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    As tecnologias de informação e comunicação na educação : diagnósticos, reflexões e uma experiência com o e-mail numa escola de 3º ciclo

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    Tese de doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (Tecnologia Educativa) apresentada à Fac. de Psicologia e Ciências da educação de CoimbraO presente trabalho é uma investigação – reflexão – acção que partiu dos dados de dois estudos de âmbito nacional sobre a utilização das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) por professores e alunos dos ensinos básico e secundário em Portugal. A análise desses dados aponta para sentimentos híbridos, entusiasmo e eficácia, por um lado, e por outro, constrangimentos e realização aquém do esperado na utilização das TIC, especialmente pelos professores portugueses. Tendo assim como ponto de partida um diagnóstico horizontal e generalista partimos para uma investigação vertical e local, que envolveu três turmas do 3º ciclo do ensino básico de uma escola do perímetro urbano de Coimbra. Foram experimentadas com alguma intensidade, durante dois anos, estratégias conducentes a uma maior utilização das TIC na comunidade escolar, particularmente com alunos, encarregados de educação e professores (em particular o Director de Turma). Do ponto de vista da tecnologia digital utilizada os desafios não foram muito sofisticados, pois usámos principalmente o e-mail, através de uma plataforma, disponível na Internet, de natureza fechada, mas configurada para o efeito. O Projecto tomou o nome de “E-mail na Comunidade Escolar”, EmailCE. Tentámos apurar os principais obstáculos, as vantagens e os problemas pedagógicos associados a uma utilização das TIC mais diversificada e intensa na turma e respectivo meio. O projecto não seguiu uma linha recta pois alguns imponderáveis e reacções específicas (ou falta de reacções…) dos agentes participantes levaram-nos a sucessivas modificações da estratégia de investigação-acção que começaram desde logo com o momento da realização do projecto e com a forma minimalista de participação dos professores, que se resumiu quase ao Director de Turma. Em pano de fundo, existiu a pretensão de desenhar estratégias incentivadoras de um uso efectivo e “afectivo” das tecnologias, capaz de promover recursos de inteligência emocional e práticas de “negociação”, na perspectiva de Thomas Gordon. A este nível verificaram-se muitas dificuldades. O sistema escola-professores-pais revelou-se difícil e algo reactivo à inovação, confirmando-se as ideias da complexidade deste tipo de processos. Em particular, revelou-se importante um pensamento sistémico, muito atento ao todo, mais do que às partes, como desenvolve Peter Senge, autor central na sustentação teórica deste trabalho. Os resultados foram minimamente encorajadores. Inovar, usando as modernas tecnologias, não é um processo simples, muito menos na educação. Revelou-se um exercício contínuo repleto de subjectividades individuais e sociais. A tecnologia pode ser elemento alavancador do progresso educativo, mas não é central, nem é o fulcro da reactividade do sistema. Talvez a variável tempo se tenha revelado uma das mais importantes, apontando para uma conclusão simultaneamente modesta e prospectiva: para inovar com as TIC de forma sustentada, na educação, será preciso ousadia, criatividade, insistência, novidade mas, talvez e principalmente, muita paciência!This work is a research – reflection – starts in the data from two national studies on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by teachers and students in basic and secondary schools in Portugal. The data analysis indicates on one hand enthusiastic and efficient feelings, but on the other hand constraints and execution below the expected level of ICT use, especially by Portuguese teachers. Having a horizontal and generalist diagnostic as a starting point we set out to a vertical and local research that involved three classes from the 3rd cycle of basic education in a school placed in the urban boundary of Coimbra. Strategies contributing to a greater use of ICT in the school community were intensively experimented, especially with students, parents and teachers (particularly the class tutor). From the point of view of the technology the challenges were not very sophisticated, as we have mainly used the e-mail, through a closed platform, available in the Internet, and appropriately configured. The project got the name “EmailCE” (EmailSC – Email on the School Community). We tried to find out what are the main obstacles, the advantages and the pedagogical problems associated to a more available, diversified and intense use of the ICT in the group as well as in its environment. The project was