19 research outputs found

    Lionel Robbins: a methodological reappraisal

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    Lionel Robbins´ contributions consider the delineation of the scope of Economics in terms of decision making conditional on scarcity and yet a methodological concern with respect to scientific neutrality. This paper attempts to situate Robbins aprioristic point of view in terms of posterior methodological developments as given by the methodology of scientific research programmes advanced by Lakatos (1968, 1970). The paper aims at clarifying the role of Robbins’s essay in shaping the dominant research programme in Economics, and contends that the author’s definition of economics is central to the main elements of the hard core of contemporary research programmes. Key words: Lionel Robbins; Scientific Research Programmes; Falsificationism. Classificação JEL: B4ENDEREÇO PARA ENVIO DE PUBLICAÇÃO: Marcelo Resende Instituto de Economia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Av. Pasteur 250, Urca, 22290-240, Rio de Janeiro-RJ Email: [email protected] Rodrigo M. Zeidan Fundação Dom Cabral and Nottingham University Business School Av. Princesa Diana 760, 34000-000, Nova Lima-MG, Brasil [email protected] Lionel Robbins´ contributions consider the delineation of the scope of Economics in terms of decision making conditional on scarcity and yet a methodological concern with respect to scientific neutrality. This paper attempts to situate Robbins aprioristic point of view in terms of posterior methodological developments as given by the methodology of scientific research programmes advanced by Lakatos (1968, 1970). The paper aims at clarifying the role of Robbins’s essay in shaping the dominant research programme in Economics, and contends that the author’s definition of Economics is central to the main elements of the hard core of contemporary research programmes. Key words: Lionel Robbins; scientific research programmes; falsificationism. TÍTULO EM PORTUGUÊS Lionel Robbins: uma reavaliação metodológica RESUMO As contribuições de Lionel Robbins consideram a definição do escopo da Economia em termos da tomada de decisão condicionada à escassez e ainda uma preocupação metodológica com respeito à neutralidade científica. O artigo procura situar o ponto de vista apriorístico de Robbins em termos de desenvolvimentos metodológicos posteriores, conforme a metodologia dos programas de pesquisa científicos avançada por Lakatos (1968, 1970). O artigo procura tornar mais claro o papel do ensaio de Robbins para delinear o programa de pesquisa dominante em Economia e argumenta que a definição de Economia daquele autor é central para os principais elementos do núcleo duro dos programas de pesquisa contemporâneos. Palavras-chave: Lionel Robbins; programas de pesquisa científicos; falsificacionismo. JEL Classification: B4. Artigo recebido em jun. 2011 e aceito para publicação em jun. 2013

    Spatial and temporal dynamics of the abundance of crustose calcareous algae on the southernmost coral reefs of the western Atlantic (Abrolhos Bank, Brazil)

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    Crustose calcareous algae (CCA) constitute one of the main reef builders on the Abrolhos Bank, Brazil. Once CCA taxonomy is locally understood, differences in growth-forms may be useful for the delimitation of taxa using characteristics such as the presence or absence of surface protuberances. Here, growth-forms were used to identify and quantify the most common CCA taxa on the shallow reefs (3-10 m) of the Abrolhos Bank to determine possible changes in the CCA community over a period of 10 years, and the ecological significance of CCA to local reefs was interpreted. The CCA assemblages were surveyed from 2006-2015 by using fixed photoquadrats at four sites in the inner (10-20 km from the mainland) and mid-shelf reefs (40-75 km from the mainland). The five most common CCA taxa were Pneophyllum conicum, the Lithophyllum kaiserii / Lithophyllum sp. complex, Melyvonnea erubescens, the Hydrolithon boergesenii / Porolithon onkodes complex and Peyssonelia sp. The overall mean CCA cover on the reefs was 20%. A comparison with a previous monitoring study in the same region indicated that the CCA cover nearly doubled from 2003-2008 to 2006-2015. This study reveals that the coral-killing species P. conicum dominated CCA flora on the shallow Abrolhos reefs in the last decade, and the local specific abundance of CCA slightly fluctuated over time and was species-and site-specific. The information obtained in this study contributes to the understanding of the ecology of the key calcifying components of the Abrolhos reefs and provides a useful baseline for exploring the responses of CCA to future environmental changes.PELDMudancas Climaticas scientific programmes of the Brazilian National Science Agency (CNPq)Brazilian IODP Program (CAPES/MEC)P&D Program ANP/BrasoilFAPERJDiretoria Pesquisa Cient, Inst Pesquisas, Jardim Bot Rio De Janeiro, Rua Pacheco Leao 915, BR-22460030 Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Inst Biol, BR-21941599 Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilUniv Fed Espirito Santo, Dept Oceanog, Ave Fernando Ferrari 514, BR-29090600 Vitoria, ES, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Inst Mar, Campus Baixada Santista, BR-11030400 Santos, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Paraiba, Ctr Ciencias Aplicadas & Educ, Campus 4 Litoral Norte, BR-58297000 Rio Tinto, PB, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Inst Mar, Campus Baixada Santista, BR-11030400 Santos, SP, BrazilANP/Brasoil: 48610.011015/2014-55Web of Scienc

    Categoria Profissionais 3° Lugar: Avaliação quantitativa do poder de mercado: uma aplicação ao oligopólio do cimento.

