68 research outputs found

    The bicentennial of a forgotten giant: Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729–1799)

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    Learning from yeasts: intracellular sensing of stress conditions

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    One intriguing challenge in modern biology is to understand how cells respond to, and distinguish between different stressing stimuli. Evidence accumulated in recent years indicates that a network of signaling pathways extends from the plasma membrane to the very core of the cell nucleus to transduce environmental changes into a graded transcriptional response. Although many steps still remain unclear, studies on the stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK) pathways and related mechanisms provide insight into the biochemistry that regulates signal transmission and leads to outcomes such as cell adaptation and differentiation. This review focuses on selected topics of current interest related to the sensing of stress signals in cells of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Because signaling pathways appear to be evolutionarily well conserved, yeasts may be useful models to learn how higher eukaryotes sense and respond to stresses at the cellular level

    Light-induced rhythmic changes in thermotolerance in stationary-phase cells of Candida utilis

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    In synchronized light-dark cycles, stationary-phase cultures of the budding yeast Candida utilis were able to survive heat treatment at 50ºC with an apparent circadian-like rhythm related to the onset of light. However, in continuous darkness this pattern did not run freely and was markedly dampened. We discuss these findings in terms of the potential circadian control of heat tolerance, which has been described in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Our results suggest that the resistance pattern observed in C. utilis is most likely an adaptive response to the light-induced generation of reactive oxygen species rather than the occurrence of a truly endogenous circadian rhythm. [Int Microbiol 2006; 9(1):61-64

    El aprendizaje cooperativo aplicado a la docencia de microbiología

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    [SPA] Las técnicas de aprendizaje cooperativo constituyen una metodología docente que ofrece pautas a seguir para el diseño de programas centrados en el aprendizaje. Además, permite que los verdaderos protagonistas de la actividad docente sean los alumnos organizados en pequeños grupos. Este modelo de aprendizaje plantea una propuesta de trabajo alternativa en el aula universitaria. En este trabajo describimos la aplicación de una técnica específica de aprendizaje cooperativo denominada Puzzle a la docencia, principalmente práctica, de Microbiología en el nuevo Grado de Biología de la Universidad de Murcia (UMU). Esta técnica es especialmente útil cuando los contenidos de la materia son susceptibles de ser fragmentados en diferentes partes, tantas como componentes del grupo, como si fuesen piezas de un rompecabezas. Este ensayo metodológico pone de manifiesto que la cooperación (97% de los alumnos obtienen una puntuación igual o superior a 5) ha sido más productiva que el aprendizaje individualista (79% de los alumnos obtienen una puntuación igual o superior a 5). En vista del éxito obtenido nos planteamos hacer extensible esta metodología a algunos apartados específicos del programa teórico de la asignatura.[ENG] The cooperative learning is an educational methodology that offers a few guidelines to establish the design of programs centered on the learning procedure. In addition, this technique highlights that the students become the real protagonists of the educational activity organized in small groups. This model of learning raises an alternative proposal for the classroom in the university. We describe here the application of a specific technique of cooperative learning, the Jigsaw Classroom (Aronson, 1978), to a practical Microbiology course in the new Degree of Biology of the University of Murcia (UMU). The jigsaw method is specially useful when the contents of the matter offer the possibility of being fragmented in different parts, as many as the components of the group. The application of this methodological test reveals that the cooperation (97% of the students obtained a punctuation equal to/or above 5) results more productive than the individualistic learning (79% of the students obtained a punctuation equal to/or above 5). In view of the success obtained we are considering to extend this methodology to some specific parts of the theoretical program of the Microbiology course.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murcia

    Ansiedad entre cuidadores de pacientes con Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica tras el alta hospitalaria

