21 research outputs found

    Beech regeneration of seed and root sucker origin: A comparison of morphology, growth, survival, and response to defoliation

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    American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.) reproduces sexually, and vegetatively by root suckers. Although many studies have investigated its regeneration response, most did not account for differences that may exist between its two modes of reproduction. This study was performed in an old-growth Acer - Fagus forest in southern Quebec, where beech bark disease had only a minor effect at the time of the study. We compared the density and frequency of occurrence of beech seedlings and root suckers (height < 30 cm), as well as their morphology, growth, survival, and response to experimental defoliation. Root suckers accounted for ∼13% of beech regeneration at our site. Density and frequency of occurrence were greater for seedlings than suckers, but did not vary with light availability, which was low at our study site (mean: 2.9%). Seedlings and suckers did not differ in leaf characteristics, but several differences were observed in terms of plant morphology, growth, and survival. Root suckers showed more lateral growth than height growth, and had a lower leaf area index than seedlings. Root suckers had both a greater growth in height and diameter, and a higher survivorship than seedlings (height and diameter growth were, respectively, five and two times greater for suckers than seedlings, and 74% of suckers survived more than 1 year, compared to 52% for seedlings). Defoliation treatments, which included levels of defoliation of 50% and 100% (1) did not affect current-year extension growth of seedlings and suckers; (2) did not affect seedling diameter growth, but had a negative impact on sucker diameter growth; and (3) affected survivorship for both origins, but had a much greater negative impact on seedling survivorship (none of the completely defoliated seedlings survived over one year, while 55% of the suckers did). This study showed that several differences exist between small beech seedlings and root suckers in traits that are important determinants of a species' competitive ability. We therefore expect that variation in the relative importance of root suckering among sites might have several community-level implications

    Understorey light profiles in temperate deciduous forests: recovery process following selection cutting

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    1 We investigated recovery following small-scale disturbance, i.e. selection cutting, by determining how understorey light profiles vary over time in temperate deciduous forests in Quebec (Canada). 2 We measured light availability (% PPFD, photosynthetic photon flux density) 0.2, 1, 2 and 5 m above the forest floor, as well as the density of saplings < 5 m in height, in seven Acer saccharum-Betula alleghaniensis-Fagus grandifolia stands that had been subjected to selection cutting 1-13 years before the study, and in adjacent uncut plots. 3 In the most recent cut (1 year old), mean % PPFD was 3. 5 to 5 times higher (depending on height) than in the uncut plot. Light availability rapidly decreased over time following selection cutting, especially near the forest floor. By about 13 years after cutting, light availability was similar to levels observed in the uncut plots. 4 Light profiles were used to assess the temporal pattern of recovery of the understorey after selection cutting, and four recovery phases could be identified. Uncut stands were characterized by profiles with low light near the forest floor and with a rather slow increase in light with increasing height, and recent cuts (1-4 years old) were characterized by J-shaped light profiles with relatively high % PPFD at all heights. Intermediate-age cuts (7-8 years old) were characterized by reverse J-shaped profiles that had a high % PPFD (13-46%) at 5 m, and very dark conditions (< 2%) near the forest floor, and were associated with high abundance of saplings. The relative frequency of the various profiles found in older cuts (11-13 years old) was generally similar to that observed in the uncut stands, except that the reverse J-shaped profiles were slightly more frequent. 5 As the microsuccession that follows canopy disturbance is very much influenced by local understorey structure and composition, forestry practices should consider such microscale forest characteristics in their harvest planning to regenerate the desired tree species

    Effect of a major canopy disturbance on the coexistence of Acer saccharum and Fagus grandifolia in the understorey of an old-growth forest

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    In forest communities, species coexistence can be favoured by disturbance-related variations in light regime coupled with rank reversal in species performance. The objective of this study was to determine if a major canopy disturbance, resulting from an ice storm, would favour the coexistence of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and beech (Fagus grandifolia) in an old-growth forest located near the northern limit of the species' range. The growth, density and frequency of occurrence of understorey stems were evaluated 7 years after the ice storm and compared with pre-disturbance values to determine if sugar maple, a slightly less shade-tolerant species, would be favoured over beech. Although height and radial growth increased three- to five-fold, and > 70% of the 5-10 cm d.b.h. stems showed a release, sugar maple did not benefit more from the opening of the canopy than beech. The inability of sugar maple to outgrow beech might be related to the high proportion of beech root sprouts at our site, suggesting that the potential for the disturbancemediated mechanism to slow the competitive exclusion of maple might decrease as the importance of vegetative reproduction increases in beech. Prior to the disturbance, sugar maple was more abundant and occurred in a larger proportion of the plots among small size classes, while beech dominated in the larger size classes. Although some increases in the density of both species were detected after the disturbance, the general trends of relative abundance and distribution of the species were not modified significantly. Our results do not indicate that a single canopy disturbance such as the major 1998 ice storm significantly favoured sugar maple over beech. When a disturbance opens the canopy, competition for light in gaps may tend to maintain or reinforce a pre-existing hierarchy instead of reversing it, especially when interspecific differences in postdisturbance growth are small or absent, as in this study. This study shows that the dynamics of sugar maple - beech communities are more complex than previously envisaged and that revised models should incorporate additional factors (e.g. vegetative reproduction) that might also play an important role in regulating community dynamics

