2,364 research outputs found

    Influence of thresholding in mass and entropy dimension of 3-D soil images

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    With the advent of modern non-destructive tomography techniques, there have been many attempts to analyze 3-D pore space features mainly concentrating on soil structure. This analysis opens a challenging opportunity to develop techniques for quantifying and describe pore space properties, one of them being fractal analysis. Undisturbed soil samples were collected from four horizons of Brazilian soil and 3-D images at 45μm resolution. Four different threshold criteria were used to transform computed tomography (CT) grey-scale imagery into binary imagery (pore/solid) to estimate their mass fractal dimension (Dm) and entropy dimension (D1). Each threshold criteria had a direct influence on the porosity obtained, varying from 8 to 24% in one of the samples, and on the fractal dimensions. Linear scaling was observed over all the cube sizes, however depending on the range of cube sizes used in the analysis, Dm could vary from 3.00 to 2.20, realizing that the threshold influenced mainly the scaling in the smallest cubes (length of size from 1 to 16 voxels). Dm and D1 showed a logarithmic relation with the apparent porosity in the image, however, the increase of both values respect to porosity defined a characteristic feature for each horizon that can be related to soil texture and depth

    Obesity as a risk factor in COVID-19: Possible mechanisms and implications

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    Varios artículos recientes sugieren que la obesidad es un factor de riesgo para una enfermedad más grave por coronavirus. En este artículo se resume la evidencia científica disponible sobre el papel de la obesidad en COVID-19, con especial atención en las personas más jóvenes y los mecanismos biológicos propuestos para explicar tanto el mayor riesgo observado como la posible mayor contagiosidad de esta población. Se consideran varias implicaciones de la pandemia sobre las personas con obesidad, en relación con las posibles dificultades en el manejo de los pacientes ingresados, las implicaciones del confinamiento sobre el control y tratamiento de la obesidad, y el estigma que sufren estas personas por su condición, y que puede verse aumentado si se confirma la relación de la obesidad con COVID-19. Comprender el papel de la obesidad en COVID-19 debería ser una prioridad de salud pública, dada la alta prevalencia de esta condición en nuestro país.Recent reports suggest that obesity is a risk factor for more severe coronavirus disease. This article summarizes the available scientific evidence on the role of obesity in COVID-19. We focus on implications for younger patients and the proposed biological mechanisms that could explain both the higher risk observed and the possible higher contagiousness of people with obesity. We consider implications of the pandemic for people with obesity in relation to: difficulties in managing hospitalized patients, implications of confinement for the control and treatment of obesity, and the stigma people with obesity suffer, that could increase should the relationship between obesity and COVID-19 be confirmed. Understanding the role of obesity in COVID-19 should be a public health priority, given the high prevalence of this condition in our country


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    Este trabalho compara e analisa os currículos dos cursos de graduação em Administração dos países de língua oficial portuguesa. Para tanto, teve como objetivo da pesquisa, identificar as estruturas curriculares de cursos de graduação em Administração nos países de Língua Portuguesa e operar a confrontação das disciplinas apresentadas nas categorias e variáveis curriculares com foco na multidisciplinaridade, formação humanista, liberdade acadêmica, que a análise das estruturas curriculares. Para alcançar os objetivos pautou-se nos procedimentos metodológicos que se caracteriza como pesquisa exploratória descritivo, comparativa e de natureza qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de pesquisa via internet, nos sites das universidades e também em livros. Os resultados permitiram concluir que os Cursos de Graduação em Administração, nos países de língua portuguesa, são voltados para a formação técnica dos estudantes, priorizam as matérias de administração, com enfoque para a área de administração financeira e contabilidade. Os currículos são, em geral, centrados em um único Departamento e não permitem, ou dão pouca possibilidade, para que os estudantes escolham matérias para compor seu próprio currículo indicando uma margem de liberdade restrita. Com isso, espera-se fomentar uma discussão ampla das estruturas curriculares como elemento essencial na formação do profissional de administração e os encaminhamentos ofertados a partir da composição das estruturas curriculares dos cursos de Administração

    The Conservation and Management of Tunas and Their Relatives: Setting Life History Research Priorities

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    Scombrids (tunas, bonitos, Spanish mackerels and mackerels) support important fisheries in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters around the world, being one of the most economically- and socially-important marine species globally. Their sustainable exploitation, management and conservation depend on accurate life history information for the development of quantitative fisheries stock assessments, and in the fishery data-poor situations for the identification of vulnerable species. Here, we assemble life history traits (maximum size, growth, longevity, maturity, fecundity, spawning duration and spawning interval) for the 51 species of scombrids globally. WJRC.G.4-Maritime affair

    Do proctored online University exams in Covid-19 era affect final grades respect face-to-face exams?

