3,812 research outputs found

    Rain amplification of persistent organic pollutants

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    Scavenging of gas- and aerosol-phase organic pollutants by rain is an efficient wet deposition mechanism of organic pollutants. However, whereas snow has been identified as a key amplification mechanism of fugacities in cold environments, rain has received less attention in terms of amplification of organic pollutants. In this work, we provide new measurements of concentrations of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), organophosphate esters (OPEs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in rain from Antarctica, showing high scavenging ratios. Furthermore, a meta-analysis of previously published concentrations in air and rain was performed, with 46 works covering different climatic regions and a wide range of chemical classes, including PFAS, OPEs, PAHs, polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine compounds, polybromodiphenyl ethers, and dioxins. The rain–aerosol (KRP) and rain–gas (KRG) partition constants averaged 105.5 and 104.1, respectively, but showed large variability. The high field-derived values of KRG are consistent with adsorption onto the raindrops as a scavenging mechanism, in addition to gas–water absorption. The amplification of fugacities by rain deposition was up to 3 orders of magnitude for all chemical classes and was comparable to that due to snow. The amplification of concentrations and fugacities by rain underscores its relevance, explaining the occurrence of organic pollutants in environments across different climatic regions.Postprint (published version

    Analyzing Gene Expression from Marine Microbial Communities using Environmental Transcriptomics

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    Analogous to metagenomics, environmental transcriptomics (metatranscriptomics) retrieves and sequences environmental mRNAs from a microbial assemblage without prior knowledge of what genes the community might be expressing. Thus it provides the most unbiased perspective on community gene expression in situ. Environmental transcriptomics protocols are technically difficult since prokaryotic mRNAs generally lack the poly(A) tails that make isolation of eukaryotic messages relatively straightforward 1 and because of the relatively short half lives of mRNAs 2. In addition, mRNAs are much less abundant than rRNAs in total RNA extracts, thus an rRNA background often overwhelms mRNA signals. However, techniques for overcoming some of these difficulties have recently been developed. A procedure for analyzing environmental transcriptomes by creating clone libraries using random primers to reverse-transcribe and amplify environmental mRNAs was recently described was successful in two different natural environments, but results were biased by selection of the random primers used to initiate cDNA synthesis 3. Advances in linear amplification of mRNA obviate the need for random primers in the amplification step and make it possible to use less starting material decreasing the collection and processing time of samples and thereby minimizing RNA degradation 4. In vitro transcription methods for amplifying mRNA involve polyadenylating the mRNA and incorporating a T7 promoter onto the 3 end of the transcript. Amplified RNA (aRNA) can then be converted to double stranded cDNA using random hexamers and directly sequenced by pyrosequencing 5. A first use of this method at Station ALOHA demonstrated its utility for characterizing microbial community gene expression 6

    Calidad de vida después de revascularización del miocardio: evaluación según dos perspectivas metodológicas

