743 research outputs found

    An Examination of the Student Work Study Collaborative Inquiry in Ontario Schools

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    This major paper examines a unique approach to a professional collaborative inquiry in schools, in Ontario, called The Student Work Study Initiative. It was a job embedded approach which sought to uncover how students academically achieving Level 2 could improve to Level 3. This paper will explore the benefits of using a collaborative inquiry process which includes the student as a central partner through systematic co analysis, co description, and co reflection of student work captured through the use of pedagogical documentation. The Student Work Study approach will be examined in its entirety and its benefits and implications will be compared with more traditional ways of educational reform. Methods analyzed will include qualitative data drawn from pedagogical documentation. Anticipated findings of this review include a study of the impact of this approach on student learning and well- being in the classroom, descriptions of learning cultures and partnerships formed amongst and between teachers and student and content, producing students with increased agency and power in classrooms, the use of systematic pedagogical documentation in the process, and engaging students and teachers as researchers in a community of learning. This paper highlights tensions including: lack of time, inconsistent assessment and evaluation practices, implications for introverted learners amidst collaborative learning structures in classrooms, and the challenge of continuing this work beyond the life of the actual funded intervention to include its premise as part of regular classroom and school structures, in order to foster lasting change for school leaders, students, teachers, and system partners

    Study of the increased future employability of students working for Junior Enterprises

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    Thesis elaborated in collaboration with JADE – the European Confederation of Junior Enterprises. Analysis of the future employability of students influenced by their working for a junior enterprise. It will be based on an empirical study about census and identity of Junior Entrepreneurs.The present thesis contains an analysis of students’ intentions towards entrepreneurship and their increased employability influenced by the experience of working for a Junior Enterprise. It is based on an empirical study about the identity of members of the European Junior Enterprise network (JADE) as well as a literature research among academic studies and several studies conducted by the European Commission about Entrepreneurship in higher education. Key findings are the positively influenced entrepreneurial intentions of students and the increased feeling of preparedness for the job market thanks to their work for a Junior Enterprise

    Architectural Adaptation as Praxis

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    Since industrialization, modern architecture has appropriated the notion of adaptation. Defined as the adjustment of a building to the environment and its users, architectural adaptation has been mainly carried out via a narrow technological approach. Thus, digitalization has emerged as the latest ‘smart’ update. The limits of technological adaptation become especially evident with architecture in aiming to solve an ecological and social crisis on both a global and local level. In this paper, we argue for reconceptualizing adaptivity in architecture to (re)integrate processual, social, and aesthetic dimensions. We propose a new architectural understanding of adaptivity that includes currently excluded agents and involves them in communication and adaptation processes. As we focus on the intertwining of technical developments and cultural practices, that is, the interactions of human and non-human agents in architecture, we seek to describe architectural adaptation as an inclusive spatial praxis. This may aid in inventing new ways of life built upon sustainable nature-culture-technology relationships within society

    Types and Roles of Models in Adaptive Architecture

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    If adaptive architecture is both, a techno-spatial environment and a set of environmental behaviors and practices, its design requires the collaboration of diverse disciplines. During the process of collaboratively developing an adaptive high-rise, models turn out to be the central medium in the multidisciplinary teamwork. They contribute to disciplinary questions of development and realization; they also generate and transfer knowledge and act as translators by facilitating exchange and cooperation between disciplines. The present study examines tasks and relations from the first design model to different functional models for the adaptive high-rise. It shows the initial architectural model as an overall role model and vision. While functional models perform isolated dynamic tasks, analytical models are used for review and discussion. Keywords: adaptive architecture, multidisciplinary research, design process, translation models, knowledge transfer DOI: 10.7176/ADS/82-04 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Primary constrained and hinged total knee arthroplasty: 2- and 5-year revision risk compared with unconstrained total knee arthroplasty: a report on 401 cases from the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register 1994-2017

