205 research outputs found

    La aerobiología y el contenido polínico de la atmósfera

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    Es la ciencia del polen. Gracias a ella conocemos desde la concentración de alergenos suspendidos en el aire hasta las diferentes variables que condicionan su liberación y transporte, datos esenciales para los alérgicos, que suponen ya cerca del 25 por ciento de la población español

    Contribución al estudio polínico de especies ornamentales: "Bignoniaceae"

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    The pollen morphology of twelve species of the genera Campsis, Catalpa, Doxontho„lacaranda, Pandorea, Podranea, Pyrostegia„Spathodea,Tecoma and Tecomaria, usually cultivated in the Mediterranean Region are studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. Pollen was acetolysed by the method of Erdtman (1960) modificated by Reitsma (1969) and mounted in glycerine jelly for light microscopy. For scanning electron microscopy the pollen were coated of gold evaporate. Centered in the tropics, particulary South America, this family is primarily entomophilous and their species has been shown as melliferous, but the numerous showy flowers of some species may shed pollen and to produce local concentracition in atmosphere and be caught by spore-trap. The twelve taxa examined can be divided into five well defined types: Campsis grandillora,C.radicans and Spat hodea campanulata have 3-colpate pollen; Doxantha unguis- cati, Pandorea jasminoides, P. pandorana, Podranea ricasoliana, and Tecomaria capensis have 3-colporoidate pollen; Jacaranda acutifolia have 3-colpate pollen; Pyrostegia ignea have 12-colpate pollen while Catalpa bignonioides and Tecoma stans have pollen grains agrupate in tetrades. However, the genera included in a same type can be separate on the basis of the sexine patterns.Se estudian con el microscopio óptico (MO) y con el microscopio electrónico de barrido (MEB) la morfología polínica de 12 especies de Bignoniaceae habitualmente cultivadas como ornamentales en la Región Mediterránea. Los taxones estudiados se pueden dividir en 5 clases en base a la morfología polínica que presentan: Campsis grandiflora • C. radicans y Spat hodea campanulata poseen granos de polen trizonocolporados; Doxantha unguis-cati, Pandorea jasminoides, P. pandorana, Podranea ricasoliana, yTecomaria capensis presentan granos de polen trizonocolporoidados; en Jacaranda acutifolia el polen es tricolpado y en Pyrostegia ignea 12-pantocolpado mientras que Catalpa hignonioides y Tecoma stans tienen los granos de polen agrupados en tétrades. No obstante, los géneros incluidos en una misma clase se han diferenciado, por tipos, en base a la ornamentación que presenta la superficie del grano de polen

    The incidence of Amaranthaceae pollen in Qatar: a two-years research

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    Abstract de Congreso. Publicado en el libro de abstract del Congreso "Mediterranean Palynology 2019" Organizado por la Universidad de Burdeos y varias asociaciones científicas incluidas en el apartado "Patrocinadores" Presentación oral. Speaker: M. Mar TrigoAerobiological studies are carried out in many areas of the world, the information generated being released through different mass-media to the population in general. Besides that, many are the studies published in the scientific literature, being this kind of studies more and more frequent in different parts of the world. However, there are still countries in which they hardly have been done. This is the case with the Middle East, where aerobiological studies are scarce or even null. Two volumetric Hirst type pollen traps were installed in Qatar in May 2017. One of them was situated in the city of Doha, the capital, at the terrace of a building in the Hamad Medical City. The other, at the plain roof of the Al Khor Hospital, 48 km further north of Doha, in the municipality of the same name. The pollen traps have been working with several interruptions because of damages caused by the intense dust in suspension due to the proximity to the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula. The methodology used for preparing and counting the samples was the proposed by the Spanish Aerobiology Network, the REA. In general, pollen concentrations obtained are very low, with maximum annual polen indexes of 303 for Doha and 932 for Al Khor, Amaranthaceae being the pollen type most abundant, with percentages of 32 to 65% out of the annual total pollen, depending on the station and the year. Amaranthaceae are present in the atmosphere of Qatar mainly from August to October, but daily mean pollen concentrations hardly reach values of 30 pollen grains/m3 of air. These results probably are a consequence of the sparse vegetation of these areas and the scarce rainfalls with annual cumulative values of 79 and 62,8 mm, as average, for Doha and Al Khor, respectively. Nevertheless, the period in which these scarce precipitations occur is of great importance and determinates the vegetation development and, consequently, the flowering phenology and pollen concentrations registered.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Universidad de Burdeos Asociación de Palinólogos de Lengua Espñola (APLE) Asociación de Palinólogos de Lengua Francesa (APLF) Grupo de Palinología y Paleobotánica de la Sociedad Botánica Italiana (GPP-SBI

