1,342 research outputs found

    A long and complex enhancer activates transcription of the gene coding for the highly abundant immediate early mRNA in murine cytomegalovirus

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    Using the simian virus 40 "enhancer trap" approach, we have identified a transcription enhancer located just upstream of the major immediate early gene of murine cytomegalovirus. This enhancer has several striking properties. (.) Together with the enhancer ofhuman cytomegalovirus, it is the strongest transcription enhancer found to date. (ö) It is an extremely long enhancer, spanning >700 base pairs. (ÜI) It consists of a rather complex pattern of sequence repeats, the longest of which is 181 base pairs. Also, several types of short sequence motifs are scattered throughout the enhancer in monomeric, heterodimeric, or homodimeric (palindromic) form. These motifs have been identified to be components of other enhancers and promoters, and they are presumably binding sites for specific nuclear factors. Our analysis suggests that enhancers are composed of a modular arrangement of short conserved sequence motifs and that enhancer strength is correlated with the redundancy of these motifs

    Die ad hoc Digitalisierung der Lehre in der Corona-Pandemie: Vorteile, Nachteile und offene Fragen

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    Mit der Schließung von Hochschulen und Universitäten im März 2020 mussten sich Lehrende schnell an die neuen Bedingungen anpassen. Im Mai 2020 haben wir ein Survey mit Professor*innen und Postdocs in der Soziologie durchgeführt, um zu untersuchen, wie die Covid-19-Maßnahmen ihre Arbeit beeinflussen. Die digitale Lehre konfrontiert nicht Lehrende, sondern auch Studierende mit verschiedenen Herausforderungen. Obwohl die ad hoc Umstellung auf digitale Lehre zu Beginn des ersten digitalen Semesters im Mai 2020 eher kritisch gesehen wird, betonen die Lehrenden auch einige Vorteile, die sich aus digitaler Lehre ergeben. Der Beitrag schließt mit einer Diskussion zu den Konsequenzen für Studierende mit Blick auf soziale Ungleichheiten. With closing universities in March 2020 lecturers quickly had to adapt their teaching to the new circumstances. In May 2020 we conducted a survey with professors and postdocs in sociology to explore how the Covid-19 measures affect their work. In this research note, we present the survey results regarding the reorganisation of teaching. Digital teaching confronts not only teachers but also students with various challenges.Despite the rather critical perception of the ad hoc transition to digital teaching in May 2020, lecturers also see some advantages in digital teaching. The paper concludes with a discussion on implications for students with special regard to social inequalities

    Lipoprotein particles in patients with pediatric Cushing disease and possible cardiovascular risks.

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    BackgroundCardiovascular (CV) complications are the most significant cause of mortality in adults with Cushing disease (CD); little is known about CV risk factors in children with CD. Measurement of lipoprotein particles by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a novel technology to assess CV risk. The objective of the current study is to analyze the NMR lipid profile in pediatric CD patients before and 1 year after remission.MethodsNMR lipid profile was obtained via the Vantera NMR analyzer, using frozen serum samples from 33 CD patients (mean age 13.8 ± 4.0 years) evaluated between 1997 and 2017 at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center (CC).ResultsGlycA (glycosylated acute-phase proteins), triglyceride-rich particles (TRLP medium and very small sizes), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles (LDLP total and large size), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles (HDLP total, medium and small sizes), total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, GlycA inflammatory biomarker, and apolipoprotein B and apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1) concentrations showed statistically significant changes after remission of CD (p < 0.05).ConclusionIn our study population, most of the lipid variables improved post-CD remission, with the exception of HDL and ApoA1, indicating that NMR lipoprotein profile may be a helpful tool in assessing the CV risk in pediatric patients with CD

    Modelo de processo de gestão de design para territórios urbanos utilizando a noção de pertencimento