not straightforward as some unpredictable and specific reactions (or not reactions…) of the participant agents led us to consecutive changes in the research-action strategy that started immediately not only with the moment of project implementation but also with a more minimal teachers’ participation (almost only the class tutor). As a background, we intended to design stimulating strategies of an efficient and “affective” use of technologies, able to promote more emotional intelligence resources and “negotiating” practices, in Gordon’s perspective. At this level some difficulties were felt. The school – teachers – parents system was difficult and reactive to innovation, confirming the ideas of complexity of all these processes and, in particular, the importance of a systemic thought, very attentive to the whole rather than to the parts, as Peter Senge, an author whose ideas are central to this work, developed. Results were encouraging enough. Innovate using new technologies is not a simple process, especially in education. It was a continuous exercise full of individual and social subjectivities. Technology may be a lever element in educational progress, but it is not central, it is not the hinge of the system’s reactivity. Perhaps the time variable became the most important, pointing out to a conclusion simultaneously modest and prospective: it is necessary to be assertive, creative, persistent, but, most important of all, be very patient to innovate in educational ICT in a sustained way.Ce travail est une recherche - réflexion - action qui a commencé à partir de deux études nationales sur l'utilisation des Technologies d'Information et Communication (TIC) par professeurs et étudiants, dans les écoles d’enseignement obligatoire et secondaires au Portugal. Les études indiquent d'une part des sentiments enthousiastes, mais, d'autre part, des contraintes et problèmes dans l'utilisation des TIC, particulièrement par les professeurs portugais. Ayant un diagnostic horizontal et généraliste comme point de départ nous avons visé à une recherche verticale et locale, qui a impliqué trois classes du 3ème cycle de l'éducation obligatoire d’une école de la frontière urbaine de Coimbra, Portugal. Des stratégies contribuant à une plus grande utilisation des TIC dans la communauté scolaire ont été intensivement expérimentées, particulièrement avec des étudiants, des parents et des professeurs (en particulier le professeur principal de la classe). Du point de vue de la technologie numérique les défis n'étaient pas très sophistiqués. Nous avons surtout employé le courrier électronique « E-mail », dans une plateforme fermée, disponible dans l'Internet, et convenablement configurée. Le projet a reçu le nom "EmailCE" (EmailCS - email dans la Communauté Scolaire). Nous avons essayé de découvrir les obstacles les plus importants, les avantages et les problèmes pédagogiques associés à une utilisation plus diversifiée et intense des TIC en classe aussi bien que dans son environnement. Le projet a dû savoir intégrer quelques réactions imprévisibles et spécifiques (ou absence de réactions...) des agents participants. Cela a entraîné des changements consécutifs de la stratégie de recherche-action, qui ont commencé non seulement par le moment de la mise en route du projet, mais également par une participation minimale des professeurs (presque seulement le professeur principal de la classe). Nous avons eu l'intention de concevoir des stratégies stimulantes d'une utilisation efficace et "affective" des technologies, capable de favoriser des ressources d'intelligence émotionnelle et des pratiques de « négociation », dans la perspective de Thomas Gordon. Beaucoup de difficultés ont surgi à ce niveau. Le système école - professeurs - parents s’est avéré difficile et réactif à l'innovation, réaffirmant la complexité de tous ces processus et, en particulier, l'importance d'une pensée systémique, très attentive au tout plutôt qu'aux pièces, point de vue proposé par Peter Senge, auteur fondamental à l’encadrement théorique de ce travail. Les résultats ont été minimement encourageants. Innover, utilisant les modernes technologies, n'est pas un processus simple, notamment dans le domaine de l'éducation, et il s'est révélé un exercice continu plein de subjectivités individuelles et sociales. La technologie peut déclencher le progrès éducatif, bien qu’elle ne soit ni son élément principal ni le point d'appui de la réactivité du système. La variable temps s’est révélé probablement l’une des plus importantes, indiquant une conclusion simultanément modeste et prospective : pour innover avec les TIC de forme soutenue, dans l'éducation, il faudra de l’audace, de la créativité, de l’insistance, de la nouveauté mais, peut-être et tout d’abord, de la patience