    Sapling age structure and growth series reveal a shift in recruitment dynamics of sugar maple and American beech over the last 40 years

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    Northern hardwoods have undergone a marked change in their dynamics, with American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.) increasing in abundance relative to sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.). This study aims to better understand this sudden shift in recruitment dynamics. We performed an extensive analysis of the age structure, radial growth pattern, and release history on >700 saplings from 34 mature maple–beech stands of southern Quebec. We found (i) that the sapling age structures showed a progressive decrease in the establishment of maple relative to beech starting about 40 years ago, (ii) a change in the species growth hierarchy that started in the 1980s due to increasing radial growth of beech, (iii) that this growth trend is negligible for both maple and beech when we account for size and suppression status, and finally (iv) that the growth trend appears to be independent of present soil conditions. These results contrast with previous studies conducted at the adult stage that reported a growth decline for maple. We conclude that this change in recruitment dynamics is not related to growth, and consequently, further studies investigating this phenomenon should concentrate on establishment and survival

    Do understory saplings respond to both light and below-ground competitio?: a field experiment in a north-eastern American hardwood forest and a literature review

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    A study was initiated in 1993 to evaluate the potential effects of both above- and below-ground competition exclusion on yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britton), sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) and American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.) sapling growth along an understory light gradient ranging from 3% to 50% of full sunlight. We compared four different growth variables between a control and a treatment (trenching and manual removal of nearby vegetation). Height growth, diameter growth, height over stem diameter ratio, and crown area varied with light availability in all three species, whereas trenching treatment had no significant effect. Our results show that light is the main factor affecting understory sapling growth following a selection cut in this northern hardwood forest, at least up to 50% full sunlight. The unresponsiveness of these three species to below-ground competition is discussed in relation to a literature review in which both soil richness and species functional ecology are considered

    Effect of a major ice storm on understory light conditions in an old-growth Acer-Fagus forest: Pattern of recovery over seven years

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    We evaluated the effects of a major ice storm on understory light conditions (%PPFD, photosynthetic photon flux density) in an old-growth Acer-Fagus forest in Quebec, based on pre- and post-disturbance light measurements taken until the seventh growing season after the event (which occurred in January 1998). Before the ice storm, most microsites received between 2 and 4%PPFD. Following the ice storm, the stand-level mean %PPFD increased four- to five-fold, ranging from 13.8 to 20.5%PPFD, from 0.3 to 4 m aboveground. Despite its magnitude, the post-ice storm increase in light transmission was short-lived. By 1999 (2-year+), the mean light levels had decreased by half, and recovery to pre-storm conditions occurred within 3-7 years, depending on height. The decrease in light transmission during the post-disturbance years followed an inverse J-shape trend, indicating more dynamic changes early after disturbance. By 2004 (7-year+), light levels at ≤2 m had become slightly but significantly lower than before the ice storm, with most microsites receiving <2%PPFD. The ice storm led to a synchronized increase of the light levels at almost all understory locations, which might allow a high proportion of the advanced regeneration to experience a release. However, due to the rapid recovery of the light conditions to levels similar or lower than before the ice storm, this disturbance should be more advantageous to shade-tolerant species

    Large-scale synchrony of gap dynamics and the distribution of understory tree species in maple-beech forests

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    Large-scale synchronous variations in community dynamics are well documented for a vast array of organisms, but are considerably less understood for forest trees. Because of temporal variations in canopy gap dynamics, forest communities—even old-growth ones—are never at equilibrium at the stand scale. This paucity of equilibrium may also be true at the regional scale. Our objectives were to determine (1) if nonequilibrium dynamics caused by temporal variations in the formation of canopy gaps are regionally synchronized, and (2) if spatiotemporal variations in canopy gap formation aVect the relative abundance of tree species in the understory. We examined these questions by analyzing variations in the suppression and release history of Acer saccharum Marsh. and Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. from 481 growth series of understory saplings taken from 34 mature stands. We observed that (1) the proportion of stems in release as a function of time exhibited a U-shaped pattern over the last 35 years, with the lowest levels occurring during 1975–1985, and that (2) the response to this in terms of species composition was that A. saccharum became more abundant at sites that had the highest proportion of stems in release during 1975–1985. We concluded that the understory dynamics, typically thought of as a stand-scale process, may be regionally synchronized