    Preliminary study of the atmospheric pollen in "Sierra de las Nieves" Natural Park (Southern Spain)

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    ‘Sierra de las Nieves’ is a Natural Park and a Biosphere Reserve located in the south of Spain. This protected area has a high diversity of ecosystems with abundant endangered species which have led it to be in ways to become a National Park. Some of those species have anemophilous pollination strategies. Since 1991, the Aerobiology research team of the University of Malaga has been sampling and studying airborne pollen in different cities of Malaga province. Nevertheless, a pollen trap has never been installed inside a Natural Park for a continuous sampling process. The objectives of this study were to determinate the atmospheric pollen behaviour of the main taxa registered during winter and spring months in this protected area, as well as compare the results with the data obtained in urban stations during the same period searching for significant differences. The pollen samplings were made by means of a Hirst-type volumetric pollen trap inside the protected area of the Natural Park. The samples obtained were mounted and counted according to the methodology proposed by the Spanish Aerobiology Network (REA). The high vegetal diversity of ‘Sierra de las Nieves’ are reflected in the pollen counts. Significant differences between the sampligs obtained at ‘Sierra de las Nieves’, Malaga and the neraby city of Ronda stations were found regarding to the daily pollen concentration. The qualitative and quantitative differences can be explained by the different land use, altitude, climatic characteristics and by the distance between aerobiological stations and pollen emission sources. There is an important influence of wind dymanic and others meteorological factors.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Backward air trajectory models for detecting pollen airborne sources of Castanea in Ronda (South Spain)

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    Ronda is located in a rural area close to the natural Parks Sierra de Grazalema and Sierra de las Nieves, surrounded by crops, natural and seminatural vegetation. The Genal Valley, which is located at the southwest of Ronda, is the biggest Castanea sativa Mill. crop area in Andalusia (South Spain) but there are also others C. sativa crops in different areas close to Ronda. This increases the Castanea atmospheric pollen levels in Ronda, the highest of Malaga province. Castanea pollen has been cited by different authors as potentially allergenic. The objective of this preliminary study was to determine the main sources of Castanea pollen detected in Ronda during the period in which the highest concentrations were detected along the year 2017. The pollen samplings were made by means of a Hirst-type volumetric pollen trap. The samples obtained were mounted and counted according to the methodology proposed by the Spanish Aerobiology Network (REA). Backward air trajectories were calculated according to HYSPLIT 4 model. Models were run five times a day by using R software for the whole month of June 2017. Due to the wind dynamics in Ronda, the main source of Castanea airborne pollen was not the expected (the Genal Valley). The dominant winds in June 2017 came from the southeast of Ronda and brought Castanea pollen from the crops of two nearby localities, Istan and Ojen, which are widely smaller than those situated in the Genal Valley. Therefore, due to the high pollen production of these crops, predictive models for the Castanea airborne pollen in Ronda should be done in future researches in order to prevent allergic diseases in the population. Additionally, by studing air trajectory models, the cross pollination between Castanea populations in the area can be estimated.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The use of cyclohexane as a new adhesive for airborne pollen sampling