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    Objective: To identify the factors that influence changes in caregivers anxiety status three months after discharge for acute exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).Methodology: Longitudinal study. Participants included 87 caregivers of patients hospitalized for acute exacerbation of COPD. Anxiety was measured at the time of hospitalization and three months after discharge. We measured factors from four domains: context of care, caregiving demands, caregiver resources, and patient characteristics. We used multiple univariate and multivariate logistic regressions to determine changes in anxiety three months later. Univariate and multivariate multiple logistic regressions were used to determine changes in anxiety three months later.Results: A total of 57.5% of caregivers reported anxiety at the time of hospitalization. Of these, 44% had a remission of their anxiety three months after discharge. However, 22% of caregivers who had not experienced anxiety at the hospitalization became anxious at 3 months. The severity of COPD and not receiving help from another caregiver decreased the likelihood of remission of anxiety. Moderately high overload increases the likelihood of experiencing anxiety symptoms.Conclusions: The perception of anxious symptoms is dynamic. Caregivers are likely to recover from anxiety when they receive help from another caregiver and if the patient they are caring for does not have severe COPD.Objetivo: Identificar los factores que influyen en cambios en la ansiedad de los cuidadores tres meses después del alta hospitalaria por exacerbación aguda de la Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC).  Metodología: Estudio longitudinal. Participaron 87 cuidadores de pacientes hospitalizados por exacerbación aguda de EPOC. Se midió la ansiedad en el momento de la hospitalización y tres meses después del alta. Además, se midieron potenciales factores asociados a su cambio en cuatro dominios: Contexto del cuidado, demandas del cuidado, recursos y características del paciente. Utilizamos regresiones logísticas múltiples univariadas y multivariadas para determinar los cambios en la ansiedad tres meses después. Resultados: Presentaron ansiedad en el momento de la hospitalización el 57,5% de los cuidadores. De ellos, el 44% había remitido su ansiedad tres meses después del alta hospitalaria. Sin embargo, el 22% de los cuidadores quienes no habían presentado ansiedad en el momento de la hospitalización se mostraron ansiosos a los 3 meses. La gravedad de la EPOC y no recibir apoyo de otro cuidador disminuyó las probabilidades de remisión de la ansiedad. La sobrecarga moderadamente alta incrementa las probabilidades de presentar  nuevos síntomas de ansiedad. Conclusiones: La percepción de los síntomas de la ansiedad es dinámica. Los cuidadores pueden recuperarse si reciben ayuda de otro cuidador o si el paciente al que cuidan no está en un estado severo de EPOC

    Carga microbiológica del aire interior en una universidad española (Universidad de Murcia, España)

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    The control of indoor air is related to the guarantee of quality for in- ternal environments. The air of representative areas within the Fac- ulty of Biology of the University of Murcia (Spain) was analyzed to determine the level of microbial types most frequently found in suspension. Samples were collected by an impaction method and viable counts (bacteria and fungi) determined both in absence or presence of human activities to evaluate the human contribution to the microbial contamination. Also, a comparison between indoor and outdoor microbial population densities showed that the bacterial concentration was higher inside than in the outside. Most bacteria identified were gram-positive cocci belonging to Micrococcus, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus species, whereas Cladosporium was the predominant genus isolated among fungi. The microbi- al concentration of indoor air was within a range which indicates a low-intermediate level of contamination according to the guidelines established in 1993 by the European Community Commission.El control del aire es parte de la garantía de calidad de ambientes interiores. Se ha realizado un análisis microbiológico del aire en zonas de la Facultad de Biología de la Universidad de Murcia (España) determinando niveles y tipos de microorganismos en suspensión. Las muestras se recogieron por un método de impacto, analizando viables (bacterias y hongos) en presencia o ausencia de personal para valorar la contaminación que introduce la actividad humana. Además, la comparación de la densidad microbiana del interior con la del aire exterior indicó una concentración bacteriana más elevada en el interior. La mayoría de bacterias identificadas fueron cocos gram-positivos de los géneros Micrococcus, Staphylococcus y Streptococcus. Entre los hongos, el aislado más frecuente fue Cladosporium. Los resultados revelan una concentración microbiana aérea que corresponde a un nivel de contaminación bajo-intermedio según las pautas establecidas por la Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas en 1993