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    Background and purpose — The number of primary, highly constrained knee arthroplasty implants has increased with a theoretically increased risk of early failure. Therefore we analyzed the risk of all revision following total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in patients receiving a hinged or condylar constrained knee (CCK) compared with a conventional unconstrained TKA. Patients and methods — The analyses included 401 primary highly constrained or hinged implants from 1994 to 2017. Kaplan–Meier survival curves were used to evaluate time to first revision with a maximum follow-up of 20 years. Cox regression was used to calculate hazard ratio (HR) comparing condylar constrained knee (CCK), hinged, and unconstrained TKA. Results — Kaplan–Meier estimated prosthesis survival after 2 years was 94.8% (95% CI 91.4–98.2) and 93.5% after 5 years for the primary CCK and 91.0% (CI 86.6–95.4) after 2 years and 85.5% after 5 years for the primary hinged TKA. Adjusted for sex, age groups, diagnosis, time period, previous surgery, and surgery time HR was 1.4 (CI 0.8–2.3) for the CCK and 2.4 (CI 1.6–3.7) for the hinged implants. The most common cause of revision in hinged implants was infection: 14 of 22 revisions. When excluding infection as revision cause, there were no differences in survival between the implant types. Estimated survival excluding infection revisions at 5 years was 96% for unconstrained, CCK, and hinged primary TKA implants. Interpretation — Primary rotating hinge total knee arthroplasty had a higher risk of revision compared with conventional TKA after 2 and 5 years’ follow-up. Infection was the most common cause of revision. When excluding infection revisions from the survival analysis, hinged and CCK implants had similar performance to unconstrained TKA.publishedVersio

    Assoziation neuronaler Autoantikörper mit kognitiven Defiziten bei Patienten mit Lungenkarzinom

