14 research outputs found

    Progress in grassland cover conservation in southern European mountains by 2020: a transboundary assessment in the Iberian Peninsula with satellite observations (2002–2019)

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    Conservation and policy agendas, such as the European Biodiversity strategy, Aichi biodiversity (target 5) and Common Agriculture Policy (CAP), are overlooking the progress made in mountain grassland cover conservation by 2020, which has significant socio-ecological implications to Europe. However, because the existing data near 2020 is scarce, the shifting character of mountain grasslands remains poorly characterized, and even less is known about the conservation outcomes because of different governance regimes and map uncertainty. Our study used Landsat satellite imagery over a transboundary mountain region in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula (Peneda-Gerês) to shed light on these aspects. Supervised classifications with a multiple classifier ensemble approach (MCE) were performed, with post classification comparison of maps established and bias-corrected to identify the trajectory in grassland cover, including protected and unprotected governance regimes. By analysing class-allocation (Shannon entropy), creating 95% confidence intervals for the area estimates, and evaluating the class-allocation thematic accuracy relationship, we characterized uncertainty in the findings. The bias-corrected estimates suggest that the positive progress claimed internationally by 2020 was not achieved. Our null hypothesis to declare a positive progress (at least equality in the proportion of grassland cover of 2019 and 2002) was rejected (X2 = 1972.1, df = 1, p p = 0.0001, n = 708) suggesting a relationship between the quality of pixel assignment and thematic accuracy. We therefore encourage a post-2020 conservation and policy action to safeguard mountain grasslands by enhancing the role of protected governance regimes. To reduce uncertainty, grassland gain mapping requires additional remote sensing research to find the most adequate spatial and temporal data resolution to retrieve this process.This work was supported by the Portuguese FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Teconologia in the framework of the ATM Junior researcher contract DL57/2016/CP1442/CP0005 and funding attributed to CEG-IGOT Research Unit (UIDB/00295/2020 and UIDP/00295/2020). Claudia Carvalho-Santos is supported by the “Contrato-Programa” UIDP/04050/2020 funded by FCT. We also acknowledge ECOPOTENTIAL (Improving Future Ecosystem Benefits Through Earth Observations)— European framework programme H2020 for research and innovation- grant agreement Nº 641762

    Carbon dioxide fluxes in Alpine grasslands at the Nivolet Plain, Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy 2017–2023

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    The version of record of this article, first published in [Scientific Data], is available online at Publisher’s website: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41597-024-03374-1We introduce a georeferenced dataset of Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE), Ecosystem Respiration (ER) and meteo-climatic variables (air and soil temperature, air relative humidity, soil volumetric water content, pressure, and solar irradiance) collected at the Nivolet Plain in Gran Paradiso National Park (GPNP), western Italian Alps, from 2017 to 2023. NEE and ER are derived by measuring the temporal variation of CO2 concentration obtained by the enclosed chamber method. We used a customised portable non-steady-state dynamic flux chamber, paired with an InfraRed Gas Analyser (IRGA) and a portable weather station, measuring CO2 fluxes at a number of points (around 20 per site and per day) within five different sites during the snow-free season (June to October). Sites are located within the same hydrological basin and have different geological substrates: carbonate rocks (site CARB), gneiss (GNE), glacial deposits (GLA, EC), alluvial sediments (AL). This dataset provides relevant and often missing information on high-altitude mountain ecosystems and enables new comparisons with other similar sites, modelling developments and validation of remote sensing data.This work was funded by the H2020 projects ECOPOTENTIAL (grant number: 641762), e-shape (grant number: 820852), eLTER PLUS (grant number: 871128), by the Italian National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC), National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP; mission 4, component 2, investment 1.4 of the Ministry of University and Research, funded by the European Union–NextGenerationEU; project code CN00000033), and by the ITINERIS NRRP Italian infrastructure project (project code No. IR0000032 - ESFRI Environment)

    Spatial and temporal variability of carbon dioxide fluxes in the Alpine Critical Zone: The case of the Nivolet Plain, Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy.