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar a qualidade de vida (QV) segundo a proposta de Flanagan, em dois grupos de pacientes revascularizados; comparar e combinar resultados desta pesquisa com dados de uma etnografia que interpreta significados de QV de pacientes revascularizados. MÉTODO: Foi utilizada a triangulação metodológica de duas pesquisas: uma qualitativa (etnográfica) e outra quantitativa, que aplicou a Escala de Qualidade de vida de Flanagan em 124 indivíduos. RESULTADOS: no estudo quantitativo, a QV relacionou-se a "ter e criar filhos" e "relacionamento com os amigos" e no qualitativo a boa QV relacionou-se a bem-estar, felicidade, satisfação, possibilidades na vida e os temas identificados foram: saúde (física, emocional e espiritual), trabalho e harmonia familiar. CONCLUSÃO: As dimensões de qualidade de vida identificadas no estudo etnográfico são semelhantes aos domínios que compõem a Escala de Qualidade de vida de Flanagan. A espiritualidade/religiosidade, não abordada na escala, é destacada pelos participantes como uma dimensão de QV.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the quality of life (QL) as proposed by Flanagan, in two groups of revascularized patients; to compare and combine results from this research with data from an ethnography study that interprets the meanings that revascularized patients gave to QL. METHOD: The methodological triangulation was used in two researches: one qualitative (ethnographic) and the other quantitative; the scale of Flanagan was applied in 124 individuals. RESULTS: In the quantitative study the QL was related to "bear and raise children" and "relationships with friends"; in the qualitative study a good QL was related to wellbeing, happiness, satisfaction, opportunities in life. The identified issues were: health (physical, emotional and spiritual), work and family harmony. CONCLUSION: The dimensions of quality of life identified in the ethnographic study were similar to the domains of Flanagan's QL-Scale. The spirituality/religiosity, not contemplated in the scale, is highlighted by participants as an aspect of the QL.OBJETIVO: Analizar la calidad de vida (CV) según la propuesta de Flanagan, en dos grupos de pacientes revascularizados; comparar y combinar resultados de esta investigación con datos de una etnografía que interpreta significados de CV de pacientes revascularizados. MÉTODOS: Fue utilizada la triangulación metodológica de dos investigaciones: una cualitativa (etnográfica) y otra cuantitativa, que aplicó la Escala de Calidad de vida de Flanagan en 124 individuos. RESULTADOS: en el estudio cuantitativo, la CV se relacionó a "tener y criar hijos" y al "relacionamiento con los amigos" y en el cualitativo la buena CV se relacionó al bienestar, felicidad, satisfacción, posibilidades en la vida y los temas identificados fueron: salud (física, emocional y espiritual), trabajo y harmonía familiar. CONCLUSIÓN: Las dimensiones de calidad de vida identificadas en el estudio etnográfico son semejantes a los dominios que componen la Escala de Calidad de vida de Flanagan. La espiritualidad/religiosidad, no abordada en la escala, es destacada por los participantes como una dimensión de la CV.FAPES

    Segurança do paciente: compreendendo o erro humano na assistência de enfermagem em terapia intensiva

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    Objective: To analyze the active failures and the latent conditions related to errors in intensive nursing care and to discuss the reactive and proactive measures mentioned by the nursing team. Method: Qualitative, descriptive, exploratory study conducted at the Intensive Care Unit of a general hospital. Data were collected through interviews, participant observation and submitted to lexical analysis in the ALCESTE® software and to ethnographic analysis. Results: 36 professionals of the nursing team participated in the study. The analysis originated three lexical classes: Error in intensive care nursing; Active failures and latent conditions related to errors in the intensive care nursing team; Reactive and proactive measures adopted by the nursing team regarding errors in intensive care. Conclusion: Reactive and proactive measures influenced the safety culture, in particular, the recognition of errors by professionals, contributing to their prevention, safety and quality care

    Analysis of bioremediation respirometric data using wavelets

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    The study of biodegradation using respirometry generates an enormous quantity of data, with several millions ofregisters for each variable. We have been treating this enormous amount of information using several mathematicaltechniques. The first step is always the filtration of the data in order to eliminate anomalies strange to the process, suchas voltage breakages. The length of the data can be reduced using conventional statistical methodologies or by usingwavelets or by combination of both. We have been applying wavelet analysis to signals generated by the respirometryof biodegradation with three different purposes: (i) as a method of data filtration or denoising that keeps the inner core structure of the information without aliasing; (ii) as an interpretation tool; (iii) to detect variation patterns at smaller scales. The synthesized signals can be subsequently used to create digital data-driven mathematical models, either single input-single output or multiple input-multiple output, using the tools of the system identification theory

    Microbial food web components, bulk metabolism, and single-cell physiology of piconeuston in surface microlayers of high-altitude lakes