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    Einleitung: Kognitive BeeintrĂ€chtigungen sind ein hĂ€ufiges Symptom bei malignen Erkrankungen (Cancer-related cognitive impairment, CRCI). Die Pathomechanismen fĂŒr CRCI abseits von Chemotherapie sind weitestgehend unklar. Auch unabhĂ€ngig von der Therapie können relevante kognitive Defizite auftreten. Erste Hinweise suggerieren eine mögliche Assoziation von CRCI mit dem Vorliegen neuronaler Autoantikörper. Diese sind bisher vor allem bei Patienten mit paraneoplastischen neurologischen Syndromen untersucht worden, können jedoch auch bei Tumorpatienten ohne manifeste neurologische Syndrome auftreten. Das Lungenkarzinom ist die Tumorart, die am hĂ€ufigsten mit dem Vorliegen neuronaler Autoantikörper assoziiert ist. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, bei Patienten mit Lungenkarzinom i) die PrĂ€valenz von neuronalen Autoantikörpern, ii) die kognitive Funktion sowie iii) die Korrelation von Antikörpern mit kognitiven Defiziten systematisch zu untersuchen. Methoden: Das Serum von 167 Patienten mit Lungenkarzinom (davon 127 Patienten mit nicht- kleinzelligem Lungenkarzinom (NSCLC) und 40 Patienten mit kleinzelligem Lungenkarzinom (SCLC)) wurde mittels indirekter Immunfluoreszenz in zellbasierten und gewebebasierten Verfahren auf das Vorliegen neuronaler Autoantikörper untersucht. Nach dem Ausschluss von Patienten mit möglichen Störfaktoren auf die kognitive Funktion (z.B. Gehirnmetastasen, Ganzhirnbestrahlung) wurden 97 Patienten mit detaillierten neuropsychologischen Testverfahren in allen kognitiven DomĂ€nen untersucht. Das Vorliegen von CRCI wurde nach den Kriterien der International Cognition and Cancer Task Force (ICCTF) bestimmt. Ergebnisse: Neuronale Autoantikörper fanden sich bei 60/167 (35,9%) aller Lungenkarzinompatienten: bei 31/167 (18,6%) Antikörper mit bekannter Zielstruktur (Nachweis in zellbasierten Verfahren) und bei 29/167 (17,4%) mit bisher unbekannter Zielstruktur (Nachweis in gewebebasierten Verfahren). Die PrĂ€valenz von Antikörpern mit bekannter Zielstruktur war bei SCLC-Patienten signifikant höher als bei NSCLC-Patienten (30% vs. 15%, p=0,033), insbesondere von Antikörpern gegen intrazellulĂ€re Antigene (25% vs. 3,1%, p<0,001). Von den neuropsychologisch getesteten Patienten erfĂŒllten 57,7% die Kriterien fĂŒr CRCI. Das Vorliegen neuronaler Autoantikörper korrelierte dabei signifikant mit dem Auftreten kognitiver Defizite: So zeigten SCLC-Patienten mit Antikörpern gegen intrazellulĂ€re Antigene hĂ€ufiger CRCI als Antikörper-negative SCLC-Patienten (100% vs. 46,2%, p=0,024). NSCLC-Patienten mit Antikörpern gegen den NMDA-Rezeptor vom Subtyp IgA hatten hĂ€ufiger kognitive Defizite im verbalen GedĂ€chtnis als Antikörper-negative NSCLC-Patienten (100% vs. 23,3%, p=0,002). Weiterhin wiesen Lungenkarzinompatienten mit Antikörpern gegen bisher unbekannte neuronale Antigene hĂ€ufiger CRCI auf als Antikörper-negative Patienten (88,2% vs. 61,7%, p=0,039). Diskussion: Neuronale Autoantikörper lassen sich bei mehr als einem Drittel aller Patienten mit Lungenkarzinom nachweisen, wobei SCLC-Patienten signifikant hĂ€ufiger betroffen sind. Das Vorliegen neuronaler Autoantikörper ist dabei signifikant mit dem Auftreten kognitiver Defizite assoziiert. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass neuronale Autoantikörper einen relevanten Einfluss in der Entstehung von CRCI haben könnten und ihr Effekt in longitudinalen Studien analysiert werden sollte.Introduction: Cancer-related cognitive impairment (CRCI) is a frequent symptom in cancer patients. The pathomechanism apart from chemotherapy remains unknown, cognitive deficits can occur independent of any treatment. First studies suggest a possible association of CRCI with neuronal autoantibodies. These antibodies have been mainly investigated in patients with paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes, but can also be detected in cancer patients without neurologic disorders. Lung cancer is the tumor most frequently associated with neuronal autoantibodies. The aim of this study is to i) investigate the prevalence of neuronal autoantibodies in lung cancer patients, ii) examine their cognitive function and iii) analyze a possible correlation between neuronal autoantibodies and CRCI. Methods: The serum of 167 lung cancer patients (127 non-small cell lung cancer patients (NSCLC) and 40 small-cell lung cancer patients (SCLC)) was analyzed for the presence of neuronal autoantibodies using indirect immunofluorescence in cell-based assays and brain tissue sections. After exclusion of patients with potential confounders of cognitive performance (e.g. brain metastases, cranial irradiation), 97 patients were tested for cognitive deficits using a comprehensive neuropsychological test battery for all cognitive domains. Presence of CRCI was defined according to the International Cognition and Cancer Task Force (ICCTF) criteria. Results: Brain-directed autoantibodies were found in 60/167 (35.9%) of all lung cancer patients: 31/167 (18.6%) against known antigens and 29/167 (17.4%) against yet unknown antigens. Prevalence of antibodies against known antigens was significantly higher in SCLC patients than in NSCLC patients (30% vs. 15%,p=0.033), especially antibodies against intracellular antigens (25% vs. 3.1%,p<0.001). Of the neuropsychologically tested patients, 57.7% fulfilled the criteria for CRCI. Presence of neuronal autoantibodies was significantly correlated with cognitive impairment: CRCI was more frequent in SCLC patients with antibodies against intracellular antigens than in antibody-negative SCLC patients (100% vs. 46.2%,p=0.024). In addition, verbal memory deficits were more frequent in NSCLC patients with antibodies against the NMDA-receptor (subtype IgA) than in antibody-negative NSCLC patients (100% vs. 23.3%, p=0.002). Finally, CRCI was more frequent in lung cancer patients with antibodies against yet unknown neuronal antigens than in antibody-negative lung cancer patients (88.2% vs. 61.7%, p=0.039). Discussion: Neuronal autoantibodies can be detected in more than a third of lung cancer patients. Antibodies are significantly more prevalent in SCLC patients than in NSCLC patients. Detection of neuronal antibodies significantly correlates with cognitive impairment. These results indicate that neuronal autoantibodies could be an important pathomechanism in the development of CRCI. Their effect should be analyzed in longitudinal studies