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    The dynamics of carbon dioxide fluxes in the high-altitude Alpine Critical Zone is only partially understood. The complex geomorphology induces significant spatial heterogeneity, and a strong interannual variability is present in the often-extreme climatic and environmental conditions of Alpine ecosystems. To explore the relative importance of the spatial and temporal variability of CO2 fluxes, we analysed a set of in-situ measurements obtained during the summers from 2018 to 2021 in four sampling plots, characterised by soils with different underlying bedrock within the same watershed in the Nivolet plain, in the Gran Paradiso National Park, western Italian Alps. Multi-regression models of CO2 emission and uptake were built using measured meteo-climatic and environmental variables considering either individual years (aggregating over plots) or individual plots (aggregating over years). We observed a significant variability of the model parameters across the different years, while such variability was much smaller across different plots. Significant changes between the different years mainly concerned the temperature dependence of respiration (CO2 emission) and the light dependence of photosynthesis (CO2 uptake). These results suggest that spatial upscaling can be obtained from site measurements, but long-term flux monitoring is required to properly capture the temporal variability at interannual scales

    Remote sensing of vegetation and soil moisture content in Atlantic humid mountains with Sentinel-1 and 2 satellite sensor data

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    The satellite monitoring of vegetation moisture content (VMC) and soil moisture content (SMC) in Southern European Atlantic mountains remains poorly understood but is a fundamental tool to better manage landscape moisture dynamics under climate change. In the Atlantic humid mountains of Portugal, we investigated an empirical model incorporating satellite (Sentinel-1 radar, S1; Sentinel-2 optical, S2) and ancillary predictors (topography and vegetation cover type) to monitor VMC (%) and SMC (%). Predictors derived from the S1 (VV, HH and VV/HH) and S2 (NDVI and NDMI) are compared to field measurements of VMC (n = 48) and SMC (n = 48) obtained during the early, mid and end of summer. Linear regression modelling was applied to uncover the feasibility of a landscape model for VMC and SMC, the role of vegetation type models (i.e. native forest, grasslands and shrubland) to enhance predictive capacity and the seasonal variation in the relationships between satellite predictors and VMC and SMC. Results revealed a significant but weak relationship between VMC and predictors at landscape level (R2 = 0.30, RMSEcv = 69.9 %) with S2_NDMI and vegetation cover type being the only significant predictors. The relationship improves in vegetation type models for grasslands (R2 = 0.35, RMSEcv = 95.0 % with S2_NDVI) and shrublands conditions (R2 = 0.52, RMSEcv = 45.3 %). A model incorporating S2_NDVI and S1_VV explained 52 % of the variation in VMC in shrublands. The relationship between SMC and satellite predictors at the landscape level was also weak, with only the S2_NDMI and vegetation cover type exhibiting a significant relationship (R2 = 0.28, RMSEcv = 18.9 %). Vegetation type models found significant associations with SMC only in shrublands (R2 = 0.31, RMSEcv = 9.03 %) based on the S2_NDMI and S1_VV/VH ratio. The seasonal analysis revealed however that predictors associated to VMC and SMC may vary over the summer. The relationships with VMC were stronger in the early summer (R2 = 0.31, RMSEcv = 90.1 %; based on S2_NDMI) and mid (R2 = 0.37, RMSEcv = 70.8 %; based on S2_NDVI), butnon-significant in the end of summer. Similar pattern was found for SMC, where the link with predictors decreases from the early summer (R2 = 0.33, RMSEcv = 16.0 %; based on S1_VH) and mid summer (R2 = 0.30, RMSEcv = 17.8 %; based on S2_NDMI) to the end of summer (non-significant). Overall, the hypothesis of a universal landscape model for VMC and SMC was not fully supported. Vegetation type models showed promise, particularly for VMC in shrubland conditions. Sentinel optical and radar data were the most significant predictors in all models, despite the inclusion of ancillary predictors. S2_NDVI, S2_NDMI, S1_VV and S1_VV/VH ratio were the most relevant predictors for VMC and, to a lesser extent, SMC. Future research should quantify misregistration effects using plot vs. moving window values for the satellite predictors, consider meteorological control factors, and enhance sampling to overcome a main limitation of our study, small sample size.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modelling Multi-Year Carbon Fluxes in the Arctic Critical Zone (Spitzbergen, NO)