    Improving tree mortality models by accounting for environmental influences

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    Tree-ring chronologies have been widely used in studies of tree mortality where variables of recent growth act as an indicator of tree physiological vigour. Comparing recent radial growth of live and dead trees thus allows estimating probabilities of tree mortality. Sampling of mature dead trees usually provides death-year distributions that may span over years or decades. Recent growth of dead trees (prior to death) is then computed during a number of periods, whereas recent growth (prior to sampling) for live trees is computed for identical periods. Because recent growth of live and dead trees is then computed for different periods, external factors such as disturbance or climate may influence growth rates and, thus, mortality probability estimations. To counteract this problem, we propose the truncating of live-growth series to obtain similar frequency distributions of the "last year of growth" for the populations of live and dead trees. In this paper, we use different growth scenarios from several tree species, from several geographic sources, and from trees with different growth patterns to evaluate the impact of truncating on predictor variables and their selection in logistic regression analysis. Also, we assess the ability of the resulting models to accurately predict the status of trees through internal and external validation. Our results suggest that the truncating of live-growth series helps decrease the influence of external factors on growth comparisons. By doing so, it reinforces the growth-vigour link of the mortality model and enhances the model's accuracy as well as its general applicability. Hence, if model parameters are to be integrated in simulation models of greater geographical extent, truncating may be used to increase model robustness

    Managing understory light conditions in boreal mixedwoods through variation in the intensity and spatial pattern of harvest: A modelling approach

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    In the context of partial harvesting, adequately managing post-harvest light conditions are essential to obtain a desired composition of tree species regeneration. The objective of this study was to determine how varying the intensity and spatial pattern of harvest would affect understory light conditions in boreal mixedwood stands of northwestern Quebec using the spatially explicit SORTIE-ND light model. The model was evaluated based on comparisons of observed and predicted light levels in both mapped and un-mapped plots. In mapped plots, reasonably accurate predictions of the overall variation in light levels were obtained, but predictions tended to lack spatial precision. In un-mapped plots, SORTIE-ND accurately predicted stand-level mean GLI (Gap Light Index) under a range of harvest intensities. The model was then used to simulate nine silvicultural treatments based on combinations of three intensities of overstory removal (30%, 45% and 60% of basal area) and three harvest patterns (uniform, narrow strips, large gaps). Simulations showed that increasing overstory removal had less impact on light conditions with uniform harvests, and a more marked effect with more aggregated harvest patterns. Whatever the harvest intensity, uniform cuts almost never created high light conditions (GLI > 50%). Gap cuts, on the other hand, resulted in up to 40% of microsites receiving GLI > 50%. Our results suggest that either a 30% strip or gap cut or a 45–60% uniform partial harvest could be used to accelerate the transition from an aspen dominated composition to a mixedwood stand because both types of cut generate the greatest proportion of moderately low light levels (e.g., 15–40% GLI). These light levels tend to favour an accelerated growth response among shade-tolerant conifers, while preventing excessive recruitment of shade-intolerant species. A better understanding of how spatial patterns of harvest interact with tree removal intensity to affect understory light conditions can provide opportunities for designing silvicultural prescriptions that are tailored to species’ traits and better suited to meet a variety of management objectives

    Sugar maple (Acer saccharum March.) growth is influenced by close conspecifics and skid trait proximity following selection harvest

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    In this study, we quantified the effects of local neighbourhood competition, light availability, and proximity to skid trails on the growth of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) trees following selection harvest. We hypothesized that growth would increase with decreasing competition and increasing light availability, but that proximity to skid trails would negatively affect growth. A total of 300 sugar maples were sampled 10 years after selection harvesting in 18 stands in Témiscamingue (Québec, Canada). Detailed tree and skid trail maps were obtained in one 0.4 ha plot per stand. Square-root transformed radial growth data were fitted to a linear mixed model that included tree diameter, crown position, a neighbourhood competition index, light availability (estimated using the SORTIE light model), and distance to the nearest skid trail as explanatory variables. We considered various distance-dependent or -independent indices based on neighbourhood radii ranging from 6 to 12 m. The competition index that provided the best fit to the data was a distance-dependent index computed in a 6 m search radius, but a\ud distance-independent version of the competition index provided an almost equivalent fit to data. Models corresponding to all combinations of main effects were fit to data using maximum likelihood, and weighted averages of parameter estimates were obtained usingmultimodel inference. All predictors had\ud an influence on growth, with the exception of light. Radial growth decreased with increasing tree diameter, level of competition and proximity to skid trails, and varied among crown positions with trees in suppressed and intermediate positions having lower growth rates than codominants and dominants. Our results indicate that in selection managed stands, the radial growth of sugarmaple trees depends on\ud competition from close (6 m) conspecific neighbours, and is still affected by proximity to skid trails 10 years after harvesting. Such results underscore the importance of minimizing the extent of skid trail networks by careful pre-harvest planning of trail layout. We also conclude that the impact of heterogeneity among individual-tree neighbourhoods, such as those resulting from alternative spatial patterns of harvest, can usefully be integrated into models of post-harvest tree growth