137 research outputs found
Making the archipelago:Heritage, Energy, Planning and Action in the North Sea and the Mediterranean
This study travels to four archipelagoes—the Wadden Islands in the Netherlands, the Cyclades in Greece, Shetland in Scotland, and the Aeolian islands in Italy—to examine links between collective pasts and imagined futures as expressed in energy and sustainability projects. It is the result of a four-year PhD research, funded by the European project HERILAND that explored the relationships between heritage and spatial planning in Europe. In this thesis, I discuss the roles of heritage in sustainability action across geographical difference. Heritage is a relevant lens through which to critically and creatively examine histories of cohabitation, confrontation, power, and rights in the relationships between humans and environments. This becomes particularly relevant at this time of environmental and social crises, when the reliance of sustainable development strategies on technocratic, top-down, and large-scale solutions fails to counterbalance continuing global agendas of extraction and growth, and address issues of environmental and social justice in ‘peripheral’ places like the islands studied. Instead, I stress the need to ‘think small’, and ‘look back’ arguing that seeds for meaningful change exist in such places and the relationships between people and environments afforded by their unique historical and geographical realities. To approach this, I construct a kaleidoscopic conceptual framework informed by critical heritage studies, planning theory, cultural geography, environmental humanities, and other scientific areas. Their intersection makes it possible to examine landscapes both as nodes in global networks and as distinct lifeworlds of human communities and non-human actors. More concretely, I engage with the local frictions produced both by climate change and climate mitigation—the fragile consensus around a solar park in the Wadden Sea, conflicts around wind turbine towers in the Aegean, experiments with the tides in Shetland, and volcanic episodes in the Aeolian—but also with the learning potential of their long environmental and cultural heritage. Communal grazing areas, community-maintained agricultural terraces, peat cutting, and rural Mediterranean architecture are relevant instances of this heritage. To bring such instances together, I create a comparative methodology: I narrate four thick local stories that describe alternative models of human-environment relationships in their past, present, and future. Then, I juxtapose these stories, eventually making it possible to renegotiate established authorized discourses of heritage and sustainability and the associated courses of action in policy and spatial planning. The dissertation contributes to heritage and environmental studies by building on the concept of landscape. It broadens the knowledge on islands of the Mediterranean and the North Sea and discusses the universal relevance of their local histories. Readers are invited to participate in the life and troubles of four archipelagoes; and in doing so to think along on emergent—archipelagic—claims around our shared landscapes
Fitoremediasi merupakan penggunaan tumbuhan untuk menurunkan kandungan logam berat. Ada beberapa pembagian fitoremediasi yaitu, fitoekstraksi, rizofiltrasi, fitodegradasi, fitostabilisasi, dan fitovolatilisasi. Ada beberapa jenis tumbuhan yang sering digunakan untuk fitoremediasi, seperti eceng gondok, melati air, purun tikus, kayu apu, dan akar wangi. Fitoremediasi dengan memanfaatkan berbagai jenis tumbuhan dapat menaikkan pH ataupun dapat bertahan pada pH asam serta dapat menyerap logam berat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membahas fitoremediasi dengan berbagai jenis tumbuhan yang sering digunakan. Metode penelitian menggunakan studi literatur dengan membaca, mencatat dan mengumpulkan studi pustaka dari berbagai sumber. Berdasarkan studi literatur, eceng gondok lebih efektif dalam menghilangkan Cr pada percobaan pertama 94%, kedua 97%, dan ketiga 91%. Melati air mampu berpengaruh nyata terhadap penurunan kadar BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) dan COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) pada limbah batik. Purun tikus dapat mengakumulasi Fe dan Mn dengan FBK masing-masing sebesar 1010,86 dan 1,45. Kayu apu dapat menaikkan pH dari 4,0 menjadi 7,0, kandungan tembaga dari 7,0 menjadi 0,9 mg/l selama 14 hari, dan mampu menurunkan kandungan logam Mn 55.56%-100% dan Cd 81.81-100%. Penurunan logam Pb di tanah tercemar akan efektif bila penanaman akar wangi dilakukan selama 25 hari
Efektivitas Tanaman Enceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) dalam Menurunkan Kadar Logam Fe dan Mn pada Air Asam Tambang Batu Bara Berdasarkan Literatur Review
Air Asam tambang (AAT) merupakan salah satu isu penting yang menjadi perhatian karena kegiatan penambangan. Air ini dianggap sebagai polutan karena memiliki sifat asam yang tinggi, kandungan ion logam beracun, anion terlarut, kesadahan, dan padatan tersuspensi. Apabila AAT langsung dilepaskan ke lingkungan tanpa proses pengolahan terlebih dahulu, maka memberikan dampak negatif pada lingkungan terutama pada penurunan kualitas air. Pengolahan AAT umumnya digolongkan menjadi 2 yaitu metode active treatment dan passive treatment. Salah satu passive treatment yang paling efektif digunakan adalah lahan basah buatan (constructed wetland) dengan metode fitoremediasi menggunakan tanaman air seperti Enceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes). Enceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) dikenal karena kemampuannya untuk menyerap dan mengakumulasi logam berat seperti besi (Fe) dan mangan (Mn), sehingga dapat mengurangi konsentrasi logam berat dalam air. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas Enceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) dapat menurunkan kandungan logam Fe mencapai 92% dan Mn mencapai 73% pada Air Asam Tambang. Peningkatan efektivitas dalam penyerapan dapat dilakukan dengan mengkombinasikan tanaman Enceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) dengan tanaman air hiperakumulator lainnya, substrat organik, dan bahan alkali.
Kata kunci: air asam tambang, enceng gondok (Eichhornia crassipes), logam, besi (Fe), mangan (Mn
Biblioclastia: vocabulario controlado para la ampliación y profundización del concepto
El proyecto institucional del CAICYT sobre Biblioclastia construyó una defi-nición abarcativa y a la vez con lÃmites precisos para describir el fenómeno de la Biblioclastia, entendida no sólo como la destrucción de los libros y soportes de conocimiento sino también a la vulne-ración de derechos de las instituciones y agentes colectivos o individuales en-cargados de protegerlos y asegurar su circulación. Se fundamenta la definición propuesta y se expone la metodologÃa y el vocabulario controlado apoyado en una recopilación bibliográfica.CAICYT’s institutional project on bi-blioclastia created a broad yet clearly bounded definition of the phenomenon of knowledge destruction, understood not only as the destruction of books and other media to knowledge, but also as the deprivation of rights of institutions and collective or individual agents in charge of protecting such books and media and of insuring their circulation. The proposed definition is explained, and both a methodology and a controlled vocabulary developed on the basis of a bibliographic selection are presented.Fil: Bosch, Mela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientÃficas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Argentino de Información Cientifica y Tecnologica; ArgentinaFil: Carsen, Tatiana Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientÃficas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Argentino de Información Cientifica y Tecnologica; Argentin
a Promoção do Cuidado de Si à Pessoa Idosa com Dor Crónica
A dor crónica é um problema frequente nas pessoas idosas, contudo é ainda subdiagnosticada e subtratada. O impacto da dor crónica na saúde da pessoa idosa, é um problema reconhecido que interfere com a sua autonomia e independência, podendo contribuir para o aparecimento ou agravamento das grandes sÃndromes geriátricas. Daà a pertinência de procurar novos modelos de intervenção em enfermagem numa unidade de dor para uma prestação de cuidados centrados na pessoa idosa que promova o cuidado de si. Nesse sentido concebeu-se um projeto de intervenção com o objetivo de desenvolver competências de enfermeira especialista e mestre na área médico-cirúrgica no cuidado à pessoa idosa e sua famÃlia, nomeadamente à pessoa idosa com dor crónica, através de uma intervenção em parceria. Foi também objetivo contribuir para desenvolver competências na equipa para um cuidado em parceria com a pessoa idosa e famÃlia com dor crónica. A metodologia escolhida foi o trabalho de projeto, que se realizou numa unidade dor de um hospital da região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo. O modelo teórico de enfermagem norteador do projeto foi o de parceria de Gomes (2013). O percurso realizado permitiu o desenvolvimento de competências de mestre e especialista. Destacam-se como aprendizagens adquiridas conhecer a singularidade da pessoa idosa através da avaliação multidimensional, a criação de condições facilitadoras da relação de parceria ao longo do processo de cuidado, a promoção de condições para a formação e reflexão sobre a prática, a motivação e o envolvimento da equipa, na dinamização do projeto. Procedeu-se à reformulação do instrumento de colheita de dados de acordo com o modelo de parceria, para aprofundar o conhecimento da pessoa e famÃlia e o registo na consulta de enfermagem, no sentido de favorecer a continuidade e promoção de cuidados centrados na pessoa. Constatámos nos registos e na prática clinica, que as enfermeiras passaram a dar mais importância à s dimensões do conhecer à pessoa idosa, dos recursos e dos princÃpios inerentes à interação, para a construção dos cuidados em parceria que facilitam a capacitação da pessoa idosa e famÃlia para assumir o cuidado de si no tratamento e controlo da dor. Como projetos futuros salientámos a articulação com a ESEL em projetos de investigação que possam promover o controlo da dor da pessoa idosa.
Palavras chave
A consulta telefónica como intervenção de enfermagem ao doente/famÃlia com dor crónica
Dissertação de Mestrado em Comunicação em Saúde apresentada à Universidade AbertaO presente estudo pretende contribuir para a melhoria dos cuidados de saúde ao doente/famÃlia com dor crónica. A flexibilidade na comunicação em saúde entre o doente/famÃlia e o rápido acesso aos cuidados de saúde são condições essenciais para garantir uma eficaz continuidade dos cuidados ao doente com dor crónica. A comunicação por telefone surge como potencial de aproximação e de intervenção entre o doente/famÃlia e a equipa de saúde, desde que alicerçada em instrumentos que facilitem a tomada de decisão da equipa de saúde, numa área subjectiva como o sofrimento e a dor.
O objectivo definido para o estudo é incrementar o atendimento telefónico ao doente/famÃlia com dor crónica na Unidade Dor, do Hospital Garcia de Orta. A compreensão da dinâmica comunicacional inerente à consulta telefónica e a identificação dos problemas dos doentes/famÃlias que utilizam a consulta telefónica constituem os outros objectivos. A metodologia do estudo caracteriza-se num paradigma predominantemente qualitativo com caracterÃsticas de estudo de caso, em que é usada uma combinação de métodos qualitativos e quantitativos. Os dados obtiveram-se de entrevistas à s enfermeiras, aos doentes/familiares e análise de registos das consultas telefónicas.
Os resultados obtidos permitem conhecer os principais problemas que impulsionam os doentes/familiares a telefonar para a Unidade Dor, assim como a satisfação dos doentes e famÃlias pela consulta telefónica. Nos resultados emerge a perspectiva das enfermeiras em relação à consulta telefónica, como uma porta aberta ao doente/famÃlia, a interacção no processo de cuidados, os problemas dominantes do doente com dor crónica e a exigência da intervenção na consulta telefónica na Unidade Dor. Os principais resultados obtidos na investigação aglutinaram-se na construção de um guia de orientação para a intervenção em enfermagem na consulta telefónica na Unidade Dor, do Hospital Garcia de Orta.This study aims at contributing to the improvement of the health care provided to the patient / family suffering from chronic pain. Flexibility in health communication between patient / family and health team and the rapid access to health care are essential conditions to guarantee an effective continuity in care providing to the patient with chronic pain. The telephonic communication appears as a powerful means of bringing closer the patient / family and the health team as well as enabling a swift intervention, provided it is based in tools allowing a decision to be taken more easily by the health team in the subjective field of suffering and pain.
The definite goal of this study is to improve the telephonic response given to the patient/ family suffering from chronic pain in the Pain Unit of Garcia de Orta Hospital. The two other objectives of this study are to understand the communicational dynamics intrinsic to the telephonic consultation and to identify the patients / families‟ problems that lead them into making the telephonic consultations. This study methodology is based on a mainly qualitative paradigm with study case characteristics in which a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods has been used. The data were obtained through interviews to nurses, patients, relatives and perusal of telephonic records.
The results of this study provide knowledge of the main problems that make patients /
relatives call the Pain Unit as well as the satisfaction of patients and families with the telephonic consultation. The results also present the nurses‟ view of the telephonic consultation, seen as an open door for the patient / family, the interaction in the care giving process, the major problems of the patient suffering from chronic pain and the delicacy of the intervention in the telephonic consultation at the Pain Unit. The main results of this research have been used to create an orientation guide for the nursing intervention in the telephonic consultation at the Pain Unit of Garcia de Orta Hospital
Priorità di intervento forestale per la mitigazione di fenomeni di dissesto idrogeologico in Sicilia
Secondo i dati dell’INFC l’indice di boscosità della Sicilia è fra i più bassi d’Italia. Nel Piano Forestale della Regione Sicilia (PFR), in corso di approvazione, viene definita la necessità di ampliare la superficie forestale con l’obiettivo di ridurre la frammentazione delle aree forestali esistenti. A tal fine il PFR individua aree ecologicamente omogenee, utili per l’individuazione delle specie da utilizzare in nuovi rimboschimenti e/o impianti di arboricoltura da legno, e aree a priorità d’intervento, fornendo indirizzi per la realizzazione degli interventi nonché altre indicazioni tecniche e programmatiche. Ai fini di una programmazione di maggior dettaglio si delinea la necessità di definire strumenti pianificatori ad un livello sub-regionale coerenti con la programmazione forestale a livello regionale. Scopo del presente lavoro è definire una metodologia per individuare nelle aree di ricongiunzione dei nuclei forestali esistenti, definite nell’ambito del PFR, diversi livelli di priorità d’intervento forestale per la mitigazione di fenomeni di dissesto idrogeologico. A tal fine è stato integrato il Sistema Informativo Geografico messo a punto per la definizione delle aree a priorità a scala regionale con ulteriori strati informativi. Ai fini dello studio, e