55 research outputs found

    Millennium Trilogy:Eye for Eye and the Utopia of Order in Modern Waste Lands

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    This essay starts with an overview of the formulas used by Stieg Larsson in his Millennium trilogy, namely crime fiction, travel narratives and gothic plots. I then focus on two main characters Mikael Blomkvist and Lisbeth Salander, and argue that Blomkvist, a modern Theseus, leads us to the labyrinth of the globalized world, while the series’ protagonist, Lisbeth Salander, modeled on the Amazon, is an example of the empowerment of women in crime fiction by playing the role of the “tough guy” detective, while also personifying the popular roles of the victim, the outcast and the avenger. Dialogues with Greek tragedy will also be discussed, namely Salander’s struggles with strong father figures.Key words: Fictional Crime; Revision of Myths, Evil; Patriarchal Societies; Women Empowerment; Freedom; Control Resumé: Cette étude commence par un aperçu des formules employées par Stieg Larsson dans sa trilogie Millennium, composée de fiction policière, de récits de voyage et d'intrigues gothiques. Elle se concentre ensuite sur deux personnages principaux: Mikael Blomkvist et Lisbeth Salander. Nous démonstrons que Blomkvist, tel un Thésée moderne, nous entraîne dans le labyrinthe du monde global, tandis que l'héroïne des séries Lisbeth Salander, telle une Amazone, illustre le pouvoir conféré aux femmes dans la fiction policière en jouant à la fois le rôle masculin du detéctive coriace et le rôle populaire et féminin de la victime, de l'exclue et de la vengeresse. Les dialogues avec la tragédie grecque sont également abordés dans les combats de Salander contre des images de père fort. Mots-clés: Crime Fictionel; Révision des Mythes; Le Mal; Société Patriarcale; Autonomie des femmes; Liberté; Contrôl

    Regina Guimarães : uma poética do devir

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    Nas margens dos códigos legais : a tradição dos bons criminosos na ficção de Miguel Torga

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    This paper looks at the ways in which violence and its perpetrators are represented in Miguel Torga's fictional universe in order to illustrate two basic characteristics: the importance of ancestral codes for the control of social disorder (immanent justice) and the resistance to types of prepotency and injustice on the part of the state organs and institutions

    Julieta Monginho : entre a luz e a sombra, entre os sons e os silêncios

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    Reflexões sobre um percurso científico e académico

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    UID/HIS/00749/2013Neste artigo apresenta-se a área de estudo da Arquivística Histórica, situada na confluência da História com a Arquivística, e expõem-se as circunstâncias do seu desenvolvimento, de forma informativa, mas também reflexiva e crítica. Após uma primeira parte em que se trata do conceito que dá nome à área, descrevem-se as várias atividades que nela têm sido realizadas no âmbito do programa ARQFAM, e apresentam-se as investigações doutorais realizadas e em curso sobre arquivos de família na Europa de Antigo Regime, visando esboçar uma primeira síntese a partir delas. The article presents the area of study of Historical Archivistic, located at the confluence of History and Archives, and exposes the circumstances of its development, in an informative but also reflective and critical mood. After a first discussion of the concept that names the field, area, we describe the different activities that have been carried out within the scope of the program ARQFAM, and present the Ph.D. thesis completed or in progress on family archives in premodern Europe, aiming to present a first synthesis of the subject.publishersversionpublishe

    Reduced salivary flow and colonization by mutans streptococci in children with Down syndrome

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    OBJECTIVES: Although individuals with Down syndrome have considerable oral disease, the prevalence of dental caries in this group is low. The present study aimed to compare known risk factors for dental caries development in children with Down syndrome and a matched population (siblings). In both populations, the number of acidogenic microorganisms, such as mutans streptococci, lactobacilli and Candida species, and the paraffin-stimulated pH, flow rate and IgA concentration in whole saliva were evaluated and compared. METHOD: Saliva was collected, and the caries index was evaluated in 45 sibling pairs aged between 6 and 18 years old. The salivary IgA concentration was determined by immunoturbidimetry. Salivary mutans streptococci, lactobacilli and Candida species were quantified on mitis salivarius agar containing bacitracin and 20% sucrose, rogosa agar supplemented with glacial acetic acid and sabouraud agar supplemented with chloramphenicol, respectively. RESULTS: Down syndrome children had a higher caries-free rate (

    The door

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    This translation of The Door (previously published in the original) attempts to make better known how committed Fernando Pessoa was, at the beginning of the twentieth century, to the writing of fictional texts. And how he also had a preference for non-canonical genres. This text demonstrates as well Pessoa's fascination with the themes of madness and perversion. The "Postcript" added to the translation follows on some previous readings of The Door and suggests new ways of interpreting and analyzing it