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    Orientadora: Professora Dra. Virginia Souza de Carvalho Borges KistmannTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Artes, Comunicação e Design, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design. Defesa : Curitiba, 30/08/2017Inclui referências: p.174-191Resumo: Esta tese propõe um Modelo de Processo de Gestão de Design para Territórios Urbanos, utilizando a Noção de Pertencimento - UrbeID, que considera aspectos emocionais para o desenvolvimento do sentimento de pertencimento ao território pelos cidadãos. Nela, entende-se por design as atividades de projeto desenvolvidas por designers, arquitetos ou outros profissionais envolvidos no desenvolvimento de produtos para as cidades. A motivação inicial que gerou esta tese partiu do questionamento quanto aos motivos que, projetualmente, resultam em soluções de design de equipamentos urbanos inadequadas. Se o vandalismo é observado, em situações de não pertencimento, causando, inclusive, danos econômicos às prefeituras, em contrapartida, exemplos na literatura demonstram que ao sentirem-se pertencentes ao território, os cidadãos adquirem uma ligação emocional que faz com que o cuidado com o lugar em que habitam seja desenvolvido. Assim, buscou-se considerar elementos que refletissem sobre o desenvolvimento de relações emocionais positivas nos cidadãos em relação ao patrimônio público, aumentando o sentido de pertencimento, considerando a participação direta dos usuários na atividade projetual. Portanto, o objetivo central desta tese foi o desenvolvimento do modelo de estrutura de projeto, aqui denominado UrbeID, em que foi considerada a noção de pertencimento a partir das fases iniciais do projeto. No seu desenvolvimento, teve como foco o projeto de equipamentos urbanos, sendo utilizada a pesquisa qualitativa, de cunho teórico-aplicada, com base em revisão da literatura sobre as noções de design para o território e design e emoção, seguidos da proposição do modelo e realização de dois testes, em que ele foi aplicado, para verificação na prática sobre o seu modo de atuação. Além disso, foi realizada validação com especialistas e com a comunidade, seguidos de uma validação interna, com base na literatura. Os resultados obtidos foram considerados positivos, levando-se em conta os limites do estudo, por ter sido realizado junto a dois municípios com menos de 100.000 habitantes do Sul do Brasil. Então pautados na proposição de uma estrutura metodológica que toma por base o design para o território e o design para a emoção, e na busca pelo aumento do sentido de pertencimento em relação aos produtos para o uso coletivo em cidades. Palavras chave: Design para o território. Design e emoção. Gestão de design. Modelo de design.Abstract: This thesis proposes a Model Management Design Process for Urban Territories, using the Notion of Belonging - UrbeID, which considers emotional aspects for the development of citizens' sense of belonging to the territory. In it, design is understood as the design activities developed by designers, architects or other professionals involved in the development of products for the cities. The initial motivation that led to this thesis was the questioning of the reasons that, as a result, result in inadequate urban equipment design solutions. If vandalism is observed, in situations of non-belonging, causing even economic damages to municipal governments, in contrast, examples in the literature demonstrate that when they feel they belong to the territory, citizens acquire an emotional connection that causes care with the place in which they live is developed. Thus, it was sought to consider elements that reflect on the development of positive emotional relations in the citizens in relation to the public patrimony, increasing the sense of belonging, considering the direct participation of the users in the project activity. Therefore, the central objective of this thesis was the development of the project structure model, here denominated UrbeID, in which the notion of belonging from the initial phases of the project was considered. In its development, it focused on the urban equipment project, using qualitative research, based on a review of the literature on the notions of design for the territory and design and emotion, followed by the proposition of the model and two tests, in which it was applied, to verify in practice about its mode of operation. In addition, validation was performed with specialists and with the community, followed by an internal validation, based on the literature. The results obtained were considered positive, taking into account the limits of the study, since it was carried out with two municipalities with less than 100,000 inhabitants in the South of Brazil. Then guided by the proposition of a methodological framework which is based on the design for the planning and design for emotion; and in the quest for increased sense of belonging for products for collective use in cities. Keywords: Design for the territory. Design and emotion. Design management. Design template

    Avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV) do mobiliário de madeira e derivados de madeira produzido na Região do Planalto Norte Catarinense

