171 research outputs found

    Examining the Lumbar Movement Pattern During Functional Activities in People With Low Back Pain

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    Low back pain (LBP) is a highly prevalent condition that is often characterized by persistent pain and limitations in the performance of daily functional activities. The repeated use of altered movement patterns during the performance of daily functional activities is proposed to contribute to the development and course of LBP. Specifically, in the case of LBP, the proposed alteration of movement is one in which the lumbar spine moves more readily than other joints that can contribute to the movement. This altered movement pattern is proposed to contribute to accumulation of localized tissue stress, micro- and macro-trauma of lumbar spine tissues and LBP symptoms. The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the lumbar movement pattern used during performance of functional activities in people with and people without LBP. In Chapter 2 we compared the lumbar movement pattern used during a standardized clinical test to the lumbar movement pattern used during the performance of a functional activity test in both back-healthy people and people with LBP. We found that the lumbar movement pattern used during the clinical test was significantly associated with the lumbar movement pattern used during the functional activity test. We also found that people with LBP and high levels of functional limitation demonstrated an altered lumbar movement pattern of greater lumbar excursion in the early phase of the test movement compared to BH people and people with LBP and low levels of functional limitation. Finally, we found that the amount of early-phase lumbar excursion was significantly associated with a person’s functional limitation. In Chapter 3 we examined the consistency of the lumbar movement pattern when aspects of the functional activity test were varied. We found that compared to back-healthy people and people with LBP and low levels of functional limitation, people with LBP and high levels of functional limitation consistently displayed an altered lumbar movement pattern of greater early-phase lumbar excursion across test conditions. In addition, we found that the amount of early-phase lumbar excursion was significantly associated with a person’s functional limitation. In Chapter 4, we examined the ability of people with LBP to modify their preferred lumbar movement pattern during a functional activity test, within a single session of motor skills training (MST). We also examined the effect of modifying the lumbar movement pattern on a person’s LBP symptoms, and the characteristics of people with LBP that influenced their ability to modify the lumbar movement pattern. We found that prior to training people with LBP displayed an altered movement pattern of greater early-phase lumbar excursion compared to back-healthy people. Following MST, we found that people with LBP were able to reduce significantly the amount of early-phase lumbar excursion during the performance of the functional activity. We also found that a significant number of participants with LBP reported decreased LBP symptoms during the functional activity following the MST. Additionally, we found that the amount of early-phase lumbar excursion in the preferred movement, and the duration of LBP were significant predictors of a person’s ability to modify the preferred lumbar movement pattern following MST. The results of this dissertation provide initial evidence (1) supporting the proposal that people with LBP adopt altered lumbar movement patterns during performance of functional activities, (2) that a person’s lumbar movement pattern is associated with functional limitation, (3) that people with LBP can modify the altered lumbar movement pattern, and (4) that modifying the lumbar movement pattern has an immediate effect of reducing symptoms during performance of a functional activity. Additional research is needed to examine whether the modified lumbar movement pattern is (1) retained, (2) transferred to additional functional activities, and (3) has an effect on a person’s functional limitation

    Research, Design, and Validation of a Normative Enterprise Architecture for Guiding End-to-End, Emergency Response Services

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide a synthesis and overview of a multipart research study involving the design, exploration, and validation of an enterprise architecture and framework. The methodology includes the use of two case studies and validation through a national conference. While the authors have reported on the elements of this research, only recently has its completion allowed for this synthesis and overview of the process and outcomes. A normative architecture, developed from comparative cases involving San Mateo County and Mayo Clinic Emergency Medical Services systems, provides a collection of characteristics that guides an emergency response system to operate as a high performance system. At a national symposium, academics and practitioners involved in promoting effective emergency response information systems provided validation for the architecture and next steps for enhancing emergency response information systems. Normative architecture characteristics and symposium findings are integrated into a framework that offers an enterprise approach for delivering time-critical emergency response services

