of the reaction liquid leakage, considering the rupture of the reactor hull. The risk analysis was based on the methodology traditionally used in HAZOP. The results obtained in the calculations indicate that there would be a slow decrease in the level of reaction liquid in the reactor because of the mentioned deviation.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)A utilização de sistemas de controle automático no ambiente industrial vem se expandindo cada vez mais. Paralelamente a essa automação, nota-se uma crescente preocupação em relação à segurança do trabalhador e segurança ambiental nos processos industriais, fator que impulsionou a metodologia de análises de riscos nas indústrias. Com o intuito de mitigar fatores de riscos e acidentes, essa análise vem sendo amplamente empregada. Considerando um cenário tipicamente encontrado em instalações industriais químicas, foi elaborado o HAZOP do reator contínuo empregado na produção de Formiato de Sódio. Com foco na análise do vazamento de líquido reacional considerando a ruptura do casco do reator. A análise do risco foi realizada com base na metodologia tradicionalmente utilizada em HAZOP. Os resultados obtidos nos cálculos realizados indicam que haveria a diminuição lenta do nível de líquido reacional presente no reator em decorrência do desvio citado

    „Eine kleine Kulturgeschichte des Hanfs“: die journalistische Übersetzung unter der Sicht der funktionalistischen Theorie nach Christiane Nord

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Letras Alemão.O objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma nova tradução para o português da reportagem jornalística Eine kleine Kulturgeschichte des Hanfs, publicada pela Deutsche Welle originalmente em alemão. Para isso, será realizada uma análise de duas traduções já existentes da reportagem, para o inglês e para o português: as análises embasam a crítica das traduções existentes e permitem uma maior compreensão das nuances do texto original, fundamentando e contribuindo para uma nova proposta de tradução. Adotamos a teoria funcionalista exposta no livro Análise textual em tradução: bases teóricas, métodos e aplicação didática, de Christiane Nord, que utilizaremos como base para a análise das traduções da reportagem e para a nossa proposta de tradução. O trabalho também aponta brevemente problemas típicos das redações jornalísticas que podem afetar o processo de tradução de uma reportagem, entre eles as equipes reduzidas e o pouco tempo disponível. Por fim, considerando a proximidade de determinadas características das atividades jornalística e tradutória, apontamos a grande relevância da abordagem funcionalista de Nord para a tradução jornalística.Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, eine neue Übersetzung ins Portugiesische der Reportage Eine kleine Kulturgeschichte des Hanfs, der ursprünglich von Deutsche Welle in deutscher Sprache veröffentlicht wurde, vorzuschlagen. Dazu wird eine Analyse von zwei bestehenden Übersetzungen der Reportage ins Englische und ins Portugiesische durchgeführt: die Analysen unterstützen die Kritik an den bestehenden Übersetzungen und ermöglichen ein besseres Verständnis der Nuancen des Originaltextes. Wir haben die in dem Buch 'Textanalyse und Übersetzen. Theoretische Grundlagen, Methode und didaktische Anwendung einer übersetzungsrelevanten Textanalyse' von Christiane Nord dargelegte funktionalistische Theorie übernommen, die wir als Grundlage für die Analyse der Übersetzungen der Reportage und für unseren Übersetzungsvorschlag verwenden werden. Die Arbeit befasst sich auch kurz mit Problemen, die für journalistische Redaktionen typisch sind und sich auf den Prozess der Übersetzung einer Reportage auswirken können, einschließlich reduzierter Teams und begrenzter verfügbarer Zeit. Abschließend weisen wir in Anbetracht der Nähe bestimmter Merkmale journalistischer und übersetzender Tätigkeiten auf die große Relevanz von Nords funktionalistischen Ansatz für journalistische Übersetzung hin

    Comparing Machine and Deep Learning Methods for Large 3D Heritage Semantic Segmentation

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    In recent years semantic segmentation of 3D point clouds has been an argument that involves different fields of application. Cultural heritage scenarios have become the subject of this study mainly thanks to the development of photogrammetry and laser scanning techniques. Classification algorithms based on machine and deep learning methods allow to process huge amounts of data as 3D point clouds. In this context, the aim of this paper is to make a comparison between machine and deep learning methods for large 3D cultural heritage classification. Then, considering the best performances of both techniques, it proposes an architecture named DGCNN-Mod+3Dfeat that combines the positive aspects and advantages of these two methodologies for semantic segmentation of cultural heritage point clouds. To demonstrate the validity of our idea, several experiments from the ArCH benchmark are reported and commented

    International cooperation and the achievement of the right to health: an analysis of the BRICS agenda