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    [EN] The Covid-19 pandemic forced universities to convert their traditional face-to-face exams to online exams with doubts as to whether student cheating or technical difficulties would affect their final grades. After taking three of these exams online, we considered comparing their grades with those of previous years on traditional exams. The average mark of the traditional exams before the pandemic was 6.95 over 10, while the average mark of the three exams carried out in the Covid-19 era is 6.64. The student's t test indicated that there are no significant differences between the two types of exams in the mean (p = 0.408), the median (p = 0.378), the range (p = 0.307), the minimum (p = 0.410) and the maximum (p = 0.072). Taking online exams did not modify the exam grades compared to previous years. There is a lot of variability in similar studies in the literature due to cheating that can be performed in online exams. A proctoring system, good question design, and limited exam time can minimize these differences.Alegre-Martínez, A.; Martinez-Martinez, MI.; Alfonso-Sanchez, JL. (2021). Do proctored online University exams in Covid-19 era affect final grades respect face-to-face exams?. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 727-734. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.12701OCS72773

    Survey and brain storming studies about machines, constructions, human and environmental risk consideration in the careers of the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid

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    The Universidad Politécnica of Madrid (UPM) includes schools and faculties that were for engineering degrees, architecture and computer science, that are now in a quick EEES Bolonia Plan metamorphosis getting into degrees, masters and doctorate structures. They are focused towards action in machines, constructions, enterprises, that are subjected to machines, human and environment created risks. These are present in actions such as use loads, wind, snow, waves, flows, earthquakes, forces and effects in machines, vehicles behavior, chemical effects, and other environmental factors including effects of crops, cattle and beasts, forests, and varied essential economic and social disturbances. Emphasis is for authors in this session more about risks of natural origin, such as for hail, winds, snow or waves that are not exactly known a priori, but that are often considered with statistical expected distributions giving extreme values for convenient return periods. These distributions are known from measures in time, statistic of extremes and models about hazard scenarios and about responses of man made constructions or devices. In each engineering field theories were built about hazards scenarios and how to cover for important risks. Engineers must get that the systems they handle, such as vehicles, machines, firms or agro lands or forests, obtain production with enough safety for persons and with decent economic results in spite of risks. For that risks must be considered in planning, in realization and in operation, and safety margins must be taken but at a reasonable cost. That is a small level of risks will often remain, due to limitations in costs or because of due to strange hazards, and maybe they will be covered by insurance in cases such as in transport with cars, ships or aircrafts, in agro for hail, or for fire in houses or in forests. These and other decisions about quality, security for men or about business financial risks are sometimes considered with Decision Theories models, using often tools from Statistics or operational Research. The authors have done and are following field surveys about risk consideration in the careers in UPM, making deep analysis of curricula taking into account the new structures of degrees in the EEES Bolonia Plan, and they have considered the risk structures offered by diverse schools of Decision theories. That gives an aspect of the needs and uses, and recommendations about improving in the teaching about risk, that may include special subjects especially oriented for each career, school or faculty, so as to be recommended to be included into the curricula, including an elaboration and presentation format using a multi-criteria decision model

    Structural and functional interaction between polyamine related molecules and biological membranes