    The Emotional Gifts of Expressive Arts Therapy

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    Autorica, hrvatsko-američka terapeutkinja ekspresivne umjetnosti koja podučava o traumi, kontekstualizira osobnu evoluciju kroz praksu koristeći znanstveni osobni narativ (SPN) kako bi čitatelje usmjerila na ekspresivnu art terapiju. Njen osobni narativ spominje iskustva povezivanja s korjenima svojih predaka kroz ekspresivne umjetnosti (folklor, tj. narodni ples) i provođenje vremena u Bosni i Hercegovini gdje je podučavala engleski jezik koristeći metode ekspresivnih umjetnosti. Autorica objašnjava kako je rano povezivanje s ekspresivnom umjetnošću i njezinom multimodalnom prirodom - uvođenjem različitih načina izražavanja, a ne samo jedne umjetničke forme – za nju značilo otvaranje prostora za rad s emocijama u vrijeme odrastanja u domu punom stresa i trauma. Narativ zaključuje tvrdnjama šireg konteksta o tome kako integracija ekspresivne umjetničke terapije u dobro uspostavljene kliničke modalitete za liječenje traume, poboljšava liječenje traume. Primjer ekspresivnog umjetničkog procesa koji je autorica koristila tijekom pandemije COVID-19 je također uključen.The author, a Croatian-American expressive arts therapist and trauma educator, uses the vehicle of the scholarly personal narrative (SPN) to orient readers to expressive arts therapy contextualized by her personal evolution through the practice. Her personal narrative references experiences of connecting with her ancestral ties through the expressive arts (i.e., folk dancing) and spending time in Bosnia-Hercegovina teaching English using expressive arts methods. The author explains how early connection to the expressive arts and its multi-modal nature — bringing in various avenues of expression, not just one art form —gave her an outlet for working with emotions while growing up in a home that was stressful and traumatic. The narrative concludes with broader conten-tions on how the integration of expressive arts therapy into well - established clinical modalities for healing trauma enhances trauma treatment. A sample expressive arts process used by the author during the COVID-19 pandemic is also provided


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    The analysis of the status of bank lending in the real sector is carried out.  The scope of credits for financing of subjects of the real economy are estimated. In order to determine the impact of bank lending on the state of the real economy, the relationship between the volume of loans provided by banks to the country's economy, assets of the banking industry and the main macroeconomic indicator - GDP have been established.The application of economic-mathematical modeling in the study of the banking sector's activity enabled the collection and streamlining of statistical information on the main parameters of the development of the banking system; using the least squares method, to construct a six-factor linear regression model of the influence of the factors of the banking system on GDP on a matrix basis;  the correlation between the indicators of the NBU discount rate, the exchange rate, inflation, return on assets and capital of the banking system, the interest rate on loans are investigated.It is determined that the lending  of the real economy sector in Ukraine needs a substantial rethinking in the direction of orientation of banking institutions to lends of priority activities in the national economy.The practical application of the calculations enables to increase the level of the National Bank's management in order to ensure the efficient functioning of both individual banking institutions and the banking system as a whole since the further growth of Ukraine depends on the stable development of the banking system, the possibility of entering the international financial markets and active participation in the globalization processes. A reliable and developed banking sector plays an extremely important role in stabilizing the country's economy.Проведен анализ банковского кредитования реального сектора. Оценены масштабы объемов кредитов для финансирования субъектов реальной экономики. С целью определения влияния банковского кредитования на состояние реальной экономики установлена зависимость между объемом кредитов, предоставленных банками в экономику страны, активами банковской отрасли и основным макроэкономическим показателем - ВВП. Проведен факторный анализ влияния банковского кредитования на состояние реального сектора экономики в условиях экономической нестабильности. Определено, что система кредитования реального сектора экономики в Украине требует существенного переосмысления в направлении ориентации банковских учреждений на первоочередное кредитование приоритетных в национальной экономике видов деятельности.Проведено аналіз стану банківського кредитування реального сектору. Оцінено масштаби обсягів кредитів для фінансування суб’єктів реальної економіки. З метою визначення впливу банківського кредитування на стан реальної економіки встановлено залежність між обсягом кредитів, наданими банками в економіку країни, активами банківської галузі та основним макроекономічним показником – ВВП.  Проведено факторний аналіз впливу кредитоутворюючих чинників на стан розвитку реального сектора економіки в умовах економічної нестабільності. Визначено, що система кредитування реального сектору економіки в Україні потребує суттєвого переосмислення в напрямі орієнтації банківських установ на першочергове кредитування пріоритетних у національній економіці видів діяльності