    Creating shared value in Rock in Rio business model: case study

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    This discourse will attempt to discuss `Creation of Shared Value' (CSV) through the case study of the music festival "Rock in Rio" (RIR) in order to further understand the company's sustainability program. The main goal is to clearly recognize if RIR uses a genuine practice of CSV to accomplish their social policies. To commence, we started with the State of Art, studying the CSV theory created by Porter and Kramer, as well as the authors that were either in support of, or against, the strategy. Qualitative Research Method was used, thus focusing the enterprise case study, by analysing media interviews given by the managerial staff of RIR. Content analysis was used to process data and deliver results. The main limitation of the study was the lack of institutional information, due to an absence of responses, to the survey in sufficient time by RIR's managers, subsequently a triangulation of the information acquired could not be achieved.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Application of near infrared spectroscopy as a process analytical technology

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    Book of Abstracts of CEB Annual Meeting 2017info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Dynamics of the Innovation System for Functional Foods in South Brazil

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     This study aims at identifying the dynamics of the innovation system for functional foods (FF) in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Functional food is any healthy food claimed to have a health-promoting or disease-preventing property beyond the basic function of supplying nutrients. Health has been named as the most significant trend and innovation driver in the global food and drinks market. Brazil is one of the leading countries in food production and consumption, and the market for functional foods have been growing 10% per year, three times more than the market for conventional foods. Although this food category is considered mature in some developed markets (such as in Japan, in the Nordic countries and in the U.S), it is still unknown for many consumers, especially those located in developing countries. On the other hand, functional foods has been attracting the attention of multinationals and local food industries, since innovation can significantly impact on their competitive advantages. Therefore, in this study, first we are going to investigate consumers’ motivations, attitudes and intention to buy functional foods, since the market demands a better understanding of this trend. A survey with 450 consumers was conducted and provided quantitative insights. Secondly, we identified the availability of functional food products in the local retail market, through observation techniques. Our aim was to confront consumers’ needs with local food companies’ market supply. In a further stage, we are going to analyse the functioning of this innovation system, describing the agents involved in this context and their relations through in-depth interviews with local representatives (stakeholders). Innovation system is here understood as the set of distinct institutions which jointly and individually contribute to the development and diffusion of new technologies and which provides the framework within which governments form and implement policies to influence the innovation process. As such "it is a system of interconnected institutions to create, store and transfer the knowledge, skills and artefacts which define new technologies." (Metcalfe, 1995). Hence, we are investigating issues such as: Are local food companies ready to innovate in such a competitive and dynamic scenario? How can this system respond to consumers’ demands? Are there conditions for an innovative food network in South Brazil? Our contributions help to shed light into these questions. Preliminary results indicate that the innovation system for functional foods in Rio Grande do Sul is incipient, but it is developing fast. Stronger governance and co-ordination strategies are needed. There are few local functional food products in the market, but those are attractive to consumers and indicate promising opportunities. The survey shows that interviewed consumers presented positive attitudes towards functional foods and enough purchasing power to buy it. Nutritionists and other health professionals have high credibility and could help inform consumers about the benefits of particular categories of functional foods. Food industry itself is not regarded as the most trustworthy source. Finally, this study shows that the understanding of Brazilian consumers is fundamental to help food companies define their strategies. To map the most accepted categories of functional foods is also important, aiming to avoid the "tentative and error" approach

    Analysing critical success factors for supporting online shopping

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    Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. Online shopping is nowadays is a highly frequent action but there are several critical factors that have to be considered for enabling websites and platforms to be able to offer all necessary requisites for guaranteeing user friendly, secure and also enjoyable shopping experiences to clients, offering them exactly what they expect to buy, and quickly find, among a huge offer available online. In this paper, a set of considered critical success factors are analysed on a set of top ranked websites, about luxurious furniture, to understand to what extent these critical factors are satisfied. The results can be taken into consideration for implementing a successful business through e-commerce from herein analysed perspectives.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Direct Communication versus Virtual Communication in Virtual Teams

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    AbstractSeveral studies suggest that computer-mediated communication can lead to decreases in group effectiveness and reduce satisfaction levels in terms of trust and comfort of its users. Supported by an experiment, where the emotional or affective aspects of communication were tested with the experimentation of two architectures, Direct Communication Architecture (DCA) and the Virtual Communication Architecture (VCA) this paper validates the thesis that, from the users’ perspective, there is no opposition to the acceptance of virtual environments and interfaces for communication, and that these environments are able to cope with the reconfiguration dynamics requirements of virtual teams or client-server relations in a virtual enterprise operation

    Cyberbullying: The hidden side of college students

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate how university students perceive their involvement in the cyberbullying phenomenon, and its impact on their well-being. Thus, this study presents a preliminary approach of how college students’ perceived involvement in acts of cyberbullying can be measured. Firstly, Exploratory Factor Analysis (N = 349) revealed a unidimensional structure of the four scales included in the Cyberbullying Inventory for College Students. Then, Item Response Theory (N = 170) was used to analyze the unidimensionality of each scale and the interactions between participants and items. Results revealed good item reliability and Cronbach’s α for each scale. Results also showed the potential of the instrument and how college students underrated their involvement in acts of cyberbullying. Additionally, aggression types, coping strategies and sources of help to deal with cyberbullying were identified and discussed. Lastly, age, gender and course-related issues were considered in the analysis. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed

    Cyberbullying: The hidden side of college students

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate how university students perceive their involvement in the cyberbullying phenomenon, and its impact on their well-being. Thus, this study presents a preliminary approach of how college students’ perceived involvement in acts of cyberbullying can be measured. Firstly, Exploratory Factor Analysis (N = 349) revealed a unidimensional structure of the four scales included in the Cyberbullying Inventory for College Students. Then, Item Response Theory (N = 170) was used to analyze the unidimensionality of each scale and the interactions between participants and items. Results revealed good item reliability and Cronbach’s α for each scale. Results also showed the potential of the instrument and how college students underrated their involvement in acts of cyberbullying. Additionally, aggression types, coping strategies and sources of help to deal with cyberbullying were identified and discussed. Lastly, age, gender and course-related issues were considered in the analysis. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed