24 research outputs found

    Escola inclusiva e comunidade local : um estudo sobre as parcerias e os museus num território educativo de intervenção prioritária

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    Orientação: Mário Caneva MoutinhoOs Territórios educativos de intervenção prioritária foram criados no ano de 1996. Esta medida educativa assentava em medidas de discriminação positiva direcionadas para uma área geográfica carenciada que continha diferentes estabelecimentos de ensino que se procuravam articular entre si, assegurando o percurso escolar dos alunos. Entendidos como uma medida educativa de cariz compensatório de combate à exclusão social, os TEIP apesar dos constrangimentos e limitações têm-se afirmado com uma resposta positiva que contempla alguns caminhos de inclusão. Neste contexto, a tese Escola Inclusiva e Comunidade Local- Um estudo sobre as parcerias e os museus num território educativo de intervenção prioritária analisa os contributos das parcerias educativas e das ações desenvolvidas com os museus num território Educativo de Intervenção Prioritária. (TEIP) situado no concelho de Oeiras, área metropolitana de Lisboa. Ao longo de três anos letivos, 2006 a 2009, anos de implementação do programa TEIP2, realizou-se um estudo de caso, assente na conjugação de metodologias qualitativas e quantitativas, numa lógica analítica que se baseou no paradigma compreensivo. Como conclusão, a análise dos dados indiciou o papel renovador e de agente de mudança das parcerias educativas e o caráter inclusivo de algumas ações educativas praticadas com os museus. A interligação entre o Agrupamento TEIP, as parcerias e os museus evidenciou novas redes de relações onde se afirmam interfaces catalisadoras para a construção de importantes dimensões de inclusão.Educational priority intervention territories (TEIPs) were created in 1996. This educational measure was based on positive discrimination measures addressed to a deprived area with several schools that sought to coordinate with each other, ensuring the students’ school career. In spite of constraints and limitations, TEIPs, which are considered a compensatory educational measure against social exclusion, have acquired an increasingly prominent role with a positive response that includes a range of inclusion systems. In this context, the thesis Inclusive School and Local Community - A Study on Partnerships and Museums on a Priority Intervention Educative Territory examines the contributions of educational partnerships and actions carried out with museums on an Educational Priority Intervention Territory (TEIP) located in the municipality of Oeiras, Greater Lisbon area. Over the course of three school years, 2006 to 2009, in which the TEIP2 programme was implemented, a case study combining qualitative and quantitative methodologies was conducted using an analytical logic based on the comprehensive paradigm. In conclusion, the analysis of the data obtained gave evidence of the renewing and change agent role of educational partnerships and the inclusive nature of some educational activities carried out with museums. The interconnection between TEIP Grouping, partnerships and museums showed new relationship networks where catalyst interfaces for the construction of important dimensions of inclusion are established

    Identification of the Methanogenesis Inhibition Mechanism Using Comparative Analysis of Mathematical Models

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    The application of cationic polymers to enhance membrane fluxes in anaerobic membrane bioreactors has been proposed by several authors. However, literature shows contradictory results on the influence of those chemicals on the biological activity. In this research, we studied the effect of a cationic polymer on the production of methane from acetate by acetoclastic methanogens. We assessed the effect of polymer concentration on the accumulated methane production (AMP) and the specific methanogenic activity (SMA) in batch tests. Batch tests results showed lower SMA values at higher concentrations of polymer and no effect on the final AMP. Different inhibition models were calibrated and compared to find the best fit and to hypothesize the prevailing inhibition mechanisms. The assessed inhibition models were: competitive (M1a), non-competitive (M2a), un-competitive (M3a), biocide-linear (M4a), and biocide-exponential (M5a). The parameters in the model related to the polymer characteristics were adjusted to fit the experimental data. M2a and M3a were the only models that fitted both experimental SMA and AMP. Although M1a and M4a adequately fitted the experimental SMA, M1a simulations slightly deviated from the experimental AMP, and M4a considerably underpredicted the AMP at concentrations of polymer above 0.23 gCOD L−1. M5a did not adequately fit either experimental SMA and AMP results. We compared models a (M1a to M5a), which consider the inhibition by the concentration of polymer in the bulk liquid, with models b (M1b to M5b) considering the inhibition being caused by the total concentration of polymer in the reactor. Results showed that the difference between a and b models' simulations were negligible for all kinetic models considered (M1, M2, M3, M4, and M5). Therefore, the models that better predicted the experimental data were the non-competitive (M2a and M2b) and un-competitive (M3a and M3b) inhibition models, which are biostatic inhibition models. Consequently, the decreased methanogenic activity caused by polymer additions is presumably a reversible proces


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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo compreender o papel do lúdico como mediador da aprendizagem e da inclusão na educação especial. É uma análise teórica, no qual, foi feita uma pesquisa metodológica bibliográfica, analisando a posição de alguns autores. A igualdade no ensino é muito discutida em muitos países, isso reforçou o Estado a proporcionar uma educação que abrangesse o público de pessoas com necessidades especiais. A inclusão dessas pessoas vai muito além do que matricular, é acreditar também em uma superação social, afetiva, física e cultural, de uma forma que não os desestimulem. Diante disso os autores visam à adaptação de métodos que promovem a aprendizagem prazerosa e inclusiva de maneira significativa, e o lúdico tem esse papel. Ele é uma ferramenta metodológica que pode contribuir para a inclusão escolar, e se caracteriza como um momento em que a criança usa sua espontaneidade e consequentemente, a expressividade e a criatividade, pois não se trata de apenas brincar, mas é brincar com intencionalidade pedagógica. O lúdico como prática diária trabalhada na escola, facilitará o processo alfabetizador, sendo isso realizado de forma a obter resultados positivos. Enfim, mediante a pesquisa segue que a ludicidade faz a diferenças na vida de todas as pessoas, em especial na criança com necessidades educacionais especiais que possui suas dificuldades no processo de escolarização como qualquer outra criança. O lúdico faz com que essas crianças conheçam a si mesma, nos seus desejos, limitações e as ensinam a se comunicarem com o mundo.

    Patients and health professional's perspective of functional mobility in Parkinson's Disease

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    Copyright © 2020 Bouça-Machado, Gonçalves, Lousada, Patriarca, Costa, Nunes, Dias, Caldas, Valadas, Lobo, Guedes, Rosa, Coelho and Ferreira. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Background: Functional mobility (FM) is the person's ability to move to accomplish daily living tasks and activities. FM limitations are common in Parkinson's disease, increase with disease progression, and can be highly disabling. Although several studies in Parkinson's disease (PD) field use this concept, only recently, a formal definition has been proposed. Objective: We aimed to explore patient's and health professional's perspectives of FM in PD. Methods: A focus group methodology has been used. Four focus groups, with a total of 10 patients and 10 health professionals, were performed. Six patients were early stage and four advanced stage. The health professional's group was composed of five neurologists and five physiotherapists. The suitability of the new concept, the impact of FM limitations in PD patient's daily routine, and the potential benefit of walking aids have been discussed. Results: All participants were able to provide a spontaneous definition of FM, matching with the proposed concept. All agreed that PD affects patient's FM, increasing the limitations with disease progression, and with the existence of a serious prejudice with walking aids that hinders its use. Early-stage patient's perspective seems to be more in line with neurologist's perspective, while the views of advanced-stage patients were closer to physiotherapist's views. Conclusion: FM concept was considered as intuitive and useful. FM limitations have an important physical and social impact in the advanced stage of the disease. Although patients and health professionals acknowledge walking aid's benefit improving patient's FM, the prejudice associated with this type of tools limits its recommendation and use.The authors would like to thank to the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) (SFRH/BD/120773/2016 to RB-M).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Heme catabolism by heme oxygenase-1 confers host resistance to Mycobacterium infection

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    Heme oxygenases (HO) catalyze the rate-limiting step of heme degradation. The cytoprotective action of the inducible HO-1 isoform, encoded by the Hmox1 gene, is required for host protection against systemic infections. Here we report that upregulation of HO-1 expression in macrophages (M) is strictly required for protection against mycobacterial infection in mice. HO-1-deficient (Hmox1(-/-)) mice are more susceptible to intravenous Mycobacterium avium infection, failing to mount a protective granulomatous response and developing higher pathogen loads, than infected wild-type (Hmox1(+/+)) controls. Furthermore, Hmox1(-/-) mice also develop higher pathogen loads and ultimately succumb when challenged with a low-dose aerosol infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The protective effect of HO-1 acts independently of adaptive immunity, as revealed in M. avium-infected Hmox1(-/-) versus Hmox1(+/+) SCID mice lacking mature B and T cells. In the absence of HO-1, heme accumulation acts as a cytotoxic pro-oxidant in infected M, an effect mimicked by exogenous heme administration to M. avium-infected wild-type M in vitro or to mice in vivo. In conclusion, HO-1 prevents the cytotoxic effect of heme in M, contributing critically to host resistance to Mycobacterium infection.European Community 6th Framework grant: (LSH-2005-1.2.5-1), FCT fellowships: (SFRH/BD/29257/2006, SFRH/BPD/25436/2005), Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Universidade do Minho, ICBAS

    Filtration Characterization Method as Tool to Assess Membrane Bioreactor Sludge Filterability—The Delft Experience

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    Prevention and removal of fouling is often the most energy intensive process in Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs), responsible for 40% to 50% of the total specific energy consumed in submerged MBRs. In the past decade, methods were developed to quantify and qualify fouling, aiming to support optimization in MBR operation. Therefore, there is a need for an evaluation of the lessons learned and how to proceed. In this article, five different methods for measuring MBR activated sludge filterability and critical flux are described, commented and evaluated. Both parameters characterize the fouling potential in full-scale MBRs. The article focuses on the Delft Filtration Characterization method (DFCm) as a convenient tool to characterize sludge properties, namely on data processing, accuracy, reproducibility, reliability, and applicability, defining the boundaries of the DFCm. Significant progress was made concerning fouling measurements in particular by using straight forward approaches focusing on the applicability of the obtained results. Nevertheless, a fouling measurement method is still to be defined which is capable of being unequivocal, concerning the fouling parameters definitions; practical and simple, in terms of set-up and operation; broad and useful, in terms of obtained results. A step forward would be the standardization of the aforementioned method to assess the sludge filtration quality