    Breathing New Life Into Acute Respiratory Care : Proactively Improving Long-Term Outcomes

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    Acknowledgements: Writing assistance was provided by Rachel Danks, RSD Medical Communications Ltd, Gloucestershire, UK.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Forward Osmosis Bag: Ground Testing the Prospect of Using Alternative Water Sources for Drinking Water

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    On the STS-135 Space Shuttle mission, to be launched July 8, 2011, a forward osmosis bag (FOB) study will be conducted. At NASA Ames this summer, the ground truth testing is being conducted for results comparisons. The FOB technology is derived from a commercial product, the X-Pack water filter. Forward osmosis operates by utilizing an established concentration gradient across a semi-permeable membrane to move water molecules from one side of the membrane to the other. This concept is exploited to harvest drinking water from grey water sources such as urine, sea water, or vehicle water. In this experiment, potassium chloride (KCl) dissolved in water is used to simulate grey water. The KCl water is inserted into the FOB on one side of the membrane and highly concentrated sugar water is inserted on the other. The high concentration of sugar solutes creates a gradient that drives water molecules to pass through the membrane and enter the other side. The membrane properties prevent the solutes from diffusing, allowing only the water molecules to be harvested from the solution. The FOB efficiency is tested by use of a fluorescent dye marker in the sugar water side of the bag. The concentration of the dye decreases as more water diffuses across the membrane. The concentration of the dye is measured using a fluorometer and comparing intensity readings to intensity values of known concentrations. It is expected that the current system will retrieve 60% of the water from the grey water source. This concept could be used in space to provide drinking water in emergency situations

    A trace map on higher scissors congruence groups

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    Cut-and-paste KK-theory has recently emerged as an important variant of higher algebraic KK-theory. However, many of the powerful tools used to study classical higher algebraic KK-theory do not yet have analogues in the cut-and-paste setting. In particular, there does not yet exist a sensible notion of the Dennis trace for cut-and-paste KK-theory. In this paper we address the particular case of the KK-theory of polyhedra, also called scissors congruence KK-theory. We introduce an explicit, computable trace map from the higher scissors congruence groups to group homology, and use this trace to prove the existence of some nonzero classes in the higher scissors congruence groups. We also show that the KK-theory of polyhedra is a homotopy orbit spectrum. This fits into Thomason's general framework of KK-theory commuting with homotopy colimits, but we give a self-contained proof. We then use this result to re-interpret the trace map as a partial inverse to the map that commutes homotopy orbits with algebraic KK-theory.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figures. Revision of the paper previously entitled "A Farrell--Jones isomorphism for KK-theory of polyhedra.

    The Role of Oral Appliance Therapy in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: a review

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    There is now widespread recognition within the world of sleep medicine of the increasing importance of dental sleep medicine and, in particular, the role of oral appliance therapy (OAT) in the management of adults with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). For the purpose of this review, the term OAT refers to a custom-made intra-oral appliance, which acts to posture the mandible in a forward and downward direction, away from its natural resting position. Whilst nasally applied continuous positive airway pressure remains the “gold standard” in nonsurgical OSA management, OAT remains the recognised alternative treatment. This review of OAT aims to provide an evidence-based update on our current understanding of their mode of action, exploring the potential anatomical and physiological impact of their use in preventing collapse of the upper airway; the current clinical practice guidelines, including the recently published National Institute of Clinical Excellence 2021 guidance, in conjunction with the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine; optimal design features, comparing the role of custom-made versus noncustom OAT devices and the importance of titration in achieving a dose-dependent effect; patient predictors, preference and adherence to OAT; its impact on a range of both patient- and clinician-centred health outcomes, with a comparison with CPAP; the limitations and side-effects of providing OAT; and, finally, a look at future considerations to help optimise the delivery and outcomes of OAT