    Pengaruh Implementasi Media Prezi terhadap Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Pancasila di Kelas II SD

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini didasari pada temuan saat observasi awal di SD, khususnya di kelas II menunjukkan guru dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan masih menggunakan cara konvensional dan belum menggunakan media sebagai alat pembelajaran. Maka peserta didik kelas II ketika mengikuti pelajaran kurang tertarik dan hasilnya masih sangat rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat ada tidaknya pengaruh pemakaian media Prezi terhadap hasil belajar Pendidikan Pancasila Dan Kewarganegaraan materu Pancasila Dasar Negaraku di Kelas II SD. Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian eksperimen dengan metode quasi eksperimen desain penelitian one group pre-test and post-test design. Seluruh kelas II di SD berjumlah 26 siswa merupakan sampel dari penelitian ini. Data dikumpulkan melalui pemberian tes sebelum dan sesudah pemberian tindakan kepada peserta didik yang kemudian hasilnya dianalisis melalui uji prasyarat yang terdiri dari uji normalitas, uji homogenitas dan uji hipotesis yang terdiri dari uji t. Melalui analisi data melalui uji hipotesis diketahui bahwa terdapa pengaruh yang signifikan media Prezi terhadap hasil belajar Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan pada kelas II SD.Abstract: This research is based on findings from initial observations in elementary school, particularly in the second-grade class, which indicated that teachers in the teaching of Pancasila and Civics still use conventional methods and have not utilized media as a learning tool. As a result, second-grade students were less interested in the lessons, and their performance was still very low. The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of using Prezi media on the learning outcomes of Pancasila and Civics, specifically the Basic Principles of My State, in second-grade elementary school. This study is an experimental research with a quasi-experimental method using a one-group pre-test and post-test design. The entire second-grade class in the elementary school, totaling 26 students, is the sample of this research. Data were collected through tests administered before and after the intervention to the students, and the results were analyzed through prerequisite tests consisting of normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis test involving t-test. Through the analysis of hypothesis testing, it was found that there is a significant influence of Prezi media on the learning outcomes of Pancasila and Civics in the second-grade elementary school.

    Educating Social Scholars: Examining Novice Researchers’ Practices with Social Media

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    Recent articles in the educational research fi eld have called for a stronger research focus on students’ learning with everyday technologies in-and-out-of classrooms and on the changing nature of scholars’ practices in light of technological advancements. We present fi ndings from a mixed methods study of whether and how novice researchers understand and practice social scholarship – a concept currently being debated in various disciplines – which seeks to leverage social media affordances to create expanded sites for research collaboration, peer review, dissemination, and evaluation of research impact. We found that novice researchers focused almost exclusively on social scholarship of discovery and much less on interdisciplinary, teaching, or applied scholarship. Insights from this study will appeal to those interested in examining the theory and design of graduate student learning and faculty development

    Sequence organization and molecular cloning of mouse mammary tumor virus DNA endogenous to C57BL/6 mice.

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    The sequence organization of mouse mammary tumor virus DNA endogenous to the C57BL/6 inbred mouse strain was characterized by Southern blot analysis, utilizing probes specific for particular regions of the mouse mammary tumor virus provirus and by molecular cloning of endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus DNA. The genome of C57BL/6 mice contains three apparently intact, endogenous proviral units; two of these units comprise the Mtv-8 (unit II) and Mtv-9 (unit III) genetic loci that are also present in the DNA of BALB/c mice. The third unit is defined by EcoRI restriction fragments of 10.0 and 8.4 kilobases that contain the 5' and 3' portions of the provirus, respectively. This unit, termed unit XI and encoded by the genetic locus Mtv-17, has not been previously recognized in C57BL/6 DNA, but it can be clearly distinguished from the proviral units at Mtv-8 and Mtv-9 by Southern blot analysis under appropriate conditions. The proviral unit at Mtv-17 is not present in BALB/c DNA. DNAs comprising the entire Mtv-8 locus and the 3' portions of Mtv-9 and Mtv-17 were cloned. Analysis of the cloned DNA revealed no obvious deletions or rearrangements that would render proviral DNA defective; however, these endogenous genes are normally not transcriptionally active