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    Se estudia la adherencia del fluido de silicona, utilizando como disolvente el ciclohexano en lugar del tetracloruro de carbono, como se venía haciendo anteriormente. Se comparan los resultados entre ambos disolventes en un captador aerobiológico de tipo Hirst.Carbon Tetrachloride, used as a solvent for the silicone adhesive in airborne pollen sampling, has been recently interdicted by the Registration Evaluation Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) protocol due to its dangerous effects on environment and human health (Manibusan et al. 2007) and it will no longer be produced. Therefore, the need to find a new solvent for the silicon-coating solution is mandatory in order to continue aerobiological research. In a previous study, Thibaudon et al. (2014) concluded that there were no-significant differences between Diethyl Ether and Carbon Tetrachloride and the first can be used as solvent for capturing airborne pollen. The importance of this topic led us to investigate the efficiency of other solvents to use alternatively for the adhesive coating solution. The aim of this preliminary study is to compare the efficiency of airborne pollen grain capture on silicone fluid by using Cyclohexane solvent as an alternative to Carbon Tetrachloride, the solvent used by the Spanish Aerobiology Network (REA). The study was carried out in Malaga (southern Spain), from 16 February to 26 April, 2015 (10 weeks), with the aid of a 7-day Hirst type volumetric trap, located on the roof of the Faculty of Science, 15 m above ground level. For this, the drum was covered by a Melinex tape, coated with silicone adhesive containing two different solvents: one half of the tape with Carbon Tetrachloride and the other half with Cyclohexane, following the methodology previously described by Thibaudon et al. (2015). The position of the two sampling adhesives was reversed from right to left every week. The counting method consisted of 2 continuous horizontal sweeps per each half of the tape (Galán et al., 2007). The results obtained, expressed as number of pollen grains/m3, will be statistically analyzed in order to detect possible differences, if any. Finally, the results, regarding total pollen as well as the different pollen types, separately, will be presented in order to propose or not Cyclohexane as an alternative solvent to Diethyl Ether and Carbon Tetraclorhidre, more dangerous substances from a toxic point of view (Toxicology Data Network, TOXNET, http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Preliminary study of the airborne pollen in the atmosphere of Puerto Ayora (Galapagos Islands, Ecuador)

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    Galapagos is an archipelago of volcanic islands located 972 km west from the continental Ecuador. They were declared by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site and Biosphere Reserve due to their singular environmental value, where a third part of the native plants are endemic to this archipelago (Jaramillo et al., 2011). In spite of the numerous scientific studies carried out in Galapagos, there are not any aerobiological samplings being performed currently. The main objectives of this study were to install a pollen trap for detecting the presence of pollen in the atmosphere of Puerto Ayora (Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands) and qualitatively identify the different pollen types detected during the studied period. A Durham (1946) gravimetric pollen trap was modified to turn it into a passive impact pollen trap based on Pla Dalmau (1957) modifications. It was placed on the roof of the Galapagos National School (Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island) at a height of 15m above ground level. The samples were obtained by using silicone fluid as adhesive substance and glycerine gelatine as mounting mean. The pollen grains were counted in a surface of 14 x 48 mm in each sample. The pollen types were identified with the aid of the pollen guide of the Galapagos Island by Jaramillo & Trigo (2011) and the Charles Darwin Foundation pollen bank. Pollen types of endemic plants such as Darwiniothamnus sp., Passiflora foetida var. galapagensis Killip, Justicia galapagana Lindau and Castela galapageia Hook. f. were detected together with those of other native and introduced species. A high diversity of pollen types was detected, reflecting the particular vegetation of the island. This preliminary aerobiological information can be used as precedent for further studies on the pollination of native and introduced species of the Galapagos Islands, as well as for detecting possible allergic diseases in the population.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Contribución al estudio polínico de especies ornamentales con interés alergógeno cultivadas en Málaga: monocotiledóneas

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    Pollen morfology of ornamental species with aeroallergenic interest cultivated in Málaga: Monocotiledonees. The pollen morphology of twenty species of Monocotiledonees cultivated in Málaga as ornamental plants, has been studied by light and scanning electron microscope. This species, belonging to the families Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Arecaceae, have anemophilous or anfiphilous pollination, on account of which their pollen morphology study is interesting due their alllergenic potential. The pollen was acetolysed by the Erdtman's method (1960) modificated by Reitsma (1969) and mounted in glycerine jelly for light microscope. For scaning electron microscope the pollen were coated of evaporate gold. Several pollinic types have been made and, the different species, arranged by families.Se estudian con el M.O. y el M.E.B. la morfología polínica de 20 especies de Monocotiledóneas, pertenecientes a las familias Poaceae (5), Cyperaceae (1) y Arecaceae (14), todas ellas con polinización anemófila o anfífila y habitualmente cultivadas en Málaga como plantas ornamentales. Los granos de polen de muchas de estas especies han sido repetidamente citados como aerovagantes en numerosos trabajos de aerobiología, así como productores de polinosis por diferentes autores, lo que hace interesante su estudio desde el punto de vista morfológico

    Morfología polínica de plantas ornamentales: leguminosas.

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    Se estudian con el microscopio óptico y el microscopio electrónico de barrido la morfología polínica de 29 especies de Leguminosas que habitualmente se cultivan como ornamentales.The pollen morphology of 29 species of Le gunlinosue that are usually cultivates for ornamental flowers have been studied by light and scanning electron microscopy