185 research outputs found

    Parental identity, lifelong learning and school

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    This text presents the thoughts derived from empirical, qualitative research carried out in a small group of parents of school-age children. Although the research terrain was Poland, the problems here considered revolve around the broad issue of parental identity, especially in a context of the concept of Lifelong Learning. Conclusions are built upon an exploratory description of parental identity, which gives support to the assumption that it is the identity of a lifelong learner, shaped more or less independently of the LLL's political context, largely dominated by economic interests. In the light of this, the following intriguing question needs to be answered: what is the significance of this context for the parents—school relationship? By becoming part of a new educational order under the banner of LLL, this relationship may be molded into a better shape. Final reflections refer to the research results, including the multi-dimensional structure – a hologram parental identity, which, together with a set of more detailed categories, made it possible to formulate prospective proposals focusing on the concept of the school as a chora (khôra, Derrida, 1993), a place craving for new meanings. Located in the perspective of spatialised thought, they direct our attention to the methods of critical analysis regarding the space of school – parents relationships, a space of formative importance in parental self-creation. Solutions built on such methods fall outside the traditional binarism that favours the ossification of order based on teacher's authority, and allow for the creation of new ways of representations, new school policies, etc.peer-reviewe

    Educational Culture of the City: What is Taught by Global Urbanism

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    Living in the city, in physical proximity among its inhabitants, results in mutual influences which generate certain knowledge, attitudes, behavioral dispositions, habits and rituals, the specificity of which is referred to as culture of the city. Educational culture of the city makes a part of this culture. Its structure and its processes can be investigated and developed, and this text presents possibilities of such research and development. The analyses presented here focus on a global city managed in a neoliberal way. Comprehending it as Foucauldian dispositif, one can notice strategic assemblages of social phenomena forming specific apparatuses of power and knowledge in relation to education. Speaking of educational culture of the city as a separate category proves theoretically viable and can be productive both internally, as an element of its specific educational thought, and as a tool for broader reflection on contemporary cities, their cultures and problems. This article aims to justify such an approach.Życie w mieście – przebiegając we względnej bliskości fizycznej – owocuje wzajemnym wpływem, zaś towarzyszące mu stymulacje generują określoną wiedzę, orientacje, dyspozycje do zachowań, obyczajowość, rytualizacje itd. Ich współwystępowanie skutkuje odrębnością, którą można nazwać kulturą miasta. Kultura edukacyjna miasta jest jej częścią. Jako strukturę i proces można ją interesująco badać i rozwijać. W tekście przedstawiane są możliwości w tym zakresie. Przeprowadzane w nim analizy skupiają się na neoliberalnie zarządzanym mieście globalnym. Rozumiane jako Foucaultowskie urządzenie (dispositif), pozwala dostrzec strategiczne zespoły zjawisk społecznych, tworzące w związku z edukacją specyficzne urządzenia wiedzy i władzy. Wyodrębnienie kultury edukacyjnej miasta, jako kategorii, może okazać się przydatne w teoretycznym opisie i produktywne zarówno w operującej nim myśli pedagogicznej, jak i obszarze szerzej rozumianej refleksji nad współczesnym miastem, jego kulturą i problemami. Celem artykułu jest uzasadnienie takiego podejścia

    Parents’ spots in school – challenging place –conscious partnership

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    The way schools work may be grasped with various methods and frames of reflection. In my paper I am focusing on the analysis of school space, in which the “parents’ spots” are discovered in the context of democratisation of school life and the lack of physically and mentally understood basis of fostering the parental culture in Polish school space. The mostly semiotic and critical analysis is grounded in Edward Hall’s conception of cultural meaning of space. Most parts of the text refer to the questions such as: What kind of place exists for the parents at the school of their children? Is it a friendly place for them? If it is, why, if it is not friendly – why is it so? Are the places that are visited by parents in school under control? Are there any power relations in school possible to be seen on the basis of the analysis of the distribution and monitoring of a school space? What are they, if there are any? Etc. In the conclusions I am appealing to consolidate efforts and to create a new shape of school reality, in which parents as school-community partners would have an opportunity to develop their own culture – a condition sine qua non of democratisation of school life. It would be achieved if parents did not have merely the spots in school but real partner place in its space. - O modo como as escolas funcionam pode ser compreendido através de vários métodos e quadros de reflexão. O meu texto focaliza-se na análise do espaço escolar, no qual os “lugares para pais” [parents’ spots] são descobertos no contexto da democratização da vida escolar e da falta de uma base de compreensão do desenvolvimento físico e mental de uma cultura parental no espaço escolar polaco. A análise maioritariamente semiótica e crítica baseia-se na concepção de Edward Hall do significado cultural do espaço. A maioria das partes do texto remete para questões como: que tipo de lugar existe para os pais na escola dos seus filhos? É amigável? Se sim, Porquê? Se não, porque é que isso acontece? Os espaços visitados pelos pais na escola são controlados? É possível detectar relações de poder com base na análise da distribuição e supervisão do espaço escolar? Que relações são essas, se é que existem? Etc. Nas conclusões faço um apelo à consolidação de esforços e à criação de uma nova forma de realidade escolar na qual os pais, enquanto parceiros da comunidade escolar, teriam oportunidade de desenvolver a sua própria cultura – uma condição sine qua non de democratização da vida da escola. Isto seria possível se os pais não se limitassem a ter lugar na escola, mas um verdadeiro lugar de parceria no seu espaço