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    12 páginas, 4 tablas, 3 figuras.Sharp boundaries in the physical environment are usually associated with abrupt shifts in organism abundance, activity ,and diversity. Aquatic surface microlayers (SML) from a steep gradient between two contrasted environments, the atmosphere and surface waters, where they regulate the gas exchange between both environments. They usually harbor an abundant and active microbial life: the neuston. Few ecosystems are subjected to such a high UVR regime as high altitude lakes during summer. Here, we measured bulk estimates of heterotrophic activity, community structure and single-cell physiological properties by flow cytometry in 19 high-altitude remote Pyrenean lakes and compared the biological processes in the SML with those in the underlying surface waters. Phototrophic picoplankton (PPP) populations, were generally present in high abundances and in those lakes containing PPP populations with phycoerythrin (PE), total PPP abundance was higher at the SML .Heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) were also more abundant in the SML. Bacteria in the SML had lower leucine incorporation rates, lower percentages of “live” cells, and higher numbers of highly-respiring cells ,likely resulting in a lower growth efficiency. No simple and direct linea rrelationships could be found between microbial abundances or activities and environmental variables, but factor analysis revealed that, despite their physical proximity ,microbial life in SML and underlyingwaters was governed by different and independent processes. Overall, we demonstrate that piconeuston in high altitude lakes has specific features different from those of the picoplankton ,and that they are highly affected by potential stressful environmental factors, such as high UVR radiation.This work was supported by grants 2009SGR/1177 “Grup d’estructura i funcio de xarxes tròfiques microbianes planctòniques” and 2009SGR/361 “Grup d’Ecologia dels Canvis Ambientals, GECA” from Generalitat de Catalunya, AERBAC-2 178/2010 (to EOC) and EGALA 124/2010 (MF, LC) from the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente- Red de Parques Nacionales, and PIRENA CGL2009-13318 (EOC) and NITROPIR CGL2010-19373 (MF, LC) from MINECO. HS’s work was supported by CNPq and FAPESP (Process: 2014/ 14139-3).Peer reviewe

    Efecto de la introducción de peces en la conservación de anfibios y crustáceos de lagos de alta montaña

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    Este capítulo contiene 16 páginas, 11 figuras y una tabla.La introducción de especies invasoras es un aspecto determinante relacionado con el cambio global que incide en la conservación de los ecosistemas. Actualmente, la gestión para la conservación (e.g., Parques Nacionales) se enfrenta a las incertidumbres creadas con la aparición de nuevas especies introducidas por el hombre, sobre todo las que pasan a desarrollar un papel clave en los ecosistemas. Para poder tomar políticas de gestión correctas es necesario conocer con detalle cuál es el impacto de estas especies y su papel en el ecosistema. Los lagos del Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes y Estany de Sant Maurici han sufrido la introducción de peces llegando a tener en la actualidad un 62% de lagos afectados. El objetivo general del proyecto fue estudiar el efecto de la introducción de peces en las comunidades planctónicas y bentónicas de los lagos de alta montaña del Parque Nacional. Para llevar a cabo tal objetivo nos centramos en el estudio de dos grupos de organismos indicadores, los crustáceos del plancton y los anfibios. Los resultados obtenidos nos muestran que los peces son el factor principal que explica la presencia de la mayor parte de las especies de anfibios en los lagos. En cambio el efecto de los peces sobre la presencia de crustáceos planctónicos se limita a las especies de mayor tamaño, afectando principalmente la biodiversidad y especialmente la abundancia de los crustáceos, que disminuye con la presencia de peces. La desaparición de los anfibios en los lagos con peces provoca un efecto en cascada cambiando biomasa y composición de las algas y procariotas (bacterias y arqueas) que viven en la superfície de las piedras del litoral de los lagos.Peer reviewe

    Project for a better attention to immigrant population in primary health in Catalonia

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    Esta investigación quiere facilitar la aplicación de la metodología enfermera utilizando las taxonomías NANDA, NOC y NIC a una población inmigrante y se plantea los siguientes. Objetivos: - Identificar los diagnósticos NANDA más prevalentes, vinculados al proceso migratorio de la población inmigrante y sus familias. - Confeccionar e implementar planes de cuidados de enfermería adecuados a la población inmigrante y sus familias, utilizando las taxonomías NANDA, NOC y NIC - Evaluar la idoneidad y validez de los planes estandarizados confeccionados. Metodología: El proyecto se lleva a cabo en diversos Centros de Atención Primaria del Institut Català de la Salut (ICS) de Cataluña escogidas aleatoriamente. El estudio multicéntrico consta de cuatro fases: a) Primera fase descriptiva: detección de necesidades de la población inmigrante realizada por 60 enfermeras responsables de la recogida de datos. b) Segunda fase: elaboración de planes de cuidados estandarizados según los problemas detectados ,utilizando los lenguajes enfermeros. c) Tercera fase: Implementación de planes de cuidados estandarizados d) Cuarta fase: Medición y evaluación de resultados. Conclusiones: Presentamos elementos innovadores (triangulación metodológica) para abordar con poca evidencia científica enfermera. Hemos identificado 47 etiquetas diagnósticas que están siendo asociadas con los factores relacionados y características definitorias correspondientes.The present research study tries to apply the nursing methodology of NANDA, NOC and NIC taxonomy to an immigrant population and presents the following Aims: - To identify the most prevalent NANDA diagnoses linked to the migratory process of immigrant population and their families. - To elaborate and implement nursing care schemes adequate to the immigrant population and their families, using NANDA, NOC and NIC taxonomy. - To evaluate suitability and validity of the already made standard schemes. Methodology: The project is being dealt with in several Primary Health Centres of the Institut Català de la Salut (ICS) in Catalonia previously selected. The multi-centre study has four stages: a) A descriptive stage: Detection of needs in the immigrant population by 60 nurses responsible for the data collection. b) Preparing some standard care plans according to the detected problems using the appropriate nursing language. c) Implementing those standard care plans. d) Outcomes measure and assessment. Conclusions: Innovative elements as methodological triangulation are here presented in order to show the small scientific nursing evidence. 47 diagnoses associated to those factors and definite characteristics have been identified