in via sperimentale, è stata individuata un’area della Sicilia rappresentativa di sufficiente eterogeneità ambientale e di copertura forestale che coincide con la parte settentrionale e nord-occidentale rispettivamente dei bacini dell’Imera meridionale e del Simeto, nelle province di Enna, Messina e Caltanissetta. Nell’ambito dell’area di studio, all’interno delle aree di ricongiunzione delle superfici forestali esistenti sono state individuate diverse unità geomorfologiche omogenee sulla base della suscettività del territorio ai dissesti idrogeologici determinata in funzione della carta delle pendenze e dalla carta litologica in scala 1:100.000. Attraverso le operazioni di sovrapposizione (overlay) tra le precedenti carte sono state individuate le aree a priorità di intervento forestale (aree a differente suscettività potenziale al dissesto idrogeologico) ad una scala di maggiore dettaglio (1:100.000) rispetto a quella definita a livello di programmazione regionale (1:250.000). Queste aree sono state ulteriormente caratterizzate per tipologie di dissesto idrogeologico, distinte in profonde e superficiali, tra cui quest’ultime assumono particolare interesse sperimentale in quanto potenzialmente mitigabili con la realizzazione di interventi forestali. La densità dei dissesti per unità geomorfologica omogenea ha permesso di definire i livelli di priorità d’intervento e conseguentemente di redigere gli indirizzi di programmazione forestale per le aree interessate da fenomeni di dissesto superficiale
Nature-based tourism elicits a phenotypic shift in the coping abilities of fish
Nature-based tourism is gaining extensive popularity, increasing the intensity and frequency of human-wildlife contacts. As a consequence, behavioral and physiological alterations were observed in most exposed animals. However, while the majority of these studies investigated the effects of punctual exposure to tourists, the consequences of constant exposition to humans in the wild remains overlooked. This is an important gap considering the exponential interest for recreational outdoor activities. To infer long-term effects of intensive tourism, we capitalized on Odontostilbe pequira, a short-lived sedentary Tetra fish who spends its life close to humans, on which it feeds on dead skin. Hence, those fish are constantly exposed to tourists throughout their lifecycle. Here we provide an integrated picture of the whole phenomenon by investigating, for the first time, the expression of genes involved in stress response and neurogenesis, as well as behavioral and hormonal responses of animals consistently exposed to tourists. Gene expression of the mineralocorticoid (and cortisol) receptor (mr) and the neurogenic differentiation factor (NeuroD) were significantly higher in fish sampled in the touristic zone compared to those sampled in the control zone. Additionally, after a simulated stress in artificial and controlled conditions, those fish previously exposed to visitors produced more cortisol and presented increased behavioral signs of stress compared to their non-exposed conspecifics. Overall, nature-based tourism appeared to shift selection pressures, favoring a sensitive phenotype that does not thrive under natural conditions. The ecological implications of this change in coping style remain, nevertheless, an open question
Impact of safety-related dose reductions or discontinuations on sustained virologic response in HCV-infected patients: Results from the GUARD-C Cohort
Despite the introduction of direct-acting antiviral agents for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, peginterferon alfa/ribavirin remains relevant in many resource-constrained settings. The non-randomized GUARD-C cohort investigated baseline predictors of safety-related dose reductions or discontinuations (sr-RD) and their impact on sustained virologic response (SVR) in patients receiving peginterferon alfa/ribavirin in routine practice.
A total of 3181 HCV-mono-infected treatment-naive patients were assigned to 24 or 48 weeks of peginterferon alfa/ribavirin by their physician. Patients were categorized by time-to-first sr-RD (Week 4/12). Detailed analyses of the impact of sr-RD on SVR24 (HCV RNA <50 IU/mL) were conducted in 951 Caucasian, noncirrhotic genotype (G)1 patients assigned to peginterferon alfa-2a/ribavirin for 48 weeks. The probability of SVR24 was identified by a baseline scoring system (range: 0-9 points) on which scores of 5 to 9 and <5 represent high and low probability of SVR24, respectively.
SVR24 rates were 46.1% (754/1634), 77.1% (279/362), 68.0% (514/756), and 51.3% (203/396), respectively, in G1, 2, 3, and 4 patients. Overall, 16.9% and 21.8% patients experienced 651 sr-RD for peginterferon alfa and ribavirin, respectively. Among Caucasian noncirrhotic G1 patients: female sex, lower body mass index, pre-existing cardiovascular/pulmonary disease, and low hematological indices were prognostic factors of sr-RD; SVR24 was lower in patients with 651 vs. no sr-RD by Week 4 (37.9% vs. 54.4%; P = 0.0046) and Week 12 (41.7% vs. 55.3%; P = 0.0016); sr-RD by Week 4/12 significantly reduced SVR24 in patients with scores <5 but not 655.
In conclusion, sr-RD to peginterferon alfa-2a/ribavirin significantly impacts on SVR24 rates in treatment-naive G1 noncirrhotic Caucasian patients. Baseline characteristics can help select patients with a high probability of SVR24 and a low probability of sr-RD with peginterferon alfa-2a/ribavirin
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