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Dalton Luiz RazeraCo-Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Liliane Iten ChavesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Parana, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design. Defesa: Curitiba, 23/03/2012Bibliografia: fls. 123-128Resumo: A avaliação do ciclo de vida dos produtos pode determinar o impacto que esses causam ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana. Seguindo os modelos atuais de desenvolvimento e exploração dos recursos naturais o processo de deterioração do meio ambiente é inevitável, mas pode-se reduzir a velocidade e buscar alternativas que melhorem o desempenho dos produtos já existentes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar o impacto ambiental causado pelas matérias primas, materiais e processos produtivos, gasto energético e resíduo gerado pelo mobiliário em madeira e derivados de madeira, fabricados na Região do Planalto Norte Catarinense, através da análise de alguns produtos e por meio da avaliação do desempenho ambiental, propor melhorias. Esta região é referência nacional e internacional na produção de mobiliário de madeira reflorestada. Para proceder a Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (AVC ou LCA, em inglês) seguiu-se o método proposto pela Norma ISO série 14040 de Gestão Ambiental. Para avaliação do impacto ambiental foi utilizada a ferramenta simplificada desenvolvida para o setor do mobiliário, desenvolvida no Politecnico di Milano, chamada Simplified ACV Ecoindicator Tool for Furniture Sector. A ferramenta foi aplicada no produto denominado "cômoda", que possui gavetas e tem a finalidade de guardar objetos e roupas. Este produto foi escolhido porque é produzido por mais de 90% das empresas do universo da amostra e por relativa complexidade de processos fabris, utilizando vários tipos de materiais, ferragens e dispositivos de montagem. Com esta pesquisa, conclui-se que, mesmo que o produto seja constituído em mais de 70 % em madeira de origem reflorestada, vários fatores afetam o seu desempenho ecológico. O projeto de um produto ecoefiente é complexo porque as variáveis a serem consideradas são muitas e interdependentes. No entanto é necessário ressaltar que a ACV foi construída seguindo as informações obtidas em banco de dados de matérias primas, materiais, processos produtivos e energia, de origem europeia, pois os mesmos não existem no país e podem levar a conclusões parciais.Abstract: The life cycle assessment of products can determine the impact that these cause to the environment and human health. Following current models of development and exploitation of natural resources the process of environmental deterioration is inevitable, but you can slow down and seek alternatives to improve the performance of existing products. The objective of this study was to identify the environmental impact of raw materials, materials and production processes, energy consumption and waste generated by wood furniture and wood products, manufactured in the North Plateau of Santa Catarina, through the analysis of some products and through evaluation of environmental performance, propose improvements. This region is national and international reference in the production of reforested wooden furniture. To carry out Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) followed the method proposed by the ISO 14040 series of Environmental Management. For environmental impact assessment was used simplified tool developed for the furniture industry, developed at the Politecnico di Milano, called Simplified LCA Tool for Ecoindicator Furniture Sector. The tool was applied to the product called "dresser" that has drawers and is intended to store objects and clothing. This product was chosen because it is produced by more than 90% of companies of the sample universe and the relative complexity of manufacturing processes, using several kinds of materials, fittings and assembly hardware. Through this study is concluded that even though the product is composed by more than 70% reforested wood, various factors affect the green product performance. The design of an eco-efficient product is complex because the variables to be considered are many and interdependent. However it should be emphasized that the LCA was built following the obtained information in a database of raw materials, materials, production processes and energy of European origin, as they do not exist in this country and can lead to partial conclusion

    Charakterisierung des Bindungsmodus einer neuen Art von Antikörpern, welche in Analogie eines T-Zell-Rezeptors an den IMP58-66/HLA-A*0201-Komplex binden