    Determinants of cue-elicited alcohol craving and perceived realism in Virtual Reality environments among patients with alcohol use disorder

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    The identification of variables that can modulate the efficacy of cue exposure using virtual reality (VR) is crucial. This study aimed to explore determinant variables of cue-elicited alcohol craving and perceived realism (PR) of environments and alcoholic beverages during a VR cue-exposure session among alcohol use disorder (AUD) outpatients. A prospective cohort study was conducted amongst 72 outpatients with AUD from a clinical setting. Alcohol craving experienced during VR exposure and PR of virtual environments and alcoholic drinks were evaluated after a VR session of exposure to alcohol-related contexts and cues. Sociodemographic, psychological and consumption characteristics were examined as possible predicting variables. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that the AUD severity and PR of beverages were predictors of cue-elicited alcohol craving. Educational level, PR of beverages and age were predictors of the PR of VR environments. In relation to the PR of VR beverages, cue-elicited alcohol craving and the PR of environments were predictors. A simple mediational model was also performed to analyze the influence of the PR of beverages on the relationship between the AUD severity and alcohol craving experienced during VR exposure: an indirect or mediational effect was found. PR of alcoholic beverages was (1) a key predictor of the PR of VR environments (and vice versa) and the alcohol craving (and vice versa) experienced during VR cue-exposure sessions using ALCO-VR software among AUD patients and (2) a mediator between AUD severity and cue-elicited alcohol craving

    Organizations should know their people: a behavioral economics approach

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    Public and private organizations are increasingly applying behavioral economics methods to a variety of issues such as mechanism design and incentive architecture. However, there has been little focus on how experimental tools used in behavioral economics can help companies learn more about their (current or prospective) workforce and, more specifically, about their employees’ tastes and inclinations. This has important implications for broader organizational performance since some designs/incentives are likely to affect only individuals with a particular disposition (e.g. risk averse or fairness oriented) but not others, or can even have opposite effects on individuals with different sets of preferences. In this commentary, we point out a number of promising avenues for the application of a behavioral economics lens to understand and manage people within organizations. A comprehensive case study is also provided

    Attentional bias, alcohol craving, and anxiety implications of the virtual reality cue-exposure therapy in severe alcohol use disorder: a case report

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    Aims: Attentional bias (AB), alcohol craving, and anxiety have important implications in the development and maintenance of alcohol use disorder (AUD). The current study aims to test the effectiveness of a Virtual Reality Cue-Exposure Therapy (VR-CET) to reduce levels of alcohol craving and anxiety and prompt changes in AB toward alcohol content. Method: A 49-year-old male participated in this study, diagnosed with severe AUD, who also used tobacco and illicit substances on an occasional basis and who made several failed attempts to cease substance misuse. The protocol consisted of six VR-CET booster sessions and two assessment sessions (pre- and post-VR-CET) over the course of 5 weeks. The VR-CET program consisted of booster therapy sessions based on virtual reality (VR) exposure to preferred alcohol-related cues and contexts. The initial and final assessment sessions were focused on exploring AB, alcohol craving, and anxiety using paper-and-pencil instruments and the eye-tracking (ET) and VR technologies at different time points. Results: Pre and post assessment sessions indicated falls on the scores of all instruments assessing alcohol craving, anxiety, and AB. Conclusions: This case report, part of a larger project, demonstrates the effectiveness of the VR-CET booster sessions in AUD. In the post-treatment measurements, a variety of instruments showed a change in the AB pattern and an improvement in craving and anxiety responses. As a result of the systematic desensitization, virtual exposure gradually reduced the responses to significant alcohol-related cues and contexts. The implications for AB, anxiety and craving are discussed
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