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    This paper intends to analyze the potential of the political cooperation between Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa, country members of BRICS, of fostering an agenda also based on the achievement of human rights. International cooperation is believed to be a fraternal instrument capable of accelerating the achievement of human rights, it enables not only economic development but also the realization of rights; in particular, human rights. In this sense, the idea starts to take shape that the cooperation agenda framework of BRICS provides a real possibility for new forms of international cooperation, and despite of being a group of countries geographically distant from each other, they regard cooperation as the strengthening of international relations. Furthermore, this new cooperation agenda attributes an important role to the right to health, representing a primary social right for human development, which breaks boundaries, contributes in overcoming barriers between sovereign States and, in this way, allows the creation of a consensus and of pacts.O presente estudo pretende efetuar uma análise do potencial que a cooperação política entre Brasil, Rússia, China, Índia e África do Sul – países que compõem o Brics – tem de fomentar uma agenda pautada também na efetivação de direitos humanos. Acredita-se que a cooperação internacional seja um instrumento fraterno capaz de acelerar o processo de efetivação dos direitos humanos e que, por meio dela, seja possível não apenas buscar o desenvolvimento econômico, mas também, de fato, efetivar direitos, especialmente os direitos humanos. Nesse sentido, parte-se da ideia de que o marco da agenda de cooperação do Brics apresenta-se como uma possibilidade concreta de novas formas de cooperação internacional, pois se trata de um grupo de países distantes geograficamente, mas que visualizam na cooperação o fortalecimento das relações internacionais. Ademais, essa nova agenda de cooperação atribui um papel de destaque ao direito à saúde, representando um direito social básico para o desenvolvimento humano, que rompe fronteiras ao superar a barreira de Estados soberanos e, assim, possibilita a criação de consensos e pactos

    Deep learning for semantic segmentation of 3D point cloud.

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    Cultural Heritage is a testimony of past human activity, and, as such, its objects exhibit great variety in their nature, size and complexity; from small artefacts and museum items to cultural landscapes, from historical building and ancient monuments to city centers and archaeological sites. Cultural Heritage around the globe suffers from wars, natural disasters and human negligence. The importance of digital documentation is well recognized and there is an increasing pressure to document our heritage both nationally and internationally. For this reason, the three-dimensional scanning and modeling of sites and artifacts of cultural heritage have remarkably increased in recent years. The semantic segmentation of point clouds is an essential step of the entire pipeline; in fact, it allows to decompose complex architectures in single elements, which are then enriched with meaningful information within Building Information Modelling software. Notwithstanding, this step is very time consuming and completely entrusted on the manual work of domain experts, far from being automatized. This work describes a method to label and cluster automatically a point cloud based on a supervised Deep Learning approach, using a state-of-the-art Neural Network called PointNet++. Despite other methods are known, we have choose PointNet++ as it reached significant results for classifying and segmenting 3D point clouds. PointNet++ has been tested and improved, by training the network with annotated point clouds coming from a real survey and to evaluate how performance changes according to the input training data. It can result of great interest for the research community dealing with the point cloud semantic segmentation, since it makes public a labelled dataset of CH elements for further tests

    Number of hospital beds : population estimate, installed capacity and performed in two mesoregions of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2015

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    Introduction: Planning health resources in a continental country like Brazil demands adapting the structures to different regions and their needs. Objective: To compare the installed hospital structure (number of existing beds) with the health care parameters proposed by the Brazilian national health system (estimated beds) and the beds per activity performed in two mesoregions of the state of Rio de Janeiro in 2015. Methods: Cross-sectional analysis with data obtained from the information systems of the Brazilian national health system. Results: An excess of hospital beds was identified (208.9% of the ideal average, per activity performed), low occupancy rates (24.2% below the ideal average) and irregular distribution between the mesoregions. Conclusions: The unequal division of resources unrelated to population demands results in higher health care costs and undermines the universality of access and integrality of the care

    Debriefing na simulação clínica em enfermagem: uma análise a partir da teoria da aprendizagem experiencial

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    Objetivo: Compreender o significado do processo de debriefing realizado nas atividades de simulação clínica em um curso de enfermagem, a partir da Teoria da Aprendizagem Experiencial de Kolb.Método: Qualitativo do tipo estudo de caso, realizado num curso de enfermagem de uma Universidade do Sul do Brasil, de março a junho de 2018. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se a pesquisa documental, a entrevista baseada no Instrumento de Estilo de Aprendizagem de Kolb, com 29 participantes, e a observação direta de oito cenas de debriefing. Para análise, utilizaram-se as unidades integradas de análise obtidas a partir da construção de explanação.Resultados: Os dados documentais e o Inventário contribuíram para o entendimento da simulação clínica e o debriefing foi categorizado em quatro modos de aprendizagem.Conclusão: A simulação clínica como metodologia de aprendizagem experiencial relaciona a experiência, a percepção, a cognição e o comportamento com elementos identificados no debriefing pelos estudantes. Palavras-chave: Enfermagem. Simulação. Equipamentos e provisões. Aprendizagem. Aprendizagem baseada em problemas. Educação em enfermagem