    Square Attack on 7-Round Kiasu-BC

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    Kiasu-BC is a tweakable block cipher presented within the TWEAKEY framework at AsiaCrypt 2014. Kiasu-BC is almost identical to AES-128, the only difference to AES-128 is the tweak addition, where the 64-bit tweak is xored to the first two rows of every round-key. The security analysis of the designers focuses primarily on related-key related-tweak differential characteristics and meet-in-the-middle attacks. For other attacks, they conclude that the security level of Kiasu-BC is similar to AES-128. In this work, we provide the first third-party analysis of Kiasu-BC. We show that we can mount Square attacks on up to 7-round Kiasu-BC with a complexity of about 248.52^{48.5} encryptions, which improves upon the best published 7-round attacks for AES-128. Furthermore, we show that such attacks are applicable to the round-reduced OCB3-like mode of the CAESAR candidate Kiasu. To be specific, we show a key-recovery attack on 7-round Kiasu\neq with a complexity of about 2822^{82} encryptions

    Heuristic Tool for Linear Cryptanalysis with Applications to CAESAR Candidates

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    Differential and linear cryptanalysis are the general purpose tools to analyze various cryptographic primitives. Both techniques have in common that they rely on the existence of good differential or linear characteristics. The difficulty of finding such characteristics depends on the primitive. For instance, AES is designed to be resistant against differential and linear attacks and therefore, provides upper bounds on the probability of possible linear characteristics. On the other hand, we have primitives like SHA-1, SHA-2, and Keccak, where finding good and useful characteristics is an open problem. This becomes particularly interesting when considering, for example, competitions like CAESAR. In such competitions, many cryptographic primitives are waiting for analysis. Without suitable automatic tools, this is a virtually infeasible job. In recent years, various tools have been introduced to search for characteristics. The majority of these only deal with differential characteristics. In this work, we present a heuristic search tool which is capable of finding linear characteristics even for primitives with a relatively large state, and without a strongly aligned structure. As a proof of concept, we apply the presented tool on the underlying permutations of the first round CAESAR candidates Ascon, Icepole, Keyak, Minalpher and Proest

    Note on the Robustness of CAESAR Candidates

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    Authenticated ciphers rely on the uniqueness of the nonces to meet their security goals. In this work, we investigate the implications of reusing nonces for three third-round candidates of the ongoing CAESAR competition, namely Tiaoxin, AEGIS and MORUS. We show that an attacker that is able to force nonces to be reused can reduce the security of the ciphers with results ranging from full key-recovery to forgeries with practical complexity and a very low number of nonce-misuse queries

    Higher-Order Cryptanalysis of LowMC

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    LowMC is a family of block ciphers developed particularly for use in multi-party computations and fully homomorphic encryption schemes, where the main performance penalty comes from non-linear operations. Thus, LowMC has been designed to minimize the total quantity of logical and operations, as well as the and depth. To achieve this, the LowMC designers opted for an incomplete S-box layer that does not cover the complete state, and compensate for it with a very dense, randomly chosen linear layer. In this work, we exploit this design strategy in a cube-like key-recovery attack. We are able to recover the secret key of a round-reduced variant of LowMC with 80-bit security, where the number of rounds is reduced from 11 to 9. Our attacks are independent of the actual instances of the used linear layers and therefore, do not exploit possible weak choices of them. From our results, we conclude that the resulting security margin of 2 rounds is smaller than expected

    Related-Key Forgeries for Prøst-OTR

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    We present a forgery attack on Prøst-OTR in a related-key setting. Prøst is a family of authenticated encryption algorithms proposed as candidates in the currently ongoing CAESAR competition, and Prøst-OTR is one of the three variants of the Prøst design. The attack exploits how the Prøst permutation is used in an Even-Mansour construction in the Feistel-based OTR mode of operation. Given the ciphertext and tag for any two messages under two related keys K and K + Delta with related nonces, we can forge the ciphertext and tag for a modified message under K. If we can query ciphertexts for chosen messages under K + Delta, we can achieve almost universal forgery for K. The computational complexity is negligible

    Forgery Attacks on round-reduced ICEPOLE-128

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    ICEPOLE is a family of authenticated encryptions schemes submitted to the ongoing CAESAR competition and in addition presented at CHES 2014. To justify the use of ICEPOLE, or to point out potential weaknesses, third-party cryptanalysis is needed. In this work, we evaluate the resistance of ICEPOLE-128 against forgery attacks. By using differential cryptanalysis, we are able to create forgeries from a known ciphertext-tag pair with a probability of 260.32^{-60.3} for a round-reduced version of ICEPOLE-128, where the last permutation is reduced to 4 (out of 6) rounds. This is a noticeable advantage compared to simply guessing the right tag, which works with a probability of 21282^{-128}. As far as we know, this is the first published attack in a nonce-respecting setting on round-reduced versions of ICEPOLE-128