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    <p>Presentation given at the Svalbard Science Conference 2023 (SSC23) that took place in Oslo, Norway on October 31st-November 01st, 2023. </p><p>Vegetation and soil regulate the terrestrial carbon cycle and contribute to the atmospheric CO2 concentration and Earth climate. The Arctic soil plays a major role in this cycle as the extension of permafrost areas is around 25% of the land in the Northern hemisphere and it is estimated that permafrost stores 2-3 times the atmospheric carbon. In the Holocene, the tundra has acted as a carbon sink, but it is not clear if the fast Arctic climate change will turn it into a carbon source. Yet, data regarding Arctic carbon fluxes are scarce and modelling of their fate is affected by large uncertainties. </p><p>With the aim of investigating the tundra carbon fluxes dynamics on the high Arctic, CNR established the Bayelva Critical Zone Observatory at the Ny Ă…lesund research station in Svalbard since 2019, equipped with an Eddy Covariance tower and portable flux chambers for the measurement of Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) and of Ecosystem Respiration (ER) variability at the point scale, making it possible to build empirical models that correlate such variables to climate and environmental parameters such as temperature, irradiance, moisture and phenology. A first model, published in 2022, identified temperature, solar irradiance, soil moisture and green fractional cover as drivers. Further measurements done in 2021 and 2022 adding further sites in the Bayelva basin, allowed us to enlarge the scale of application of the model. A further step will be the use of the high-resolution satellite data of the VENmS mission (4 meters, 1 day revisit time) to extend the modelling of GPP over the entire Broegger peninsula, facilitating the spatial upscaling of measured fluxes,identifying the main variables to be used in general vegetation models and allowing future projections of carbon fluxes under different climate change scenarios in the high Arctic tundra.</p&gt

    DataSheet1_Non-steady-state closed dynamic chamber to measure soil CO2 respiration: A protocol to reduce uncertainty.pdf

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    Non-steady-state closed dynamic accumulation chambers are widely used to measure the respiration of terrestrial ecosystems, thanks to their low cost, low energy consumption and simple transportability, that allow measurements even in hostile and remote environments. However, the assessment of the accuracy and precision associated with the measurement system (independently of possible disturbances due to chamber-soil interactions) is rarely reported. This information is instead necessary for basic quality control, to compare data obtained by different devices and regression models and to provide Confidence Intervals (CIs) on the carbon flux values. This study quantifies the uncertainty associated with emission flux measurements, with a focus on very low fluxes. Calibration tests using different accumulation chambers and CO2 sensors were performed, and fluxes were calculated by means of different models (parametric, non-parametric and flux models). The results of this work show that the linear regression model has the best reproducibility when compared to the other tested models, regardless of the sensor used and the chamber volumes, while the second order polynomial regression has the best accuracy. We remark the importance of building a calibration curve in the range of the expected flux values, with an interval between the lowest and highest imposed flux that should not exceed two orders of magnitude. To evaluate the reproducibility of the measurement, performing replicates for each imposed flux value is essential. We also show that it is necessary to carefully identify the best time interval for interpolating the CO2 concentration curve in order to guarantee reproducibility and accuracy in flux estimates.</p

    Table1_Non-steady-state closed dynamic chamber to measure soil CO2 respiration: A protocol to reduce uncertainty.XLSX

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    Non-steady-state closed dynamic accumulation chambers are widely used to measure the respiration of terrestrial ecosystems, thanks to their low cost, low energy consumption and simple transportability, that allow measurements even in hostile and remote environments. However, the assessment of the accuracy and precision associated with the measurement system (independently of possible disturbances due to chamber-soil interactions) is rarely reported. This information is instead necessary for basic quality control, to compare data obtained by different devices and regression models and to provide Confidence Intervals (CIs) on the carbon flux values. This study quantifies the uncertainty associated with emission flux measurements, with a focus on very low fluxes. Calibration tests using different accumulation chambers and CO2 sensors were performed, and fluxes were calculated by means of different models (parametric, non-parametric and flux models). The results of this work show that the linear regression model has the best reproducibility when compared to the other tested models, regardless of the sensor used and the chamber volumes, while the second order polynomial regression has the best accuracy. We remark the importance of building a calibration curve in the range of the expected flux values, with an interval between the lowest and highest imposed flux that should not exceed two orders of magnitude. To evaluate the reproducibility of the measurement, performing replicates for each imposed flux value is essential. We also show that it is necessary to carefully identify the best time interval for interpolating the CO2 concentration curve in order to guarantee reproducibility and accuracy in flux estimates.</p