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    La comunicación describe el conocimiento actual sobre las interacciones de biomoléculas relacionadas con el metabolismo de poliaminas con las estructuras y funciones de las membranas biológicasChanges induced by PA on nucleic acid (NA) conformation and synthesis is proven to be a major reason for PA essentiality (1-3). However, PA interactions with other polyanions, for instance polyanionic membrane lipid bilayers and glyosaminoglycans have received less attention (3-4). The functional importance of these interactions still is an obscure but interesting area of cell and molecular biology, especially in mammalian cells for which specific PA transport systems are not fully characterized (5). In mammals, activity and turnover of the polyamine (PA) synthesis key enzyme is controlled by a set of proteins: Antizymes (OAZ1-3) and antizyme inhibitors (AZIN1 and 2). It is demonstrated that AOZ modulate polyamine uptake (6), and that PA transport to mitochondria is linked to the respiratory chain state and modulates mitochondrial permeability transition (7). Antizyme expression variants have been located in mitochondria, being proposed as a proapoptotic factor (7-8). AZIN 2 is only expressed in a reduced set of tissues that includes mast cells, where it is associated to mast cell granules membrane (9). This fact, together to the abnormalities observed in bone marrow derived mast cell granules when they are differentiated under restricted PA synthesis conditions (10 and unpublished results), point out to important roles of PA and their related proteins in structure and function of mast cell granules. We will also present novel biophysical results on tripartite interactions of PA that remark the interest of the characterization of PA interactions with lipid bilayers for biomedicine and biotechnology. Thus, the information reported in this paper integrates previously reported information with our still unpublished results, all indicating that PA and their related proteins also are important factors for structure and dynamics of biological membranes and their associated functions essential in human physiology; for instance, solute interchange with the environment (uptake and secretion), oxidative metabolism and apoptosis. The importance of these involved processes for human homeostasis claim for further research efforts. 1. Ruiz-Chica J, Medina MA, Sánchez-Jiménez F and Ramírez FJ (2001) Fourier Transform Raman study of the structural specificities on the interaction between DNA and biogenic polyamines. Biophysical J. 80:443-454. 2. Lightfoot HL, Hall J (2014) Endogenous polyamine function--the RNA perspective. Nucleic Acids Res. 42:11275-11290. 3. Igarashi K, Kashiwagi K (2010) Modulation of cellular function by polyamines. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 42:39-51. 4. Finger S, Schwieger C, Arouri A, Kerth A, Blume A (2014) Interaction of linear polyamines with negatively charged phospholipids: the effect of polyamine charge distance. Biol Chem. 395:769-778. 5. Poulin R, Casero RA, Soulet D. (2012) Recent advances in the molecular biology of metazoan polyamine transport. Amino Acids. 42:711-723. 6. Kahana C (2009) Regulation of cellular polyamine levels and cellular proliferation by antizyme and antizyme inhibitor. Essays Biochem. 4:47-61. 7. Agostinelli E, Marques MP, Calheiros R, Gil FP, Tempera G, Viceconte N, Battaglia V, Grancara S, Toninello A (2010) Polyamines: fundamental characters in chemistry and biology. Amino Acids 38:393-403. 8. Liu GY, Liao YF, Hsu PC, Chang WH, Hsieh MC, Lin CY, Hour TC, Kao MC, Tsay GJ, Hung HC (2006) Antizyme, a natural ornithine decarboxylase inhibitor, induces apoptosis of haematopoietic cells through mitochondrial membrane depolarization and caspases' cascade. Apoptosis 11:1773-1788. 9. Kanerva K, Lappalainen J, Mäkitie LT, Virolainen S, Kovanen PT, Andersson LC (2009). Expression of antizyme inhibitor 2 in mast cells and role of polyamines as selective regulators of serotonin secretion. PLoS One 31:e6858. 10. García-Faroldi G, Rodríguez CE, Urdiales JL, Pérez-Pomares JM, Dávila JC, Pejler G, Sánchez-Jiménez F, Fajardo I (2010) Polyamines are present in mast cell secretory granules and are important for granule homeostasis. PLoS One 30:e15071.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Do All Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors Have the Same Lipid Profile? Review of Randomised Controlled Trials in Naïve and Switch Scenarios in HIV-Infected Patients

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    In this study, we aim to explore the effects on lipids of integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs) in naïve and switch randomised controlled trials, and compare them with protease inhibitors (PIs) and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs). We reviewed phase 3/4 randomised clinical trials in the Cochrane and PubMed databases that compare an INSTI with a boosted PI, an NNRTI, or another INSTI plus one or two nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NtRTIs) in naïve patients and switching strategies in HIV-infected patients. We reported the baseline plasma concentration of total cholesterol (TC), low and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c, HDL-c), triglycerides (TG), and the TC/HDL-c ratio, as well as the change at weeks 48 and 96, when available. In naïve HIV-infected patients, raltegravir (RAL) and dolutegravir (DTG) have a more favourable lipid profile compared with NNRTI and boosted PI. Elvitegravir (EVG/c) has a superior lipid profile compared with efavirenz and is similar to that observed with ritonavir-boosted atazanavir except in TG, which increases less with EVG/c. In naïve patients, RAL, DTG, and bictegravir (BIC) produce a similar, slight increase in lipids. In switching trials, the regimen change based on a boosted PI or efavirenz to RAL, DTG, or BIC is associated with clinically significant decreases in lipids that are minor when the change is executed on EVG/c. No changes were observed in lipids by switching trials between INSTIs. In summary, RAL, DTG, and BIC have superior lipid profiles compared with boosted-PI, efavirenz, and EVG/c, in studies conducted in naïve participants, and they are associated with a clinically significant decrease in lipoproteins by switching studies