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    O trabalho mostra como a abordagem da Nova Organização Industrial Empírica (New Empirical Industrial Organization-NEIO) pode ser útil para capturar a dinâmica de um mercado, revelando importantes informações para decisões de políticas de defesa da concorrência. Para tanto, considerou-se uma formulação dinâmica de um modelo NEIO aplicado ao setor de cimento da região Sudeste brasileira. Os resultados mostraram-se satisfatórios, com todos os sinais dos coeficientes estando de acordo com a teoria econômica. Como esperado, foi encontrado poder de mercado não desprezível nesse mercado. Os resultados para os parâmetros que indicam a conduta média do mercado apontam para um maior poder de mercado de curto prazo em relação ao longo prazo. Esse resultado é compatível com o esperado na literatura econômica, dado que as empresas normalmente apresentam maior poder de mercado no curto prazo, com maior concorrência no longo prazo. A análise desenvolvida avançou em relação à literatura ao considerar a questão da estabilidade estrutural dos parâmetros. Assim, pode-se perceber que a análise da diferença quantitativa entre o comportamento de curto e de longo prazo permite mapear a dinâmica da indústria e sua conduta muito além de uma simples análise baseada no cálculo de índices de concentração.47 páginasOrçamento e FinançasISBN Impresso 85-61200-00-6Texto publicado no Prêmio SEAE de monografias em defesa da concorrência e regulação econômica - Monografias premiadas 200

    Acidification-induced cellular changes in Symbiodinium isolated from Mussismilia braziliensis.

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    Dinoflagellates from the Symbiodiniaceae family and corals have an ecologically important endosymbiotic relationship. Scleractinian corals cannot survive for long periods without their symbionts. These algae, also known as zooxanthellae, on the other hand, thrives outside the coral cells. The free-living populations of zooxanthellae are essential for the resilience of the coral to environmental stressors such as temperature anomalies and ocean acidification. Yet, little is known about how ocean acidification may affect the free-living zooxanthellae. In this study we aimed to test morphological, physiological and biochemical responses of zooxanthellae from the Symbiodinium genus isolated from the coral Mussismilia braziliensis, endemic to the Brazilian coast, to acidification led by increased atmospheric CO2. We tested whether photosynthetic yield, cell ultrastructure, cell density and lipid profile would change after up to 16 days of exposure to pH 7.5 in an atmospheric pCO2 of 1633 μatm. Photosynthetic yield and cell density were negatively affected and chloroplasts showed vesiculated thylakoids, indicating morphological damage. Moreover, Symbiodinium fatty acid profile drastically changed in acidified condition, showing lower polyunsaturated fatty acids and higher saturated fatty acids contents, when compared to the control, non-acidified condition. These results show that seawater acidification as an only stressor causes significant changes in the physiology, biochemistry and ultrastructure of free-living Symbiodinium

    Seawater carbonate chemistry and photosynthetic potential, cell density, lipid content of Symbiodinium

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    Dinoflagellates from the Symbiodiniaceae family and corals have an ecologically important endosymbiotic relationship. Scleractinian corals cannot survive for long periods without their symbionts. These algae, also known as zooxanthellae, on the other hand, thrives outside the coral cells. The free-living populations of zooxanthellae are essential for the resilience of the coral to environmental stressors such as temperature anomalies and ocean acidification. Yet, little is known about how ocean acidification may affect the free-living zooxanthellae. In this study we aimed to test morphological, physiological and biochemical responses of zooxanthellae from the Symbiodinium genus isolated from the coral Mussismilia braziliensis, endemic to the Brazilian coast, to acidification led by increased atmospheric CO2. We tested whether photosynthetic yield, cell ultrastructure, cell density and lipid profile would change after up to 16 days of exposure to pH 7.5 in an atmospheric pCO2 of 1633 μatm. Photosynthetic yield and cell density were negatively affected and chloroplasts showed vesiculated thylakoids, indicating morphological damage. Moreover, Symbiodinium fatty acid profile drastically changed in acidified condition, showing lower polyunsaturated fatty acids and higher saturated fatty acids contents, when compared to the control, non-acidified condition. These results show that seawater acidification as an only stressor causes significant changes in the physiology, biochemistry and ultrastructure of free-living Symbiodinium

    Short-term ecophysiological and biochemical responses of cystoseira tamariscifolia and Ellisolandia elongata to environmental changes