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    Im adaptiven Immunsystem wird eine zelluläre von einer humoralen Immunantwort unterschieden. Während Antikörper auch unprozessierte Antigene erkennen können, sind zytotoxische CD8+-Zellen auf die Präsentation von Antigenen im MHC-I-Komplex angewiesen, was man als MHC-Restriktion der T-Zellen bezeichnet. Die T-Zellen besitzen einen T-Zell-Rezeptor auf ihrer Zelloberfläche, welcher die pMCH-Komplexe in einer bisher gut untersuchten Art und Weise bindet und eine Immunantwort in Gang setzt. Neu ist nun, dass in Seren freiwilliger Spender IgG-Antikörper gefunden werden konnten, welche in Analogie eines T-Zell-Rezeptors an die pMHC-Komplexe binden. Mit Hilfe des UV-mediated ligand exchange konnte die Spezifität der Serumantikörper näher bestimmt werden. Es wurden Antikörper gefunden welche ausschließlich das IMP58-66-Peptid präsentiert im HLA-A*0201-Komplex erkannten und eine Gruppe von Antikörpern herausgearbeitet, welche eine distinkte Kreuzreaktivität aufwiesen. Durch gezieltes Einbringen von Mutationen in die schwere Kette des MHC-Komplexes konnte der Bindungsmodus beider Gruppen von Serumantikörpern im Sinne eines Fußabdrucks näher charakterisiert werden. Es ergaben sich zwei verschiedene Bindungsmodi. Die IMP58-66/HLA-A*0201-Komplex spezifischen Antikörper zeigten einen Bindungsmodus, welcher im Wesentlichen mit dem des T-Zell-Rezeptors vergleichbar ist. Die distinkt kreuzreaktiven Antikörper hingegen zeigten eine Bindung seitlich am IMP58-66/HLA-A*0201-Komplex im Bereich des n-terminalen Endes des Peptides. Der Nachweis, dass Antikörper ebenso endogene Antigene prozessiert und präsentiert im MHC-Komplex erkennen können, eröffnet eine ganz neue Sichtweise auf das adaptive Immunsystem und neue Perspektiven der Interaktion zwischen humoralem und zellulärem Immunsystem.The adaptive immune system distinguishes between cellular and humoral immune responses. While antibodies can also recognise unprocessed antigens, cytotoxic CD8+ cells depend on the presentation of antigens in the MHC-I complex, which is known as the MHC restriction of T cells. The T-cells have a T-cell receptor on their cell surface which binds the pMCH complexes in a previously well studied way and initiates an immune response. What is new about it now is that IgG antibodies have been found in sera of voluntary donors that bind to the pMHC complexes by analogy with a T cell receptor. With the help of UV-mediated ligand exchange the specificity of the serum antibodies could be determined. Antibodies were found which exclusively recognized the IMP58-66 peptide presented in the HLA-A*0201 complex and we identified a group of antibodies which exhibited distinct cross-reactivity. By introducing mutations into the heavy chain of the MHC complex, the binding mode of both groups of serum antibodies could be characterized more closely. There were two different binding modes. The IMP58-66/HLA-A*0201 complex specific antibodies showed a binding mode that is essentially comparable to that of the T cell receptor. The distinct cross-reactive antibodies, on the other hand, showed a more lateral binding at the IMP58-66/HLA-A*0201 complex at the n-terminal end of the peptide. The observation that antibodies can also recognize endogenous antigens presented in the MHC complex opens whole new perspectives on the adaptive immune system and on the interaction between humoral and cellular immune responses

    O senso de pertencimento: aspectos emocionais em design participativo em relação a produtos e serviços para cidades

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    This work presents a discussion on the design process related to the emotional infrastructure that reinforces the sense of belonging to a place. Considering the recent interest in products and services related to the urban environment, this research considers the relevance of the participatory design process to the wellbeing of citizens. Some recent experiences demonstrate that the inclusion of citizens in the design process has increased the sense of belonging. These empirical approaches, however, need to be better understood in order to contribute to a strategic design. The understanding of what kind of elements and processes reinforces or creates the sense of belonging may help with structuring the design process. The research question that led this study was how to include emotion in the design process, taking into account the participatory design aiming at the sense of belonging. The structure of the present work considers the concept and elements of belonging, belonging under topological psychology and design, and emotion. Against these backgrounds, the article presents a frame for an infrastructure to explore the emotional sense of belonging towards a meta-design, and relates it to the participatory design for cities.Keywords: participatory design, design and emotion, place attachment, design for cities.Este trabalho apresenta uma discussão sobre o processo de projeto relacionado à infraestrutura emocional que reforça o sentimento de pertencer a um lugar. Considerando o recente interesse em produtos e serviços relacionados ao ambiente urbano, esta pesquisa considera a relevância do processo de projeto participativo para o bem-estar dos cidadãos. Algumas experiências recentes demonstram que a inclusão dos cidadãos no processo de design aumentou o sentimento de pertença. Entretanto, essas abordagens empíricas precisam ser melhor compreendidas para contribuir para um projeto estratégico. A compreensão de que tipo de elementos e processos reforçam ou criam o sentimento de pertencimento, pode auxiliar na estruturação do processo de design. A questão de pesquisa que conduziu este estudo foi como incluir a emoção no processo de design, levando em conta o design participativo visando o sentimento de pertença. A estrutura do presente trabalho considera o conceito e os elementos de pertencimento, pertencentes à psicologia topológica e ao design, e à emoção. Diante desses antecedentes, o artigo apresenta uma estrutura para uma infraestrutura para explorar o sentimento emocional de pertencer a um meta-projeto e relaciona- o com o projeto participativo para cidades.Palavras-chave: design participativo, design e emoção, apego ao lugar, design para cidades