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    Kefir is a product resulting from the symbiosis between lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid bacteria, presenting probiotic action, such as immune system stimulation, antimicrobial activity against pathogens, intestinal microbiota balance and antitumor action. The present study aimed to the characterization and microbiological identification population the grains to the Brazilian milk kefir. A sample of kefir produced in the Videira/Santa Catarina region was evaluated. For this, ten grams of the sample were inoculated in 30mL of distilled water with 3 grams of skimmed milk powder and incubated for 24 hours at 28ºC. The sample was diluted and plated for isolation on MRS agar, M17 agar, Mycosel agar, YM agar and SD agar. The predominant population was lactic acid bacteria (70.5%), followed by yeasts (29.5%). The former ranged from 109 to 1011 CFU / g and yeasts from 104 to 105 CFU / g. Gram staining and optical microscopy were also performed to identify the prevalence of the microbiota by bacillary cells (short and curvad long) and gram-positive cocci, which grew in association with slightly oval yeast cells. In the catalase test there was a predominance of positive catalase. The result of the presence of distinct microbial populations in kefir shows the need to better explore the microbial composition of the same

    Effects of dietary omega-3 PUFAs on growth and development: Somatic, neurobiological and reproductive functions in a murine model

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    Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω-3 PUFAs) are relevant to fetal and infant growth and development. Objective: to assess whether long-term exposure to dietary ω-3 PUFA imbalance alters pre- and/or postnatal pups' development and reproductive function later in life. Mice dams were fed with ω-3 PUFA Control (soybean oil, 7%), Deficient (sunflower oil, 7%) or Excess (blend oil; 4.2% cod-liver+2.8% soybean) diet before conception and throughout gestation-lactation and later on, their pups received the same diet from weaning to adulthood. Offspring somatic, neurobiological and reproductive parameters were evaluated. Excess pups were lighter during the preweaning period and shorter in length from postnatal day (PND) 7 to 49, compared to Control pups (P<.05). On PND14, the percentage of pups with eye opening in Excess group was lower than those from Control and Deficient groups (P<.05). In Excess female offspring, puberty onset (vaginal opening and first estrus) occurred significantly later and the percentage of parthenogenetic oocytes on PND63 was higher than Control and Deficient ones (P<.05). Deficient pups were shorter in length (males: on PND14, 21, 35 and 49; females: on PND14, 21 and 42) compared with Control pups (P<.05). Deficient offspring exhibited higher percentage of bending spermatozoa compared to Control and Excess offspring (P<.05). These results show that either an excessively high or insufficient ω-3 PUFA consumption prior to conception until adulthood seems inadvisable because of the potential risks of short-term adverse effects on growth and development of the progeny or long-lasting effects on their reproductive maturation and function.Fil: Bianconi, Santiago. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina; ArgentinaFil: Santillan, Maria Emilia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina; ArgentinaFil: Solís, María del Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina; ArgentinaFil: Martini, Ana Carolina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Ponzio, Marina Flavia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Vincenti, Laura María. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina; ArgentinaFil: Schiöth, Helgi B.. Uppsala University; SueciaFil: Carlini, Valeria Paola. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud; Argentina; ArgentinaFil: Stutz, Graciela. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina; Argentin

    Mitochondriotropic and Cardioprotective Effects of Triphenylphosphonium-Conjugated Derivatives of the Diterpenoid Isosteviol

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    Mitochondria play a crucial role in the cell fate; in particular, reducing the accumulation of calcium in the mitochondrial matrix offers cardioprotection. This affect is achieved by a mild depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane potential, which prevents the assembly and opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. For this reason, mitochondria are an attractive target for pharmacological interventions that prevent ischaemia/reperfusion injury. Isosteviol is a diterpenoid created from the acid hydrolysis of Steviarebaudiana Bertoni (fam. Asteraceae) glycosides that has shown protective effects against ischaemia/reperfusion injury, which are likely mediated through the activation of mitochondrial adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP)-sensitive potassium (mitoKATP) channels. Some triphenylphosphonium (triPP)-conjugated derivatives of isosteviol have been developed, and to evaluate the possible pharmacological benefits that result from these synthetic modifications, in this study, the mitochondriotropic properties of isosteviol and several triPP-conjugates were investigated in rat cardiac mitochondria and in the rat heart cell line H9c2. This study's main findings highlight the ability of isosteviol to depolarize the mitochondrial membrane potential and reduce calcium uptake by the mitochondria, which are typical functions of mitochondrial potassium channel openings. Moreover, triPP-conjugated derivatives showed a similar behavior to isosteviol but at lower concentrations, indicative of their improved uptake into the mitochondrial matrix. Finally, the cardioprotective property of a selected triPP-conjugated derivative was demonstrated in an in vivo model of acute myocardial infarct