    Dysregulation of photosynthetic genes in oceanic Prochlorococcus populations exposed to organic pollutants

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    The impact of organic pollutants on oceanic ecosystem functioning is largely unknown. Prochlorococcus, the most abundant known photosynthetic organism on Earth, has been suggested to be especially sensible to exposure to organic pollutants, but the sub-lethal effects of organic pollutants on its photosynthetic function at environmentally relevant concentrations and mixtures remain unexplored. Here we show the modulation of the expression of two photosynthetic genes, rbcL (RuBisCO large subunit) and psbA (PSII D1 protein), of oceanic populations of Prochlorococcus from the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans when exposed to mixtures of organic pollutants consisting of the non-polar fraction of a seawater extract. This mixture included most persistent organic pollutants, semivolatile aromatic-like compounds, and the unresolved complex mixture of hydrocarbons. Prochlorococcus populations in the controls showed the expected diel cycle variations in expression of photosynthetic genes. However, exposure to a complex mixture at concentrations only 2-fold above the environmental levels resulted in a decrease of expression of both genes, suggesting an effect on the photosynthetic function. While organic pollutant effects on marine phytoplankton have been already demonstrated at the cellular level, this is the first field study showing alterations at the molecular level of the photosynthetic function due to organic pollutants.Versión del edito

    Late Onset of Estrogen Therapy Impairs Carotid Function of Senescent Females in Association with Altered Prostanoid Balance and Upregulation of the Variant ERα36

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    Recent analysis of clinical trials on estrogen therapy proposes the existence of a therapeutic window of opportunity for the cardiovascular benefits of estrogens, which depend on women's age and the onset of therapy initiation. In this study, we aimed to determine how vascular senescence and the onset of estrogen treatment influence the common carotid artery (CCA) function in senescent and non-senescent females. Ovariectomized female senescence-accelerated (SAMP8) or non-senescent (SAMR1) mice were treated with vehicle (OVX) or 17β-estradiol starting at the day of ovariectomy (early-onset, E2E) or 45 days after surgery (late-onset, E2L). In SAMR1, both treatments, E2E and E2L, reduced constriction to phenylephrine (Phe) in CCA [(AUC) OVX: 193.8 ± 15.5; E2E: 128.1 ± 11.6; E2L: 130.2 ± 15.8, p = 0.004] in association with positive regulation of NO/O2- ratio and increased prostacyclin production. In contrast, E2E treatment did not modify vasoconstrictor responses to Phe in OVX-SAMP8 and, yet, E2L increased Phe vasoconstriction [(AUC) OVX: 165.3 ± 10; E2E: 183.3 ± 11.1; E2L: 256.3 ± 30.4, p = 0.005]. Increased vasoconstriction in E2L-SAMP8 was associated with augmented thromboxane A2 and reduced NO production. Analysis of wild-type receptor alpha (ERα66) expression and its variants revealed an increased expression of ERα36 in E2L-SAMP8 in correlation with unfavorable effects of estrogen in those animals. In conclusion, estrogen exerts beneficial effects in non-senescent CCA, regardless of the initiation of the therapy. In senescent CCA, however, estrogen loses its beneficial action even when administered shortly after ovariectomy and may become detrimental when given late after ovariectomy. Aging and onset of estrogen treatment are two critical factors in the mechanism of action of this hormone in CCA