    Driving Big Data – Integration and Synchronization of Data Sources for Artificial Intelligence Applications with the Example of Truck Driver Work Stress and Strain Analysis

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    This paper contributes to the issue of big data analysis and data quality with the specific field of time synchronization. As a highly relevant use case, big data analysis of work stress and strain factors for driving professions is outlined. Drivers experience work stress and strain due to trends like traffic congestion, time pressure or worsening work conditions. Although a large professional group with 2.5 million (US) and 3.5 million (EU) truck drivers, scientific analysis of work stress and strain factors is scarce. Driver shortage is growing into a large-scale economic and societal challenge, especially for small businesses. Empirical investigations require big data approaches with sources like physiological and truck, traffic, weather, planning or accident data. For such challenges, accurate data is required, especially regarding time synchronization. Awareness among researchers and practitioners is key and first solution approaches are provided, connecting to many further Machine Learning and big data applications

    Smart material based on boron crosslinked polymers with potential applications in cancer radiation therapy

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    Organoboron compounds have been playing an increasingly important role in analytical chemistry, material science, health applications, and particularly as functional polymers like boron carriers for cancer therapy. There are two main applications of boron isotopes in radiation cancer therapy, Boron Neutron Capture Therapy and Proton Boron Fusion Therapy. In this study, a novel and original material consisting of a three-dimensional polymer network crosslinked with 10B enriched boric acid molecules is proposed and synthesized. The effects of the exposition to thermal neutrons were studied analyzing changes in the mechanical properties of the proposed material. Dedicated Monte Carlo simulations, based on MCNP and FLUKA main codes, were performed to characterize interactions of the proposed material with neutrons, photons, and charged particles typically present in mixed fields in nuclear reactor irradiations. Experimental results and Monte Carlo simulations were in agreement, thus justifying further studies of this promising material.Fil: Vedelago, José Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación; Laboratorio de Investigación e Instrumentación en Física Aplicada a la Medicina e Imágenes por Rayos X ; Argentina. German Cancer Research Center; AlemaniaFil: Mattea, Facundo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación; Laboratorio de Investigación e Instrumentación en Física Aplicada a la Medicina e Imágenes por Rayos X; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Departamento de Química Orgánica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos y Química Aplicada. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos y Química Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Triviño, Juan Sebastián. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación; Laboratorio de Investigación e Instrumentación en Física Aplicada a la Medicina e Imágenes por Rayos X; Argentina. Centro de Medicina Nuclear y Radioterapia Patagonia Austral ; ArgentinaFil: Montesinos, Maria del Mar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Keil, Walter Miguel. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica; ArgentinaFil: Valente, Mauro Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación; Laboratorio de Investigación e Instrumentación en Física Aplicada a la Medicina e Imágenes por Rayos X; Argentina. Departamento de Ciencias Físicas, Centro de Física e Ingeniería en Medicina (CFIM); ChileFil: Romero, Marcelo Ricardo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación; Laboratorio de Investigación e Instrumentación en Física Aplicada a la Medicina e Imágenes por Rayos X; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Departamento de Química Orgánica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos y Química Aplicada. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos y Química Aplicada; Argentin