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    Short-term ecophysiological and biochemical responses of Cystoseira tamariscifolia and Ellisolandia elongata to changes in solar irradiance and nutrient levels were analyzed in situ in oligotrophic coastal waters by transferring macroalgae collected at 0.5 and 2.0 m depth and exposing them to 2 irradiance levels (100 and 70% of surface irradiance) and nutrient conditions (nutrient-enriched and non-enriched). Both species were affected by changes in irradiance and nutrient levels. Few interactive effects between these 2 physical stressors were found, suggesting major additive effects on both species. C. tamariscifolia collected at 0.5 m and exposed to 70% irradiance had the highest maximal electron transport rate (ETRmax), saturated irradiance (EkETR) and chl a content and the lowest antioxidant activity. Under the same conditions, E. elongata had increased EkETR, antheraxanthin and β-carotene content. At 100% irradiance, C. tamariscifolia collected at 2.0 m had higher maximal quantum yield (Fv/Fm), photosynthetic efficiency (αETR), ETRmax, maximal non-photochemical quenching (NPQmax), saturation irradiance for NPQ (EkNPQ), and antheraxanthin and polyphenol content increased, whereas in E. elongata only αETR increased. In nutrient-enriched conditions, phenolic compounds, several carotenoids and N content increased in C. tamariscifolia at both depths. E. elongata from 2.0 m depth at 100% irradiance and nutrient-enriched conditions showed increased N content and total mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs). Our results show rapid photophysiological responses of C. tamariscifolia to variations in in situ irradiance and nutrient conditions, suggesting efficient photoacclimation to environmental changes. In E. elongata, Fv/Fm and ETRmax did not change in the transplant experiment; in contrast, N content, pigment and MAAs (biochemical variables) changed. The responses of these macroalgae to nutrient enrichment indicate oligotrophic conditions at the study site and environmental stress

    A novel in situ system to evaluate the effect of high CO2 on photosynthesis and biochemistry of seaweeds

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    Previous studies of the impact of increased CO2 on macroalgae have mainly been done in laboratories or mesocosm systems, placing organisms under both artificial light and seawater conditions. In this study, macroalgae were incubated in situ in UV-transparent cylinders under conditions similar to the external environment. This system was tested in a short-term study (5.5 h incubation) on the effect of 2 partial pressures of CO2 (pCO2): air (ambient CO2) and the pCO2 predicted by the end of the 21st century (700 μatm, high CO2), on photosynthesis, photosynthetic pigments and photoprotection in calcifying (Ellisolandia elongata and Padina pavonica) and non-calcifying (Cystoseira tamariscifolia) macroalgae. The calcifying P. pavonica showed higher net photosynthesis under high CO2 than under ambient CO2 conditions, whereas the opposite occurred in C. tamariscifolia. Both brown algae (P. pavonica and C. tamariscifolia) showed activation of non-photochemical quenching mechanisms under high CO2 conditions. However, in P. pavonica the phenol content was reduced after CO2 enrichment. In contrast to phenols, in E. elongata other photoprotectors such as zeaxanthin and palythine (mycosporine-like amino acid) tended to increase in the high CO2 treatment. The different responses of these species to elevated pCO2 may be due to anatomical and physiological differences and could represent a shift in their relative dominance as key species in the face of ocean acidification (OA). More in situ studies could be carried out to evaluate how macroalgae will respond to increases in pCO2 in a future OA scenario. The in situ incubator system proposed in this work may contribute towards increasing this knowledge

    Carbonate Production by Benthic Communities on Shallow Coralgal Reefs of Abrolhos Bank, Brazil

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    <div><p>The abundance of reef builders, non-builders and the calcium carbonate produced by communities established in Calcification Accretion Units (CAUs) were determined in three Abrolhos Bank shallow reefs during the period from 2012 to 2014. In addition, the seawater temperature, the irradiance, and the amount and composition of the sediments were determined. The inner and outer reef arcs were compared. CAUs located on the inner reef shelf were under the influence of terrigenous sediments. On the outer reefs, the sediments were composed primarily of marine biogenic carbonates. The mean carbonate production in shallow reefs of Abrolhos was 579 ± 98 g m<sup>-2</sup> y<sup>-1</sup>. The builder community was dominated by crustose coralline algae, while the non-builder community was dominated by turf. A marine heat wave was detected during the summer of 2013–2014, and the number of consecutive days with a temperature above or below the summer mean was positively correlated with the turf cover increase. The mean carbonate production of the shallow reefs of Abrolhos Bank was greater than the estimated carbonate production measured for artificial structures on several other shallow reefs of the world. The calcimass was higher than the non-calcareous mass, suggesting that the Abrolhos reefs are still in a positive carbonate production balance. Given that marine heat waves produce an increase of turf cover on the shallow reefs of the Abrolhos, a decrease in the cover represented by reef builders and shifting carbonate production are expected in the near future.</p></div